
Re:Zero Why Me?

It was supposed to be simple cosplay show. He didn't think much of it and only participated due to a friend's invitation. So why the hell did he find himself in this World? In a World where Demonic Beast, Monster and crazy fanatical cult are lurking around. SIOC! Slight AU!

X3nr0x_Starfield · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Gluttonous Beast...

Chapter 21 - Gluttonous Beast...

"Well, I'm surprise that you decide to stay in here rather than go inside." Al commented as he leaned to nearby fence while looking at the blue oni direction

The head maid of Roswaal's family facial expression not even twitch once, it's remain calm and unchanged as she respond the comment "That because Rem have something to ask to Al-san."

"Oh?" Al tilt his head to the side slightly "Really? Well..." He place his hand to his helmet chin in thoughtful manner "I can't say I don't expect that truthfully, I have my suspicion when I caught you and Emilia-sama sneaking glance at me." He said with hum

"You did?" Rem asked, despite her face showing no emotion but in reality she's a bit surprised. She was sure they were being quite subtle moment ago

"Well I always watching my surrounding when near people I'm not close with." Al answered "And when I saw you two looking at me discreetly, well I already guess you two must be want to talk about something with me." He explained his reason "There's no way you two fall to my charm, I'm not that good looking." He added with small laugh

Rem stoic expression for the first time since they talked turned to flat, her eyes was definition of blank as she look at the former gladiator with not amused emotion

"Oi, oi, I'm just joking, don't give me that "This man is so disgusting that I wish him to die" look!" Al said indignantly when noticing the maid dull stare "A-Anyway." He clear his throat and regain his composure "What do you want to talk about?"

"Rem wish to know more about Pendragon Family." Rem answered "If Al-san do not mind, can you tell me more about them?"

"Pendragon family?" Al repeated with questioning tone "Hmm, I don't mind actually. Like I said, they're legend from where I came from. Though I kind of surprised Pendragon-sama didn't told you about them even if it only small." He scratch his chin while saying that "Then again, giving how their family ended, he clearly have good reason to not say anything."

"And exactly how they ended?" Rem asked curiously

"To put it bluntly, a big tragedy." Al answered "No happy ending for them, Pendragon family was a mess that filled with bad end." He explained "Which is why I'm very surprised with Pendragon-sama existence, giving how the last time they mentioned in history, it very shocking that there still descendant of Pendragon who still alive."

Despite her face show nothing but Rem feel her stomach clenched. Was it really that bad? Just thinking that Aaron-sama live in such condition enough to give her slight fear to just what the young man went through before coming here

"Start from the beginning please." Rem said softly

"... Well, I'm not remember the legend about them much, it's been long time after all. I only remember few particular character." Al replied "I don't know much about the kingdom of Britain origin, save for they actually connected with two dragons that fighting each other."

'Britain... The name of Aaron-sama homeland.' Rem thought as she recall the castle he shown to her through his metia "Two dragons?"

"Yep, one is white and the other is red." Al nodded "I don't know much since I kinda skipping that part, Pendragon family originally is not a name of noble or royal family. That last name is actually created from word of "Pen" that mean "Chief" and Dragon, thus Pendragon mean Chief Dragon." He explained "The name given because Uther Pendragon, the father of Arthur Pendragon, made pact with the Red Dragon." He then paused and scratch his head "Or was it because he tamed the Dragon? No, was it because he marry with one?" He mumbled in confused tone "Sorry, like I said I don't remember much so you can ignore that part, the point is Pendragon family have close relation with the red dragon, Ddraig the name if I recall."

Rem recall the explanation from the blond knight when he half-drunk, how he tell her the story about Pendragon family that related to Great Dragon that basically can devastate army and destroy country with his single breath

"Look, let's make it easier since I also don't know much. Why don't you ask question and I answer it?" Al offered "I will tell you what I know about them."

The blue haired maid consider the offer for a moment before she give nod, that was much easier method "Then can you tell Rem what the tragedy that occur in Aaron-sama family?"

"Well... Basically the Pendragon is family that killing each other."

Rem feel cold ice dropped to the pit of her stomach after hearing that

"K-Killing each other?" She asked, despite she look calm but she can't help to waver slightly at such mental image

"Uther Pendragon, the First Pendragon? He got killed by his own brother, Vortigern who jealous of him and then take over his throne but before Uther died he send his only son to escape

"Not long after Vortigern take over there prophecy, at that time there sword that stabbed in stone, and whoever pulled it will become King of Britain. The Propechy is delivered by Wizard Merlin who can be considered the greatest Wizard in the World at that age

"Anyway, long-short story, Arthur come back after he got trained by his father personal knight that survive, he gather army and defeat Vortigern then become the rightful King of Britain."

Al paused and take a look at the blue oni who processing the story in her mind. After a moment she give nod of understanding to him

"So Arthur Pendragon, Aaron-sama ancestor, is someone who prophesied to be a King? And his father got killed by his own brother because he envious to him?" Rem asked rhetorically with disapproving tone. The act of killing their own sibling is very disgusting and inhumane for Rem who love her big sister so much

"Yeah, pretty much so. Thus the legend of King Arthur began." Al confirmed with nod

"How about King Arthur's mother?" Rem asked

"... I don't know about her, she is pretty much almost like a footnote in history." Al answered after moment of silence

Rem scowl slightly at that, finding it was a bit troubling. For the mother of the King to be treated like that. Nonetheless she focused to the current information she got, this is actually a lot and a bit disturbing. The start of this family is clearly bleak and...

"... Wait if Rem recall, in house moment ago, Al-san said something about Mordred Pendragon." Rem said as she remember the talk half hour ago "What about him?"

"Mordred Pendragon..." Al hummed "Well... Before we talk about him, we must talk about Morgan le Fay first."

"Morgan le Fay." Rem rolled the name in her tongue "Who is she?"

"Arthur Pendragon older sister."

The blue oni blinked once "Older sister? But... Al-san said moment ago that-"

"Uther send "his only son", his daughter meanwhile doesn't know much. I also don't know where were she when Vortigern usurp the throne, there story and record that at that she was studying magic under Merlin so she was safe."

"Studying magic?"

"Well... Morgan le Fay was a witch."

Rem feel herself freeze for a second

"A... Witch?" Rem asked, there hint of dread and terror in her voice

"Yeah, pretty much so." Al nodded "As you can see Pendragon is known to have relation with Dragon, thus it just make sense that they are powerful in their way. Since at that time it was rare for woman to raise sword Morgan decide to study magic." He explained "And to put it bluntly, her personality is quite similar with her uncle, Vortigern, Uther's brother who usurp the throne."

It did not need to take genius to figure out what happened the rest. Rem already can see how things will end, vague and clouded, but she can see it

"If King Arthur is famous for never losing in battle and his holy sword Excalibur, Morgan le Fay is infamous for her jealousy to him. She hate Arthur with every fiber of her being, so much to the point she create plague, chaos and throw Britain to civil war just to kill him. Heck, she even willing to burn the kingdom to ash so she can reform it

"But unfortunately Arthur was powerful, he was too strong to face directly. Morgan have better chance to face an army than him, and so she make a plan, she need someone else, but not ordinary someone. To defeat Dragon you would need another Dragon. Pendragon to face another Pendragon, just like Vortigern who defeat Uther

"But Morgan afraid that the blood of Dragon inside her would be weakened if she take random man. No, what she need is someone that powerful, another person who have blood of Dragon. But the problem is, Pendragon family is not big one."

