
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Leading The Way

"Come on out Delfex, I'm right here. No need to look around."

Raising his voice, Xilo wasn't used to talking so loudly, it wasn't something he did very often. From his Scouts reports Delfex was in the Clan building in front of him. "This is the Alega's Clan." It was smaller than most with only a front Garden blocked off by a Gate. Strangely, no guards were near the gates leaving them completely defenceless. Checking around the area Xilo made sure there was nothing surrounding them. "I don't sense anything." Keeping that in mind he heard the front doors opening. Tensing up, Xilo watched as an older man who's hair had turned grey stepped out into the Garden. With a smile the man greeted them.

"Took you longer than I thought to find me, your men are really bad at their job. It's nice to see the man that's been causing so much trouble for me lately, you even brought along the girl Tearia. Now if only you'd give me back Hazel and Hunter then this could be over quickly."

More men left the front doors and walked on both sides as Delfex studied Xilo. There were two reasons Xilo would walk right up to him so blatantly. "He's given up or got some kind of trick planned." Xilo's energy was certainly stronger then he would ever thought but it wasn't strong enough to beat him. Xilo's friends got close but with his Father's help it wouldn't be much trouble. "I need to be cautious." Reminding himself that, Delfex took out a small button he had in his hand and crushed it. This was the signal he would give his Father once he found the boy.

"The only thing I can give you back is corpses."

Shrugging his shoulders Xilo tried to act as casual about it as he could to seem natural. Delfex felt his arm flinch for a second hearing that response before composing himself. "I doubt he would kill his only bargaining chips." No one would destroy their only escape route just like that, that would be insanity. "Hopefully they're alright." Hunter was a big source of strength and Hazel was a special woman to him. Rationalising all his thoughts Delfex looked Xilo dead in the eye as energy started to flow through his body. A threat was just the same as a refusal to listen.

"I'll be taking that as a no then boy. I'll ask this just for the sake of it. What would it take to get you to give me them back?"

Pretending to think about it, Xilo gave a simple reply.

"There's nothing you can give."

Xilo's response was met with a blast of energy coming straight for him. Jumping back, Xilo was prepared long before he noticed Delfex's energy. The time for words had ended just as quickly as they started. "Alright, it begins now." Ice came out of his palms turning into mini icicles that filled the air as Xilo stepped back. If they wanted to lead Delfex to the right spot they needed to make the fight convincing enough while backtracking. Sending them straight at Delfex, Tearia's lightning followed close behind. She had improved using it at range over the last couple of weeks. Space tore into pieces behind their group pushing them forward while Vandor protected everyone.

Annoyed with his surprise attack, missing Delfex felt space break around him. "Huh? Isn't that a trait of the Royal Family." Looking at the girl with long black hair Delfex recognized her. "The failure." She was the talk of the Capital especially the last few days. "Is this the boy's plan?" Thinking that in the back of his mind he avoided the tearing space while deflecting Xilo and Tearia's attacks. Space energy wasn't something he wanted to play around with. One mistake could tear his body apart from the inside out even with the difference in strength.

"A nasty power."

A man's scream entered his ears as one of his grunt's failed to dodge it in time. His body ripped itself apart, his limbs fell to the ground and blood stained the grass. He was dead before he could even blink. Delfex locked onto her as he got closer to their small group. She was target number one, before the other two. He noticed the large man blocked his attack but he figured he only specialised in defence so there was nothing to worry about. "This ends tonight." Arriving in front of Felli, Delfex sliced through the air using a thin piece of Astral Energy. backing up more their small group started to enter the streets while Vandor blocked Delfex's attacks for them. They had to make it to the end of this street and into an alley.

"You alright Vandor?"

His arm was bleeding after blocking that attack.

"All good, don't worry about me. I'll protect all of you."

That alley was where everyone was waiting for them, ready to set off each explosive. Firing more projectiles at Delfex and his men, Xilo steadily backed up. Delfex's grunts mostly stayed back firing anything ranged with bow's or elements. A few managed to slip through Vandor's defence but that was alright. If they took a bit of damage from the weaker people they could act more afraid. Anything that would help their performance was good. Xilo kept an eye on his communications as well just in case one of the people he hired sensed something. Constantly fighting Xilo's group managed to drag most of them into the street as they kept on playing defensively.

Delfex launched one attack after another at Vandor. "Annoying." Whenever he aimed at the other three the big guy would step in to block his attacks. After space would rip a hole open near him forcing him to split his focus. If he wanted to win this he would have to take care of the person defending them first. Another of his men fell to the ground after an Icicle pierced his heart along with a burst of lightning. "I might need Father soon at this rate." Worried at the amount of bodies piling up Delfex used every card at his disposal.


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