
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

A Regret

"Of course it's about power, without it everyone will just walk over you. The only reason we're on the defending side in this fight is because we are weaker. Drahal is the stronger one and so are his people. So don't go trying to tell me otherwise and act like you're above all. If we were strong enough maybe our Astral Zone would still be in one piece."

Landal was shouting at this point, why couldn't Lexia just understand this. It was something so incredibly simple to him however she never seemed to get it. "She's content with being a coward." Lexia accepted being weaker than someone else as long as she didn't have to get hurt. She showed that loud and clear when she didn't hesitate to agree with Drahal today. That was also another headache he would have to waste time trying to fix. If word of that spread people would get scared and be even unwilling to fight. "I'll force them all if I have to." Flinching hearing his loud tone Lexia still held her ground.

"Strength isn't the only factor in all of that. Being prepared, numbers and just using our heads. Caring about one another, all these things could have changed the outcome. Imagine if you decided to try and actually be friends with Drahal like you talked about years ago. What happened to that huh? Back then there wasn't nearly as much fighting as there was between us now. We almost ended the grudge between us and then you just had to go and ruin it all. what does your stupid power trip have anything to do with that, are you to weak to be "friends" with someone? What a joke."

"You know damn well it isn't as simple as that. Maybe you're awful memory may have forgotten but I wasn't the only one to blame for that. I tried being nice and you know what? That didn't work. It never has, being nice is just an excuse to be walked all over and I'm tired of it. All I ever did was try, try and try again. In return for that I was rewarded with a slap to the face. I lost everything."

"You didn't lose everything."

"Hah, like you would actually know what I lost. You don't care, all you do is play pretend. Faking it doesn't do much though Lexia, all it does is widen the gap between others that you oh so love to preach about. If I wasn't the King and had the power I have now I wouldn't have been able to defend you like I've done all these years. Life doesn't always go the way you plan it to though now does it? I guess it's my mistake for not realising that earlier.

There wasn't any hope of stopping either of them. At this point Lexia was tired of Landal and she wasn't holding back anymore. There were things she needed to say and that he must hear. If not then he would blindly follow this path until he died. At this point though she was beginning to no longer care if he died. He had ruined their Country, her ties with her family, ruined their marriage and now he wanted to spite all over the memories she had. Over ten years of her life were being thrown away like trash. "Arrghhh." Lexia felt like pulling her hair out every second she spoke with Landal, it was like talking to a child. She was far from any better though as Xilo watched on from the side wincing.

"I feel like I should stop them...."

Xilo knew that it wasn't his place to step in regardless of how he felt.

"Defend me? Pft what have you done for me besides ignore me and cast me aside. You just watch your people rot from the inside on top of your comfy seat acting like you own the place. I've done just as much for you as you have for me over the years. One person doesn't run an entire Country, it takes many and when the King only cares for power what does that leave the Queen with? Keeping the people that live here safe."

"Safe? How can you keep anyone safe, you don't have that kind of power. You're just a walking corpse."

"Better than a false King that would sacrifice everyone for power."

Landal was finally over it as the next few words that left his mouth would change everything.

"The only thing I would sacrifice for power is the years I spent being married to you, it's one of my biggest regrets in life."

Even though it was a slip of anger Landal had already said it, after a moment of silence he realised what he just said. "Oh..." Staring at the shocked look on Lexia's face Landal didn't have a choice in the matter anymore. This was the path he had chosen now. Lexia didn't think anything Landal said could hurt her anymore. She had heard everything possible from him when it came to insults. She was immune to feeling any kind of emotion for him anymore, she didn't even love him anymore. Once she heard that though her whole world turned upside down as she was proven wrong. She felt her heart shattering as her mind went blank. She simply felt empty as she stood there and there was nothing she could do about it.

With no response from Lexia after that Landal felt himself become much more calmer saying that.

"...I have things to attend to, so I should get going. I don't want to see you anywhere near here anymore."

With that Landal turned around and left walking very slowly. "What's done is done." A bit of sadness leaked into his voice as he held himself back. "That time is gone for us." Landal knew that no matter what he did it was over between them. it just took him way too many years to accept that fact. Watching Lexia stand there in shock, Xilo shook his head. "Haaaa...." Exhaling, Xilo jumped down from the railing as he slowly walked up to Lexia. Anyone would be in shock after hearing something like that told to him. Arriving next to her, Xilo didn't say anything to try and comfort her. He just stayed silent as the two of them stood there like statues.

"People are complicated."

Xilo didn't mind waiting as long as it took for Lexia to snap out of it.


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