Al stopped in there purposely, sending silent message to Rem who narrowed her eyes as her brain comprehending the tale, and it only take thirty seconds for her to find out the answer

And for the first time in her life, she show expression of pure disgust that surpass even her hatred to Witch Cult. Only for moment perhaps and temporary but still at that time Rem feel nothing but pure contempt and disgust to the Witch in whole different level

"Yes, exactly what you think. Morgan le Fay rape Arthur Pendragon, her own brother." Al said, knowing what Rem thought just by seeing her expression "Or in indirect way at least. I don't know the details but it seems Morgan manage to trick Arthur through magic or things like that.

"And from there Mordred Pendragon, the illegitimate son of Morgan le Fay and Arthur Pendragon born. Things pretty much went how like Morgan plan after that, in the end Mordred face against Arthur and the latter kill him but at cost Arthur himself got mortal wound from his own son." Al finished

Just listening the story made Rem want to throw up. The story not just sad but also tragic. Especially that woman, Morgan le Fy. Witch... She is truly a Witch... Disgusting and wicked creature. Rem has no other words how to describe what Morgan has done. Sibling, brother and sister or sister and brother supposed to have special bond, a bond that can be considered as equal or even surpassing their bond with their own parent

Rem who love her sister so much and loved back know about that perfectly, and to her, what Morgan done is nothing but immoral, inhumane, evil, and very disgusting. To usurp the throne is one thing, but to... Rape -be it direct or indirect- her own brother and force father to fight against son like that? That was on whole different level cruelty

"Pendragon family doesn't have good history. Their glory is indeed famous and known very well, but if someone take a look from other perspective..." Al shake his head and sighed "I don't know much about Arthur's mother but according to legend, Uther Pendragon actually take her from someone else hand. And maybe karma decide to give payback to him in form of Arthur's wife, Guinevere, stolen by his own knight that like brother to him. And because of inner conflict from within like that it make Arthur meet his demise at Mordred's and Morgan's hand."

As Al finished his story, Rem take few deep breath. She try her best to calm the raging emotion inside her. Normally such story won't make her so agitate like this, however this story is apparently related to her savior, to the man she love, to Aaron Pendragon. And just thinking about that enough to make her feel sick and angry to the World for messing with his family like that

"What happened to her in the end?" She not even bother to hide her distaste when spoke the "her" word

"... No one know." Al answered with small pause "There many rumor about her and I don't know that much, but what sure is she died in the end. How? I don't know."

Well... At least that bitch die in the end, and Rem hope her dead is painful enough to make her scream for entire day until her throat no longer able to make sounds. That would be fitting punishment for someone like her

"Thanks for sharing the information Al-san." She said

"No problem. I kinda enjoy it too telling story like this." Al chuckled "Not to mention I manage to meet living legend from my homeland directly." He said "It's kinda bleak and dark, but you also must know that Pendragon family also famous for achieving many things. Let's hope this one also same like that."

Well... That actually something that has been done. In less than two month Aaron Pendragon already manage to kill one of the Arcbishop of Sin, a man who has responsible for murder of hundreds or possibly thousand people. And not end in there, right now Aaron Pendragon will also going to kill Hakugei, the beast that has terrorize the World for more than four hundred years

Still... All this this information... This is clearly vital and good one. She manage to get know very much about how the man he love live at least. If the family truly in disarray like that then it safe to thought that Aaron Pendragon might be not living a good life.

'Is that why he coming here? No, he come here not by his own will, he want to go home to meet his sister again as matter of fact.' His love to his little sister seems the reason why he want to go back but not just that, if Pendragon family is indeed in disarray like that then... No wonder he want to go back, he want to protect his little sister

In a way Rem can sympathize and understand with that mindset. She, herself lover her own sister greatly and will flip the World for her but... The thought of him leaving is... Making her feel empty

She doesn't want him to leave her

'No, no. Don't go there.' She shook her head a bit. Now is not time to think about such thing, right now she have more important matter to think about. She then begin to recall everything she just got and compare them to all things that related to Aaron and his homeland

Pendragon family right now probably in disarray or at least what remain of them is not living in exactly good condition. True they might be able to recover but there must be consequence for that. And big chance there major part of them despising Morgan, and giving what she has done Rem can't blame them

That Witch... She really...

'Wait... Witch...'

"If King Arthur is famous for never losing in battle and his holy sword Excalibur, Morgan le Fay is infamous for her jealousy to him. She hate Arthur with every fiber of her being, so much to the point she create plague, chaos and throw Britain to civil war just to kill him. Heck, she even willing to burn the kingdom to ash so she can reform it."

The Witch that infamous for her Jealousy to the point she even willing to burn everything she want in first place

"You're like your sister, you must be found my presence to be... Irritating. Especially the witch stench that lingering around me."

"?! Aaron-sama knew?"

"Of course, it was not obvious but the clue you left were enough... Ram didn't told you I see... Unfortunately I can't tell you why I smell like Witch, it not like I don't want to but I can't."

"Can't? What Aaron-sama mean exactly?"

"I can't say my reason -that's why I said I can't in first place. However, it was safe to say that I was in condition that similar like person who cu-gugh!"


"*cough* *cough* gagh! *huff* *huff* Rem.."

"... Yes?"

"Trust me, if I can tell you, I would. But you see what just happened moment ago. I can't said it aloud and the evident also unclear. But trust me, if I want to harm you or Ram, I already did so from the beginning."

The conversation that they had when he just finished hunting down the demon beast that threatening to take her life flashed to her mind, and she try to remember the details of their conversation. It was obvious that Aaron is related to Witch in a way from his smell, albeit it covered by the tremendous power he radiate but it still there, exist like a crack in flawless reflection

And he can't said much about the Witch, that was obvious. She manage to conclude that the moment he stopped talking in middle of conversation and look like about to have his chest explode, followed by the stench that intensified for a moment

'A Curse...' Rem realized with wide eyes 'A Curse is placed on Aaron-sama!'

It was absurd and impossible. The Witch has been gone for very long time, so there is no way that he can be Cursed by her. However what if it was never Satella who Curse him? It was another Witch, one that share similar Sin to her

Morgan infamous for her Jealousy... And Jealousy and Envy is same...

Rem then recall what she know about her most hated being,, the Witch Cult. There Seven Witches that known as Witches of Sin and now in the cult there also exist Arcbishop of Sin who believed to have power of the Witches. What make it impossible for Morgan to at least have similar ability like Satella? She share the same trait with her after all

But... Is she really that petty? She already manage to kill King Arthur Pendragon, was she still not satisfied and still petty enough to curse his descendant or at least what remain of them? Even if they related to her in first place, did she really that vicious?

'Why not?' Rem jeered inwardly 'Giving what she already done, Rem shouldn't be surprised.'

And giving she supposed to have blood of Dragon inside her and mixed by her blasphemous power, making Curse that powerful enough to last for hundred or thousand years technically is not supposed to be hard

This made the blue oni heart clenched further. To think such terrible thing happen to him. All this information and story, this open her eyes to what kind of environment that he live in

Pendragon family is without doubt considered to be very famous, they achieve many things and recorded as legend in the Land beyond the Great Waterfall

But Rem realize that what Al didn't said aloud is, how every of their ending is filled with blood and tragedy. None of the Pendragon meet their happy end

"That was my sister."

"Aaron-sama little sister?"

"Yes... She is pretty little girl isn't she?"

"Yes, Rem agree, she is pretty girl."

"Of course she is. She is my sister! She will be very beautiful when she grow up."

"Beside, she not dead... She just... Loss..."

