
Re:Zero/Mordred Pendragon. King of Lugnica (Re:Zero/Fate fanfiction)

INFO: The development of this novel did not quite work out as I wished to (as it is, it made Mordred look like an Emilia simp, and I don't like it too). I honestly wish I could delete/hide it for a future re-writing, but I keep it around in this form since it's still decent and some people might want to read it. Keeping the comments for reference would also be useful. ............ Transmigrated into the Re:Zero world as Mordred Pendragon (male) from the Fate series. With strength of a Heroic Spirit and Return by Death, Mordred aims to become one of the most powerful existances and the next King of Lugnica. As Mordred soon finds out, he was not the only transmigrator, because Natsuki Subaru is also there for some reason. However, even though the world is nearly identical to the anime, it seems like things aren't exactly as they seemed. **** This is an AU / consider it an AU in regards to the OC only. Notes: The MC is not Subaru's underling, he's the MC, so don't read and whine that Subaru doesn't have powers or isn't the center of attention. (The MC also steals opportunities from Subaru.) Note: The MC is more of an antihero or a hero out of convenience if it isn't too much trouble. He isn't an evil villain, but he's definitely a quite greedy, pragmatic and a bit selfish person. For his own benefits and for his lover(s), he isn't afraid of killing or dirtying his hands (not that it might happen often, but that's just his attitude). He's honest with himself and true to his nature. The MC also has MANY personality traits of Mordred and is basically Mordred, so he isn't a typical Self Insert OC. He tends to act casually, bluntly and sometimes violently just like Mordred, but he's also able to scheme and behave himself if he feels like it.

Jaed21 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Mordred's dreams, the talk with Roswaal

I stood in an alley, silently watching the parade in front of me from a distance. Crowds of people flocked along the main street, also watching and cheering.

Rows of people and horses could be seen marching as the soldiers and knights of the kingdom were returning from battle, victorious. A large wave of demonic beasts that attempted to trample Britain has been repelled.

Suddenly the cheering suddenly got louder and a while later I finally noticed him - a head of golden hair, medium length and loose yet still carrying a feeling of dignity. His face was handsome and a gentle smile adorned his lips as he greeted his people.

'King Arthur'

"This is the man you must set your sight on", my mother placed a hand on my shoulder from behind as she whispered. "He's the one who took everything from us. One day you must defeat him."

'Defeat him? The King of Knights? Impossible....' my young self thought.

"Yes, this is your true lineage, son! You're the flesh and blood of King Arthur. Not only that, but you are the true grandson of King Uther, inheriting the black primeval energy of Britain. Meanwhile Arthur is nothing but an imposter, a king chosen by the people! There's no one who has better qualifications to be king than you."

The king chosen to be the King of Britain was bestowed with a mysterious power, a black primeval cursed energy native to Britain, being passed down in the line of the previous royal family. But this is not what got my attention.

"I am... King Arthur's... son?" I voiced out in shock.

"Yes. But don't have delusions, he would never accept you as his heir. Not with your twisted birth. The only way you can inherit the throne is through a rebellion."

I finally mustered the courage to confront my father and revealed the truth to him with elation. Even if my mother wanted me to fight my father, how could I do it?

With my helmet finally released, my face, golden hair and light green eyes that were so similar to his were exposed. I told him of my origins; as unsightly as they were, I was proud of them.

I looked at him in anticipation as he gazed back at me silently with a solemn expression. I felt nervousness eating me from the inside.

"It is true that you might be my blood through my sister's plotting, but I cannot acknowledge you as my heir. You have no capacity to be king," he finally said with an emotionless face, his voice full of indifference, perhaps slightly pitying.


I stared at him blankly, unable to comprehend the words he just said.

Arthur has no other heir, there is no one else that could take the throne apart from me. I have always worked my hardest, ever since I could walk I wielded a sword and trained. Despite my unknown origins, I earned a seat among the Knights of the Round Table thanks to my own efforts. I protected the way of the knights much like that which could only be found in picture books, working hard daily in being the ideal knight, all while hiding my dislike and jealousy of others.

