
Reaching for a Dream

this story is not mine, it was created by "Noodlehammer". this story is complete and it's +18. Also includes the second season of Naruto+Justice League. I have the author's permission to upload the story Adventure/Humor/Romance. The Sandaime waited too long to approach Naruto, who had no interest in becoming Hokage by then. Another dream already rested in his heart, a dream that would drive him much further than anyone would have believed. SealMaster!Naruto Older!NarutoxFem!Kyuubi

DragonEyesBlue · Anime e quadrinhos
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41 Chs

Naruto + Justice League - Part 3

Naruto realised one important fact about his sudden desire to learn about the music of this world.

Music stores weren't open at night and it was night.

Actually, was there even such a thing as a music store? He knew that the people in this dimension had figured out how to record music on objects, but according to Xanna, the idiot whose soul she'd ripped out listened to music mostly through something called 'U-tube'.

What the hell was a U-tube and how does one get on it?

That was the problem with just taking the knowledge from someone's head, if you didn't have context then you wouldn't know what the hell it was about. And rather inconveniently, neither one of them had any interest in anything except language at the time, which meant everything else had received only cursory inspection, if it received any at all.

Naruto had a sinking suspicion that Xanna wouldn't have used the Human Path again to make this easier even if she hadn't been on the Watchtower...no doubt she'd find his fumbling around the subject amusing.

Either way, he couldn't even fumble around it during the night, which meant waiting for the morning and that was quite a ways off.

He didn't actually need to sleep anymore, though he usually did so just because he enjoyed it, but he couldn't do that right now either. Having sex with Pamela had done nothing to calm him down, quite the contrary actually.

He was horny as hell, his godlike body used to treating a single orgasm as the start of foreplay rather than anything else. Unfortunately, he wasn't really in the mood to go screwing 15 or so random women(either seduced or paid for) that he'd never met before in order to scratch that particular itch and Xanna was obviously unavailable.

What he wouldn't do to be able to teleport to her, bend her over and pound her until he was satisfied.

Sighing at his predicament, he took flight and headed for Gotham. Maybe something interesting would be happening that would distract him? He could always go to some other city if it wasn't, it would be time to move on soon anyway.

Technically, he should have been messing around with Superman in Metropolis already anyway, but Batman had just been so grimly serious all the time that he just had to mess with the man more than he'd planned.


Selina Kyle, more widely known as Catwoman, was perching on the roof of a museum in Gotham and staring avariciously through the skylight at the large cat's eye emerald sitting on a pillow.

She wanted it. Bad.

Bad enough that she'd come back to Gotham despite the horned lunatic cutting people up with a sword all over the place. Mind you, she was reasonably sure that he wouldn't kill her since he had apparently let Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn go, but there was enough uncertainty for her to not want to risk it.

At least, she hadn't wanted to risk it until that damnably beautiful jewel had been put on display in the Gotham museum.

Sh'ed already scoped the place out during the day and now it was time to steal it.


Naruto stared with wry amusement at the shapely, leather clad ass of Catwoman.

Honestly, what were the odds of running into this particular female exactly when he needed to take his mind away from sex? There was an unreal amount of pussy jokes coming to mind right now.

Despite not really looking for a hot woman in a tight leather outfit, he already knew that he was going to interrupt what was obviously a theft. Not that he gave a damn if she stole stuff from a museum, as far as he was concerned it was full of useless junk and she was welcome to rob it blind if she so wished.

He'd been hoping to run into her for a while, but she'd apparently been keeping a low profile, so this was not a chance to be wasted, even if it was only making him even more horny.

The question was, how should he do it?

Should he go for a casual approach, just stroll up to her with a nonchalant 'What's up pussycat'?

Or should he got the path of the pervert and do something more extreme?

In the eternal battle between cool laziness and absolute perversion, there can be only one victor.

Naruto rolled his eyes at himself. He must be more bored than he thought if he was making his own thoughts sound that dramatic.

Either way, in his current turned on condition, the choice was obvious. Though to be fair, it would have been obvious even if he hadn't been turned on.


Catwoman was almost ready to start her plan of stealing the emerald when she was grabbed from behind.

Reacting instantly like the trained martial artist that she was, she tried to break the attacker's balance and get free, only to receive the unpleasant knowledge that whoever had grabbed her was both monstrously strong and knew what he was doing.

A large hand was placed over her mouth before she could let out a word and an unfamiliar deep voice growled into her ear.

"Calm down little kitty, I've got a milkshake for you." This was timed by what was obviously a bulging erection being rubbed against her rear end suggestively.

Naturally she started struggling even more desperately, but failed to achieve anything with it as chains suddenly bound her arms.

The hand that had previously been holding them started gliding over her stomach and towards her crotch, while the voice once more growled into her ear. "Looks like the pussycat needs a good stroking."

At this point, Catwoman was trying to force down the helpless terror she was feeling at being so easily subdued and the clear implication of what was being planned for her, making her scream into the hand over her mouth.

The hold on her suddenly relaxed and the same voice spoke to her ear again, this time sounding absurdly contrite considering the past thirty seconds. "Oi, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you. It was just supposed to be a joke, but I went a bit overboard."

A good ten seconds passed until she managed to process the words through her frazzled mind and she relaxed ever so slightly, at which point she was released.