It not need to take genius that there accident happen with him and his family, ended with him separated from his little sister. And right now he trying to find way back to reunite with her

And Rem sincerely hope, she really, really hope... That in his journey... There won't be any tragedy or anything bad happen to him in future...

"Excuse me. You are Pendragon-san maid correct?"

Rem broken from her stupor when feminine, melodic and soft voice with unusual accent addressing her. The blue maid blinked once before she turned to face her caller

She blinked again when she caught sight of the person who call her. This person... Is familiar for some reason, she had read about their description and...

"Yes." Rem anwsered

"You are..." Al murmured from behind her, apparently recognize the person

The person only smiled at them in beatific manner and she brush single strand of her hair to aside "Can one of you tell him that I wish to talk with him?"

Crusch Karsten truthfully not in good mood right now

She was busy with handling her troops and army that gathered to hunt down Hakugei tonight. It was rare for the beast to be spotted since it always goes here and there. Granted it wasn't hard to spot it due to the mist it produce however inn last few days the beast seems mingle around certain area, which mean this is a chance since it not moving around

She need to recheck weapons that they gather, need to count the men who wish to join this expedition, need to make sure every magical weapon is ready and available, need to sign few papers to make the entire order official

She was very busy and she have good alibi for that. Their enemy is a monster who has take away live of Saint Sword after all, and Saint Sword is someone who equal to an army or even more. This is serious matter of live and death, if she miss something in slightest then...

Which is why she very surprised and irritated when suddenly one of men from Sage Council come to her place at this night -when she suppose to check the weapons- and told her that there urgent matter about her expedition that need to be discussed

So here she now, with Wilhelm and Felix, sitting in living room of Sage McMahon's estate, waiting for the man himself to come

And it didn't take long for her to wait as the door opened, and Miklotov McMahon himself come

Unfortunately he not alone

Crusch's eyebrow quirked as she saw the group that walk behind the old sage, on her side she can feel Felix also tensed in instant

"Good evening Karsten-dono." Miklotov greeted

"Good evening Miklotov-dono." Crusch returned the polite greeting. This is man who has led Lugnica during their crisis, even if she supposed to be in higher position than her but that doesn't mean she should disrespect her. Then she turned to the rest of the group "Good evening to you all as well, Hoshin-san, Barielle-san, Emilia-san, Astrea-san and Pendragon-san."


"Good evening Karsten-san."

"Good evening."

"Good evening Karsten-sama."


They replied the greeting with their own style, from uncaring -courtesy Priscilla- to polite -Emilia and Reinhard

Three of the Five Royal Candidate, the Saint Sword of the Kingdom and the descendant of the Dragon. Of all things that she expected when come here... This is clearly very surprising event even for her. Why these important people gather in here tonight?

"I'm sure you must be confused." Miklotov said "Why you called here along with the other." He gestured to the group behind him

"Indeed." Crusch nodded "And I also a bit busy with my preparation to hunt Hakugei."

"Yes, I perfectly aware of that, and not to mention we also right now have limited time, so I will go to the point." Miklotov said with straight voice "It's about your expedition to hunt Hakugei."

Crusch shifted slightly in her seat and she can tell Wilhelm tensed at that statement "What about it?" She asked tersely

They did not try to pull it back aren't they? The expedition truthfully is something that not easy to achieve. Not just because they afraid she could die -which is big no seeing she is one of Royal Candidate- but also because the kingdom is in crisis -in economic aspect of course.

The men that she manage to gather is actually not from kingdom. No, they're from fellow noble, friends and those who hold grudge against Hakugei. And considering this beast has exist for nearly half millennia they quite a lot actually

"Fear not, I won't tell you to stop your hunt." Miklotov said as he seems know what the green haired woman thinking "As matter of fact, I have good news for you." He then gestured to the group "Anastasia-sama, Priscilla-sama and Emilia-sama is willing to lend you hand in your expedition."

"... What?" Crusch stoic facade momentarily broke into surprise "What you mean by that?"

"It mean exactly like what this geezer said." Priscilla said while unfolding her fan "We willing to help you in hunting that beast."

Crusch stare at the orange haired woman with analytic look for a moment, her gaze then shifted to every person one by one before finally returned to Miklotov

"Explain. What is actually happening? Why so sudden like this?" She demanded

"As you can see, due to Aaron-sama presence here there complication to reveal his existence to the public." Miklotov started, he briefly give look to Aaron who remain stoic "Revealing his existence along with Emilia-sama can cause some commotion, that is why we delaying the selection in first place. If we going to reveal him, then there must be something big happen so people can got revelation about him."

"You want something big happen with him in middle of it so people can see that he actually who he claim to be." Crusch concluded simply, knowing where the conversation headed. Aaron Pendragon existence is on whole different level after all because he is descendant of creature that worshipped and heralded in this kingdom.

Such thing is not simple matter, people need proof of that, and while the noble and the Royal Knight already saw it directly during the ceremony but the common people still don't

"You want him to join so he can take credit." Felix said in blank voice "You want Pendragon-sama to take glory from Crusch-sama hardwork?" The catboy eyes hold no emotion however there something eerie and cold in there, his beautiful face also set into stolid look

"No, of course no." Miklotov dennied, his face remain calm despite he just got accused of such thing "The thing is... We have good reason that Hakugei right now is being controlled."

"... What?" And once again Crusch stoic face broke into surprise but not only her, this time Felix and Wilhelm as well "Controlled? We talking about beast that has rampaging for four hundred years, and at size that rivaling Flugel's tree right? And it was controlled?"

"Not entirely." It was Aaron Pendragon who response her question "Hakugei is not controlled straight for four hundred years obviously, but it can be controlled or something like that at least."

Crusch focus her gaze to him and the blond meet her with neutral expression "And who the one that controlling it?"

"We have suspicion that it was the Witch Cult."

Truth... He was being honest in there "Based on what?"

"Few days ago the territory where me and Emilia-sama live in assaulted by Witch Cult." He began "We repel them all of course, as matter of fact we ambushed them before they even able to attack."

And so he tell her his story, about how the assault, how he slay one of arcbishop. And how today they face another the remnant of the cultist that waiting news from their main party

"And from their assault I manage to gain information about how they plan to attack the Capital using Hakugei as the main catalyst." He finished

"I see..." Crusch pursed her lips. She didn't like this story. This far Aaron Pendragon have tell no lie to her when he recall the tale. However at same time there few things that too vague and general, and she not hesitate to point them out "I'm curious, there many hole in your story, too many things that general and vague."

"Correct, that because I don't think it important for you to know."

Truth, or at least he believe what he said is the truth at least

'This man... He is...' Crusch gaze sharpened, he is no fool. He knew that she can caught lie, while that information is not secret but she curious from whom he know about it "And the main problem? If Hakugei indeed come here then it only going to meet it own demise." That mean she not need to search for it anymore, she can wait and set ambush to it

"While that was true but there problem in that, the one who directing Hakugei to us to be precise." Aaron said "You see, when they assaulting us, the Witch Cult claim to have... Something under their sleeve that they want to use to test Emilia-sama, and this thing is unfortunately also want to be used on this assault."


Crusch briefly caught the half elf shiver and she also can see Aaron Pendragon himself put disgusted face

"It's parasite, one that born from people that infected, turning them into monster. However what make it worse is it not normal parasite." He said grimly "I don't know the detail but... The creature that come out from them is..."

"Wrong." Emilia spoke for the first time "It's wrong, entirely wrong. It did not belong to this World, it something that should never born." Her voice was hollow and quite haunted

"How can you tell that?"

