
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

An Unhappy Reunion

Looking around in the room Xilo tried to spot anything obvious but besides being what looked to be a small study room there were only a bunch of empty shelves around with a desk in the center of the room and a shelf behind it that blocked a window. "Kinda plain...." Looking at all the dull brown wood that surrounded him he ignored the shelves that had nothing on them as he made his way to the desk and pushed it out of the way as he searched the drawers in the desk while pushing aside the chair to the corner of the room.

"Writing utensils, more of them...and some paper...Haa you didn't have anything worth it, so my only option left is behind me eh?"

Ruffling through them and finding nothing of use, Xilo shut each drawer as he turned around to look at the last thing in this room that could give him an answer. "If it isn't this then I don't know what else it could be." They definitely found something, it was just a matter of what. "Maybe he has it on him..." That thought hadn't really crossed his mind until now but he didn't want to go back and loot his corpse just yet if he didn't have too. "Doesn't sound fun." Looking at the shelf that was the last in the room he looked at it's bottom couple drawers as his last hopes were there.

"Make this worth it."

Bending over he opened the first drawer, finding some more paper in there along with another faded book he shoved them into his bag before closing it and moving on to the next one to find only a couple more pieces of jewelry that were left behind along with a small box that he didn't know what was. "Might as well take it." In the third drawer he found nothing at all and moved on to the last drawer there as his breath quickened a little bit. "Please." With that he shoved it open while hoping something would be in it.

"A Metal box...?"

Looking at the metal box he lifted it up and felt a surprising weight for its size as scanned it for anything. "Just a keyhole it seems." However the only thing he found was that. "So where's the key then?" moving it on to the top of the shelf he gave the drawers one more look in case he missed something, too focused to hear the sound of the door opening behind him. He didn't expect anyone else to be there so soon so he wasn't on alert which resulted in him being startled as he heard a voice behind him that he didn't expect nor completely register.


Hearing it again he finally registered it in his mind that his name was called as he started to turn around surprised but that didn't last very long. Seeing his figure that had gotten stuck in her heart for so long once again in person she didn't know to think or even do. "It's really him....right?" She kept trying to convince herself it wasn't but as she saw him turn around she could only confirm it further. Though she unfortunately missed a lot of his changes and mood currently unlike the others around her as her heart thumped faster by the second. To her he was still the Xilo she remembered but to everyone especially Felli he was scary in that moment after seeing him swap from calm and peaceful to Instantly vicious as his smile faded and some anger entered his eyes.

However Tearia was blind to that all in the moment as Felli watched from the side as Rose acted a little weird. "What is she doing." Watching the man she called Xilo grip his dagger tightly as he looked at Rose with hate in his eyes, Felli felt some panic herself at the pressure he was releasing and she knew for a fact she was stronger than him but before she could think about it harder his dagger left his hand "What is she doing!." Looking at Rose still spacing out as he threw his dagger at her Felli shouted at Rose as she pushed her aside.

"Rose! Move!"

Feeling her body fly across the room thanks to Felli, Tearia felt a bit of panic as she watched a dagger fly by her from Xilo as she finally realized what was going on. "....It...Hurts but it makes sense." She could still remember the things she tried to do to him on multiple occasions and even though she was different now he didn't know that or have any trust for her left over. "I get it, I do of course you're upset with me Xilo but it still hurts." Smashing against the wall there was nothing she could do in this situation, she once again felt like that girl back in Belturn, weak and afraid to fight.

"And you! what are you doing?"

After pushing Rose out of the way she turned towards Xilo and shouted at him as Lexi and the other girls backed off and watched the show. "Maybe I'll finally get some info out of her or she'll die, I don't really care." Playing with her hair she watched them fight while signaling to the rest to stay out of it. Looking at the black haired girl who talked to him, he ignored her as he stared at Tearia as she slammed against the wall and smiled as he walked towards her completely disregarding the other girl. "I see...So you're here." Seeing Tearia again didn't bring him any happiness or joy, it only brought him anger as he remembered what happened and with Xelfia gone now his limiter was gone as well. Though maybe he was just throwing a tantrum, At least he was sure Xelfia would have said something like that but it helped him feel better.

"So...It's Rose now?"

His thoughts were chaotic and unstable but he could still hear properly and he heard how they addressed her. Hell it almost made him laugh in anger.

"Thanks for coming to find me."


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