Jumping away from her attacker she saw that it was the very horned man that she'd been hoping not to run into, standing there rather sheepishly with a chagrined look on his face.

Naruto observed the skittish woman taking deep, calming breaths and staring at him warily. Note to self: exercise more restraint when making this kind of joke in the future.

"Sorry about that, my perverted sense of humor got away from me."

She stared at him for a few moments, still taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart before she reacted to his words, her eyes going hard and angry.

He saw it coming a mile away. How could he not when he could move much faster than that? Still, the only thing he did was to suppress his chakra as much as he could, deliberately weakening himself to the greatest possible extent.

The powerful roundhouse kick smashed into his jaw and sent a spray of blood flying out of his mouth.

He spat out another glob of blood on the roof and turned to address the cat themed thief. "I totally deserved that."

She kicked him again, this time from the other side, making him also repeat the blood spitting process on the other side before once more turning to her calmly. "I probably deserved that too."

She tried to kick him in the balls next, which was where he drew the line and blocked her. "Sorry, but that's one hit I'm not willing to take even if I do deserve it." He said with a grin.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She hissed furiously, feeling a lot more secure now that she'd seen him bleed. "What kind of idiot grabs a woman like that in the middle of the night and jokes about raping her?"

"Apparently the blond, horned type of idiot." He deadpanned back at her, wiping his bloody mouth. He'd allowed the chakra back into circulation in his body by now and the damage had regenerated already, but he wasn't going to tell her that. It probably wouldn't help make her feel safer to know that he couldn't really be injured to any appreciable degree.

She growled angrily and continued to glare at him, still keeping a wary defensive posture.

"In my defense, I was seriously horny due to...extenuating circumstances and you were wiggling your extremely sexy ass in my general direction."

The heat in her glare didn't diminish in the slightest.

"I know we got off on a seriously wrong foot here, so how about you let me make it up to you?" Naruto offered.

"And how exactly do you think you can make it up to me?" She demanded.

"Well...how about I help you steal whatever you were about to steal?" He suggested brightly.

She blinked in surprise at the offer, having most definitely not expected that. "You, the guy that's been killing criminals like crazy for weeks, are going to help me, a criminal, steal something?" She asked in disbelief.

"Sure, it's not like any of the crap in there is actually important." He shrugged uncaringly. "If you want, I'll clean out the entire museum for you, including the benches."

"The 'crap' you're talking about are priceless pieces of art worth hundreds of millions of dollars in total." She said dryly.

"One man's priceless art is another man's crap from a yard sale." He countered sagely, grinning again.

Catwoman sighed, her lips twitching with amusement. His logic was both ridiculous and unassailable. Clealry, she had been worried about him for no reason. He seemed to not give a damn about thieves at all.

"Very well then, if you can get me the cat's eye emerald I'll consider forgiving you." She told him, pointing at the large green emerald through the skylight.

"That ugly green paperweight?" He asked, staring at the object lying on an ostentatious purple pillow. If Naruto was honest with himself, he thought that the pillow was more interesting than the rock.

Selina closed her eyes and took a deep breath, willing herself not to react to that sentence. "Yes, that extremely beautiful green jewel." Well, she mostly didn't react.

"Personally I think your ass is a lot more beautiful than this thing, but here you go." She heard him say and opened her eyes, goggling in shock at the gem sitting in his extended palm.

"How...how did you get it that fast?!" She whisper screamed, having confirmed that it was the real deal and even more strangely, there was set of anal beads and a tube of lubricant sitting on the pillow where the gem used to be. That was probably going to upset and offend some people in the morning.

"A super secret technique." Naruto said mysteriously.

Substitution technique, E-rank, supplementary, most basic space-time technique available. So basic in fact, that most people didn't even realise it was a space-time technique.

Or in this case, the B-rank variant only available to highly skilled users of space-time techniques that allowed for the switching of two objects instead of the user and an object.

Though it was debatable whether his casual violation of the space-time continuum really counted as a technique at this point.

Catwoman deflated like a balloon. "Now that's just taking all the fun out of it." She'd thought that she would get to watch him screw up and trip every alarm in the museum. She didn't really expect the police to catch him, but it would have still been funny to mock him about it...at least now that she wasn't scared of him anymore.

"Why do you want this silly rock anyway?" He asked and tossed it to her negligently.

"I've got a thing for cat themed jewels." She admitted as she pocketed the emerald.

Naruto raised an amused eyebrow and suddenly developed a devious idea.

"What are you doing?" She asked warily when she saw him shake out his arms and then place them in front of himself, after which one lit up with blue fire and the other with red.

"Creation of All Things." Naruto intoned in english for her benefit and a fist sized kitten made of pure diamond appeared in his hands.

You didn't actually need the Rinnegan for that particular technique, as long as you were good enough with Yin-Yang Release and diamonds were ironically enough one of the simpler things to make with it, due to the fact that they were made up of exactly one element.

"How?" She whispered in shock and reached to touch the unbearably cute and incredibly beautiful diamond kitten to make sure it was real. Not to mention that it had to be the largest diamond in the world at this point.

"I'm a god, creating crap out of thin air is no big deal for me." He said pompously, grinning at the look she was giving him.

"Alright, I forgive you." She said and eagerly reached for the kitten, only for him to move it out of reach.

