
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Getting Ready

Lexia felt sweat building up on her palms as she heard Katrin agree. "I did it..." Her whole body went loose now that she had accomplished what she set out to do successfully. "I thought I would die for sure." In a way Lexia took this as a suicide mission from the beginning so being alive now wasn't something she expected. It wasn't over just yet, keeping her sword from shaking she knew that there was no room to show weakness. Moving back from Lexia's sword Katrin felt her neck go free as she tried to be slow as possible, she didn't want to have Lexia think anything was going on. "This isn't all bad." Bending over she picked up Lexia's white mask and dusted it off. It imitated the top head of a bird face with a small beak at the nose that stretched down to the mouth.

"You got what you wanted Lexia, it's alright to calm down now."

Putting it back on her face Katrin showed a genuine smile as she exposed Lexia's nerves.

"You could tell?"

"It was pretty obvious."

"Why didn't you do anything then?"

"Maybe if it was a few days ago I would have but some things have changed now. Probably for the better and I'm seeing a bit more clearly now. If you want to thank anyone, thank the two idiots beside me along with my Daughter."

Lexia glanced over at the two men standing beside Katrin this whole time that never made a move. "These two?" Scanning them up and down Lexia wondered what Katrin was talking about specifically. "They're both handsome, sure but..?" Tilting her head she couldn't figure it out. "Maybe I'll ask later, for now." They had to deal with the other people that had come here. Since they were working together even if it was one sidedly Lexia figured she could use some of her influence to help out. "If Katrin gets in trouble I can't use her." Telling herself that she looked at the six people that had showed up from each Country. "Siltire, Eternal, Rawl, Iverk, Dracal and Oten." Those were all the people that had shown up today.

"I'm sure you all heard the Queen right, If you have something else to say to her then you can also deal with me and Tidal as well. For all I care you can tell that to your superiors as well, just don't forget to tell them Ukel and Tidal are in a pack. If you have nothing else to say, get out of here. I'll also be taking your "compensation" so no point staying around. Bye, bye."

Waving her hand Lexia had a beaming smile on her face as watched the trash's face transform from bewilderment to anger before they eventually walked away. They had failed their duties and there was no way they would win in a fight with the Queen of Tidal teaming up with Ukel's. They also knew that their arrivals were mostly just for show, every Royal family had bigger concerns at the moment. They had gotten some useful information at least to take back and they kept their lives. Watching them disappear Xilo was glad none of this resulted in any kind of violence. "Katrin seemed to handle everything well." He didn't hear what they talked about after Lexia charged Katrin but it seemed to work out.

Facing the small crowd before Katrin thanked everyone for coming as she let them go as well. She didn't fail to catch some of the dissatisfaction in some of their eyes though. They probably weren't happy that they couldn't take advantage of this situation. "I wonder what other plans they have in store for me." Katrin knew that they wouldn't be giving up so easily. They wanted her off the throne as soon as possible and wouldn't stop until it happened. "Now to deal with Lexia." She had agreed to quite a lot and now she had to find ways to fulfil it while also using it to her advantage. That was one of the big reasons she had agreed to it, if she played her cards right they could have a useful ally in the future.

With everyone gone Katrin dropped into her chair as exhaustion overwhelmed her.


Grabbing Katrin's arm Aeon made sure Katrin was alright.

"I'm fine...just tired."

These past two days had been extremely stressful for her and now that it was done that bubble of energy had popped.

"Make sure to get some rest later, Lexia was it? Nice to meet you, I'm Aeon. Thanks for helping us out with this a bit."

"No problem, though you'll all be helping me out a lot more in the end."

With the whole situation over Xilo was itching to get back to the girls and everyone to start deciding some things. Before he could leave though Lexia's gaze fell on him causing him to shudder for a moment as he left. When he turned to look at her though everything seemed normal. "What was that?" Scratching his head he went back to the area Katrin gave to them leaving the three people alone. Letting Xilo leave Katrin introduced Aeon to Lexia as her husband. "Oh, Ukel has a King?" Examining the older man Lexia had never heard of Ukel having a king before, especially one that seemed stronger than her.

"So this is your husband, I'm surprised you never told me about him before. That earlier comment makes a bit more sense now, what about the boy who just left though? Who is he."

Katrin kind of wished Lexia didn't pursue the topic of Xilo, it was too late though it seemed.

"He's my Daughter's boyfriend. He's pretty average all around but Felli likes him."

Playing down Xilo as best as she could she tried to drop Lexia's attention from him. If Lexia found out what Xilo was capable of then she would be in a very rough spot. "Xilo will eventually be my ace...this Country's Ace." She just needed time to make sure that happened. Until then it was best to keep him a secret to others to some extent. "Everyone has a back up plan." Xilo was the second reason why Katrin agreed to Lexia's terms. With Xilo here and all the others around him she could create a very scary secret power that was lurking in the shadows of Ukel. "That's Aeon's mission at least." That was why she had assigned Aeon to train them all, he was the best teacher in the Country that she knew.

"Ahhh, young love is always wonderful. So about the terms of agreement..."

"Yeah, I'll get to it. just give me a moment to rest and I'll sign what you want."


With a perky clap Lexia smiled.


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