
Introduction and Potential

It feels weird to say something like this... but I feel as if I should be more... excited about being here. I was happy, but not as much as I expected. I was in the world of DC, and not only that, I had superpowers too. It all feels so surreal, but I didn't think much of it...




Making my way up with Bruce, Alfred was waiting at the entrance of the hideout. Eyeing both me and Bruce carefully. After that brief glance at us, his posture softened for a bit. He was most likely worried about his god-child being alone with a random kid, then hearing mini-explosions, to which, he never came to check at any point... placing his faith in Bruce's choice.

"Hungry Master Bruce?"

"Yes Alfred, make reservations for this one too"

"Yes sir"

With that brief exchange, we all walked in the direction of the kitchen. With moments going by, we made it there. It was a relatively large and well decorated dining area. If I were to describe it, its styles are similar to the 'French country', 'Rustic' and a bit of 'Shabby chic' here and there...

However, someone beat us to the kitchen. It was a young dark-haired boy, around my age, maybe a bit older... He had brown eyes, and was wearing a blue shirt and black shorts. I stared at him as he did with me, curiosity burning in his eyes.

It looks like 'Dick/Richard Grayson' is here too... A little younger than in normal canon, but that's okay...

Walking ahead of me, Bruce made his way towards Gray, getting in between me and him.

"Well, Jin. This is Richard Grayson, my first son. He's 6 years old and now your brother"

He said, looking at us, smiling gently.

I decided to introduce myself first. So, I walked towards him.

"Hello, my name is Jin strife" greeting him with a gentle smile.

Looking at me weirdly, he responded.

"Why do you look like a girl?"




...This was going to take a while. I had this issue when in the orphanage. The kids often thought I was a girl because of how I looked, and I couldn't blame them, to be honest... I was extremely adorable. My face was angular yet still had the childlike pudginess that other children my age have, and my eyes were a piercing royal blue and aquamarine, with the blue above the aquamarine blending perfectly.

"Richard, please apologize to Jin"

"It's fine, I get it a lot, I try to take it as a compliment as of late, so don't worry"

I said, saving Richard's behind from getting scolded later.

"Everyone! Please do mind that the food isn't getting any warmer." Alfred said, with a small smile gracing his face.

"Well everyone, it's time to eat"



After the meal. Bruce showed me around the house, and where everything was. After that, he showed me my room, and asked whether I wanted to be stay now or wait for a moment. I chose the former, with me currently in my own space.

Thinking back over the past few months. I didn't do any sort of physical training, other than discuss certain things with Nova regarding me. Which were very important...

Things such as my transformation. What I should know about and how to get things under control. Nova told me how my transformation operated. Such as the 'milestones', which were benchmarks for my strength and gain towards how strong the form would be.

After my fight with Bane, I broke two, and gained two separate 2 times amp to my forms, in which was multiplicative in the bonus. However, things weren't so dandy... When it came to my transformation, it was interesting...

I could transform at any moment, which was convenient. The trigger depending on my own will now or if I was in a life and death situation. In which I could use the form and its full power. However, the catch to all this, was that If I went to 100% I would be at risk of losing control of my form, since I am emotionally volatile, but when utilizing it while keeping calm, I could use 'all' its power.

Which is forever increasing... I used the form for exactly a minute and I gained an additional 100% to my maximum percentage used, the system also told me the rate at which it rises will go up when reaching higher milestones, but after that point, I gained a small increase in STR, AGI and my VIT.

This also had another catch. If I ever go too long without de-transforming, I will increase my 'berserk' meter and this meter rises exponentially faster If I was to get angry or distressed, so training to increase my control/MIN was attribute is key...




This was good news. All I had to do now was to improve my MIN and everything should be ok. But, I feared that this wouldn't be enough, especially for my potential loved ones and innocent people out there... Threats that are strong as and stronger than superman exists, Darkseid, trigon, Doomsday and more... Even If I somehow trained harshly abusing the hell out of my power, I doubt I could reach his level of power, maybe I could, but barely. This wasn't good...

'Nova.. is it possible to show/represent my potential?'

[Yes, host. It is possible... would you like to do so?]


[Yes sir]

*New stat gained. 'Potential modifier'*

Hearing the notification pop up, I checked my status to see it.





