
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

A Visit

As the night went by Katrin was scrambling around the whole place making sure everything was ready. She had already received a report of people coming across the border. Biting her nail, she made sure the people that were on her side were ready to fight. "My Mother isn't back yet either." She was a stubborn old woman however she was strong. If she was here that would be an extra assurance. Going over each person she assigned a few to go grab some things from the treasury while the rest waited. "This is a huge gamble." Hearing the throne room door creak open Katrin turned her head to see Aeon walking in.

"How's preparation going Katrin, everything going smoothly?"

"A few people have already betrayed me, along with some joining the other Royal Faction but other than that I think we're doing alright. I've gathered all the compensation I could and the strongest members are here in case they need to fight. I'm not worried about the other stupid Countries, they're just here for show mostly. It'll be the people from Tidal we have to worry about, I'm guessing Cestrin who they've been fighting for a while won't even bother to show up so that's also one less thing to worry about. They're probably planning to invade Tidal soon after recent events."

"So what do we do about them?"

"Worst case scenario we offer them our support against Cestrin, the best case would be we scare them off with power."

"If we do offer our support, Cestrin will be a tough opponent. they're one of the stronger Beast people countries with some unique species there."

"Better than the alternative and with Tidal being at war already they should listen to our request a bit...I doubt they can take on two countries at once."

"It's hard to tell with Tidal, they are very secretive typically. I don't really know what they want to hide so badly but it could be bad news for us."

"We'll have to see."

"Ah right, that Laven kid you saved seems to have escaped, I looked for him for a bit and he was nowhere to be found."

"I noticed that when I went looking for Zelfin, that "future" teller. He's also missing. They aren't really a problem so it's no biggie. I'm sure Xilo wants to fight both of them by himself regardless."

"Wait, why Zelfin?"

"Zelfin seems to be obsessed with Xilo for some reason. He fought against him a couple of weeks ago and lost. It didn't seem like he gave up though so I'm sure there will be more fighting in the future for them. Did you tell XIlo about his assignment?"

"Yeah, He's willing, if not a little skeptical."

"That's fine."

Katrin and Aeon kept setting up all their preparations as the night went on. Xilo slept peacefully in between the comfort of two literal body pillows that fought for his body over night until eventually morning came. "Ugh..." Feeling so much weight on his body Xilo opened his eyes to a familiar feeling. "Looks like they joined me at some point." Untangling himself from Xelfia and Tearia's bodies, Xilo sat on from his bed and stretched his body. "Even with such a huge bed..they still suffocate me." Shaking his head, he got ready for the day. "Today is the day Aeon warned me about." Trying his best to be quick, XIlo wanted to make sure he was there to help just in case. Slugging his way downstairs he heard a bunch of new voices he didn't expect.

"Is that all the staff?"

Making his way to the dining room Xilo opened the door only to see everyone sitting around the table eating breakfast. Yulrin was one of the first people to notice his presence as she waved hello to him and continued to eat. Vandor was next until eventually all of them said their greetings. "I guess this is okay?" Not really used to seeing so many lively faces in the morning, Xilo sat down by himself. He didn't say much, Xilo only watched them until eventually the girls wandered down as well.

"Hello girls, how'd you sleep?"



Almost in unison they answered him as they sat down next to him, now they were all here. Immersing himself in the atmosphere, Xilo felt a bit strange. "They all seem like they're enjoying themselves." He didn't expect everything to get along so easily but they were all casually talking. With a few chuckles here and there it felt sort of welcoming. "....This is nice." Once that thought clicked in his head Xilo realised he enjoyed this kind of energy. "Weird..." Left with that, he enjoyed the rest of the meal as he listened to everyone talk. Once they were finished Xilo quickly left as he made his way to the Throne Room. He thought about assigning positions to everyone but he was in a rush and if today failed it wouldn't matter regardless.

"You all stay here, Katrin asked for me to join her."

"Want us to come with?"

"No it won't be long and I'll be fine."

Raising an eye, Xelfia didn't pursue it any further as she watched him leave.

"He'll be alright Xelfia, don't worry. My Mother will make sure of that."

"If you say so Felli."

Entering the Throne Room Xilo walked up to Katrin and stood beside her with Aeon, he didn't know how long he waited but eventually some came running to them with a message.

"Tidal and others have come to visit."

Before Katrin even had any time to reply multiple people pushed the poor messenger out of the way and entered the Throne room.

"Welcome everyone, it's so good to see you all."

With a smile Katrin kept calm as she greeted everyone standing in front of her, from the looks of it though they weren't happy to see her.

"Care to explain yourself Queen of Ukel?"

Sparks we're already flying in the air as anger bubbled around.


Thank you for reading...

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