"Because I'm Spirit User, I can sense the mana around us better than other."

"And it not end in there, these creature evolve fast, just few minutes after they born they already showing sign of special abilites." Aaron continued "They're faster than men, and possessing inhumane strength, they also capable to regenerate very fast. The only way to kill them is to slice them clean into two but their body is thicker than steel."

Crusch scowl openly after hearing that, her mind begin to processing the information she got, her brain working to find conclusion and she found it "And when Hakugei come, it will bring those parasite with it."

Which mean it will doom the entire Capital, they can't set ambush and wait for it since there chance if the beast come too close then the infection could spread

They need to chase it in the end, just like what she wish to in first place


The situation is bad... Really bad... Not for Capital, but for her

So far Aaron Pendragon spoke only the truth, however that truth is absolutely troubling. What he speak about is not simple attack from Witch Cult but it could be a disaster or something like plague. It's not a threat that she can dismiss just like that

She already prepared to refuse this offer when she heard it. She doesn't need it, doesn't need their help. Right now help from Aaron Pendragon is the last thing she want, however it appear she don't have any choice in here

Because it no longer expedition to hunt beast, but rather trying to stop disaster that going to come

She was hoping by killing Hakugei it will boost her stature, showing them that people of this kingdom is strong with their own power but... Even if she did that it doesn't matter since Aaron Pendragon will participate in there, and people would see it that she accept help from him

And she just pulled that speech about abandoning contract with the Dragon in selection... Great Gods... And she can't reject this offer, not if she want her image ruined

"Well... It's not like we have many choice in here." Crusch sighed as she massage her temple "Very well, I will accept the help, now why don't we discuss the details of the plan?" She asked

Aaron Pendragon tilt his head slightly, then he leaned forward and Crusch unconsciously clench her fist under the table

Damn it... This man... Aaron Pendragon...

Oh she won't be lying and say she don't hate him. Make no mistake she also dislike and found it hypocrite of herself for hating him. He has done nothing harmful to her after all, heck they not even knowing each other existence until the Royal Selection started

However his existence is what actually troubling her

And that blasted Prophecy as well

Ironically it was the same Prophecy that place her in her current position as well

She want this kingdom to free from the influence of the Dragon, she want this country to be like what it was once, strong and stand using it own strength. Known not because of their dependence to Dragon but because of their people, the resolve and the spirit of those who live in it

The Kingdom of Lion... That what was Lugnica known in past and their King even dubbed as Lion King. She want this country to be known like that as well

Make no mistake Crusch never harbor any ill feeling to the Dragon, she never hate him. No, what she hate is this kingdom dependence to the Dragon.

When her best friend that she consider as brother in all but blood die along with his family, the people not even bother with the Royal family, true there few sad words in here and there but not even a day end and everyone already started to fuss over the Dragon "blessing" and "pact" to this country

What the hell Royal family to them? A pawn? A poster figure?! If they love the Dragon so much why bother to choose a King?! Instead of pact why the hell they not offering to worship the Dragon fully?!

Oh wait, they already did. It maybe not made into official but there a lot of people who pray to the Dragon

Then what for they set system of King in first place?!

And when she thought she can cut off from the Dragon, there another prophecy. Apparently there someone who share same blood with the Dragon Volcanica that would come and support whoever become King in the end

Even if the kingdom free from Volcanica it doesn't change the fact that there another Dragon that stand in her path, and his existence is necessary as well. If she doesn't have him then her chance to be a King is as good as zero

So yes, even if she know it hypocrite and not noble, but she can't bring herself to like him at all. She hate him, even if he has done nothing wrong to her

And now... And now...

She doesn't know what to do actually...

'What would you do if you were here Fourier?' She thought dryly. Her entire reason to become King right now started to crumble before her, and it take everything she have to hold her composure until now

She just hope she will find the answer soon, she really need it after all

'Welp... It's official, she hate me.' He thought as he sighed while sitting on the ground and stare at the people who prepared for their journey

It has been two hours ever since their conversation with Crusch Karsten, right now they were gathering outside of Capital, an army that consist of mercenary of Hoshin and Crusch's Karsten men. Aaron must say things seems went quite well for them, very well as matter of fact

There no argument in forming their plan, everyone accepting their role. Anastasia Hoshin and her mercenary will be with Crusch Karsten army together just like in canon, Priscilla Barielle's men will be the one who protect the area around their battlefield so no one would come there and got involved, and finally Reinhard himself will track the one who controlling the beast from far

There few things that right now crossed in the pseudo Saber mind

First is Crusch Karsten. It obvious that Crusch doesn't like him, and he can understand perfectly why. Giving her reason to want to become a King in first place, which make this country free from the Dragon influence, but then the prophecy decide to say "nope" to her by saying that she need him -who have relation to Dragon- to stand on her side so she can become King

If Aaron in her position he sure would hate that person as well, not need to be hypocrite and said he wouldn't

And yet despite her hatred to him, she still not blind enough to see her current situation as she accept their help and willingly to share her strategy with them. She still rational enough to aware that this is no longer expedition to hunt beast anymore but stopping the attack of terrorist that would end Lugnica should it succeed

She willing to cast aside her personal vendetta and working together without making thing difficult make Aaron respect to her raise to another whole different level. As expected from one of Royal Candidate that fan support the most, among all candidate Crusch Karsten truthfully the only one who have strong foundation of reason to rule this country

The second is about Anastasia Hoshin. Truthfully Aaron not surprised that she waiting for him after he finished talking with Miklotov McMahon. He perfectly aware that the "rat" he let go highly possible is from her faction, her information network in canon proved to be that good after all. And just like in canon too, he offer her some part of the Stone Mine that located near Elinor forest so he can get her help

The third is about Miklotov himself. Aaron don't know either it wise or not to reveal that to him but honestly? He doesn't have much choice, it was either that or facing gigantic abomination by himself and deal with huge politic damage to his side. He need army after all and while it's true he can come to Anastasia alone but what about Crusch? Unlike with Subaru, that woman hate his guts for sure, no thanks to the prophecy. If he didn't cooperate with her then it will become competition which going to make them all slaughtered by the Lovecraft creature

The fourth is Reinhard himself. There reasons why he told Reinhard to not come with them despite it will be instant victory for them if they have him in battlefield. First is, what if the controller using Hakugei as bait to lure Reinhard and the man himself is actually the target? The man himself clearly powerless before Cthulhu, he remember when he got blessing of the Sword Saint only for it to diminished the moment he face the giant abomination, it was clear how Reinhard lost to it

But there another thing, if Hakugei is not the main bait then highly possible it was the caster who controlling the beast. Sending Reinhard to him might going to end with Reinhard died, but in the end Reinhard won't die with a whimper but with a bang he sure. And that would give him enough time to locate the caster and kill him

Because if Reinhard died then it surely because he loss his power, and so he become nothing but normal Human. Granted he still powerful enough but compared to him in that state? Reinhard was as good as harmless kitty. Let see how that caster deal with him instead of powerless Sword Saint

But among all those matters, only one that actually worried him, one that disturb him so much to the point it send chill to his spine

'Why everything went so smoothly?'

No resistance in his plan and their execution. Everything happened just like how he planned, nothing hinder him at all

Could this be actually influence from Priscilla Barielle? Because he was on her side? Does her Luck really that great to the point the World bend down to her whim? ... No, that's not possible. He believe that meeting with Miklotov and Reinhard indeed because Priscilla's Luck but this far? That was impossible

It not like he not grateful that everything went very smooth since it mean things is easier for him. However he do not dare to accept it so easily because the last time he thought so he got himself murdered by Cthulhu just because he let his guard down for a while

Could this be sign of another something dark? What did he miss? Is there something that lurking under him that he not aware?


