
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

A Thorn In Each Other's Sides

Xilo explained the situation as they hid between the trees. From their reactions Xilo assumed Yulrin and the others already knew about this. "They don't seem surprised in the slightest." In a way it was a reminder that they weren't entirely on his side just yet. "Oh well." Since they knew about it then that means they were also prepared for a fight. Attempting to sneak around them was definitely the safest option for them. "Does Katrin seriously think we can win?" That just didn't seem feasible at the moment, no matter how Xilo looked at it. "Does she want to play the hero then?" That was something he could definitely see her doing to try and gain his trust more.

"So what do you want to do Xilo, it's up to you as the leader."

Felli knew what her Mother was up to and she too wanted to see what Xilo would do.

"I'm thinking now, just give me a minute."

"Sure thing, everyone here is ready at your command."

With Xilo going quiet, Felli let him think as she studied him.

"Playing her game doesn't really leave a good taste in my mouth so I think we mix things up a little. I doubt anyone expects me to be able to control the Zone, we're going to use that to our full advantage. Keld I want you to create as many Beasts as you can and buff them up. Wait here with them for now. Yulrin I want you to stay by the entrance with your group and be ready to cut them off, I'll be hiding you guys in darkness. When I disperse it, go in."

"Plan on fighting this out Xilo?"

Keld started spawning Beasts as he asked that.

"Pretty much, Vandor, your group will be coming with me. Raran since you're mostly with trainee's I want you to stay in the back. If you want, you can attack from the distance where you see fit. Just make sure none of them get hurt, I'll hold you accountable if they do."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure no one gets close. Good luck with whatever you're planning."

"It shouldn't be hard. I just plan to lure them in here and surround them."

Xilo started to create some Astral Beasts himself as he got ready to fight. Once all the preparations were ready, he took the girls and Vandor's small group and headed to the front entrance. "If they've sent out their strongest we're screwed." Xilo was gambling on that one fact as he walked out of the Astral Zone. Instantly a hundred different senses locked on his body as he faced a big angry mob with a few familiar faces in front. "Hazel and Hunter." Xilo felt his blood rushing as he looked at those two people. These were the people who had been responsible for all of Relia's pain, especially the younger man Hunter. "I'll make sure you two..Suffer." Cracking his jaw, Xilo kept his anger inside as he let the performance begin.

"Oh ho oh, Looks like we were right after all. A couple of whores and their master did show up. It's been a while since we last saw each other, sadly you won't have anyone save you today."

Snarling through her teeth, Hazel's eyes scanned Xilo and his friends.

"Once in a while those tips are helpful. Just don't get ahead of yourself Hazel. Delfex told us what to do if we found them. I'm already sending the signal."

"Trust me, I'm not going to make a mistake this time. I'm just itching to fight Hunter."

"I know, I know. Hello Xilo, this is our first time meeting. It's nice to meet you, though I don't seem to see a certain girl with you this time."

"Did that slut run away from you, couldn't keep her tied down?""


Quickly shutting Hazel up with eyes Hunter locked onto Xilo.

"If you mean Relia then she's safe. You won't get your hands on her again. I'll never allow that and you Hazel. You talk way too much for someone so weak. Is your strength just as inflated as your ego or can you at least back it up a bit. Whore this, slut that, it really sounds like you're just...projecting. "

With Hazel and Hunter here Xilo's plains changed a bit. Thankfully for Xilo, Hazel's temper was never something easily controlled by her. Once she gets insulted she is easily baited into exploding. Instantly Hazel shouted to attack them, completely ignoring anything Hunter had to say. "Seems like he has the brains." Keeping an eye on him Xilo ran away back into the Astral Zone. Footsteps followed close behind, following right into his trap. "She's way too easy to bait." Crossing into the Astral Zone, Xilo checked on everything as people started to flood in. Like he planned they ignored Yulrin's group hiding in his darkness as they spread out. From his senses everyone else was hiding, waiting to attack.

"Just a bit closer."

Once Xilo made sure everyone was in the Astral Zone he decloaked everyone. Instantly Yulrin's group dashed out and began their assault. Keld's group came out of the trees as humans and beasts attacked the small army with one of their own. Blood filled the air as screams of death reached his ears. "No mercy." These people had been a thorn in his side for so long and it was time he dealt with them. Icebreaker spawned in his hand as Xilo went straight for the main danger threat. "Hunter is the one to worry about." Xelfia quickly joined him as Felli and Tearia teamed up on Hazel.

"This is why I told you to wait, Hazel."

"Who cares, we're stronger just slaughter them. Delfex will be here soon. These people are just useless pawns anyway, just shields. So fight you idiot."

"You're intolerable."

Shaking his head, Hunter brought out his weapon as Xilo approached him. "With me here we shouldn't need Delfex." Hunter was stronger than him, so he should be able to deal with everyone here in time. A short purple sword made of her pure poison spawned in his hand. His favourite and main element was poison. Whenever he cut someone with this sword he would inject them with poison that numbed their body. He always found bliss in the slow pain he inflicted. It was an enjoyment for him to cause others pain. It was what drove him to become stronger, so he could inflict more pain. "I'm going to enjoy this." A wicked grin surfaced as he slashed right at Xilo, cutting open his arm.



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