
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Finding Enjoyment

Walking into the Inn's office the two took seats at chairs around a desk filled with all different kinds of plants or astral filled items along with pills and other medicine that Tearia's grandmother had made. Sitting there Tearia still needed to catch her breath a little bit as every muscle in her body ached with any movement at the moment but as time went on she was starting to enjoy the feeling a little bit. It gave her a sense of accomplishment and helped her keep progress in a way so even if she wasn't seeing the results of her training she was feeling them instead.

"So how's your training going?"

Interrupted out of her stupor Tearia faced her Grandmother as her question barely registered in her mind.

"It's alright."

"Well that's good I'm just worried you're struggling to much, You know you can always take a bre-"


Agitatedly Stopping her Grandmother from finishing that sentence Tearia shouted a little to interrupt her as silence soon filled the room afterwards. Left in the quiet she realized she had probably been a little too impatient as she spoke up a little more steady with some confidence in her voice this time around.

"..Sorry, I'm fine that's all, there's no need to take a break or worry about me okay?"

"If you say so..."

Seeing her Granddaughter acting like this there was nothing she could say anymore. She didn't want Tearia to stop but she was worried Eli was taking things a little too far in her training. She wanted Tearia to be prepared as well and succeed but he could always be a little slower however that might be her just being overly worried especially when Tearia seemed fine with it so far. "I'll butt in if that ever changes though...." Sighing a little on the inside she turned to her cabinet near them and grabbed some papers in them for Tearia to study. At first she wanted to go a little easier on Tearia due to her Grandfather's training but seeing the interest and capability Tearia showed at the beginning took her by surprise and she ended up changing her mind.

Setting down some of the papers she had prepared for today she handed them to Tearia soon after. Today's lesson was a little test she had prepared for Tearia to see how much she knew without her own help involved. After this she could gauge how much more she needed to learn in order for her to start actually attempting to make some basic types of medicine. Of course Tearia could also ask her for help throughout the test though if she ever felt she needed it but she was pretty sure her Tearia wouldn't need that at the rate she was learning.

"It'll be a little test for today. Though it's really just to test your knowledge so far a bit so don't worry too much okay?"

With that she handed her some writing utensils and watched over her as Tearia stared at the page in front of her. Looking down at the page in front of her, Tearia felt a little nervous but that quickly faded away as she read some of the questions and realized she knew the answers to them relatively easily. After finding that out she calmed down as she began to write down whatever she thought was right as time passed in the silent room. From questions about what plant makes what or what things were dangerous along with ways to help people's injuries Tearia answered questions one by one as the clock ticked away with her Grandmother patiently watching over her until eventually Tearia finished 40 minutes later.


Finally Tearia breathed a sigh of relief now that she had finished answering all 50 questions that she was supposed to answer. However she felt a happy relaxation because every question she answered with relative ease so she was confident that she was doing okay at least and as her learning went on it would only get better. She was a little surprised with how well she was doing so easily but she just contributed that to her enjoying learning about medicine as she watched her grandmother take the test from her.

"Good job."


Looking over Tearia's work from beginning to end over the next couple minutes she was satisfied seeing all of Tearia's answers correct. Happy seeing such a result she knew Tearia was going in a good direction and at this rate she might even be as good as herself one day. Thinking about that made her a little happy as she set the paper down again.

"Now we will be moving on to a little something different."

"huh? what about how I did?"

"Don't worry I'll tell you later for now let's focus on something else okay?"


A little confused why she didn't get her answer from her Grandmother Tearia reluctantly agreed with her as she watched her Grandmother begin to make some medicine.

"Watch closely, okay?"

Watching her Grandmother go to work Tearia soon fell into a trance as she admired each and everything she did just like all the times before. Trying to imagine herself in the place of her Grandmother she pictured all the difference between them and slowly tried to fuse them together to get a better idea of what to do herself as time went on. She only had a little practice so far herself actually making medicine but with each experience watching her Grandmother's technique she could feel it getting better faster then the other times she had practiced on her own. This was probably the most favourite part of her day and the thing she had looked forward to as well the last couple of days ever since she started this whole training stuff and it made her happy.

Seeing two colours soon start to light up around the room as time went on Tearia watched in fascination as the day slowly trickled towards the evening.


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