His thought was halted as familiar voice reach his ears. The pseudo Saber stirred from his position and he looked up, and granted by sight of his friend

"Emi." He called back

"Hey." She smiled at him and crouching down to his level "You look so deep in thought."

"You can say that..." Aaron said with neutral voice, he lay his head to tree and allow himself to relax a bit "I was thinking about the battle later."

The half elf allow her face to show slight surprise expression at that, something that caught by Aaron

"What with that face?" He asked

"No, it just..." Emilia tap her chin while puckering her lower lip "It's unlike you to be so worried like this." She said "Usually you always look calm and not bothered much."

... That was true wasn't it? Now he recall it again, there never once he seems bothered much. Even before the battle against Petelgeuse and the cultist he appear to be only slight bothered and never to delve too much in his mind, unlike now

"Well, our enemy is gigantic whale that made us look like ant or snail." Aaron dryly commented "You can't compare it to Witch Cult. In term of strength even Petelgeuse's army would be nothing to it."

"Hmm you're right in that part." Emilia admitted "But I think it will be fine." She said, her smile return "After all, you're strong Aaron."

The pseudo Servant spare small look to the silver haired girl that smiling to him "You seems so excited about this."

"A-Ah?" Emilia smile dimmed a bit and she let out nervous voice "I-Is that so? Well..." She fidgeted slightly under his stare "It just, this is first time for me to go to expedition like this, so I can't help but a bit excited. Even if we facing danger but..."

Aaron smirked a bit at the response. She really like a children despite how she look huh? Exciting over things that like adventure or something like that. Giving her mental age it can't be blamed though

Still... It was surprise for him that Emilia want to participate in battle. Crusch Karsten is one thing, but Emilia? It was lucky that Puck is already sleep, and Aaron sure as hell tomorrow the cat spirit will be very pissed that she face such dangerous creature directly like that

Aaron about to rebuke her but since Emilia said she only going to provide support from behind and act like healer... Well the more that join, the bigger chance to win. This is go-all-out or die situation after all

"I guess you're right." He said, worrying too much won't do any good. He should focus to their current problem, though it doesn't mean he would stop looking at his back "Where's Rem?"

"Aaron-sama looking for Rem?"

Suddenly as if being summoned the blue oni head popped from behind the tree, making the half elf and the knight turn to her with surprise

"Where you come from?" Aaron asked in bewildered voice

"Rem always close to Aaron-sama." Rem answered with charming smile

"... Right." He decide to brush it off, that was something he shouldn't know

"So, what Aaron-sama want from Rem?" Rem asked

"Right..." Aaron briefly looking around and he notice that people seems busy with their own business "I want you to keep an eye on her Knight."

"Her Knight?" Rem blinked "The Blue?"

"Yes, him." Aaron nodded

"What's wrong with him?" Emilia asked

"His loyalty to Crusch Karsten is a bit disturbing, while I'm sure he won't pull anything in public but same thing can't be said what he done behind her." In Canon it was told that Felix loyal to Crusch very much, she is like Subaru or Ram to Rem. Perhaps he is not someone who going to fall low and using assassination but it doesn't change the fact that was still dangerous, especially seeing Crusch hate him

"Rem see..." Rem quirked her eyebrow "Very well, Rem shall keep an eye on him."

"Good." Aaron nodded and lay his head to the tree again "When we leave?"

"Probably soon, the preparation almost complete." Emilia said "Karsten-san going to start her speech soon."

"Is that so..."

Aaron hummed and absentmindedly pull out his phone, he was quite bored and maybe playing old game would let his mind entertained a bit.

And as always when he unlock the phone he granted by sight the face of his little sister, that bring smile to his face, she is really cute little one. His eyes locked to the wallpaper for moment and he about to slide the screen when he notice something amiss with it

The wallpaper is picture of Angelica yes, however she appear to be hugging someone else. A girl with plump cheeks and have her hair tied into a bun, she also cute.

'Who is she? Angel's friend?' He asked as he stare at the girl

"You stare at their picture again huh?" Emilia asked as she peeked what he seen

Aaron eyes never leaving from his phone but his hand rose and went to Emilia's cheek, pinching it, making the half elf yelped

"It's rude to peeking like that." He commented while keep gazing at the wallpaper

"Lwet mwye chweek gwo!" She squawked

Aaron did but not before give last firm pinch, making the half elf leetting out another squawk and instantly rub her sore cheek

"You're meany." She murmured "Angelica and Chloe must be very suffer to have you as their older brother." And giving the latter plump cheeks, there's no way Aaron won't abuse them

"Older brother?" Aaron blinked and turned to her with questioning look

"Well... Technically Chloe is your nephew." Emilia murmured

"Agree with Emilia-sama." Rem nodded "Chloe-chan must be hurt a lot just by nearing Aaron-sama with cheeks like that." Her own cheeks can attest that after all, every morning they always got pinched

Aaron lower his phone, his face show pure confusion as he stare at the maid and the half elf

"Chloe? Who was that?"

The duo who listening that halted, they stare at Aaron's face before equal confused expression crossed over their faces

"What do you mean Aaron?" Emilia asked with confused voice "Chloe, you told us about her few days ago before we face Witch Cult." She told him

However instead remembering or recognizing the name Aaron look more confused instead "Nephew? I did? Well..." He then scratched his chin and put confused face. Well he do have few nephew from his father's family side. However all of them still baby and young, only one or two years old and he never recall to have one that already three or four years old like in this picture

Seeing his troubled face Emilia and Rem share look to each other. Worry and concern plastering to their faces at what they just heard

"Aaron-sama." Rem called "Are you-"

"Ah, Aaron-san there you are."

The blue haired oni was being cut by another voice, making the trio turned to the source

"Anastasia-san." Aaron greeted the violet haired girl

"Hello, Aaron-san." She said with smile, she turned to the half elf and the maid "Hello Emilia-san, Rem-san."

"Anastasia-san." Emilia return the greeting with nod

"Good evening Anastasia-sama."

"What's up Anastasia-san?" Aaron asked

"Ah nothing, I just come here to see how you doing." Anastasia said with smile "You're about to going to battlefield after all."

"Hmm that's true." Aaron replied calmly "I appreciate your concern, but I'm doing fine. How about yourself Anastasia-san?"

"Well, me and Barielle-san won't be in field but we will watch from far."

"You not staying here?" Aaron asked, sounded surprised

"And missing the action? Of course no. I going to watch the action of course from safe distance, this is something that going to be marked in history after all."

Good enough reason but Aaron knew it not the real one and he not even hesitate to point it out "Pull the other one."

"Hm? I'm afraid I don't know what are you talking about Aaron-san." Anastasia replied with amused voice

The blond snorted "You're quite vixen you know that?"

"Hmm that sounds like compliment to me."

"Well, it both insult and compliment, but I guess you can take it as one. I'm feeling rather generous after all."

"How kind of you."

"All to please my fair lady."

Despite the words they exchanged were sarcastic and seems unpleasant and they putting forced smile but it feels not unlike friendly conversation for some reason to Emila and Rem who heard them

They don't know why but it seems Aaron take quite liking to the Hoshin's company ruler. He seems know how to talk with her and so do she much to the duo dismay. Especially Rem who silently glaring at Anastasia when she not looking at her

"Speaking about Priscilla-san, where is she?" Aaron asked as he look around "I'm a bit surprised she didn't visit me."