"Nuh uh uh, if you want this kitten, you'll have to do something for me." He teased.

"Forget it." She said flatly, crossing her arms over her chest.

The only reason she even wanted it was because it was a cute diamond kitten. If it hadn't been for that, she wouldn't have had too much interest in a jewel that she didn't have to steal. There was no fun or challenge in that.

Naruto blinked at her, surprised at her instant response. "That was fast, you didn't even hear what I want yet."

"I'm not going to have sex with you for it, I'm not a whore."

"You dirty pervert, that wasn't what I was going to ask for." He teased with a mocking grin.

"Oh." She said, feeling embarrassed. "What were you going to ask for then? And I'm not a pervert."

"Well firstly, let me just point out that you're wearing a leather catsuit and if that isn't kinky then I don't know what is. Secondly, if you happen to have any S&M urges, I'm perfectly willing to participate in any role...I can even provide the chains and you can bring the whips."

The grin kept spreading wider over his face the redder her face got, but he kept on talking. "Thirdly, I was going to ask you to help me find out what kind of music I like."

She was once more left staring at him in shock and spoke disbelievingly. "Why the hell would you need my help for that?"

"I'm not from this world and I've got no idea where to start. The only thing I really know is that you can find music on some thing called 'U-tube'...which sounds like some kind of lesbian sex toy now that I think about it."

She rolled her eyes at him, figuring that this must be normal for him. She was starting to wonder why she'd ever been afraid of him if he was this harmless.

"It's 'Youtube', not 'U-tube'. 'You' as opposed to 'I', not 'U' the letter."

"Well that doesn't make any more sense to be honest, it just makes it sound like you're talking about some guy's dick." Naruto interjected.

"How do you even function as a person if everything is one giant perversion to you?" She asked dryly.

"Pretty well for the most part, except for the times when I accidentally scare women into thinking that I'm going to rape them." He replied cheekily.

"Anyway, Youtube is a website where you can find just about anything, music included." She explained, forcefully redirecting the conversation back on topic.

"Website?" He said more than asked, frowning in thought. "I think I've heard or read that somewhere, but I'm guessing it has nothing to do with spiderwebs."

Catwoman facepalmed at his cluelessness. Even if the horns and other stuff hadn't been a clue, she would have definitely figured him to be an alien at this point. "No, a website is a place on the internet."

"And the internet has nothing at all to do with actual nets right?" He asked dryly.

"You seem to be getting the idea."

"Well then oh mistress, teach me of the interwebs and I'll surrender my pussy to you." He said to her with a grin and held out the diamond kitten for her to take.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but come with me to my apartment." She muttered, garnering a snicker from the blond.


"So your world has men but it is ruled by women?" Diana asked curiously.

"Generally yes, though men do have a say in things as well." Xanna answered.

It was even true, Naruto had a say in everything. An equal say even, it was just that he wouldn't care to object if she insisted on something.

They were currently in Diana's room aboard the Watchtower, having the conversation that she had been interested in ever since Xanna had explained why she was there. Xanna was sitting on a chair, while Diana was on the bed, dressed in just a bathrobe due to having only recently come out of a shower. She wasn't used to the idea of sleepwear or modesty around other women, not to mention the fact that it would slow her down if she had to put on her armor in a hurry.

The amazon princess was relieved to see that the horned woman was much more pleasant now that it was just the two of them. She'd learned from their discussion that she had very little contact with men aside from her family, from which she'd deduced that Xanna must have been uncomfortable being around so many males.

Xanna had been telling the truth even, the only man she had any real, prolonged contact with in the past fifty or so years had been Naruto and he was family now. She just hadn't bothered to mention that she hadn't had any contact with women either, having been basically sleeping in isolation for some time prior to her sealing.

The horned goddess suppressed a sigh as she asked something about the amazon island of Themyscira that she was only peripherally interested in. Despite her teasing of Naruto earlier for being bored, she was in much the same position. She'd gotten so used to having her husband around that it was unpleasant to be separated from him like this.

This Watchtower was remarkably boring after you got over the fact that it was hanging in orbit around the planet. The speedy idiot calling himself Flash had offered her an odd drink called an iced mocha and it had been amusing to see his chagrined face when she'd bitched him out because she found herself disliking the taste of caffeine, but that had been the only real bit of amusement since coming here.

She shifted her thighs a bit uncomfortably, all too well aware of the slight wetness between them. Naruto's earlier arousal had bled through their metal connection and her body reacted instinctively to it, preparing for an extended love making session. She could have forcibly shut that down, but it wouldn't help lower her arousal...she just wouldn't be wet.

She was tempted to just blow off this entire prank, teleport over to him and ride him until she was satisfied, but they'd both agreed on a set of rules for this and one of them was that they wouldn't blow it off unless it was for a very good reason. She just hadn't expected it to be this difficult and she imagined that her husband was experiencing the same problem.

A distraction was needed.

As she listened to the dark haired amazon talk about her home, her mother and her sister amazons, an idea worthy of Naruto's brand of humor began forming in her mind.

It was an idea that she never would have had before falling in love with him. She hadn't been a very humorous type of person before that, being much too proud to engage in the type of amusements that Naruto favored. She'd generally gotten her fun by mocking or infuriating the various humans around her and watching them fume.