NAME: Marcus James (Jin Strife)

AGE: 5 Years

BLOODLINE: Human (50%), Player (50%)

ZET-Form: 0/4475.5% (Next Milestone is 5000%)

Berserk Meter: 0/100%

HP: 4706.25/4706.25 (VIT x 6.25 +1.25 from modifier) ( 2% Per Sec)

MP/EP: (Locked)

STR: (1,795kg)> 6,372.25kg <( +4577.25kg from the modifiers)

VIT: (212)> 753 <( +541 from modifiers)

MIN: 38

AGI: (100)> 355 <(+255 from the modifiers)

INT: 135

LUC: 3

(NEW) Potential: Human(1.1) x Player(1.35) x Passive boosts (1.5) x Hybrid boost (2) = 4.45 x growth rate



Mid-Regeneration lvl-10/10 MAX: Your body is capable of mending wounds extremely quickly and it is also capable of regrowing limbs within weeks. (Each level increases efficiency by +10%)

Superior Physique lvl-2/10: Allows the user to last 4 days longer in a peak condition without sustenance and sleep. (Each level adds a +1day to how long you can last)

Limitless Potential lvl-MAX: You have no limits to how strong you may be physically in the future.

Superior Intellect lvl-MAX: Allows the user's intellect to grow endlessly, as well as allowing the users's brain to improve the more it is stimulated/trained. (Effects are both incremental and exponential overtime)

Minor Evolution lvl-MAX: Your body is capable of evolution faster due to your bloodline, only to minor degrees, such as building additional resistance to poison, paralysis, fire, etc...

Semi-Immortality lvl-5/5MAX: Because of your bloodline, you will stop aging when you reach your peak maturity. However, you can still die from hunger, blood loss if fatal enough, powerful diseases and lethal wounds.

Super Human Reflexes lvl-10/10: Reaction speed is +55% faster on AGI stat. Only boost reaction speeds, not raw movement speeds (Each level adds +5% to the multiplier bonus)

Pain Resistance lvl-10/10 MAX: You can now resist absurd amounts of pain, exactly 55% less, and take 5.5% less physical damage (Each level you gain +5% Pain Res and +0.5% damage taken by all physical weapons)

Basic-Body Conditioning lvl-100/100 MAX: After practising physically intensely or undergoing arduous training, you gain +255% more STR, VIT and AGI (Each level adds +2.5% to the bonus in physical stats)

Hyper Focus lvl-MAX: When you need to achieve absolute focus, this state will help you achieve it. (Each level increases specificity of how long you want to stay focused for)

Sprinting lvl-MAX: When sprinting, this passive allows you to move +20% faster than normal. (Each level increases movement speed by +4%)

Battle Tactician lvl-3/5: Increases strategical thinking capabilities when in and out of battle by +40%. (Each level adds+10% in how good the tactic is compared to before)

Bronze-Bones lvl-3/10: Increases Health modifier and defence from all physical types of damage by +25%. (Each level adds +5% to the modifier)

Enhanced Dynamic vision lvl-2/5: Enhances your eyesight by +30%. (Each level adds +10% to the modifier)

Deduction lvl-2/5: Boosts your reasoning and deductive skills by +15%. (Each level adds +5% to bonus)

Perfect Jab lvl-1/10: A basic move honed to near perfection. Gives the user a +10% chance to strike a blow that deals 2.5 times their initial power. (Each level adds +5% to the modifier)*

PERKS; -Nil-


'Interesting, so humans have a modifier too...'

The hybrid boost made sense. Perfect hybrids of any race tend to give you a better spawn. The passive boost was most likely from the evolution passive... Nothing looked unordinary.

'Nova, is there any way to increase my human potential or player potential?'

[For your human side, yes, but for your other bloodline, no. The other requires bloodline enhancing pills, and they can only be earned from quests or even rarer, drops from powerful foes, and even they are even rarer than the former]

[However, for your human side... we can replace certain parts of your DNA through experimentation and through drugs, to stimulate and increase its potential... Though, keep in mind that this process might not only increase your potential... but to alleviate other defective genes... changing your appearance/personality, for the better or for the worse for maximum efficiency...]


It was my only way of increasing my bonus, and that is a must. Even though I don't need to be the strongest, I need to be just enough to face certain threats and defend myself. I had the resources, and now a plan...








'Bane's venom would be mine'