
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

A Little Stumble

Marie was still healing her as Felli looked around the room at all the people who had showed up. She didn't really know what to say as she felt Marie take a hold of her hand while she sent her energy into the wound. Feeling it begin to close her wound as her mind cleared up a little bit she released a long sigh well her body began to relax. "I need to help them." His Space Energy was a lot stronger than hers and she hadn't had much experience with it but if they wanted to move around in this place against him then she was needed. Stretching out her hand she barely spoke up against the king as she released some of the pressure off her friends.

"You know you shouldn't be doing that right now Felli."

"They need my help though and I think i'm alright to hold this up for a little bit, besides I've got you keeping me safe don't I?"

Saying that she ignored Marie's exasperated look as she made sure they could at least stand against their opponent. Anything else would have to be up to them to handle. Pushing themselves up they felt the Gravity grow lighter around them as the King grunted in frustration as he tried to make his move against her. Moving to block him, Xilo stood in the way of Felli as he slashed down with Icebreaker. She was a huge help that they needed right now so letting him stop her was the last thing he wanted to happen.

"Going somewhere?"

"Demon, you have no right to stop me."

A little surprised at his wording Xilo ignored it as a sword met him and forced him into a short period of stillness. Seeing an opening Zilan and everyone else all rushed the king at once. Tearia with her lightning Scythe, Daral with his vine like whip, Sarin with a boulder in his hands and Zalan who pulled out a spare sword he carried around that was surrounded in flames. All four of them attacked at once while the King seemed just as calm as before.

"You idiots!"

Watching the four of them try and use their Astral Energy like that Felli already saw the outcome of their attack in her head. "His Ability isn't to use multiple elements. It's to absorb them." She had thought they would have known but maybe he hadn't used it yet against them. Standing there pushing against the Silver haired man's sword he felt the presence of Astral Energy approaching him as he smiled before quickly turning around breaking the lock. He would end up taking a hit from the man in return but it was worth it for him.


Feeling no more weight to fight against him Xilo was surprised for a second as his sword stabbed into the King's back. Feeling a small victory, it was soon taken away by what he saw next. Opening his hands up he grabbed the boulder and vines the twins had thrown at him with his bare hands before he swallowed them both whole, absorbing them in an instant. Feeling his power grow some more he shielded the attack from the girl who was the weakest as he threw up a wall against the red haired man who was the strongest in the room as the pain in his back quickly faded.

Hearing their collective confusion he felt Satisfied as his power grew even stronger, slowing down their movements more then before. With each Astral Energy absorbed from others he would get stronger over time with no limits at all. It had been a very long time since he had last absorbed energy so it was even more potent than it normally would have been. This was in a sense his life source and power that he would abuse as much as he could.

"Such weak attacks..I expected more from my first visitors in a while."

There were some drawbacks to it though but they usually never really mattered to him. "Need to kill them fast though." His body and energy was still unstable after just waking up from hundreds of years of sleep so he needed to stabilize it. Which is also a part of the reason he chose to ignore absorbing some of their energy. Too much of it currently and his body would freak out and start attacking him. If that happened this fight was over and all his old friends would have done all of this for him for nothing.

"I can't let that all be for nothing."

He hated it so much but at the same time he couldn't just let them down. This was the life that was given to him once again and he would try and use it as best he could. "No you won't." Feeling a head splitting headache attack him he shrugged it off as his Earth wall broke into pieces while Zilan swiped right at him. Not being able to move backwards with the silver haired one behind him still attacking he was forced to lift up his sword and defend as he let the girl slip through his grasp as well. "Dammit I made a mistake." Feeling the fight turn so suddenly he felt himself stumble as another attack hit his back.

"Zilan, do it now."

"I'm already on it."

Watching the King stumble Zilan increased his flames even more then before as Xilo and him attacked at the same time. This was one of their big openings and both of them knew they couldn't mess it up. One with Flames and the other with Ice pumping like crazy they slashed his chest along with his back. Leaving long slash marks they heard the king groan a little bit but no blood came out of him still. Slashing with Ravenous Tearia was once more confused why she didn't see any blood.

"These two are probably the strongest here so why isn't there anything still?"

She could understand that she was too weak to cause any big damage but Zilan and Xilo were different, this should have been easy for them.


Thank you for reading...

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