Marcus James died, with his death leading to an unknown yet powerful entity. He has wishes, goals and dreams. Can he fulfill them? Or will he suffer in his second chance at life? Follow him along his journey to becoming the ultimate ZET-MAN! Warning! None of the characters and universes are owned by me or are my ideas. I only use them as a tool for entertainment for myself and others.
<p>~ Omni Pov ~<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>A steaming sound and trail of smoke could be heard and seen, coming from the fist of one person...<br/>Jin stood there, his face indifferent to the things around him. He then looked towards his now steaming fist with curiosity.<br/>'That's interesting... My fists never did this before... I guess this universe follows a more realistic level of physics more closely than I initially thought.' Jin said to himself. Waving off the smoke it was emitting...<br/>Unknown to him, the other heroes around stood shocked at what they witnessed. Or better yet felt.<br/>They couldn't believe someone would have that much power residing in their body...<br/>In the next minute, Omni-man appeared, flying in the sky, ready to deal with the threat he had heard about, but he quickly realized, that was for naught...<br/>He looked around. Not seeing anything for that matter. It was a little unsettling at first, but seeing the debris and bloodied surroundings he was sure he was in the correct place, right?<br/>'Where's the threat? Shouldn't there be a hulking monster around here?' He thought to himself. Inspecting the area, there was laser blast smoke on the floor, but that was it too, but before he could continue...<br/>"Omni-man, we're down here!" The immortal shouted towards his comrade.<br/>Omni-man looked down and flew towards his 'friends'. And to his surprise, he spotted the newcomer from earlier today.<br/>'Jin was it... Isn't it too early for him to be here on the battlefield? He hasn't even had his training yet...' Omni-man thought. He quickly left the thought behind him, it wasn't that important.<br/>He flew down to them, finally landing.<br/>"I heard there was a threat here, but... it seems you all had it taken care of," Omni-man said, smiling.<br/>"Well, as much as the team would like to take the credit, we didn't do much other than help the surrounding civilians..." Immortal stated, then pointed towards Jin.<br/>"Jin, the new recruit, was the one who took out the creature that was here. In a single shot! I swore the weather changed a bit after that punch, it's about to rain now..." Immortal finished.<br/>"He saved lives, all of our lives. If we couldn't stop that monster here, the planet would be doomed. Hell, I'm not even sure if you could even take it head-on Omni-man. After Jin here came, he killed the thing with a single punch. I'm sure you've felt the earth-shaking a little while ago. That was all Jin's doing." Green-ghost added as well.<br/>Hearing this, Omni-man's brain wracked itself. <br/>He couldn't believe that that punch was powerful enough to shake the very planet they were on so, vigorously...<br/>He thought it might have been a 'planet destroyer' class weapon with the force he felt... But to think it was done by one person was a little. daunting...<br/>Omni-man then looked at the man called Jin, curiously... Wondering what in the universe he could be because he was sure the boy wasn't just a human mutant.<br/>'I guess those results aren't truly for show... He does have the power to shake even planets effortlessly...' Omni-man thought, his face still dawning a caring smile.<br/>"Well, I must thank you for doing all of this, if what my friends say is indeed true, I thank you from the bottom of my heart," He said.<br/>Jin simply smiled as well.<br/>"It's no problem at all, I'm glad to help those in need... Still, I'm even more thankful that I controlled my strength correctly, or else the planet would have been gone, hehe..." Jin said, chuckling hesitantly...<br/>The heroes just gave him a deadpan look, they could tell he was serious, even when he was being jovial...<br/>"... Well, since I'm not needed here anymore, I'll take an early leave. I have some stuff that needs setting up, later!" Jin said, disappearing from their perception completely...<br/>"Couldn't he have stayed? I would have bought him a drink!" Red-Rush stated.<br/>The heroes just chuckled to themselves...<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>_____________________________<br/>~ Omni Pov ~ <br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>Jin quickly went towards where he would live. The place he found wasn't much at all. It was the typical cheap motel one would find in any city.<br/>Now he was just focused on trying to set himself up...<br/>[You know Jin... It's inevitable. You're going to need to hack a little, it's better than them not having anything to go by] Nova stated.<br/>'I know... I'll have to be super cautious in case anything goes wrong here, I don't need that guy to know that I'm not from this world, much less reality...' Jin responded mentally.<br/>After an hour of hacking through hundreds of different sites and setting up an appropriate story and plausible identity, Jin was finished. He even made it fully protected against any potential hackers... He hoped...<br/>He was intelligent, but intelligence can only go so far based on what you know, and hacking wasn't Jin's specialty, even if he knew how to code and other things included.<br/><br/>"That should do it. They Shouldn't find me out." Jin said to himself.<br/>[Really? That's an understatement. I doubt even the most genius of minds can find you with what you've made... You're probably the first in any fanfiction to ever make an adaptive computer security system] Nova said, a little impressed.<br/>"Huh? What do you mean by 'fiction'? This is reality... Have you gone crazy, Nova?" Jin said, looking into space curiously.<br/><br/>However, catching the fatal mistake, Nova quickly thought of a suitable response...<br/>[Yes, I think I have finally gone haywire... Silly me, continue] Nova said.<br/><br/>"Okay...".<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>END</p>