Being around someone like Naruto though, someone who had a very flexible idea of personal pride and placed little to no value in dignity, someone who had no problem making a fool of himself for the sake of having fun...it had mellowed her out quite a bit.

Which was the reason that the idea she was considering was gaining traction and she already knew that she was going to do it.

Gazing speculatively at Diana while she spoke, she analyzed the woman that had just been reclassified as prey without knowing it.

The amazon was a princess of a warrior people and therefore an accomplished warrior herself, but she was also rather sheltered, having lived her entire life on her isolated little island. The lack of men on that island had led to a very specific type of community and their immortality meant that the society moved glacially slowly and no doubt placed a lot of emphasis on being dignified and respectful.

The long lives and lack of opposite gender meant that there was a distinct lack of sexual overtones in amazonian society, as noted from the pranks that she had gotten caught in. Naruto may not have seen it, but she had, having been observing it with the Byakugan and being much amused by their reactions.

Wonder Woman was a serious prude through no fault of her own.

There was potential there, a lot of it. Normally she would let Naruto pull his pranks while she enjoyed the outcomes, but since he wasn't here, she would need to amuse herself.

It would once more need some pretty decent acting to make it believable though. Fortunately she'd gotten a lot of practice doing that lately.

"Diana, I have a request to make of you and I hope that you will not hold it against me if you decline." She said as she rose from her chair, forcing a blush onto her cheeks. Her voice also held just the slightest of unease.

"Of course I will not hold it against you, please make your request." Diana responded, puzzled by the reluctance exhibited by the horned woman, who was usually so confident in her speech.

Xanna didn't reply immediately, but sat next to the amazon on the bed and placed her hands on her shoulders.

"Back at home, it was common for unmarried women to engage in certain...activities with each other and I miss it terribly. I imagine that it is the same for you, being separated from your sister amazons and being unable to find any relief among these strange people and their strange customs." She purred into Diana's ear, suppressing a grin when she felt a tremor going through the other woman at her clear insinuation.

Any second now, she expected that the amazon would bolt, her face on fire from embarrassment at the perceived misunderstanding. That would no doubt be followed by an extremely awkward conversation(for Diana anyway), followed by continued awkwardness as she brushed up against her at every opportunity and aimed mournful longing looks at the dark haired woman every time she saw her.

"You have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that." Diana said with obvious relief in her voice, closed her eyes and kissed the horned woman.

Which was fortunate, as the shocked look on Xanna's face would be highly suspicious considering the fact that she had been the one to initiate this situation.

Apparently she'd been mistaken about the theoretical prudishness of the amazons. They were just very private about what they did with each other, there hadn't been the slightest hint of this during their conversation.

Xanna's mind raced with blistering speed as she tried to adapt to the new situation. She hadn't had a plan backfire on her this spectacularly in well over a thousand years.

Well except for that one time when a certain idiot human had been insane enough to summon the death god to seal her into his own son, but that had turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to her, so it didn't count.

She could already hear Naruto laughing himself stupid when she told him about this.

Mastering her shock, she returned the kiss to keep from screwing the whole plan up and considered her options.

She couldn't make excuses and back out, because she had been the one to suggest this in the first place. It would be too suspicious.

She couldn't use mind altering Genjutsu, as that was one of the things that she and Naruto had agreed to put a ban on. There would be no point in trying to have fun if you were just going to mind control your way out of everything. Even the minor trust inspiring Genjutsu when she'd asked for their 'help' had been pushing it.

A new idea began taking shape as the kiss continued for a few seconds longer.

Naruto would have been crushed if she slept with another man, but he wouldn't mind if it was with a woman. He'd be more upset that he hadn't been there.

It was incredibly hypocritical of him and he knew it, but Xanna didn't mind as long as he was honest about it instead of making excuses. Excuses were the refuge of the weak. She hadn't been lying when she said that mortals were disappointing, the men even more so than the women. She'd only slept with a handful of them before meeting Naruto and they had been just as disappointing as any other...no stamina worth mentioning whatsoever.

The women had at least somewhat known what they were doing, but the same stamina problem applied, leaving her disappointed and horny by the time they couldn't keep going anymore. It had actually been centuries since she'd last bothered with sex before taking Naruto's virginity.

She started returning the kiss with more eagerness as she switched mental gears and reworked her original plan to make the amazon incredibly uncomfortable around her. She would have to take a very different approach, but it could still be done and it would keep the greater plan that she and Naruto were running intact. It would quite possibly improve it even...it would certainly be more hilarious than her initial idea of flustering the woman with her advances. Diana would probably feel a bit betrayed when everything was revealed, but Xanna wasn't too worried about that, as she wasn't the type to have a whole lot of empathy for anyone other than herself or Naruto.

The amazon was a very beautiful woman, which was a plus even if Xanna wasn't overmuch attracted to her and since she had a lot more endurance than a regular human, she might actually be capable of taking the edge off her arousal. The chance was remote in the extreme, but it could happen.

All of this was considered in the few seconds that it took for Diana to break the kiss and look back into Xanna's eyes, which now showed eagerness instead of the shock she felt at accidentally guessing at Themyscira's dirty little secret.

Xanna figured that Themyscira wasn't an island full of lesbians or even bisexuals, it was just an island full of immortal women that had only other women as company. Quite a few of them probably had become lesbians from sheer lack of choice, but most of them were simply sexually frustrated women with a limited choice in partners. Given the chance, many would likely find men that they were attracted to, but that chance didn't exist on their isolated little island.

