
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Fighting Our Demons

While those two were both fighting, everyone else dealt with nearly a hundred different attacks at once. Xilo was almost positive that if Sarin and Darin weren't with them they would have been screwed. They were doing most of the work keeping everyone safe. Large walls of rocks and vines emerged from the ground protecting them from most ranged projectiles. The ones that actually got in Marie would handle along with Tearia and Relia. If any of the people got close Xilo made sure to push them back or knock them out. With over sixty different people surrounding it never felt like he was making a dent in their numbers. Kicking one more back, XIlo made sure he kept an eye on everyone while he used as little power as possible.

"Hopefully no more show up, if they do we might be done for."

Every single one of them were struggling already just to defend themselves. If it got worse then Xilo could only see defeat come for them. "We aren't dying here." Telling himself that he backed up a bit and took a couple of breaths as he took in the sight of chaos all around him. "How can I help?" He wanted to do more to help but he couldn't think of a way. If he gave more Darkness to others it would only make him more tired and if he got close to Laven or Hazel he would only get in the way. Tearia got another spear ready now that she had some leeway to work with it and chucked it over Xilo's head towards Hazel. Xelfia seemed to be struggling the most so Tearia needed to make sure she helped her.


Her arm burned in pain as she remembered the events that happened in Belturn. She lost almost full use of her arm, her Grandparents were forced to leave and they had tortured her best friend. "I'll kill her." Tearia had sworn that to herself along with the rest of the people who had caused her so much pain. "None of them deserve to live." She knew Xilo didn't want her to walk down that path but she had to. "What they did to Relia..." Shivers ran up her back as she looked at the scars along Relia's body beside her as a reminder. Years of torture and abuse that would never fade or stop hurting. "Calm down a bit." Paying attention to Xelfia again she saw her spear get melted in a matter of seconds before it even reached Hazel.

"What just happened?"


Hearing both of their conversations Marie looked over to see what was happening.


With a small noise of surprise Marie recognized what was happening instantly. "Poison Energy." It was a nasty type of power she had seen quite a few times from people or drugs. She was quite familiar with it in her line of work. Taking a moment to explain it to the girls Marie tried to think of a way to combat it while dealing with everything else. There was a small sack at her hip that held all of her medicine. "Maybe something in there could work." She had a few things for poison however against someone so strong she wondered if it'd even work. "I have to get there as well." If she wasn't next to Xelfia she couldn't give it to her. Blocking another attack Marie was at a loss on what to do.

Feeling her skin burn up around her legs and arms Xelfia suppressed the pain as much as she could. "It isn't working." Every time she tried to cover up her body with Astral Energy it eroded instantly and dug into her skin. It completely stopped all of her movements. "Ouch." Since her plan wasn't working Xelfia quickly gave up as she took a step forward. The closer she got though the more pain she felt. Watching Xelfia suffer, Hazel laughed as she got closer to her. "She won't even be a pile of bones if this keeps up." Charing blindly at Hazel was the worst possible choice you could make. Ignoring the pain, Xelfia started to hear shouts from Tearia and Marie in the distance that she could barely make out.

"Poison, acid?"

Registering that in her head she used more Astral Energy on her body to try and brute force it. Xelfia was never the type of person to think things through. She would always just brute force it and this time was no different. Eventually the pain started to fade as she protected herself. "It's working." She had failed to notice one very important detail in her pain though. Her skin had started to turn scaly and harden like a rock. Her Astral Energy wasn't what was saving her, it was her body transforming back into that of an Astral Beast. Watching her transformation Hazel felt her smile disappear in seconds as she looked at the half beast in front of her. "She isn't human!?" A set of red claws slashed at Hazel instantly, leaving her zero time to dodge.


Screaming that out in pain she looked at the woman who used to be in front of her lunge once more as blood seeped out of her skin. Seeing Xelfia's skin turn into that of her original Lizard form all the girls and Xilo felt a spike of worry. The last time she was like this she went wild. If that were to happen again they might be forced to fight her as well. "Not good." Panicking, Xilo stopped caring about the random people attacking him as he pushed past the girls. Getting closer Poison stung his body but he ignored it completely as Xelfia slashed once more. "Die!" Swiping right at Hazel's face she planned to rip her head off in one strike.

"Don't hurt me!"


Hazel screamed that out as she completely lost her earlier composure. So much so that she forgot all the other tools she had on hand to help fight. She had always been more cowardly and only took fights she knew she could win. So when things turned rough she was prone to panic. Seeing such a giant set of claws coming straight for her and a sudden transformation had completely thrown her off this time. "Dammit." The pain never came through as she closed her eyes. Opening them up a second later she noticed a white haired figure standing in front of her with a giant hammer leaking Ice Energy like crazy trying to protect her.


Standing in front of her was one of the students she had been training for the past couple years and someone Tearia couldn't forget.

"It's him."

Standing in front of Hazel was the man who had destroyed Tearia's arm completely.


Thank you for reading...

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