
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

A Change Of Pace

Tearia knew she had to be missing something but she just didn't know what it was. "Is he a Spirit?" Most Spirits didn't typically bleed besides a few exceptions from her memory nor did they look as solid though. Usually they were somewhat faded and translucent making that assumption essentially impossible. Sadly she didn't get to think to much more about it as she felt a build up of massive energy right before it blasted them in the face pushing all of them back a couple meters.

"Great more elements that we don't know about."

Picking himself up off the ground he heard the sounds of everyone grunting or coughing after getting knocked backwards from that Astral Wind. Seeing the king freeze slightly after that he felt some relief as everyone got up and dusted themselves off in time. So far there had been two big attacks like that and both took a while to charge up giving them time to attack. The only problem with that is they weren't doing much damage if any. The cuts on the King's body were already beginning to heal and it hadn't been that long.

"Got any Ideas on what we should do?"

Talking to their whole group there, Xilo hoped for some kind of reply to help them all out but he only received silence in return.

"Keep trying to think of things, no one is invincible and he certainly isn't. All the King's have their tricks that keep them on top. We just need to keep going at it until we get there."

Trying to encourage everything Zilan spoke up to break the silence as the king seemed ready to go again. "From past Astral Zones it's known they all have their little mechanics and things that make them unique but within them is their weakness. It's just a matter of finding it." King's were always too strong for their own good that they ended up ruling any place they were born. In return though they had a few weaknesses that they had to keep hidden. These were fights that took time and the fact they had already lasted this long with so little people was a good sign.

"He's a recently awoken one."

His strength wasn't stabilized yet given the best chance they could ask for, they just needed to attack more. "Enough thinking, more attacking." Lighting a flame up in his hands he chucked a fireball straight at him for the King to enjoy. It would probably be absorbed but that took some time and Zilan and the rest were going to use that to their advantage. Running right behind his attack he carried his sword as sparks of lightning flew over his hand with other elements.

"Again! As much time as it takes, don't stop attacking."

Shouting that out loud he felt a small surge in power as his muscles tightened up. Unlike long ago when he fought in Astral Zones he wasn't alone anymore. Now he had his friends and some new ones with him to help. Swinging his left arm he was met with a slash from the King as well. Quickly jumping to the side he dodged it as he stuck out his right hand grabbing the blade while he slashed his stomach. His hand may have been bleeding but he wasn't scared to get hurt. Marie was right there for him just like always even if she complained.

"See what you can do, I got his sword for a second."

He could already feel the blade sliding out of his hand as his blood flowed out onto it from the cut it made. That was fine to him though, that split second was enough for all of them to close in on him at once as he swallowed their Astral Energy. Seeing Zilan being so reckless Xilo felt a little surprised by such straightforwardness until he remembered the fire trait in him. "Right Fire users are hot headed and reckless." He had almost forgotten that seeing Zilan act so differently however it looked like it finally came out.

With a small twirl of his blade he went past Zilan's body with Tearia beside him as Icebreaker stabbed into the king's body. He didn't care to complete the blade this time nor did Tearia use her Lightning. Those took out too much energy from them to constantly use so for now it was better to do this until they knew it could be useful. Daral and Sarin also came in on the right of Zilan hoping he was okay as they attacked using small daggers.

Losing his grip on the blade he felt it slip out of his hands as the king pulled back a step after being hit by all those attacks. It wasn't enough though as he spun around quickly giving his blade enough room before he slashed at all five of them before they could back off. Feeling a cut run across each of their chests they all felt a slight chill as blood dripped down to their stomach. "Another element." Tearia was the only one who had noticed but to get such speed he had used Lightning.

"Marie I'm fine now you should go and help them too. It seems like they're struggling."

"No I can't leave you until I make sure you're stable."

"I am though! Don't be so stubborn. If you don't join them you might never get a chance to heal me fully. That man isn't messing around and they need you."


"You've stopped the damage from spreading any further. I'll just lay here and keep using my space so don't worry about me. Go."

"You're right..."

Brushing some of the dust off her legs Marie hesitantly stood up as she looked towards all of them fighting.

"They need my help too."

Felli might have been helping them out with the Gravity but she could also support them a lot by increasing her speed and decreasing the King's. She could also do some damage herself but for now she wanted to set up some support for them. Every little bit helped and being faster then before was huge in the long run. Spreading out wind of her own she slowly set it up as they continued to fight.


Thank you for reading...

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