Of course, this was all guesswork. For all she knew the majority of them were entirely asexual, with Diana being part of a minority that hid their activities, but it was mightily doubtful. More likely, having sex with other women was commonplace, but not spoken of in public.

It wasn't very surprising for such a thing to happen really, even an island full of men in the same situation would have likely turned out the same eventually, despite the fact that men in general seemed a lot more resistant to the idea of having intercourse with their own gender than women.

"At first I thought that Shayera might be interested, but she is a soldier and her society is too much like Man's World. She has no concept of finding relief in the arms of a fellow woman."

"Well, it is her loss. Come, let us share our cultures." The horned goddess purred suggestively, her hand sliding gently across the amazons back and neck.

"And let Aphrodite enhance our pleasures." Diana added, catching on to the unsubtle innuendo and leaning in for another kiss.

Ah yes, them. Xanna could feel the blessings placed on Diana's armor and weapons by the godlings that protected her island. She could also feel the impotent anger being directed at her for the game that she was playing with their favorite.

Do calm yourself little godlings, at the worst she will come out of this with some humiliation and a lesson in being too trusting...and perhaps a few screaming orgasms. The psychic message startled them, as they had apparently thought themselves undetected. How very amusing.

Their return messages went unheard as the temporary mind link was cut off. She had no interest in speaking to them. They were far lesser in strength than her and Naruto, though her husband would probably be unaware of them in his still immature godhood. The problem was that they were aware of their own inferiority and they were rather skittish about it, unused as they were to being outclassed. This made them terribly boring.

The Shinju had been a power of old, the raw power of creation that should never have gained sentience, but had done so through the idiotic meddling of overly curious gods and power hungry mortals. With the limited, bestial intellect of the Ten Tails destroyed and replaced by her own true sentience, there was no real limit to what she could do aside from the scale of her own perception. She may not be omniscient or omnipresent the way that many humans in this world imagined their non-existent Creator God to be, but she was virtually omnipotent and thus far more powerful than the Olympians that Diana so revered. She did still need to practice some things in order to master them, but destroying stuff was easy, which seemed to be the biggest measuring stick for power among gods anyway.

It was easy to paint a canvas entirely black, but something else entirely to create a masterpiece.

Completely ignorant of the fact that her gods were being mocked, Diana cast off the bathrobe, leaving her naked as she moved her mouth down Xanna's neck and pushed aside the horned woman's clothing.

Clawed fingers carefully slid over the amazon's breasts and nipples while her lips moved even further down to grasp a revealed nipple and gently sucked on it even as her tongue slid across it.

Xanna made noises of encouragement as she pulled off her clothes and threw them on the ground, wordlessly telling the amazon that she was doing something right. The dark head lowered further when she placed her hand on top of it and gently pushed down to make it clear what she wanted.

Diana paused just before her mouth reached the horned woman's nether regions, seeing that the slit was just as hairless as she kept her own and already glistening with arousal. She wondered what this alien woman would taste like in comparison to her sisters.

Xanna developed a slight smile as Diana put her mouth to work on her crotch, making an appreciative sound at the way she tasted. She was a goddess, she was damn sure going to taste better than anyone else.

Not more than half a minute later, a small frown had replaced the smile. She had to give the dark haired woman points for enthusiasm, but this was seriously substandard. Though obviously no stranger to the act, Diana wasn't very experienced either. Either that, or Naruto had spoiled her. Most likely both, Diana certainly couldn't compare to the acrobatics that Naruto was capable of with his tongue.

Seeking to correct the situation was much as possible, she gripped the dark head of hair moving between her legs and tangled her fingers in it, retracting her claws as she did so. She didn't want to accidentally lobotomize the amazon, or scalp her for that matter.

"Harder." She commanded and pushed her hips upwards.

Diana tried to raise her head to ask a question, but had her head pushed firmly back down.

"You're too gentle, push harder with your tongue." Xanna elaborated impatiently.

Diana did so and was pleased at the approving growl she received for it.

"Good, good. Now scrape your teeth across the nub above my entrance."

"Stick two fingers inside me and hook them...yeees that's it, now rub that slightly coarser part in time with your licks."

"Yes, keep going like that...now clamp your lips around that nub and squeeze."

Diana was relieved when her bed partner grunted and climaxed, releasing a small rush of fluids over her tongue and fingers.

She had done this before and liked to think that she'd always been able to pleasure whichever of her sister amazons shared her bed, but just now she'd felt like a complete beginner, someone that needed constant instructions in order to be any good. The horned woman was demanding and rather domineering as well, something that none of her sisters had been.

This was a common practice on Themyscira. It wasn't really spoken of much, but just about every woman on the island found a partner at least once or twice a month to share a bed with.

Diana had been in Man's World for just over seven months already and had built up quite a lot of tension, especially since she'd left in direct defiance of her mother's wishes. It had become immediately apparent that she wouldn't be able to relieve herself of that tension in the way that she was used to, which was why she'd been so pleased to find that Xanna's people had the same practice.

Once Xanna let go of her head, Diana situated herself on the bed and eagerly spread her legs, biting her lip in anticipation of the coming release.

"Well aren't you eager?" The goddess asked rherotically, observing the wet opening presented to her.

