
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

A Dive Into Zelfin's Mind

Looking through the journal they started from the beginning together. Skimming through it, Zelfin wrote about having a place to write down his thoughts and stuff he did in a day. "Seems normal enough." Skimming through the next couple pages Felli read about him meeting a few new friends. One was a young girl named Yilel and the other's name was never written down. "Why isn't there a name?" Reading through the stories it talked a little about how they would explore the outskirts of the clan together or visit the library. Typical kid stuff they would normally do but no mention of the boy's name ever.

"keltal, why doesn't he say anything about the boy's name?"

"You have things you want to keep left unsaid and so do I. Let's leave it at for now."

Watching Rose read through the book, Keltal debated taking the book from her. He really wanted to hide Xilo's existence to outsiders however remembering that Aura he felt earlier he left it be. "She'll figure it out on her own." Letting his energy die, he left it alone and continued to read with her. He wasn't even in proper condition to fight so this was for the better. Noticing Keltal's spiking energy, Felli raised an eye as she focused on Keltal. "Hmmm..." It faded quickly though so she went back to reading. After skipping through a year and the little adventures the kids went on she eventually noticed weird notes left in his journal.

"Monster....He's not human....A burden to this clan....Why was he born....He's taking everything from me.....He's not special, I am....I deserve better.,,,She deserves better. What the hell, why is a kid like that writing things like this down."


Reading through another year more changes started to happen in his journal. Yilel went from just a friend to the girl he loved. He talked about her like an obsession however he also talked about how she ignored all of his attempts to be with him. She would focus on the monster instead more and cared about him. despair,sadness, weakness. She could feel all those emotions written in his words until they eventually transformed into anger and hate. He talked about excluding the boy that used to be his friend, Beating him up, Torturing him, and even hinted at killing him. He went from writing about happy things they did together to stories about the progress he made in making the boy suffer.

"Oi, Keltal. You can't seriously stay silent after reading that can you? This kid went down a bad path so suddenly. Did you not notice or never try to stop it? Aren't you the Leader of this place. I thought you cared about Zelfin but is that a lie as well?"

"It's not! I swear...I didn't know."

"Think I'm an idiot?"

Gathering up energy Felli felt her emotions going a little bit out of control. Reading about those stories she wasn't surprised that Zelfin had turned the way he was and she had a very good guess as to who this monster was now thanks to Althea. "Xilo." Looking at Keltal, she slammed her energy into him, locking him in place. To her, Keltal was just a weak old leader that was nothing to worry about. She wanted answers. Struggling, Keltal tried to move but his body was way too weak now to do much. That sickness along with the seal was draining his energy too fast.

"Wait...wait. It's complicated...way too complicated. I knew it was happening but I never thought it would have got as bad as it did....I seriously can't say anymore. Just....keep reading."


Not letting go of his lock she read a bit more about Zelfin's thoughts. All the times he beat up Xilo, stepped all over him and made him feel weak. "Hmmm?" There were also times where she read things opposite to that though. Where it felt like Zelfin had some regret for what he was doing. Multiple times throughout his entries he asked himself why he was doing this, what's the purpose. "Pft, trying to feel guilty." Then she would read more about this Yilel girl and then Zelfin turned back to normal. Finally reaching the end of his journal after years of entries she read the last words he entered.

"I'll kill Xilo, The monster that never deserved a thing . Even if I have to kill everyone else in my path, I don't care. Without Yilel around anymore what's the point of holding back. I loved her and she tossed me aside like I was nothing but an annoyance. I'll show her who was truly useless in the end. Xilo...It's time I leave this place and show the world who's better. We will meet again, I swear."

Holding Keltal in place she shut the book as the rest of the pages were ripped out.

"Haaaa...No wonder he's how he is now. With that spirit guiding him and his insanity his growth has quickened. He probably plans to use my Mother's influence to find Xilo and kill him while feigning helping her. He doesn't care about anything else but that....no wonder Althea said he was a bigger threat than anyone else."

"Huh!? Did you just say Althea?"

Looking at the black haired girl, keltal tried to confirm what he just heard with a bit of fear in his voice.

"Yeah, why?"

"What the hell is going on here....Is this another one of her stupid plans? Is she using Zelfin to just test Xilo or is it something else entirely?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Sadly Rose, I know Althea probably even better then you do. Can you let me go and let me talk about this without feeling chained up?"


Letting her energy free, she felt him fall to the ground slightly, watching dust himself off they began to talk about Althea.

"Get to talking, it better be good.


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