
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

A Lonely Demonic Dragon

Standing all alone, one lost child cried her eyes out as she searched for her Mother. The Forest never revealed to the child where they hid her mother. "She's gone." Crouching low to the ground the child huddled in a small ball as the reality of it all set in. "I still had so much to say." Not even bothering to wipe the tear from her eyes, the lonely child stayed like that. Replaying their conversations in her head she longed to feel her touch again. For so many years she was alone without a family and wandered in her little world. She had really thought it didn't matter if she had a family her whole life. That she was perfectly okay just being by herself.

"I'm not."

A broken voice struggled to even speak after so much crying. "Mom..." Her tears had run dry at this point, there was nothing left for her to give. Taking another look around the forest the red headed child tried to stand back up. Ignoring her sore joints from being in the same spot for too long the lost child cleaned her face up. "it took me thirty years to find you...I'm sorry." Pulling herself together the best she could Xelfia buried her sorrow deep within. "At least I got to see her once." She should have been happy about that, it was a chance she never shouldn't have had but it just stung more.

Staring at the colourful grass that littered around her feet Xelfia bent over and picked one up. "This place." Picking up a few more leaves and twigs that were on the ground, Xelfia made a makeshift little gravestone. Even if this was just a memory Xelfia wanted to solidify in her heart that it had happened. Placing a bunch of leaves on top of one another Xelfia said her final goodbye. "After this, no more crying." She wasn't a child anymore, she was a growing woman that would make all Dragon kind proud. Especially her very own Mother, she wasn't going to lose her for nothing.

"Goodbye Xina...Mother."

Dusting herself off she stood back up as a thought came to mind.

"How long have I been here?"

It had only felt like minutes however Xelfia was positive it was at least a couple of hours. "I'm a mess." Her emotions had overloaded to the point where they felt a bit dead for the time being. At the very least when she woke up she wouldn't look like a wreck. "Azurin sent me here knowing this would happen." That sneaky old Dragon probably knew from the very beginning who Xelfia was. That was why he so strongly wanted her to come here. "So...I'm a dragon." She had finally gotten to know one of her parents and figured out what she was. There wasn't a single desire in her to even be a bit happy about it though.

"Not only am I a dragon..I'm now partly demonic. Mom seemed upset about me becoming one, I wonder why?"

Stopping herself from asking any more questions she knew she wouldn't get any more answers from her Mother.

"She won't just magically appear before me again, come on Xelfia. She definitely doesn't want to see us get stuck on her either. Haaa...I need to wake up. Maybe talking with everyone will help a bit. I should also go see Azurin and give him a good smack."

Doing her best to cheer herself up Xelfia knew none of it was working.

"it's always easier said than done."

Lying in the Myriad forest Xelfia waited in silence thinking about too many things until she eventually woke up again. Watching over Xelfia's sleeping body Xilo made sure the surroundings were clear. "That was a bit crazy." Everyone else was out scouting for people or Astral Beasts. They had left him and girls to watch over the Dragon's body after he requested them to. Rubbing his hand through Xelfia's hair he waited until she woke up while talking with Felli and Tearia about random things. Felli talked a bit about her Space energy and some of the progress she made while Tearia kept trying to inch closer to the Dragon's body to take some of its parts.

"Tearia, this is like the twentieth time I've told you to stop it. I know they're valuable but it's not our place to touch them. You can talk to Xelfia about it when she wakes up alright?"


Grabbing her by the hand, Xilo pulled her in and hugged her tightly against his body, refusing to let go.

"No but's, just be patient."

"Fine, fine."

Tearia wasn't exactly thrilled to hear it but she couldn't escape him. Watching their interactions Felli laughed to herself. "They seem to be having fun." Petting the small fox that was sitting in her lap, Felli couldn't keep her eyes off of Xilo. "I don't love him!" She knew what her mother had said before and that had been running through her head ever since. "He's just a good friend." She had missed him and Tearia a lot after they had parted ways. Seeing them again had excited her quite a lot however she wouldn't exactly call it love herself. "Then what is it?" Looping back to the same question once more Felli noticed Xelfia waking up.

"Oh looks like the sleepy head is finally awake."

Looking down at Xelfia in his lap Xilo's smile froze as she noticed Xelfia start to cry.

"Huh, what's wrong Xelfia?"


Watching the tears spill out Xilo listened to Xelfia very closely as he tried to piece together what she was saying. "This isn't going anywhere." Xelfia was way to riled up to talk coherently. Gently he ran his hand along her shoulders while he tried to calm her down. "Just cry until you can't anymore." The girls fell silent as they let Xelfia release her tears. No matter what had happened Xilo was ready to help or even just listen if that's what it took.

"When you're ready Xelfia, you can talk. We're all here for you. Take your time."


Thank you for reading...

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