Marcus James died, with his death leading to an unknown yet powerful entity. He has wishes, goals and dreams. Can he fulfill them? Or will he suffer in his second chance at life? Follow him along his journey to becoming the ultimate ZET-MAN! Warning! None of the characters and universes are owned by me or are my ideas. I only use them as a tool for entertainment for myself and others.
Hearing his question... I thought I should at least be honest. Nothing is dumber than lying to batman... he was not the type to be fooled easily nor can I even begin to try to attempt it... This man was most likely in the mid-200s in raw intellect if we were to show his stats, and those numbers were not for show.
"I'm Jin Strife... I am currently 5 years old, and turning 6 with another couple of months. My hobbies are reading, studying, and playing..."
'He seems very articulate so far... However, his answer seems like more of a calculated adult's response rather than a child's... But, his adopted mother did say he was rather intelligent and special...'
"Thank you for your answer, Jin. I think I ought to introduce myself as well. My name is Bruce... Bruce Wayne. I'm 26 years old, my hobbies are golfing, collecting items and Star-gazing"
'Star-gazing? Seems a bit odd? But it was ok... the others were plausible as well' Jin thought.
'However, it doesn't make sense that he wanted to adopt me... Something simply doesn't seem right... Unless he had involvement with this in some place... but where...?'
Thinking of everything that happened so far, Jin was finally piecing it all together...
'That's it!'
'The reconstruction of the orphanage... he must have done it himself! He must have felt bad that one of his enemies caused this. Feeling at fault, he offered to help reconstruct the place. Knowing Mother, she must have convinced him to adopt me, most likely... telling him about... myself...'
"Mister Wayne... did mother tell you about me..."
Looking at Jin, Bruce slowed down a bit. Contemplating his next actions...
'Interesting... but there would be no use in lying to him...' Bruce thought.
"Yes... she... did tell me about you..."
"And is that why you adopted me in the first place?"
"What do you plan on doing from now on? " Jin asked.
Curious as to how Bruce would handle this situation. Either way, he would benefit. He knew Bruce was a decent person, especially when he is this young, and not nearly as cold as he was in the later years... and he would use that kindness to his advantage...
"Well... I'm not sure... that depends on you, Jin. You're my second adopted child... so we both have to see how it goes..." Bruce said, showing a small smile.
'...It sounds like something he would say, as of right now. He wanted to help, and his approach told me he didn't have any ulterior motives... but, second!?' Jin thought to himself...
'Jin... he's indeed a special case... It seems he's aware that he isn't normal child, and had the wits to figure out I knew about it too... however, if I can train/groom him correctly, he can be a great ally. I plan on utilizing whatever potential abilities or powers he has for good...' Bruce thought.
He knew it sounded selfish, but it's better this than having a potential villain in the future, and he chose the former. It's better to coach the child himself, teach him about humans, heroes and villains and their nature, then train him in the ways of helping others...
Reaching Bruce's mansion.
Both stepped out of the vehicle. Walking towards the entrance. Jin saw Alfred standing there.
"Welcome back master Bruce... I see we have a guest as well" Alfred stated.
"Hello Alfred... this is Jin strife, my adopted child"
"I suppose I have to call you master as well, young master strife." Said Alfred, smiling gently at me.
Fun fact, Alfred is the most adorable looking old man I have ever seen... His smile has the touch of a loving grandfather, and the grace of loving grandmother. I was dying inwardly, but I kept a poker face and nodded outwardly.
"I think we should head inside, Alfred... open 'that'... We have a bit of a special case on our hands..."
Alfred looking down at me, then back to Bruce. He simply nodded, answering "...Yes master Bruce"
'Could he be talking about the Batcave!?... it's understandable, knowing that I have so much knowledge and having a guess where my potential was, he's shooting his shot'. Jin thought, however just as he was about to enter, he noticed another person at the window. Leaving as soon as he/she was spotted.
'Could that be... It doesn't matter, my primary goal at this moment is having the ability to survive what's to come in the upcoming years in this universe. Nothing more, and that comes with enough strength... I don't really wish to be the strongest, just powerful enough that I won't get pushed/handled around by anyone, including the heavy hitters...'
'And learning from a thing or two from batman, given his resources, are a blessing in disguise. Mother was smart. I'll give her that. She must have thought that Bruce wouldn't let someone as intelligent or special... or even peculiar as me simply leave after hearing about me... and unknowingly, playing into 'pity/good guy' psyche, was what made him go through it'
'Still, I won't be sitting idly here. I need to think of how to maximize my time... so it would be best to show him my full capabilities from the get-go, if that's what he is planning even to do. This should demonstrate my potential, and interest him enough. Next was being a decent person/lawful. Which is a given, since I wasn't evil to begin with, so we should get along in that regard...'
*+3 to INT*
* Deduction lvl-1/5: Boosts your reasoning and deductive skills by +10%. (Each level adds +5% to bonus)
Entering his home, we went to where the entrance of the infamous bat-cave.
'So I was right... he is most likely is going to test me...'
"What is this..!?" Ji asked with a childlike innocence.
"A special place to see what you are capable of..." Bruce said. Walking towards his piano.
After reaching it, and pressing specific piano keys, the stack of books in front of us shifted to the right, showing us the entrance.
Walking inside, I found myself to a decent amount of steps down. It was dark as expected.
The actual entrance to the cave was now insight. Seeing both Bruce and Alfred head inside, I saw the cave itself. Large and filled with tech years if not decades ahead of its time...
"Come with me Jin... Alfred, you stay here. I'll take of this myself..."
"Yes, master Bruce..."
'Alone... ok...' Jin thought
"Follow me Jin" Bruce said.
Following him silently, I observed the surroundings, mapping the very place itself, burning it into my memory.
Seeing a metal reinforced door ahead. He walked inside instructing me to get in, waiting for my entry, locking it back for me.
"So Jin... let's see what you're capable of..."