"Ah, about that, Barielle-san currently busy with her men that just gathered."

"Is that so? Good for her." He murmured

"You seems dislike Barielle-san." Anastasia remarked

Tell me the reason why you hate her?

"Her attitude remind me of someone I don't like." Aaron deadpanned

Remind me of the past and don't try to pry

"Really? How about me then?"

Is that so? Then do I remind you to someone else you hate?

"Hmm? I found your presence to be quite enjoyable to be frank, but it will be more so if you put more effort to your honest words."

No, not really, but you should wear your mask better, it started get easy to saw through it

"Thank you Aaron-san, you're certainly unique individual."

You saw it? You're clearly shrewd person

The blond and the purplette exchange pleasant smile to each other at the end of their conversation. The latter specially feel more so as she gain quite information about him even if the talk is nothing but a mask

"I like you Aaron-san." She confessed with beautiful smile

Emilia and Rem choked on their own spit at the bold declaration

"Really? Well I'm flattered, and in a way I do also like you. Aaron replied with same smile "You're pleasant person."

"Then, do you mind to join me? I will marry you after I get this country."

Emilia and Rem made a voice that mimicking pig that got choked as they snapped their eyes to Anastasia who smiling beautifully, there even small blush adorning her face

Aaron though, have his smile curled down slightly and his eyes briefly glanced over to Rem and Emilia

"You do know that was not what I mean when I told you to put more effort in your honest word right?" He said dryly

"I know, and I being honest." Anastasia replied "I will share my rule with you if you come with me."

Emilia feel cold ice pressed to her heart when hearing that declaration. She don't know why but right now, right now she really want to freeze the girl in front of her from top to bottom and then put her in public so everyone can see her

Meanwhile Rem not doing anything but tilt her hair and shadowing her eyes, however if someone peer over those hair they all will run away when see the way Rem's eyes glowing

"Give me better offer and I might consider it."

"Better offer?" Anastasia let out gasp "Aaron-san, I'm offended." Here she offer him even herself but that the answer she got?

"You shouldn't. What you offer is not a beautiful girl or a crown to me after all."

"Oh?" Anastasia quirked her eyebrow "And what I just offer then?"

Aaron did not reply and simply tilt his head while giving meaning look to her

"Ah, there you are, Ojou-chan!"

A loud, and brash voice stopped their conversation. Everyone turned to see pair of people walking toward them

'Big.' Aaron noted as he stare at the man... Or wolfman to be precise. He is easily reach over two meters in size, and the way his blue eyes gleaming also show that he is not novice. This man, if Aaron recall, he is-

"Ricardo." Anastasia said the name with blink "And Mimi too."

"Ojou! Ojou!" A petite cat girl that not even reach five foot called with squeal

"Me and Mimi here have been looking for you." Ricardo said with grin "We want to inform you about the group that would escort you later." His eyes then shifted to Aaron, Emilia and Rem "Ah, you three. Sorry for interrupting your chat with our little miss here." He bare his fangs in friendly manner if it possible I'm Ricardo Welkin, nice to meet ya all."

"Me! Me! Mimi name is Mimi Pearlbaton!" The petite girl introduce herself

"Ah, I'm Emilia."


"Aaron Pendragon."

Aaron briefly glanced at Mimi before focused to Ricardo

"Aaron Pendragon?" Ricardo rolled the name and his eyes widened "Ohh, I know you, you're the one that made our miss heart here went "thump thump" right?"

"R-Ricardo!" Anastasia let out whining voice at the statement

"Thump thump?" Aaron repeated in strange voice. Was that what they called "doki doki" in here? Seriously, what the hell?

His eyes shifted to Mimi once again

"Hahaha, don't be mad little miss, I'm just teasing you." Ricardo chuckled "But well, just for your information, there hundred of guy going to brandish their swords if you try to put a move on our Ojou here." He pat the petite girl in the back, and giving her big hand and her size body it almost look like he about to grab her

"Ricardo, stop talking! Hush!" Anastasia give small slap to the wolfman arm "Anyway, Aaron-san, it's nice to talk with you but it seems-Aaron-san?" She blinked when notice the young man no longer standing instead he is crouching to reach the same level with Mimi



It seems the maid and the half elf also confused at his sudden behavior as they stare at him who looking at Mimi in eyes directly

The cat girl happily looking back at him, her tails wagging not unlike dog

And they keep looking at each other straight for a minute without blinking

Until Mimi broke it

"Mimi like you!" She declared while opening her arms wide as if asking to hug

Aaron smiled, charming and benevolent smile "I like you too." He replied and then gladly embrace the little girl in hug

The cat girl let out squeal as she got picked up, she then crawling out from his grip like some kind of cockroach and climbing to the man shoulder and sit in ther with her legs dangling between his head

The group blinked in bewilderment. What the heck just happened between them?

Anastasia meanwhile not missing this chance as new idea enter her mind, proving why she become head of mercenary in first place "Aaron-san if you join my side I will make sure you will be able to spend time with Mimi every single day."

Aaron paused, and from his face everyone can tell that for a moment he actually considering it

"Oh! Oh! Does Aaron-oniichan will join us?" Mimi asked happily as she nuzzled in the blond hair "Join! Join!"

"No!" Rem is surprisingly the one who said that aloud "Aaron-sama don't be seduced! Remember Aaron-sama have Rem and Emilia-sama!"

"What?!" Emilia squeaked, her face becoming red "R-Rem! W-What are you saying?!"

Aaron stare at Rem and Emilia with strange look, then he open his mouth and-

"Everyone! Gather please! We about to leave!"

A yell from someone in front cut Aaron from speaking. The group turned and see that the people also stopped their activity and started to gathering

"It seems we have to cut our conversation in here." Anastasia said with sigh, then she smiled pleasantly "Let's continue it later okay Aaron-san?"

"Indeed we shall." The blond glanced to Mimi who seems comfortable in her head "Mimi, you have to go now."

"Eehhh, I don't wanna! Mimi comfortable in here."

"Don't be like that, we will talk again later."

"Nooo, Aaron-oniichan should join with us! Let's go together."

"Unfortunately I have to refuse, tempting it might be but I have my priority so..."

The catgirl lips curled to pout, and reluctantly she jump out from the blond shoulder and landed to the ground with grace

"Fine, Mimi hold that promise okay?" Mimi said

"Yes." Aaron chuckled

The catgirl beamed "Okay! See you later Onii-chan!" She said as she walk to Anastasia and Ricardo who already walk away first

Aaron waved to the catgirl with smile. What a cute girl! Seriously, she really so cute! Cuter than he expect in first place! Especially the cat ears! Is this why Saber fond to lion? Well, Mimi is not lion but cat and lion share same genus if he recall

He approve of her taste, as expected from Saber!


He feel tug on his arm, turning around he granted by sight of Rem who stare at him with fierce look

"...Yes?" He asked uncertainly

"Rem know a place that sell headband that look like cat ears." She said with straight emotion, though the redness in her face spoke otherwise

"What?" Aaron deadpanned

"Emilia-sama and Rem will wear it for Aaron-sama."

"What?" Emilia asked with blink "Why should I wear it too?"

Aaron stared, he stared, stared and stared. Then he close his eyes and took deep breath, after that he let out sigh and massaging his temple

"Let's go, we have better thing to discuss." He said

Seriously, what the hell this girl just saying?! What the matter with cat ears? As matter of fact...

