
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Blood Spilled

Energy had completely left Lexia's body, she couldn't move at all. Leaning against Xilo she had no idea why she felt this suddenly. "I was fine just a minute ago." The two Kings voices were the only thing she heard now, she couldn't even hear Xilo's voice who was right next to her. Making sure Lexia didn't fall to the ground, Xilo checked his surroundings. If anyone came now while Lexia was like this they wouldn't be able to run. "Good, I don't sense anyone." Everyone was probably way too focused on the sudden intrusion to do anything. He could hear footsteps running in the distance along with shouts from other guards as they entered the field.

Amidst the chaos they had created the two kings chatted calmly with each other, ignoring everything else.

"You know there's nothing left we have to talk about. Everything has been decided."

"That may be the case but there's still something I would like to propose to you."

Drahal didn't even care to call Landal by his names as his eyes glanced down at him from above. While all the humans were freaking out, all the Beasts he had brought with him stayed quiet. They all knew that stepping out of line for them meant death. "They're so loud." Clearing his throat he expanded his energy and sent it straight to everyone. Before Landal could even reply he was forced to protect the weak people that were. "Speaking with actions, not words." Frustrated at Drahal's treatment, Landal sighed once he made sure everyone was safe.

"Then tell me what it is that you wish for. You've already interrupted us so I might as well hear you out."

Noticing the fear in everyone as they quieted down, Drahal didn't attack anymore, he was satisfied with their reaction.

"As you know over the years we have had small skirmishes for a long time. We've never been able to get along regardless of the attempts that have been made. Skirmishes are all they have gone to, now though. Things are changing, my people have become more dissatisfied with your people and the same could be said about your's. Villages and towns have been raided and deaths have been growing higher each and every single day. At this rate there will be a war and that isn't good for the both of us."

No matter how calm and nice Drahal's words sounded, Landal knew he was just spewing lies. Drahal always loved to act like he was in the right when and would never accept anything else. The times weren't changing, the Beasts were simply just getting more bold with their attacks. Swallowing his anger, Landal knew nothing he could say would change anything. Drahal continued to talk before finally Landal couldn't help interrupting him. Raising three different eyes, Drahal stopped ranting as he got to his main point. He didn't want to be here any longer than needed just in case as well.

"My point is, you and everyone else here are weaker than us. Meaning that eventually if we went to war that you would be on the losing side. Sadly, you aren't weak enough for it to be an easily one sided battle. It'll take time, resources and most importantly of all, the peoples lives. Mine and yours, it doesn't matter. There will be many casualties and that is something I do not wish to see."

Landal gripped himself tight as he spat out his next words.

"Then why go to war with us knowing how many will die."

"You know it is not my wish for such things, I however cannot control every action of my people. They have their own wills, desires and wants."

Landal could feel his mind break after hearing that. How crazy did someone have to be so boldly like that? "He's not even trying." If Drahal really wanted to stop this war he could easily. No one could say no to him in Cestrin, he was the King of them all. "Bastard." Keeping in his anger Landal took a deep breath as he calmed himself down. Noticing Landal never bursting out in rage, Drahal continued on unfazed that his taunt didn't work. "Oh well." He wanted to make an offer of an early surrender to Landal because he knew just how many Beasts would have to die for this war. That was something he didn't wish to see and why he came here today.

"I was hoping that if war came to be one day that we could make an agreement. If you surrender and don't put up a fight, everyone will have a chance to live that way. We will also let people leave the border and no longer stop them from passing. If you ask me, it sounds like a pretty good deal for both sides, don't you think?"

Landal could feel the nerves he just calmed down spike back up. He had an idea of where this might be going when Drahal came here unannounced. He just never thought Drahal would flat out ask him to just simply give up and hand over his Country to Cestrin just like that. "Never." While Landal finally lost his cool Lexia felt a memory flash inside of her head. The day turned to night for her suddenly as she saw herself lying on the ground. "Huh?" Confused by her new surroundings Lexia looked around to try and find someone. There was no one there to help her though, she was all alone.

"Where..did Xilo go and the others?"

A nasty smell filled her nostrils as she tried to stand up. Pushing her arms up she couldn't move at all. She felt like she was nailed to the cold hard ground beneath her body. "Why is it wet?" Her fingers glided against the ground where she found a small pool of wetness. Passing through it she brought it up to her eyes as she found out the cause of the smell. "...Blo..od?" Red stained her hands as her own blood leaked out of her, she was surrounded by it and tons of bodies suddenly. "What's going on!?!" Unable to process everything in time she heard a large crack of thunder as something fell down from the sky in front of her.


Looking past her bloodied hand Lexia saw a sword that impaled itself into the ground stained with blood.


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