I was a perfect knight. In name, reality, mind, abilities and body I was fit to be the true successor of the King of Knights, no one else was. Then why, why won't you accept me?

There are no flaws in my one could point at. Then what is wrong with me?

Is it because I'm a filthy rape child?! Is it what it comes down to in the end?

"Why won't you recognize me as your son? That is your answer, King of Knights?" I voiced out with a trembling voice.

In response, he turned around and began walking away. Step by step, he was leaving and didn't bother to reply. Before that I got a glimps of his light green eyes, faintly smiling as usual, as if to mock me.

Soon, he left, leaving me speechlessly gaping after him, my eyes wide open and lips trembling.

"I was happy just being in your shadow… Yet you never turned around to face me," a mutter escaped my mouth.

"King!" I called out loud, but he had already left. I was nothing to him.

I felt rage overflowing my heart. No matter how hard I tried, even if I excelled over anyone, would it matter? My birth was not something I could change, my only weakness. Would he forever view me as a dirty child just like mother said?

"Then I will…! I will destroy everything you present and hold dear. When I'm the only thing left, maybe then you'll look at me!"

"ARTHUR!!!" I yelled out loud at the top of my lungs, my voice echoing in the now empty chamber.


Mordred suddenly opened his eyes, finding out that he was drenched in cold sweat, feeling adrenaline pumping through his veins and shock filling his heart. His breathing was haggard and he felt scared as if after experiencing a nightmare.

'So I am Arthur Proto's son?..."

Bang, bang, bang!

He then heard someone vigorously bang at the door.

"Mordred-sama! I heard a shout. Is everything alright?" a voice called out.

Mordred turned his head toward the door as he recognized the voice - it was Reinhard.

"Mordred-sama, please respond. I'll barge in if you won't," Reinhard called out again. Yesterday he swore fealty to Mordred, so he began living in a room next to his to protect him. Yet it was on the very next morning that he heard loud shouts coming from his liege's room. Even though he didn't detect any foreign presence inside, he left on edge, afraid of failing the very person he swore to protect.

"I'm fine!" Mordred called out. He followed up quietly, "Just had a bad dream…"

Ever since Mordred came to this world it was the very first time that he had actually slept, being wary of oversleeping the first day and missing the check-point.

"I see," the voice behind the door said, clearly expressing relief.

"You can leave, Reinhard. Sorry if I woke you up," Mordred said.

"It's no matter. Then I will take my leave. We shall visit the registration office at nine. Don't hesitate to call me or Nadia if you need anything, Mordred-sama." Reinhard bid his farewell courtly, seemingly leaving soon after.

Meanwhile Mordred rolled out of his bed and sat up straight. He still felt his heart beat at an abnormal rate after the dream.

Earlier Mordred had already felt various emotions that he couldn't link to any memories, yet he knew that they were unavoidably his. The dreams he just had were not quite memories, yet he was unable to deny that this was his life.

After re-experiencing what he did, he felt anger, rage, disappointment, but most of all understanding and shame.

A wry forced smile appeared on Mordred's lips. 'A homunculus, with an incredibly short lifespan, still a child in mind. Having no desire to be the king and having no vision of his kingdom. How could such a person be the king?'

Looking back from another perspective, Mordred now understood fully. It is not that he didn't have the abilities to rule, as he was the very person that spurred a successful rebellion and brought the thriving kingdom of Britain to its knees, but Mordred was never interested in the throne or being a ruler in the first place; he only wanted Arthur's approval as a worthy heir.

Once Mordred inherited the throne, ruin would follow. And it comes as no surprise that Arthur didn't allow it.

And in the first place, the one who turned Mordred against Arthur was his mother, Morgan Le Fay.

It is Morgan who planted the seed of rebellion in Mordred, making him believe that he would never be accepted by Arthur because of his filthy birth. As a homunculus Mordred's life passed like a whirlwind, he was still a child and had only lived for several years at that time. His father's cold reception served as clear testament to this very doubt that was planted in his heart, and he allowed himself to get manipulated.

