
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Home Of The Dead

Within the horde of Undead Warriors he found a familiar looking set of armour that resembled the one he saw in that dream however the resemblance stopped there. When he looked at the skeleton itself it didn't have the same size or air around it as the one he had seen. "Maybe it's been corrupted beyond repair or something." Whatever it was he knew that one was different from all the others so he decided to focus on that one. They had no goal before to help in escaping this place but this might be a hint that would lead them to passing the trial.

"Hey you two, you see that Skeleton in the far back on the right side?"

"Yeah, why?"


Hearing Felli's and Tearia's confirmation, Xilo explained to them his thoughts on the matter without telling them why. There was no time for any of that and with his current condition it was best they took care of this in place of him. These skeletons had numbers but they were not strong which meant if they tried hard enough they could do it. He just had to try and not be a burden that distracted them which shouldn't be hard. "Unless those others decide to attack us." He still hadn't forgotten about the other people in this room but he hoped while they were all trying to escape this place they wouldn't interfere with each other.

He didn't even care if they worked together he simply just asked for that one thing and so far it hadn't happened yet. "Let's hope it stays that way." Trying to keep himself calm he watched as the two of them hesitated at his suggestion. Not surprised he tried to force a smile of reassurance for them as he pushed Tearia's back. He was grateful they worried for him but he could handle himself and if something happened to him then oh well. As long as the two of them could escape he would be fine with that.

"Don't worry about me, I may be tired but I'm not useless."

"....Fine, Tearia let's go."


Seeing Tearia hesitate Felli leaned down close to her ear as she whispered something into her ear that sent a jolt down her spine. Curious about what caused such a reaction in her, Xilo stared at them unable to hear what was whispered as Tearia agreed after being on the edge. "Hmmm?" Not knowing how to react to that he heard her say goodbye as she walked forward with Felli as lightning began to crackle in the air. "I wonder what changed her mind so quickly." Tossing the idea around in his head Xilo turned around and glared at the five others that were in this room along with them.

For him right now they were currently his biggest concern for something going wrong. He had confidence that the girls could handle it and then they would go from there but those five were the unknown variable that could ruin everything. Facing the crowd of Undead Warriors that had reappeared Tearia found the one Skeleton Xilo was talking about before as she focused in on it trying to figure out the best way to carve out a path for herself. "They all come back to life though so I wonder what he saw in that one." Not questioning it too much she lashed out a skeleton that rushed towards her as it's bones cracked under her attack quickly falling.

"Felli, can you deal with the ones I take down while I push forward?"

"I can but are you sure about that? It might be rough without my help."

"It's fine I can do this as long as I don't be dumb."

"If you insist I suppose I can."

Sighing she knew she was the cause of this after trying to motivate her however that just meant she would have to try harder to make sure Tearia was safe throughout all of it. If not she would be stuck blaming herself after Tearia got herself hurt. "Keeping them down is easy at least." Encouraging herself she made sure to pay attention to Tearia as much as possible as another skeleton collapsed under her punch as she produced Gravity that pounded it into the ground keeping it there. "I wonder how many of them I can keep down." Looking at all the Warriors in there she felt some anxiety hit her as that thought crept on her of failing.

"it's been so long."

Seeing a Castle grow in her vision her steps quickened as silent excitement started to grow in her mind and body. "So this is the place." Staring at the giant black castle walls she studied it a bit of familiarity washed over her. "Strange I feel like I've seen this before..." Getting closer she paid more and more attention to them as it finally hit her once she saw the symbols engraved on the corners of the castle. "This is....Liandran's Castle right?" Realizing that Althea cursed in her mind as she remembered their story. "So this is where that damn placed disappeared off to." She knew of this place once long ago when she had seen it in books but it was known by everyone else by an entirely different name at the time.

"The Home Of The Dead, The place where people went when they refused to die. A sickening place that scared thousands of people away and also once guarded the borders of our land until their betrayal. After that their sick experiments started spreading through the land until eventually they disappeared off the map. A place long forgotten by even the oldest alive only remembered in very few books and places along with my father in particular."

Recalling the things they had done and the years her Clan had apparently spent hunting them she laughed at their demise having inevitably ended up here. "Once their king died they lost their damn minds." Remembering the words of her father she stared at the castle looking for any traces of Xilo as a smile crossed her face after briefly searching. It was faint but there was definitely something resembling Xilo's aura here. Latching on to that she untangled it from all the other aura's as she followed it's path.


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