Aaron face flushed. God damn it, now she mention it he remember certain doujinshi where Rem got stuck with cat ears.

Apparently Rem caught the blush and took it as sign of approval and she continued "Aaron-sama like it? They also sell the tail."

"No!" Aaron cried, his face turned scarlet "Just... Let just go." He mumbled as he turn around and leave

"Wait Aaron-sama! Emilia-sama also going to wear them if you want!"

"What? Wearing what?"

Aaand with that another doujinshi popped in his head, this time it related to Emilia

God damn it Rem!

Unlike in canon, the location of Hakugei is unknown at this point. Where it will come from or when it will make appearance is doesn't known since clearly it was controlled by the caster. However that doesn't mean Aaron don't have plan to handle that problem

"You sure this is going to work Pendragon-san?" Crusch asked as she throttling her ride

"Theoretically? It should be." Aaron said calmly "After all, Hakugei is still demon beast by nature no matter what."

And demon beast attracted to mana, because that was their food, their main source of existence

And he have a lot of mana

Ever since they started to make their way to Flugel's tree Aaron already let out mana from his body, not much since he sure he going to need it for the coming battle.

He perfectly aware such small amount of mana won't attract the beast, however his mana is anything but normal. Coming directly from Magic Core that given by Dragon, his mana will act as a trail, a puzzle of something that bigger, something that would attract the beast to him

Not to mention he also trigger Return by Death few times during their travel. Combining the mana and the Witch scent, that would be more than enough to pull the beast attention

"Is the magical weapons and our men ready?" He asked

"Anytime." Crusch answered "The moment Hakugei arrive, we will be ready."

"Medic and the healer team also ready." Emilia said as she walk to his side using her ride, along with Rem who throttle the earth dragon. What? She can't ride it so she have to depend on Rem! "The Bokko fruits also just finished shared to them."

"Thank you Emilia-san." Crusch nodded. The bokko fruits is fruit that able to give boost to someone mana pool momentarily, it work like adrenaline in a way except the duration is longer. However when the effect kicked in it also will be more painful. Those fruits is actually rare and can't be found many but it seems Emilia have quite amount of them, no doubt it probably from Elior Forest

"No problem Karsten-san. We all in this together." Emilia replied "So it just common sense to share everything to win."

The green haired woman blinked, that was true but... The way she speak it was...

"... Are you copying me?" Aaron asked, his eyes narrowed in bewilderment

"A little bit." Emilia giggle "Did I get it right?"

"No, not at all." Aaron deadpanned

"Hmm, Rem think Emilia-sama need to put more tone in the "common sense" part." Rem remarked

"Be serious you two." Aaron sighed "The Hakugei can be here anytime." He said "Anyway, we will wait for twenty more minutes, if it still not coming then I will let out another burst to pull it." And at that time he would let out one that far more stronger, hopefully it won't be necessary but he doesn't have any choice now "It better if you two to get back to your position." He informed

"Yeah, you're right I guess." Emilia murmured, her eyes trailed to behind her, to the people that gathering, then they shifted to the particular object "But still... Flugel's tree really big huh?" She had seen it from far but close like this? It really something else

"It has been there for four hundred years at least." Aaron replied "So of course it is big." But still, for a tree to still exist even after four hundred years. The Sage must be using special seed or something to make it survive until now "It almost remind me of Yggdrasil." He murmured

"Yggdrasil?" Rem asked

"It's a mythical tree from where I came from." Aaron said "It's existence like a legend or myth. Yggdrasil Tree is said to be a tree that act like a pillar to each Worlds and separate them as well."

"Such thing is exist?" Emilia asked, her voice laced with awe and astonishment

"I don't know, like I said, it only a myth or legend. Much like how people believe in Gods or such thing."

"You believe in Gods?" Crusch asked, she seems interested at that topic

"Me? Well, no, I'm not." Aaron answered "But the people from my World? They did." He told her, he narrowed his eyebrow and give questioning look "What with the sudden interest?"

"Of course it interesting." Crusch replied "You hail from the land that considered myth to us, your existence even cane be said as... Divine." She tried to hide it but Aaron can tell she don't like to said that aloud "And you're saying that people from your land believe in another Gods."

"You exaggerating my existence." Aaron chuckled "I'm not a Divine being. While it's true I'm in a way related to Dragon but I'm not a God, I'm anything but a Divine. You can say I just like Reinhard in a way." As matter of fact Reinhard pretty much is more worthy to be worshipped giving his power and status "Beside, the Dragon I related to is not as benevolent as Volcanica, trust me, Ddraig is a monster, one that would raze Lugnica just because he is bored if necessary."

"Ddraig..." Crusch murmured "Is that the name of Dragon that related to you?"

"Yes." Aaron nodded, he tilt his head and stare at the giant moon above in sky "Truthfully, no matter what World, people mostly will always be same. They will cling to some idea or faith that they believe to be true, this World and mine not much different in that aspect."

"But there people like you." Crusch said "People who hailed and praised by other." She stated "And you said yourself that you not believe in Gods, then what do you believe into?"

Aaron glanced at the green haired woman, her amber colored eyes piercing her with judging gaze

"I believe... In myself."

Crusch blinked at the answer "Yourself?" She asked

"Hmm, ah pardon me, I use wrong phrase to said it. What I believe into is, an individual."

"Individual?" Crusch inquired

Aaron stare at her for few seconds, his gaze neutral and calm, then he tilt his head away, his eyes now solely focused to the army that chatting to each other and also preparing themselves

"I believe, that each person is unique and special in their own way. Every single person are not just someone who pass through our mind and be ignored. No, everyone have an identity, they have lives worth fighting for. They all have their place in the World the moment they born.

"I believe, that everyone have potential to do great, to leave their story and creating their own mark in the World. Be it good or bad, but in the end what they did is a great deed, something that incapable to be done by other

"That was what I mean, by believe in individual."

Crusch stared at the young man that become her nemesis recently, she was silent just like his friends as they give indecipherable look of their own toward him not unlike her

"That was very Humane view." Those comment come out from her before she can stop them

Aaron turned back to her, his face curled to small smile and his eyes seems gleaming with amused light "Really? That was great then." He said "After all, what I just said can be called as egoist and selfish, but isn't that what Human nature is? Selfish."

His statement must left some impression to her judging by how she look at him like a doctor that brandishing their scalpel, ready to cut open and find something inside their patient

"I... Don't get it." Emilia said with confused voice "I think what you believe is good Aaron but... How can it be called selfish?"

Aaron turn to her and give the half elf smile "I don't expect you do understand Emi, at least not yet." He throttling his own ride to near hers and give soft pat to her shoulder "But you will someday."

He spare small glance to the blue oni who only silent and did not make any comment. She seems not need to do that as her eyes that show approval and respect gleam told him what all he need

"Anyway, let's return to our post, we have to get ready." Aaron said, he then turned to Crusch "Karsten-san, do you already prepare something I asked?"

"You mean one of chain we would use to drag Hakugei's body?" Crusch asked rhetorically "Yeah, I left one under the foot of tree."

"Good, then I will go and prepare it. Oh, can someone tell me where I can move this dragon into? I think it would be better if I fight on the ground."

Flugel's Tree... A tree that planted by the Great Legendary Sage himself, one of figures who responsible for saving the World from consumed by the The Witch of Envy

The tree itself is located in Lifaus Highway, a large thoroughfare and it can be seen from miles away. The tree has stood for hundred years at leas, some speculated that it already there before the Witch of Envy rampaging around as matter of fact

How did it grow to be so large and still exist until now is unknown. Many magician come personally to study this tree, they want to know what the plant contain, what make it special? Why the Great Sage plant this tree, and what it purpose?

