
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Broken Body

"Well Yanyan, would you like to come with me?"

Sitting up, Yanyan turned to Levia with a bit of scepticism. "Do I really have another choice?" Yanyan had constantly been travelling in random directions hoping to find some place that would accept her with no luck. If she went with Levia there was a chance she could find a place that would help her. "Plus it helps me get away from this smell." The scent of blood was tickling her nose making her crave blood. If she stayed here any longer then she was bound to give in eventually. Putting away the wings she created and the extra set of arms Yanyan stood up and brushed the dust off her clothing.

"Sure, not like I have any other options and being with someone that could help would be nice."

"Great, let's head back to my group and we can tell them about the situation."

"Wait, there's more people with you?"

"Of course, a small group of mercenaries and other people we pick up on the way. We escort them to their destination for a sum of money."

"....You know I'm not human right, won't they mind?"

"In your current form you can pass as an Astral Beast, one little lie and those idiots won't bat an eye at you. If anyone does then they can take it up with me. Sound good?"


Grabbing Levia's hand Yanyan felt warmth flow through her body as they walked side by side. "Soft." She thought that Levia's skin would have been rough and full of scars since she fought for a living. Gripping her hand tighter, Yanyan didn't let her guard down as they approached a small group of people that had around twenty people surrounding a large carriage pulled by multiple Astral Beasts. There were around five people who had similar outfits to Levia while the rest seemed like normal people. Levia could feel Yanyan's hand shake as they got closer. "Why am I doing this?" When Yanyan mentioned that Levia didn't seem like a helpful person, that was the truth.

"I guess she reminded me a bit of myself when I was younger."

At one point in Levia's life she was in the exact same scenario. Surrounded by a bunch of bandits with no one to help her. She had lost track of her family and was forced to defend herself. Levia's figure crackled in static as the memory of her losing control of herself overtook her. She had completely gone berserk, almost killing herself in the process. If she didn't do that though she would have been in a much worse position. "I'm alone now..." Lifting a hand up to her face she knew that half of her face was fake. She had used makeup and Astral Energy to cover up the giant burnt mark that destroyed the left side of her body.

"I may be hideous but at least I'm alive."

She no longer knew where her family was and hadn't gone looking for them ever since. "They think I'm dead." She had changed so much from when she last saw them though that it might as well have been true. "Old Levia's dead." She had killed and stolen from so many people that she had stopped caring about it normally. THe only time the guilt came back was when she thought of how her family would act knowing what she had done. "I don't want that to happen to Yanyan." She could tell that Yanyan was just one step away from reaching that point so she put a stop to it. "For me and old Levia." Talking with some of her mercenary buddies she heard a set of steps that had grown familiar to her recently as she rolled her eyes.

"Yo Levia, what took you so long. We've got places to be and I'm not paying you to sit around. Get this moving."

Turning around she looked at a figure that had become a pain in her butt.

"Look Zelfin, there's more people than you just here. We need to focus on everyone's needs and sometimes delays happen. If you're not happy with it you can leave."

They had found him on their journey and picked him up but Levia was regretting it. He was incredibly demanding and acted like he owned the place. Every Time she heard his voice it was a demand. A part of her wanted to just kick him out or kill the guy however he was quite strong. "Not worth dying over an annoyance." Hopefully by the next city they reached he would leave and she would no longer have to see him or hear him. Eyeing Levia, Zelfin's vision swapped to the girl that was right next to her as he raised an eye. "A demon." The old man's voice entered his head as they studied her. A demon was quite a rare sight even for someone like the old man.

"Is she worth anything though, she seems worseless at first glance."

"Perhaps, keep an eye on her for now though. Demon's are always full of surprises regardless of appearance."

Clearing his throat, Zelfin heard Levia's irritating voice as he turned around and left.

"Whatever you say, Miss Boss. You've got ten minutes to get this place moving or else."

"Tch, what an asshole."

She knew that he wasn't joking around though and if she didn't listen he would start hurting innocent people here.

"Sorry about that Yanyan, you can just take a seat here and we'll get moving soon. We've stopped for to long."

"That's fine, don't worry about it. Just do what you need to do and don't let me get in the way."

Taking a seat where Levia showed her Yanyan's eyes followed the man who called Zelfin's back with a bit of worry.

"There's something off about him...he seems dangerous but it's different from Levia."

Her instincts were telling her to stay away from him at all costs.


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