
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

A Long Time.

He finally woke up once again after feeling the warmth shining through the gaps of the trees landing on him once again. Waking up this time around though he was relatively more awake then his usually mornings. Seeing as how it was daylight still he probably figured he'd slept through the whole day and night this time around which was probably the reason he felt so energetic so quickly upon waking up today unlike other days.

"I knew the day before took a lot out of me but apparently it was way more than I thought. haaa... I need to be more careful next time."

The insanity he felt a day ago was definitely a rude awakening. He couldn't just blindly do things all the time even if he thought it was safe. With that experience behind him though and the failure with the Fire Charger he would definitely try and put more caution in what he did or at least as much as he could. This was something had to learn eventually so it was better now though instead of at another time when he might end up dead because of his carelessness.

"The only way to do that though is to practice more."

This was the biggest reason he was going to the Myriad Locked Forest anyway.

Experience and training.

These two things were crucial to his future and since he had none he had to hone his skills somewhere.

"Alrighty then today I'll try and fight more Awakened beast and see where it goes from there.

He was a little fearful of the ability he hadn't completely figured out but seeing as it still was manageable when he used weaker Astral Beast meat he figured he'd stick with that for now until he could deal with the side effects more easily next time. Since aside from that his training was going well and he did beat a tougher opponent he figured it was time to try and do a couple more at the very least combined with the Awakening Stage Beasts at least.

Before that though he had to regain his energy that he lost since he didn't do it the whole time he was asleep. Thankfully he didn't get attacked this time around like last time or it would of been a disaster for the weakened him but luck seemed to be on his side this time around.

Jumping down from his tree he got ready to start absorbing Astral Energy. This time around with his fight against the fire charger his energy was able to stabilize a lot more and he even got a slight increase in energy absorption by 5 minutes.

Of course, eventually he would slow down in his absorption rate and even have it increase eventually because his energy stores got bigger but that wasn't going to be until he got past the stages he had read about at the very least. So while it might not last forever it was still a very beneficial thing to have especially when he wanted to do as much as possible in as little time as possible.

After absorbing the energy he quickly got up and went to a nearby tree to test and see and changes he had after his last fight. Bringing his fist up to the tree that he had previously hit he looked around a little to find a less thicker tree and got ready to punch with everything he had. After gathering all the Astral Energy in his body up to his fist he shot forward a much more cleaner and sharper fist compared to his first attempt at this.


His fist this time around going into the tree felt just as clean as it looked even if it was still pathetic to practiced people. This time around he experienced a lot less interference from his own impact like loose pieces coming in contact with him and less feedback from hitting it then before.

After he reached as far as he could go he finally stopped exerting power in his fist and slowly pulled out of the trunk. The damage he caused this time compared to last time was more concise than last time leaving the area around where he punched less damaged and it looked slightly less messier.

Also by the time his force stopped being exerted was probably around the same length as time but his energy coming out of his fist was more precise causing it to go slightly further even. If Before he barely got 1 meter. Then now he didn't barely get 1 meter but simply passed 1 meter and barely got a little further.

In the Awakened stage you couldn't easily bring your energy out of your body in a precise fashion but if you condense it enough you could force it and now with the practice he put in he had an easier time doing it then before.

"Seeing results is way more satisfying than just feeling them."

He knew by feeling the way the Astral Energy was in his body that he had improved and that had already made him happy but after seeing a display of his own efforts he was even more happy which he caused him to smile slightly. Which before he even started training it was something he never did but now even if it was still rare as heck it still happened sometimes at least. It felt like the time that had stopped for him once was slowly starting to kick into gear once again for him and he could feel it even if it was only slightly.

"Alright then now that I've tested my Astral Energies changes it's time for me to become even better at it."

With that in mind he tidied up the area around the tree he just made and any other mess he could find over the pass day of him sleeping that had been made and started walking towards the Myriad Locked Forest once again.

"I wonder, is that Lizard going to show up once again?"

"I'm slightly curious to see if it will or not but I'll leave that up to it to decide whether it wants to or not."

Making his way through the trees that surrounded him after all his walking he finally noticed the leaves starting to slightly change colours once again up ahead.

"Well time to see what today will bring me".

With that he stepped into the forest and started looking for more Astral Beasts to fight once again.

Time for new beginnings c:


Thank you for reading...


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