
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Girls Talk

Morning came around as Xilo felt the warmth of the sun wake him up. Feeling around he only felt felt one body against him. Usually there was two, which meant one of the girls was probably doing something. Wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulders, Xilo tried to figure out if it was Xelfia or Tearia. "Doesn't really feel like them." Xilo was a little confused by that however he didn't pay it too much mind as he pulled them closer. Hugging their body he felt their warmth as he slowly woke up himself. Opening his eyes he inhaled their smell as the first real hint of something being different hit him.

"They smell...different."

Looking down at the length of long hair covering her body Xilo realized why it was so different. "It's Felli!" Letting go, the events of last night came back to him. He hadn't slept in his own room at all and instead kept Felli company after their little talk. "Well, that explains a lot." Looking down at her, he brushed aside his panic now that he figured things out. Gently gliding his hand over her hair he pushed it aside to reveal her face that was most definitely awake and aware of his presence. Her cheeks were bright red and she was trying to avoid eye contact with him as much as possible but she still kept glancing up every couple seconds.

"Good morning Felli, did you sleep well?"

Xilo wanted to leave the awkwardness he felt last night behind, it wasn't really like him to be like that. He was also sure with Felli's current position she probably wanted a way out as well. So instead of teasing her like his body wanted him to, he gave an easy out and stayed quiet. Separating herself from Xilo, Felli felt the panic in her mind fading as Xilo talked with her normally. She was worried he would have been different or mentioned her cuddling into his body when they slept. "Oh good." So once she had the opportunity to get away she used it.

"I slept alright. What about you?"

"Just fine. I think we should probably go meet up with the others now. I have zero idea what time it is but I don't want to be late. I'll leave you to get dressed on your own then you can come join me, sound good?"

"Shouldn't take me too long. I'll come meet up with you in a couple minutes."

Xilo gave a simple nod as he left her room, leaving her all alone. Once he was gone and a little bit away Felli buried her face deep into her pillow and suppressed a scream. She didn't know where this kind of energy came from, she just needed to let it out. "Dammit." She thought she would have calmed down after he left. "Instead I'm freaking out more." Xilo had confessed to her last night and she essentially told him to wait. "I hate emotions!" She was starting to understand her Mother's wish to shut them off. Emotions were way too complicated for her mind and now she had to figure it out.

"I can't leave him hanging, forever. I'm going to have to give him a solid yes or no eventually."

That was something Felli knew she had to do. "I can give myself a small period of time." After her time was up she would give her answer. "How long though?" One week wasn't long enough, so she was leaning towards two or three weeks. That should be enough time and if it wasn't then oh well. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut in the moment. "If that isn't enough time then I deserve the suffering of anxiety." Marking that down in her head Felli gave herself no more than three weeks to decide an answer. "I even slept with him last night." That was such a spur of the moment decision.

She could have just let him leave and it would have been fine. She just couldn't stop herself from opening her mouth and asking him that. "It was nice though..." His scent still lingered in the sheets a little bit next to her. She stopped herself from going over to purposefully smell it. "I blame Xilo." Releasing another scream into her pillow Felli flung herself off the bed and changed her clothing for a new set. Once that was done she headed out of her room. If she stayed any longer their was a high chance of her doing something stupid, so it was best to just leave. It would also help get her mind off things.

Unfortunately for her another kind of Devil was waiting just outside Felli's door, looking for the perfect moment to sweep in.

"Good morning Felli."

Grabbing Felli by the shoulder Xelfia turned her around and gave her a lovely smile full of love. With Xilo not coming back to bed last night Xelfia had a few predictions of what happened. If Felli thought she could escape her claws without saying every single detail then she had another thing coming. "I need to know." Facing the last person she wanted to see right now Felli was forced to accept her fate. There wasn't any way she could escape from Xelfia. "Looks like my morning has just begun." Slumping her shoulders in defeat Felli said good morning as Xelfia dragged her away.

"Sleep well Xelfia?"

"Probably not nearly as well as you, Tearia is waiting for us in the dining room. We can talk about what happened last night there together. Sound good?"

Xelfia loved these little girl talk moments and if everything went well Felli would be a part of them more often now. "Another sister." She might have been just jumping to conclusions but Xelfia knew from the way Felli acted she was right. She was also right about Relia as well, even if that went a bit differently then she imagined. Hopefully this time went a lot more smoothly. She made sure to tell Xilo to be a lot more direct about his feelings so there shouldn't be any kind of misunderstandings. She also gave Felli zero time to prepare so she shouldn't run away like Relia did. "I hope." That was something she was soon about to find out.

"Yeah, that sounds fine. Though you seem a lot more excited than normal this morning."

"Of course, I have another Sister now don't I?"


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