But they all mostly go back with disappointment. They do not know or find anything special. Indeed the tree is great that it able to last for hundreds years however the tree did not bore any fruit or such thing. It also did not emit anything magical save for it able to grow until now

Perhaps the tree did something in past to be able to grow onto this big however that was that, the past, and right now it give nothing but disappointment

Until now...

Gathered below the tree is an army, men and beastman together. They all carried weapons; axes, spears, swords, staff, a cannon and they all also clad in armor

The number almost certainly reach two hundreds, consisting of mercenary of Hoshin, knight that work under various of nobles family that allied themselves with Karsten family, and also men who hold grudge against the beast that soon they would face

Ten minutes has passed ever since they manage to set the preparation, at first there few who still talk and joking around but when five minutes has gone everyone stay till. They no longer chatting but keeping their eyes open, they stood in where they ordered, ready to leapt and act the moment their enemy come

Cold wind of night breeze the field where they stand along with them, despite there more than hundred souls in that field but the only sound that could be heard is leaves from Flugel's Tree that blown away and rattled, followed by hushed whispers of-

A shadow looming over them

"Above!" One soldier yelled

It come from the sky. Under the bright light of the moon. It gigantic body that easily surpassing hundred foot cast shadow to the earth beneath them. It white body seems gleaming dimly in the sea of darkness. It shape like an animal that came from the depth of the sea yet it floating in air as if they was it domain, defying law and logic by it gigantic body

It eyes is glowing, shining like a stars, but it did not elicit awe but fear. Their color was like a blood, eerie, and ominous. There is no best description other than word of demonic for the gigantic beast that now stand before them

'Is it... Always this big?' Crusch thought as she stare at the gigantic whale that make them look like ant in comparison

She had read the report, did her study and research about the White Whale route of travel, and also gathering intel from witnesses that manage to survive from the beast but... Now she saw it directly... Even she can't help but feel shocked...

She watched as the gigantic monster that swim in the sky tilt it massive head toward them, it maw that filled with countless serrated teeth opened and the head of the Karsten house tensed. Is it going to roar at them?

No... It was worse...

The air itself rippled apart and blaring as powerful force in form of thick fog burst out from it massive maw and pollute the World around them. It soar down toward the army like a tsunami, and giving the size of the fog that come down to them it won't be exaggeration to call one

'A fog attack?!' Crusch paled with horror as she saw the fog that approach them like a tidal wave, the amount was more than enough to take the whole army! "Troops! Start-"

"Strike Air : Hammer of the Wind King!"

The World shaken by another force but this time it come from the wind themselves. Blaring and roaring like a beast that unchained from their prison. They all joined and fused together and become hurricane that easily match the dense fig under single swing of the Holy Sword

Crusch and the whole army forced to cover their faces and hold their reins as powerful kinetic wave that come from clash of the fog and the hurricane washing over them. The ground that beneath the raging forces flattened and crumble as if giant just stepping over them

And then the hurricane pierce through the fog


The wind that like force of nature slammed to the gigantic whale, despite their strength already diminished after clashing with the fog but it still powerful enough to make the whale stumbled in it fly and change it direction while letting out howl that not unlike painful sound

Such is the strength of Noble Phantasm

The inheritor of the King of Knights strength stand before the beast and the army, his invisible sword clutch in one hand, his handsome face set into stoic and strict emotion, his green eyes show nothing but bravery and determination

'It strike the moment it see us, so it indeed controlled.' He thought as he recall the beginning of the battle with Hakugei in Canon. The beast simply staring at the army almost in disinterest at that time, only changed when it notice Subaru but in here, it instantly spewing fog at them

Things won't be easy as he thought it seems

Then again, he never expect it to be easy in first place

"Rem! Emi!"

"Al Huma!"

The wind ripped as ten meters ice pole soared to the sky, following it is sound of steel rattling as a thick chain apparently wrapped around the ice. It fly toward the white whale and pierce through it chin, deep enough to drawing blood and make the crimson liquid rained down to the ground

"O Spirit lend me your strength."

The half elf chanted, her whole body wrapped with light as she focused entirely to the ice pole, to the tip that just pierce through the beast flesh. Puck maybe not with her now but that doesn't mean she is defenseless or doesn't know how to use his power. She manipulate the tip and make it spread, the pointy shape bloom like a hook and digging themselves into the demon beast body


More blood come out followed by howl of pain. The beast shake it massive body, making the chain that wrapped around the ice following it

Pair of hand shoot forward and grab the chain before it can completely out of reach. The culprit narrowed his eyes and he feel his muscles coiled, tightened and screamed as he try his best to hold the chain

'Come on B rank strength! Don't fail me now!' He thought as he struggle to not let out pained voice, it's hurt damn it! He feel himself pulled by the beast, his legs desperately digging the ground, Mana explode from his whole body and crackling around him as he use all his strength

"Aaron Pendragon!" Crusch shouted in shock, she knew that the man requested one chain but she never thought it will be used for this!

He feel the beast got pulled a bit, his resistance not strong, it seems it caught by surprise. Then he have one shot to make it fall. If using Mana Burst and his own strength still not enough then

He call Excalibur, he insert the blade to the hole of the chain until the sword guard pass through then-

"STRIKE AIR!" He roared as he pump more mana to his the sharp winds that cover his sword and swing down his hand as powerful as he could

The Invisible Air not just act as cover for Excalibur, but it also can be used as projectile that launch hurricane that able to blow away armies and fling a stone slab weighing of several tons as if it were nothing. Not end in there, the wind also actually can be used as propelling for not unlike jet, Saber use this when in battle against Diarmuid Ua Duibhne in Fourth Holy Grail War

And that actually what Aaron do now. However instead pushing himself to the front, he use the wind force to increase the pressure to his body, making his pull to the chain become multiple times stronger

Of course naturally the chain he hold snapped, it can't handle that kind of pressure after all but it doesn't matter, it already serve it purpose

The raw strength from Servant that able to face Heracles in Berserker class, combined with the Mana Burst and the Invisible Air is more than enough to make the Hakugei who caught by surprise to be pulled down. It was like adult that unprepared and stand in solid ground, and at that position even chidlren can trip them down

For the first time in hundreds years, something finally strong enough to bring Hakugei crashed to the land

The ground tremble as the gigantic demonic beast fall to the earth, creating shockwave and made the World tremble for a second with it massive weight

The entire army only can gaped and put shocked emotion at the event that occurred in front of their eyes, their minds trying to comprehend what actually just happened


A loud curse snapped them from their shock, they all turned to the source of the voice and find the one who responsible for slamming the hundreds meter size beast flinging his hands while wincing

"It heavier than I thought." He grumbled "I should pick better ground for footing for the next one." He whined, he then notice everyone stare and feel irritation growing in his stomach "What are you all waiting for?! Attack it while it on the ground!"

Hearing that Crusch shocked face turned to smirk, she unsheath her sword, sweat poured down slightly to her face

"Your a monster yourself, to bring that thing down like that takes immense strength." She commented with thrill in her voice "TROOPS! CHARGEEEE!"

The answer she got come in form of roar and cry of hundreds soldier as they all rushed with their ride to the beast


Sounds that like vacuum absorbing air resonated as the multiple cannon that prepared started to gather mana to be fired

The whale shifted its massive body as it fell, its red eyes glaring at the incoming threat and in response to them it let out loud howl of anger and bloodlust

The battle between man and beast has begun...