"Don't make me wait any longer." Diana whispered.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find me to be far better than your sisters and well worth waiting for." Xanna replied with a smirk. She'd long since lost her aversion about performing oral sex thanks to Naruto and she intended to use it as the first step of this minor side game.

Diana's breath hitched and eyes widened as the extremely long tongue that Batman had mentioned Uzu having extended from the horned woman's mouth and slithered around her opening teasingly, making her buck her hips upwards in a vain attempt to bring it closer.

She shuddered as it slid over her clitoris and probed into her vaginal tunnel like a serpent looking for a dark hole to hide in. Her legs twitched and threatened to close against her will when it began stimulating her erogenous zones with ever increasing vigor, but found themselves held by strong hands. She hadn't considered it before, but clearly Xanna was very powerful physically .

Diana kept her jaw firmly locked to prevent any loud moans or screams from escaping her as that wonderfully agile tongue drove her mad with pleasure the likes of which none of her sisters had ever been capable of giving her. Her hands twisted the sheets desperately. She would have grabbed the horns but wasn't sure if it would be considered offensive or not, so she kept her hands away.

Couple that with months without release and it was no surprise that it took a mere few minutes before her body was shuddering with a powerful orgasm.

"Great Hera...I never knew...that it was possible...to feel such pleasure." Diana panted with her eyes closed, her body glistening with sweat.

"Don't think that you can just fall asleep now, I am far from satisfied." Xanna said sternly.

Diana opened her eyes when she felt the bed shifting, just in time to see the horned woman's crotch descending on her face.

"Wait, I-mmph" She tried to protest, but was cut off when her mouth was covered.

"Shut up and start licking." Xanna commanded, grabbing the amazon princess by the hair so that she couldn't turn her head away.

Diana tried to protest the treatment, but got cut off when two fingers on Xanna's other hand were shoved into her vaginal opening.

"Are you so weak that it takes but a single session to tire you? I expected better from you amazon."

The taunt, combined with the fingers probing her still sensitive tunnel provoked Diana into licking the wet slit pressed into her face, though there was a glare on her face at being treated so submissively.

"What's with that look on your face, don't like hearing that you couldn't satisfy me?" Xanna said with a challenging smirk aimed at the furiously licking woman whose head she had pinned between her legs.

Diana knew a challenge when she heard one and tried to thrown the horned woman off her so that she could take control, but had the strength robbed from her limbs as another wave of pleasure washed over her when another sweet spot inside her was hit.

"For a warrior, you seem rather easily defeated." Xanna once again taunted, withdrew her fingers and shifted focus on the amazon's engorged clitoris. Immediately she started using Naruto's old trick of stimulating the nub by swirling chakra around it.

Unable to muster enough strength in her arms to throw the other woman off due to what was being done between her legs, Diana resorted to lashing her tongue at the now soaking wet slit with more force.

"Better, but so clumsy." Xanna commented, frustrating Diana with how composed she sounded.

Diana's legs began shuddering and closing all by themselves because of the stimulation being applied to her, causing Xanna to snap at her commandingly, accompanied by a glare.

"Keep your legs spread!"

Diana obeyed and forced her legs apart despite their protests. She already felt terribly inadequate compared to the other woman and she had no wish to seem like she couldn't even control her own limbs.

This continued for several minutes longer until Diana began to feel a great pressure building up inside her, bringing her ever closer to the breaking point, but always held at bay because the horned woman would not allow her to climax. The sensation was starting to be so intense that she couldn't even tell anymore if she was feeling pleasure or pain as she moaned helplessly into Xanna's groin.

"Lets see if you can handle this amazon." The words filled Diana with foreboding about what was going to follow and she tried to prepare herself by instinctively tensing up.

It didn't help in the slightest when Xanna grabbed her engorged clitoris between her thumb and index finger and pinched it slightly. That alone would have been enough to trigger an orgasm, but she had also added a little trick that Naruto had cooked up for her benefit recently.

In addition to the swirling chakra already providing powerful stimulation, a weak electrical current was channeled directly into the nerves, causing them to surge with a sudden explosion of raw sensation.

Diana screamed at the top of her lungs into the wet slit covering her mouth, her vision going white as her body was trapped somewhere between agonizing pain and mind numbing euphoria. She wasn't even aware of the jet of liquid rocketing from between her legs and soaking the wall halfway across the room.

Her head lolled limply as she gulped down air and tried to remember what her name was and what was going on.

"Open your mouth amazon." A familiar voice commanded and she obeyed without bothering to question why. There was something familiar about being told what to do by that voice.

A pleasant tasting liquid streamed into her mouth and she swallowed it unthinkingly.

"Well, at least you know that you should always swallow." The same voice commented, this time with an amused tone.

The bed under her shifted and she felt a pair of lips brush her ear, causing her to shiver involuntarily. "You're quite the squirter Diana, how...perverse."

Diana opened her eyes and squinted at the bleary white haired, dusky skinned figured that moved across the room to pick up something white from the floor.

"Well it was interesting, but maybe next time I won't have to finish myself off. Good night." Xanna said calmly as she dressed and then quietly padded out of the room.

It took Diana a good twenty or so seconds to make sense of the words and she forced herself up on her elbows so that she could take stock situation without passing out.

