
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Given Some Time

"What's happening Xilo!"

"I don't know but just get ready for anything."

Seeing Tearia panic he was reminded of the way she acted before as he tried to stabilize this situation. "This wasn't what I thought would happen." Looking at the Portal that had opened he watched as the horde left the room signaling that their time was up however the Undead Warrior Tearia had destroyed didn't repair itself or follow along. Watching the portal close without it he was confused as to what rule in this room had changed. "Maybe we're going in the right direction." Feeling the ground rumble beneath them harder then before he felt his instincts scream at him as he shouted while pushing the girls away.


as he said that he watched a pillar pierce the ground they were standing on just before. "To close." Spreading what Astral Energy he could he put himself on high alert as he watched hundreds of pillars show themselves suddenly. It was almost dense enough to stop him from seeing past them. Thankfully one lone area seemed to stay untouched in the center of the room where the Skeletons lied. Pointing in that direction the three of them weaved through the pillars while they made their way there. It seemed to be the only safe area they could stand but he was worried.

"Have you two seen those others yet?"


He was a little happy with that but that just meant there was even more unknown danger around them. Arriving in the cleared area Xilo stopped to catch his breath as he looked at the skeleton's corpse that was scattered with red shards from its broken core. "I've got a bad feeling about this." He couldn't quite explain it but his body and soul felt uneasy. He felt like was floating while also stuck in a pit of mud. Nothing felt right in this moment no matter how he tried to wrap his head around it and that unease was acknowledged as he watched the skeleton begin to put itself together again.

"Stop it now!"

Unfortunately his call out was too late to be of any use to them. Watching Ice, Gravity and Lightning fly at it within a second a barrier formed around it protecting it as it slowly built itself back together. Watching it regenerate Xilo felt his mind go into overtime as he watched pieces of the pillars from all around the area break off and fly towards it connecting themselves with it. Growing it's size the three of them watched as Xilo finally saw a familiar figure. "It's that commander." Noticing the large horns on its helmet and shoulders along with the air it now carried, Xilo knew this was it's real form.

"It's strength...."

"Is something even I can't handle alone."

Hearing Felli say that he felt himself falter as the pressure alone pushed him to the ground. It's strength was easily within the seventh or eighth level, maybe even the ninth. Either way it was impossible for any of them to fight together or alone. Standing over five meters tall it's red eyes glowed as it stared down at them while it's metallic black armour covered it's body completely with zero cracks in it along with its giant sword that was at least a meter long. "We've Awakened a Beast we can't handle." The only thing stopping it from killing them instantly already seemed to be the barrier that surrounded it.

"It seems to be stuck."

Turning to Felli he felt Tearia's body hug his back as her whole body was shaking.

"How long will it be like this though?"

"I don't know...."


Hearing Tearia's soft whisper he grabbed a hold of her hand and gripped it tight. At the end of the day Tearia may have changed before his very eyes but she was still that same brat to him and he knew she was scared. That was alright though even he was scared in this moment. This was nothing like he had dealt with before and Xelfia wasn't even with him to give him some courage. However they had time with it stuck and he planned to make the best use of such time.

"For now while it can't do anything to attack us we need to think of some kind of plan to destroy it and I think I have something in mind as crazy as it is."

"Do you really think it will work though?"

"No but it's worth a try. It would never work against an enemy like that if it was moving but with some preparation we might be able to defeat it with a cheap trick."

Saying that he started to form some ice in his hand but he didn't do anything with it but let it slowly build up in his palm as he stared at those giant red eyes as they watched his every move.

"No matter how weak we are compared to it, if given enough time even we can make one single attack that might be able to defeat it."

It was an all or nothing that would take a while to create but given the situation this was the only choice he could see working and with Felli and Tearia's help then it should be doable. If not then they were dead it was as simple as that.

Fending off Warrior after warrior Zilan slowly counted down the time that was left until they needed to jump in with them. "It's coming soon." They had been fighting for about five minutes now and in another five minutes they would be forced to take a chance that he didn't know if it would work or not but he was out of options otherwise. "If this doesn't work we might truly be stuck here." Rotting away here didn't sound very pleasant to him though so he hoped his crazy idea might work.

"Get ready everyone all right, we got only a little more time left to go and then we're running."


Thank you for reading...

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