
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

A Little Lonely

Groggily feeling the morning sun hit their face, He slowly woke up as a ceiling he didn't recognize entered his vision. "Where am I?" Sitting up he felt some warmth beside him but ignored it as he looked around the room. "Right..." Turning to his side he saw Xelfia sleeping beside him, with Relia on a bed across the room as Xilo finally recognized where he was. "How did it end up like this..." Complaining in his head he remembered back to yesterday.

After they visited the shop in town and got their bearings a little bit they went out hunting for some money before coming back. With some of the money he got some clothes for Relia and them, then planned to leave Relia after that but once he got to the inn he stopped and hesitated for a couple seconds to think about it however before he could even come to a decision he heard Relia begin to cough before collapsing in his arms. Panic ran through him at that point as he looked down to see Relia barely conscious. Not knowing what was happening he felt himself at a loss of what to do for a second until he heard her soft voice say "Sleepy" as she passed out. Witnessing that both him and Xelfia were speechless while leaving him only one choice as well.

So with no choice really he handed Relia over to Xelfia to carry and walked into the inn. Thankfully besides feeling incredibly awkward everything had gone smoothly though that might have been thanks to Xelfia also being there with him. "Who knows, Maybe they thought I would have been a pervert otherwise." Shuddering at what could have happened he silently thanked Xelfia as he got up from the bed leaving her alone as he got ready for the day. Yesterday they had found barely any Astral Beasts wandering around anywhere within a certain radius of the town and when he brought that up to the Shopkeeper she had mentioned to visit the mountain area he had seen the other day if he wanted to find more Astral Beasts.

"A weird gathering of Astral Beasts and a loss of them in the wild..but why?" The shopkeeper told him that recently Astral Beasts had been disappearing lately and converging on those mountains but when he had asked why she said she didn't know and that something like this had never happened before. "It's weird, Astral Beasts are known to never group up in large packs like this or to never leave their territory once they found a place they call home. So what could possibly make thousands of Astral Beasts of different strengths and races center on that one area.." However that slight curiosity was almost all he had, Almost. "Well that's where all our money will be so we need to go there. At least they're making it slightly easier for us." Well at least that was the reason he told Xelfia when she asked why he wanted to go there. In reality though he just wanted to train more while also seeing if he could figure anything out. Though he would only be staying near the edges so he doubted it.

"It'd be suicide to dive straight into a pack of thousands of beasts." Thinking that he finished getting ready for the day as he put a new shirt back on and left the bathroom to see Xelfia awake with the blanket around her body staring at him intently the second he walked out of the door. Looking at her slightly disappointed face as she pouted slightly, questions flew through his mind for a second leaving him slightly confused as he greeted her like normal. "She's gotten me too used to this." But he never complained either so it was also his fault.

"Morning sleepyhead."

Saying that he sat down beside her but before he could open his mouth again he felt himself getting pulled towards Xelifa before his eyes met hers and she kissed his lips.


Taken by surprise by such sudden aggressiveness Xilo didn't really know what to do in that situation but he wasn't only the one surprised. Xelfia herself was also taken aback by how aggressive she just was as she let go off him and backed up slightly feeling a little awkward. "Weird...I'm not usually like that." Thinking to herself she tried to find a reason to convince herself of why she did that but she couldn't, Instead when she found nothing she tried to gloss over as she put on a slightly more teasing tone while changing the subject.

"Morning? It's the middle of the day by now, I don't think I'm the only sleepyhead here Xilo.."

"...You're right, We must have needed it."

Hearing her mention that he looked over to see Relia on the other side of the room begin to wake up as well. "Weird.." Choosing to not mention that aggressiveness Xilo let it slip by as he chatted with Xelfia about the day and besides it's not like he hated it, Just found it a little off that's all and with all three of them awake now he couldn't say anything as the girls got up and ready for the day leaving him all alone in the room by himself.

"Maybe she felt a little lonely?"

Mumbling that to himself he waited for Xelfia and Relia as time passed on. With a few more minutes passing they left the bathroom and they were finally ready to start the day.

"So about today...I was thinking about heading to the mountains."

Saying that as they walked out of the room and out of the hallway, Xelfia froze in her tracks as she grabbed Xilo by the neck as well, stopping him.

"Are you an idiot?"

They had just escaped from one nightmare and barely gotten any rest yet Xilo wanted to dive head first into another weird situation. If he thought she would be okay with that, then he had another thing coming from her. She wanted him to be safe.

Yay Xilo, Xelfia and Relia.....? Also not stupidly late this time c:


Thank you for reading...

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