Her entire body was dripping with sweat, as if a barrel of the stuff had been poured over her, even her hair was a sweaty tangled mess, while most of her face and the areas around her mouth in particular were soaked with Xanna's release. Many of her muscles, especially the ones in her legs, were spasming uncontrollably no matter how much she tried to control them and she could practically feel her consciousness slipping away.

The room itself had a puddle at the wall directly across from her and the wall itself was still dripping. The bed under her was also rather soggy, both from sweat and other fluids.

Diana really wanted to clean this mess up, especially the puddle...and maybe set fire to the sheets she was lying on. Unfortunately, unconsciousness refused to be denied any longer and she collapsed on her thoroughly soiled bed.

In a few minutes, the natural hardyness of her people would have allowed her to reclaim at least enough strength to wash herself and clean up the worst of the mess. Her nervous system however, had been completely overloaded and her body decided that it was time to take a break.


Xanna smiled slightly to herself as she moved back towards her own room, but not before placing an area Genjutsu that would make people ignore Diana's room until she removed it.

Naruto had rubbed off on her enough that she wouldn't let anyone walk in on the exhausted amazon in her current condition. The game she was playing with her was only between the two of them. It wouldn't be as much fun if everyone knew what was going on.

Besides, Diana had been nothing but courteous and friendly to her. She deserved better than to be embarrassed like that.

Aside from that, she along with the other woman on this silly Justice League, Shayera, were oddly enough the two members that she and Naruto respected the most.

Unlike the other members, both of them were warriors(or soldiers in the case of Hawkgirl) and they had a definite killer instinct(though they curbed it due to being in what was essentially foreign territory), which spared them a lot of the mockery directed at the other members.

Well, that Green Lantern fellow also used to be a soldier, but he was rather irritating as a person and his killer instinct seemed to be severely blunted.

Either way, the near future promised to be amusing as the proud amazon princess tried to cope with the suddenly changed dynamic between them. She had been forced utterly into submission and it remained to be seen how she would react something like that.


Naruto stared at the slowly lightening sky, contemplating how he should start off the little shitstorm in Metropolis.

The past several hours had been interesting to say the least.

Selina had showed him the basics of how the internet worked on her computer and then left him to it while she went to do something else, although not without a warning that he was not to break it.

He was rather impressed by the internet, a worldwide information sharing network like that would have been every Kage's worst nightmare back in the Elemental Nations. Though Selina's multiple warnings to stay away from the porn had been very amusing. It figured that over half of the internet would be pictures of boobs, people will be people after all.

Though he found the notion of fake boobs vaguely disgusting. Yet another thing about this world in a long line of them that made no sense to him whatsoever.

But getting back to the point of using the internet, the music. There was a lot of it, so much that Naruto had been hopelessly lost at first.

Selina hadn't been very helpful either, she'd just told him to google it if he wanted an explanation. Naruto got the distinct feeling that she was still a bit angry at him for the rape prank, despite the fact that he'd gotten her two shiny cat things.

It had taken him hours, but he'd finally been able to narrow down his interests.

Most slow music he found terribly dull and sleep inducing.

He didn't get rap at all, and that was one type of music that had actually existed in the Elemental Nations. He hadn't gotten it there either.

The purely electronic made stuff made his teeth itch with the sudden irrational desire to bite off the fingers of whoever was making it. It was repetitive, grinded on his nerves and irritated his sensitive hearing. It didn't even have vocals most of the time and he liked vocals.

The so called 'pop' music, which was apparently called that because that's what the majority of young people listened to, confused him.

From what he could tell it mostly consisted of bratty looking girls and pretty boys(he hesitated to call them men considering they were in something called boy bands) in flashy clothing singing about how hard love was.

Naruto personally didn't see what was so hard about it. All you had to do was devote yourself absolutely to the one you loved and respect whatever limits they set for you and vice versa. Granted, it would seem that other people's morals weren't quite as flexible as his and Xanna's were but the same principle applied.

Though he had to say that it was amusing to look at a certain singer's timeline and be able to deduce their relationship woes just from the type of songs they wrote. Love songs first, then songs about relationship trouble and then songs about how they got betrayed, funny stuff.

Naruto was glad he would never have that issue. If Xanna ever felt like betraying him, she would simply destroy his soul, problem solved.

After slogging through that mess he'd finally come across something called 'metal' which he would shamelessly admit to being interested in at first just because of the genre name, but he found himself genuinely liking it.

It was mostly fast paced(which he liked) and the themes seemed to cover practically everything.

Though he did find the outfits some bands used to be rather over the top, but he managed to ignore it. He'd gotten used to all the unnecessary(in his opinion) showmanship by then anyway. He had to admit that he also wasn't too much of a fan of the barely intelligible growling type of metal, but to each their own he supposed.

It was also funny to think that his appearance would be a huge hit among metalheads. They were big on horns apparently.

Either way, most of his contemplation was centered on the possibilities of making himself a soundtrack while he was kicking the League's ass.

Mournfully, he was forced to conclude that it just wasn't feasible.

There's just no way I'd be able to set up a speaker system powerful and widespread enough for that to work. For one thing, I don't even know HOW to set up a speaker system. He admitted to himself.

I see you've managed to take my suggestion and get some ridiculous idea because of it. Xanna's amused voice drifted into his thoughts.

