
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

A Hundred Eyes and Two Voices.

"With that in my mind what do we do about you now." Facing Relia, Xilo tried to think about what he wanted to do with her now that they finally entered the town but all his thoughts ended up with him leaving her all by herself. "That won't work." It left a bad taste in his mouth just considering it. "What to do, what to do." Tapping his chin he lightly brushed his hand through his air as he tried to think of something before eventually giving up and walking towards her. Appearing in her face so suddenly seemed to spook her causing her to jump back a step creating some distance but he didn't mind. staring into her blue eyes he crouched down a little to be eye level with her.

"So Relia, What do you want to do now?"


He didn't break contact with her and refused to let her turn her head away using a little of his Astral Energy. "I know I told Xelfia I didn't particularly care but leaving her like this isn't good either. Plus I'm curious about her opinion on the matter." It was hard not to feel bad for her after all. "Or maybe I'm being stupid and indecisive again." But he ignored that as he calmly waited for her to speak while the world around them continued on with people walking in all directions every once in a while. Some stopped and stared wondering what kind of situation they were in with a girls body so marked up but most people had an idea of what it was even if it was a misunderstanding but with Xilo's bearing and looks at the moment it was hard for them not to come to that conclusion and none were brave enough to speak up with Xelfia standing on the side watching their every move.

"People love jumping to conclusions." Looking at all the facial expressions people made when they walked by it was easy for Xelfia to get an idea of what they were thinking. But that was to be expected even though they tried to cover her up as much as they could, her face was still visible for the world to see. "Whatever." All she had to do was keep them from interfering while Xilo did whatever he was planning. "You could have said something...but nope you just jumped right into it." sighing she made sure to watch out and listen to everything that was said as Relia stared into Xilo's eyes unable to move away as she watched a tiny fire jump around inside them.


She wasn't an idiot, she knew exactly what Xilo was talking about asking that question. Even the voices in her head had talked about it but she ignored it. She didn't want to answer this question so she struggled to turn her head and break contact but she was too weak at the moment to break Xilo's Astral Energy. "You do know he won't let you escape now right?" "Yes but I can still try." "It's pointless in your condition so just give up." Listening to that same soft yet slightly melodic woman that always talked to her in her head when the other voices weren't around she slowly gave up struggling. "Maybe you're right." "Then just answer his question." out of all the voices in her head this one was the only who seemed to help her and act like a friend to her but she could only talk to her whenever the others settled down. It was these rare moments that helped her go along with her life so she decided to listen to her as she fell into thought.

Watching her Xilo watched as her eyes switched between two different types. One was her normal eye type like all other people had but the other was in the shape of small dark blue wings that stretched almost as far as her pupils allowed. "Hmm..." Every other time he had seen this happen to Relia he never got a good look at the changes that happened because they changed to fast but now he was finally able to get a good look. "What exactly is happening to her." Watching her eyes switch back and forth between those two types he waited before finally they swapped back to her normal eyes and she opened her mouth.

"I want....To stay with you."

"I see."

However he wasn't exactly happy hearing that instead it just made him feel even more guilty. "There's no harm in keeping her around a little longer though then I can at least guarantee her safety." Telling that to himself he sat up as he tried to convince himself of that before he unconsciously tried to rub her hair but his hand hit emptiness as she backed away again before it could happen. "Right." With some slight awkwardness he slightly forced a smile as he put his hand down trying to play it off before turning to Xelfia who currently had a slightly cheeky smile aimed at him. "Dammit." Wincing in embarrassment he didn't know what to do besides sigh in this situation and give up.


"We're going to look around the town now."

Ignoring her slight laugh at him he tried his best to start walking before she could tease him anymore.

"Yes,yes whatever you'd like Xilo."


Watching his back get further away she smiled before following along with Relia and started to explore the town with them. Thankfully it wasn't too big so finding things was relatively easy once they found the center of the town with the help of some strangers after a couple tries. It's center was a giant fountain that flowed into little streams in all four directions that led to different paths each containing different things. Each had a different purpose like one being for supplies and the like or one for residents but none had what Xilo was looking for unfortunately and after a couple hours of searching while asking around here and there he eventually gave up as they made their way back to the fountain.

Staring up at it as the day reached midway Xilo stared at the flowing water and sighed. "Looks like we'll have to trade with shop owners." At least it wasn't the worst case scenario so that was fine for him. "This really is quite a small place." Staring at all the wooden buildings around him he could almost see the ends of the town border from here alone but that wasn't a bad thing. "It's nice and it seems a shop is nearby with an inn not too far away." Looking at one of the shops around the fountain area he at least had a place to make some kind of money with a place not too far away to sleep in. "Well we might as well go talk to them." Ignoring the strange looks he was still receiving he walked towards the shop. Opening the door he stepped inside to find a slightly newer looking building with a Woman standing behind a counter.


Got busy yesterday and today, sorry.


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