
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

A Reversal

With the King still staggered from Zilan's attack, Xilo didn't care for any pleasantries as he took advantage of the moment slashing Icebreaker in the opening at his chest. "He isn't good at dealing with multiple elements being thrown at him." This was the second time he had seen the King stagger and it was from the same thing as before. Maybe it was an overload in senses or something else entirely that he didn't know but it was important. If they wanted to beat him they would have to use it to their advantage.


Making contact with his skin Xilo dragged up Icebreaker as far as he could creating a slash mark that faintly went across his chest. It didn't do as much damage as he had hoped however any damage counted. With his sword leaving his body he didn't attempt to get greedy with his attack as he noticed the King stabilizing himself as the air got colder again. "Need to move now." He didn't know what was about to happen but he knew it would be dangerous to stay there.

"Everyone get out of the way!"


Jumping out of the way he heard a loud rumbling sound as ice started to cover his arm barely. Looking up he saw the King shouting as a giant square area was being hounded by a blizzard of ice before calming down. Looking at the giant area that was covered in ice Xilo felt some shock at how much Astral Energy he had just used there. "He nearly covered up half the room with that one attack alone." The King didn't even seem tired after causing such a big change in the environment or room. Instead of even heavily breathing he just refocused on Xilo as another attack came his way before he could get rid of the ice on his arm.

"Great more ice things to worry about."

Well they may have gotten a lot smaller since way back then he still had those three icicles stuck in his wrist that were hidden by his shirt most of the time. "Along with the ones in my chest." Seeing ice cover his body again had brought up bad memories again as he shook that off. "They aren't harmful, nor is this the same place." Telling himself that he smashed the ice on his arm the best he could. The king didn't care for any of that though as he charged right at him before he could break free.

"Daral help him out."

Hearing Zilan's shout the brown haired man sent a wall of plants that tangled around each other in front of Xilo to protect him. His Ability was pretty useless in this fight but if he was smart enough he could do quite a bit with his Astral Nature. One more shout came though, as Sarin the black haired man also threw up a wall of earth behind his plants. Both elements in these conditions were weaker then normal but if they combined them they could make up for that weakness while even making it stronger.

"Good job you two."

Seeing them execute that just like how he had taught them in the past Zilan ran in there himself while Xilo dealt with his arm. "I need to burn this ice as well." Lighting a fire that ran up his arm as he approached the king he threw it at the ice that covered a large chunk of the room quickly melting it. "I don't want to burn it entirely." Marie had the Wind element but she also had the water Element with her that she could use with that water to make things easier on her. With that out of the way he took out his own Astral Weapon as an average looking sword appeared in his hands. It wasn't anything special but it got the job done that he needed it to.

"This won't be easy for you, you damn King."

Watching the King's sword start to break the twins wall of protection he slammed down into the king as his sword lit on fire as well. The king was ready for Zilan though, in an instant he grabbed the blade as Gravity weighed down on him again while he devoured the flames he was using before taking the water Zilan had created for Marie for himself. Using his free hand he began to crush Zilan's Astral Sword as a wall of water dropped onto his body at high impact.


Feeling pain reaching his soul Zilan quickly made his Sword vanish before it snapped like a twig as water pounded onto his body forcing him to bend a knee slightly. "So this one has multiple Elements." Each King of an Astral Zone had an ability that was unique to them that made them incredibly powerful while also not being possible by any normal human. Some could create objects out of thin air, others could cause you to be stuck in dreams for the rest of your life and just like this King some could use unlimited elements.


"Already on it."

Seeing the King's focus was on Zilan now he ran around the wall the twins had made for him now that the ice on his arm was gone and threw some ice at the King. It wasn't much but he needed to give Zilan some time to breathe after that. Unfortunately though the instant he tried that he felt Gravity barrel down on him even more then before as he was forced down onto his knees unable to stand. "So strong." Looking around the room he noticed everyone else seemed to be in the same position as him as the King forced them to essentially bow to him.

"Damn weaklings even together you cannot defeat me No matter how many of you that attack you'll still bow to me."

Getting fed up with all of their attacks and tricks he forced them to kneel before them as the sounds of their bones straining themselves entered his ears. It had been a very long time since someone had tried to stand up against him and he wasn't about to let some weak nobodies show him up. This was his Castle and he was the king of it. His followers long ago had helped build it with him and no one was allowed to defile that. "We spent years making this place, just to have a home." He may have been broken and changed now but that one thought still stood true even to this day.

"I'm the King of this Castle."

"Heh, you sure about that?"

Hearing one of the weaklings speak out even under all of that gravity he looked towards the girl he had dealt with earlier who tried to take his things.


Looking at the black haired girl brush some her hair out of the way she was barely breathing as one girl kneeled over her attempting to help her. "Strong willed." He had thought she would have died by now after the damage he had done to her however it seems he was wrong. She was a lot more stubborn than he had initially thought. "What can she really do though." Scoffing at her futile attempt to resist him, he pushed even harder as more Gravity was forced upon her and her friends.

"Yes, two can play at this game you know?"

With that Felli looked towards all the people there as she weakly sent out her Astral Energy.


Thank you for reading...

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