
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Let Nothing Stand In Your Way

Thinking about her wording carefully she sat in that quiet little void that was her home. "We're different now." Lifting up her hand she brushed her silver hair as she began her explanation to Xilo. As the bright Light faded, Xilo's vision cleared up as he looked around the room for any changes. He didn't know what that energy could do so he had to be ready for anything. He didn't think it was just as simple as blinding them especially after he heard her talking to him.

"Let's begin with your darkness that you still can't use right."

Listening closely he watched a wall of light appear before blasting hundreds of projectiles at them forcing them to dodge as the king charged straight at them. With so many different attacks coming at him at once he was forced to throw up an Ice wall of his own whenever he could to protect himself. He also focused on making a shield he could easily carry around as a just in case while everyone did similar. The Twins formed their own wall that they stayed behind while Zilan burned as many of them as he could. Lastly from what he could tell Marie was doing her best to protect Felli and Tearia from any damage she could.

"I need to help her."

Feeling a light spear pierce his arm that thought stopped as the barrage of attacks continued.

"As you know your darkness has excellent stealth properties. You managed to figure that one out by yourself by a complete fluke however you failed to realize the other things that came with it. Darkness isn't about raw destruction like other elements. It's about subtleness and self supporting."


"When your mind was breaking earlier the thing that fixed it wasn't just you, instead your Astral Darkness went on auto pilot and helped keep you together. Another example would be your fight against the Ruins boss in Belturn's Astral Zone. You were weaker then that thing however it buffed your strength and made you stronger with you never even realizing. Darkness is about staying hidden and buffing yourself for periods of time and even healing yourself, hell it can even work on others if they allow it. Yet you've only used it's stealth aspect and only on yourself."

Knocking aside another light spear the barrage was finally dying down as the King went straight for Zilan giving the others some time to rest. They had all had some damage dealt with to them but looking around the room most of them seemed alright for the most part. "I've ignored my own strengths more than I realized." Grasping his hand he created some Darkness as he let it seep into his skin. He had never noticed it before but he could feel a slight change in his grip strength now.

"Knowing this sooner would have helped..."

"Learn to grow by yourself, not just with others' help. I would have kept silent even now about if it wasn't for that nosey asshole over there butting in where he doesn't belong. If he wants to act like he's still the man he once was then I don't mind slapping him around. To do that though I need you and right now you're still pathetically weak."

Hearing the slight anger that was seeping into her voice he was a little surprised, usually her voice seemed very stoic.

"You know him?"

"My father used to but that's not important, His Astral Light is the opposite of your Darkness. Meaning that instead of focusing on buffs and other supportive techniques he focuses on debuffing and raw power like what you've seen. He'll make you weaker, slower and have less defense however it's much harder to do so most Light users focus on the power part of it and as you can see it's quite a pain to deal with."

Hearing that, he had a good idea why his attacks didn't seem like they were doing much besides a few of them.

"Alright so then how do we beat him?"

"Use your darkness properly. You have seven people with you including yourself that you could massively buff and help out yet you've done none of that. So pay attention because I'm only going to say this once to you."

Straightening her back she stared at the man who called himself Xilo as a very faint smile surfaced on her face as her silver hair swapped to red for a quick second before turning back to normal.

"Use your Darkness properly and truly experience what it's like and give that old bastard a punch straight to the face for me. He's our enemy so he needs to be defeated, Let nothing stand in your way on your road to Althea. Good luck Xilo."

With that she felt her body growing tired once again as she sunk back into the memories of her life. She said the information she needed to, now it was just a matter of if Xilo used it properly and she had faith. "He's not as dumb as he makes himself out to be." With power he heard the voice shout at him in his head as he felt a headache starting but he got the message. "So there was more to you then I Initially thought eh?" Looking down at the swirling ball of darkness in his hands he studied it for a second before he heard the sound of a sword breaking. Snapping to attention he saw Zilan's arm being pierced by two giant light spears as he attacked the King.

"It's time to see what you're truly capable of."

Spreading it throughout his body he rushed towards Zilan as he hid himself in darkness while it slowly strengthened his body. "He needs me first, others can wait." Plus he was a good first test subject to see how buffing others would work. After he figured it out he might be able to even help Felli and Tearia a little bit since she did say it could also heal you as well.

"Hopefully this works."

Tomorrow should be better time wise, sorry :c


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