
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Being Tricked?

"No....no not really."

"Are you sure?"

Trying to find out if that was the truth, Tearia watched Rose for a couple seconds before giving up. "If she says so." If she didn't want to say anything she wasn't going to push her. "Why didn't you say anything to her, this is your chance." "I can't" "What do you mean you can't." "I just....Don't know how." "..." Falling silent she was left a little speechless but it made sense. "A girl sheltered from the entirety of the world with little interactions with others.....Haa...Unfortunately I'm not much help either. All I'm good at is fighting." Feeling her body weaken holding Tearia she began to cry a little bit as she grabbed Tearia tighter and hugged her.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

However Tearia didn't get a reply out of her as she slowly brought her hand up to Rose's head and gently rubbed her hair while the sounds of crying entered her ears just barely. "Maybe one day, you'll tell me..." Thinking that Tearia looked in the direction of her Grandfather as she slowly felt her eyes growing heavier. "I guess i could sleep now." Giving up fighting against her body's wishes she let fatigue take over and descended into sleep while her Grandfather was slowly growing confused.

"What's taking Mel so long."

Punching another in the gut, he broke a couple of their ribs in the process as he deflected another attack while watching Mel's fight. "Why is she playing with him for so long, we need to leave." Using this much more energy took a lot more out of him then he remembered so he didn't want to stall any longer then he needed to if possible. "My age is finally catching up to me." He had known that for a while now but he didn't want to face it and he was sure Mel also knew it was coming. They had been alive for so long and death was finally coming for them. "I suppose it had to happen some day." At most they probably only had five or so years left in them before it was over and that was if they conserved their energy. Still the thought of leaving Tearia unprepared for the world scared him and lead to him rushing her now. "Maybe that's why she's taking so long...but..." Looking over his shoulder Tearia had already passed out from exhaustion so it didn't make sense for her to continue however looking at Relia holding her and looking at Mel another thought came to mind.

"I see.." Coming to a bit of a conclusion he broke a man's jaw while Mel fired another barrage of arrows before barely dodging again. "He lacks skill but has good instincts at least." Analyzing her opponent she fired two arrows at once and disappeared again. This was a type of combat she used to use a long time ago when she was alone. Taking advantage of her Innate ability she could control the space around her to some extent and teleport herself to different locations or even other objects and move them around as she pleased and since she was a ranged fighter it was perfect until she found Eli. "Over thousands of years, I've changed...." She no longer had to feel alone with Eli by her side and that led to who she was today. From the sheltered rich girl with her whole entire clan on her back to a free woman in love who just wanted what was best for her family and their loved ones.

"I wonder father, do you still hate me?" She abandoned everything just to be with Eli, so if he was still alive today he probably would still hate her. "I'm sorry sister, you didn't deserve that burden." Looking at Relia and her blue hair it reminded her of her younger sister as she dodged another blade attack while slowly becoming tired of this little game. "She seems to be less scared now as well. I think it's about time I end this." Clutching her bow she stopped in her tracks and stared at the man in front of her. "It's time for one last performance." Thinking that the Radiance of her bow started to glow as pink energy slowly started to swirl around it in the shape of an arrow.

"Finally tired out of this little game?"

"Indeed I am, young man."

"Then kindly hand Relia over."

"Just because I'm tired doesn't mean you've won. In fact I'd say you've lost."

"Oh? why's that."

"Simple, This."

Staring at the woman a small part of Hunter wished she really had been losing but he knew he was wrong. "Dammit, how can she have this much power." In there back and forth he had continuously been put at a disadvantage and the longer the fight went on, the more frustrated he had gotten. "I don't lose to anyone...Not even Delfex." He was probably the strongest person for miles yet some nobody from who knows where was playing him like a fiddle. "Where is she from..." Was the question that had racked his brain the entire fight but she had no Clan symbol or any other ways to identify her so she had to be from another country. "But that can't possibly be true, why would they be here?" Coming to that wild conclusion that didn't make sense in his head he jumped backwards as far away from Mel as possible as she began her little speech. "This is over." By the end of her speech he felt his ears ringing as he heard the one thing he didn't want to hear that confirmed his suspicion.

"Boy, I hope you remember this day well.. My Name is Mel Dracen and today is the day you die."


In the central continent of Dracal the top ten clan's all had some form of drac in them and Dracen was second from the top. So Hearing that name be said sent shivers down his spine. "There's no way right, Why would one of them be here." Comparing themselves to Dracal was a joke in itself. "But...no, she's lying, she wouldn't be doing this if she wasn't." Trying to convince himself he watched as Mel lifted her bow up as a giant pink arrow formed on it the size of a tree. Shuddering, feeling the pressure, his bones turned to mush as he stared at that arrow for a few seconds before she let it fly.


If that thing exploded it would destroy an entire city let alone just this small little area. Panicking his mind raced a mile a minute trying to think of what to do but each conclusion he thought of led to death regardless of what he did. "We're screwed." Watching the arrow fly towards him he felt his blood go cold as he gave up for the first time in his life as an explosion of pink entered his vision. Waiting for death he shut his eyes and prayed. Yet even after a minute passed nothing changed as he slowly opened his eyes to see himself alive and nothing in front of him but darkness. "I've been tricked." Looking around at his men who passed out from fighting the man he felt his blood turn from cold to boiling as he shouted at the night sky.


However nothing returned except his voice as he stood there standing like a statue.

Holy my brain had a moment today, sorry, Also i will be posting at the new 9 pm times for me.


Thank you for reading...

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