
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Exhaustion Makes You Crazy

After Xilo and Xelfia walked upstairs and throughout the hallway a little bit they finally stumbled across the room they were looking for. The halls and rooms were quiet all around which probably pertained to the environment of people this Inn brought with it which in Xilo's opinion was definitely a good thing. He didn't have to worry about any issues or anything else of the like he could just enjoy his peace and quiet with Xelfia and talk.

"Well here it is."

With that he pushed open the door to be greeted by the sight of a room with two beds on either side with a lamp in the middle with just enough room on both sides to give them walking space. "We'll for what we paid, it could be worse." With that Xilo moved forward and sat down on the bed while slightly moving to Xelfia to sit. She seemed a little uncomfortable after the encounter with that woman earlier so he was somewhat worried about her.

Xelfia after a slight hesitation came closer into the room herself and sat next to him with a little bit of space in between them to the point where they might as well have been touching. Xelfia wanted to close the gap a little more but she knew now probably wasn't the right time especially with the way Xilo was currently looking at her so she settled for that instead. Seeing she had sat down he began to bring up the topic he wanted to discuss with her but this time he wasn't going to let her brush it off like all the other times. Even if he may end up pushing her a little bit. Sometimes regardless of feelings and worries you needed to and knowing he was bad with such things it was good practice for him.

"So, what's on your mind?"

"Is this what you wanted to talk about Haha, just what's on my mind? I thought it was something important with they were you acting."

"It is serious so I'll repeat myself what's on your mind."

"Don't worry about me you're exhausted you know? get some sleep Xilo."

With that an awkward silence surfaced between the two of them for the first time in ever probably. Xilo was stuck thinking about what he could do while Xelfia was trying to push him away from such things. Two very different mindsets with two very similar issues were clashing in the worst way possible and that left Xilo with the short end of the stick in this situation. He wanted to know how to help but now he was stuck and since he was the one asking and worrying he was at a disadvantage in a way unfortunately. Throughout their journey so far they had a pretty easy time together with no issues but now Xilo hit a bump and he wasn't going to lie to himself he was scared a little bit.

Seconds turned to minutes soon as time continued to tick on with Xilo racking his brain on what he could do. Meanwhile Xelfia just sat there herself stuck in her own worries all by herself confused. "Do I give up?" "Back off?" "Push Further" Question after question were thrown at him but he didn't know what to do. "Do I tell him?" "Find out myself?" "Why am I even feeling this way?" Attacked her as she met the first negative feelings she had seriously felt since her meeting with Xilo after the Kaltae fight.

Half an hour turned to an hour eventually and it was still just the two of them stuck in silence side by side tired and exhausted and the day was ending and night began. Xilo continued to think until eventually he recalled that Xelfia always had a more playful side. "This could Work." Smirking to himself he finally had an idea on how he could get this situation to the ending he wanted it to without any trouble though he'd definitely have to play it right to get Xelfia to agree to it or it'd be all for nothing. This was his first step into something unknown and uncanny for him to even do and think of before meeting her. But he was ready Whether hell or high water he was going to do it.

Xelfia noticing Xilo changes to his expression slightly turned to look at him while breaking out of her thoughts. Xilo quickly jumped off the bed he was in and spun himself to turn around and faced Xelfia directly in front of her. Mustering up the most Evil Smile he could muster he pushed himself to look as Devilish as possible. "It Begins now."

"Hey, Hey Xelfia Wanna hear something."

Xelfia seeing the way he was acting and the jovial tone of his voice was taken aback. "Did he go crazy?"

"Hear what?"

"Oh just a little something fun is all, something we could do together that could end up with some fun outcomes but that's only of course if you are willing to accept such a thing, But knowing you. you'll probably back off right? Right? Ahahahaha."

Throwing his head back he laughed like a maniac meanwhile the whole time he felt absolutely stupid and embarrassed with himself screaming" What am I even doing." in his head the whole time but a part of him was having fun. Xelfia on the other hand coupled with all the events, her exhaustion and her worries that happened throughout the day wasn't even in the right mindset to calmly look at the situation better.Heck even if she was she still would have answered the same way. She wasn't someone who backed down or got messed with. She was the one that did that not him.

She was slightly pissed.

"Me? Backing down? Ya right you little punk, If you think you're so high and mighty let's here what you have to say. I'll accept it no matter what. Or what are you scared now? Ha."

"HAHA, Now that's more like it, Just wanted I wanted to hear Xel."

"Quit laughing and tell me what this something is already."

Seeing him laugh and giggle to herself continued to piss her off slightly but in reality she was feeling more refreshed and happy than anything else.

"Oh just a minute my dear, You'll know soon enough. Got to add some suspense you know? Or else Where's the fun in that?"

"Messing with me eh? I'll show you what happens when you mess with me."

With that she slightly exerted her pressure while laughing keeping Xilo in place unable to move. But if she thought that would stop him she was wrong.

"Easy, easy I'll tell you okay, Just let me move again."

With that she let him free though she was ready to do it again if he had any funny ideas. Xilo finally free moved closer to Xelfia and got up in her face grinning like a madman. While Xelfia impatiently awaited his reply.

"Tomorrow we are going to the library, right? So let's play a game then. Whoever gets the most score by figuring out the most information that's useful to us can get the order to do one thing for them regardless if they want to or not. How's that sound? Not backing out are you now? Hehe."

"Hmph, If you think I'd back out so easily, you obviously don't understand me just yet"

"Oh? I don't?"

"I agree don't you worry, But you're in for hell when I win."

With a Slight Lick of her lips she flashed her own dangerous smile for once and agreed to his idea. It did sound fun after all and with that Xilo Finally managed to get what he wanted. But that didn't stop him or her unfortunately. Two people alone in a room fully exhausted with no one around to see them or stop them went on an absolute nightmare of ridiculousness that continued into the night until eventually Xilo got his way. Though they finally passed out without even attempting to sleep with Xilo ending up under Xelfia as they both slept on top of each other. Though if you asked Xilo about in the future he'd simply just run and hide as he wriggled in shame. But that's a different story.

This chapter was a bit different nonethless i hope you enjoyed it or even found it more enjoyable then the rest, truthfully it was probably the most fun i had writing a chapter so far.


thank you for reading...

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