It's not THAT ridiculous. You have to admit that it would be awesome to have a personal soundtrack while you're kicking ass. Naruto argued his position with a grin, happy to hear from her.

Keep that in mind if you ever manage to figure out how to produce music with your chakra alone, since that's the only way I can see it being possible. Xanna countered with some sarcasm.

Yeah...maybe if I learned how to manipulate sound waves in just the right way...but that would be so ridiculously complicated that it would probably take me a hundred years to figure out for even a single song. Naruto replied seriously.

Exactly my point, it just isn't worth the effort. Xanna retorted.

I'm gonna do it.

What? Came Xanna's flat question to that declaration. Why would you waste one hundred years trying to figure out how to produce a song with your chakra? It's ridiculous even if you make a shadow clone do it.

Why not? Naruto asked with amusement. It's not like we're short on time and you never know when you might need some appropriate music.

Or you could just...you know, use a Genjutsu to do it? That would be much simpler. She suggested sarcastically.

Oh right, Genjutsu..." He said in realisation, recalling that he could actually use that discipline now. I completely forgot about that.

Why does that not surprise me? She muttered rhetorically.

Well, I'll do that too and see which is better. He decided firmly.

He could already see his wife rolling her eyes. Fine then, far be it from me to dissuade you from your insane schemes.

But of course, if you remember correctly it was my insane schemes that made us gods in the first place. Naruto said smugly.

You're going to bring that up every time you need to justify something aren't you?

Well it IS one hell of good reason to brag.

Be that as it may I didn't contact you because I wanted to have this absurd conversation. I'm extending the time table on our plan by at least a few days. Xanna said, redirecting the conversation to its original purpose.

Something going on?

You could say that. He raised an eyebrow at the obvious amusement in her tone. You know about the dark haired woman in the Justice League, Wonder Woman?

Thunder Tits? what about her?

I got bored and decided to make her uncomfortable by suggesting that we have sex.

Naruto's eyebrows shot up in surprise at hearing that. That seems more like something that I would do.

I know, you weren't around to amuse me so I decided to do it myself. She admitted.

Aw, that's so sweet. He teased, feeling her minor embarrassment at the admission. So...what happened?

She was very happy to hear that and practically leaped at the opportunity.

Naruto stood stock still for about ten seconds before he suddenly started laughing uproarously, scaring away all the wildlife in the area.

If you are quite done?

You tried to make her uncomfortable and ran into a horny carpet muncher! BAHAHAHAHA. He said back while repeatedly smacking his hand against the ground, clearly not done at all.

An exasperated sigh echoed in his head as he continued laughing like an idiot for the next three minutes.

Okay, I'm done now. He said with a small chuckle, wiping away a tear of mirth.

Finally. She huffed, but he knew that she was smiling.

So you ended up sleeping with her sort of by accident, but I get the feeling that's not the fun part. Naruto guessed.

Oh no, the fun part is the fact that I forced her into a submissive position and now I'm going to taunt her into trying to get out of it...then I'm going to do it again.

Damn, that's just evil, but how do you know she's going to play along? I mean...she could just not sleep with you again. He asked curiously.

Oh she will, I doubt her pride as a warrior would allow her to just let it go. Xanna answered confidently. And I will be demanding that she come to me again, so she will feel the need to confront me about it for one reason or another, at which point I can simply seduce her again.

Are you sure it's ok to be doing that? Naruto asked uncertainly and elaborated before she could ask. I know that we're already playing games with these hero types, but not with their emotions like this. If she ends up developing some weird kind of attachment to you, this is going to be really troublesome.

Xanna smiled to herself again in her room aboard the Watchtower. It was good to see that her husband could still see them as people despite the way they were playing with them. His worries about losing sight of his own humanity due to the vastness of his power spoke well for him. Not to mention the fact that he was questioning her actions spoke well about the healing of his rather cracked psyche. He'd never be normal, but he had moved away from the 'one-step-away-from-insanity' state he'd been in after her near death.

It is quite alright, casual one night stands with other women seem to be the norm rather than the exception in her home, which was the reason for her eagerness to jump into bed with me in the first place. She was desperate for some relief.

Oh, so that's how it is. In that case, make sure to get her a T-shirt before we leave. Naruto advised sagely.

Xanna rolled her eyes at his suggestion. This T-shirt thing is going to be another running gag isn't it?

Naturally, it's too funny to be just a one time thing. He confirmed.

Fine, I will make sure that she gets a T-shirt.

Hehe, good. Naruto chuckled. It's still hilarious that your plan backfired like that though. Maybe you should get a T-shirt too? Something like 'Accidental lesbian sex.'?

Oh really? She said with a distinctly smug tone in her voice. How about 'I get more pussy than my husband.'?

Naruto froze again as that sentence penetrated his brain and he realised that Xanna was right, at the moment, she really was getting more pussy than him.

The mind link closed with the echo of her laughter, preventing any comeback even if he had managed to think of one(which he didn't).

He'd need to seriously step up his game if he wanted to one up his wife this time.

He knew that just sleeping around like a huge man-whore wouldn't count. Any idiot could do that. Well maybe not any idiot, but it certainly wouldn't be anything special for him to manage. It didn't even have to be sex actually, it just had to be something impressively devious.

Ah well, it would come to him. Stupid, insane plans always came to him.