However, Mordred didn't feel hatred toward Morgan. Perhaps it was because his memories were incomplete or perhaps it was because he understood her or forgave her. Either way, he knew that it was Mordred's own decision to lead a rebellion and he should take the blame.

Meanwhile Arthur was not without fault either. As perfect as Arthur was in his selflessness and care for the people, he was unable to understand the heart of his subjects, and unable to understand Mordred's heart.

'How could that be a perfect king, huh?' Mordred thought, feeling both pity and guilt for having such thoughts about his 'father'. He idolized Arthur deep within his heart, but he was unable to ignore his faults.

Mordred sighed and plopped his chin in his hands, entering a deep thought. If not for his current strange state of existence, in his blind fanaticism, could he have come to these realizations?

Mordred reflected upon himself for a long time.

Around the same time Mordred realized something - after yesteday his [Charisma C-] skill was upgraded to [Charisma C]! *

At one point Nadia finally came and called Mordred for breakfast. Later that day Mordred visited the registration office with Felt and Reinhard, and completed various formalities.

Finally Roswaal, Emilia and Ram finally came to visit around noon.


A group of people greeted each other in front of a meeting room.

"Mordred Pendragon-saaama. It is nice to see you agaaain!" Dio's melodic voice entered Mordred's ears, while a smiling clown face greeted his sight, while the clown in question waved his hand in a courteous bow.

Mordred faintly smiled. "Roswaal-san, it's nice to see you."

Roswaal didn't seem to react much to a -san honorific and only smiled.

Mordred then turned to Emilia who had her usual innocent and gentle look. "It's nice to see you again, Emily."

Emilia smiled. "It's nice to see you, Mordred."

"Nice seeing you again, Ross-chi!" a voice was suddenly heard from a distance as a new person entered the corridor.

"Subaru-kuuun, will you also be participating in the taaaalk?" Roswaal turned toward the intruder with a smile, asking curiously.

"I was just passing by and wanted to greet everyone, but since I'm already here, then why not?" Subaru said with a smile as he approached the group.

"Mordred, who is it?" Emilia asked as she glanced at Mordred.

"He's a…-"

Before Mordred had a chance to respond, Subaru made a courteous bow in front of Emilia, took her hand and half-kneeled. He gently kissed the top of Emilia's hand, while looking up at her, said, "This must be Miss Emilia! My name is Natsuki Subaru, I'm Mordred's friend! It's nice to meet you."

'Mordred's friend?' Emilia looked at Subaru with an innocent expression, being silent for a while; slight surprise could be seen on her face, perhaps due to Subaru's strange melodramatic tone as he introduced himself.

'Oh my god, this is so embarrassing… And her hand is so delicate.' Subaru was boiling on the inside. He felt sweat forming on his back and forehead as he awaited the silver-haired beautie's response, looking at her.

Mordred frowned at the side, but said nothing.

Meanwhile Emilia slightly smiled; her smile was both charming and soothing. "Yes, I'm Emilia, just Emilia, I have no family name. It's nice to meet you, Subaru-kun."

'Oh wow, even her voice is cute…' Subaru stared at Emilia blankly, still half kneeling and holding Emilia's hand.

"Well then. Shall we begin our taaaalk?" Roswaal suddenly broke the silence with a singing voice.

Mordred coughed and instead looked back at Subaru who was currently getting up from the floor. He said, "Subaru, I don't want to be rude, but you were not invited to the talk. We are going to discuss delicate matters. Please, have some common sense."

Subaru frowned. Mordred was such a pain in the butt. He waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about what I said yesterday, Mordred. I already know of what happened, so it might be good to have me around. I only want to share my opinion."

'I gotta stay on top of the plot!' Subaru thought, looking at Mordred.

'No one cares about your opinion!' Mordred thought, looking at Subaru.

Reinhard seemed to have noticed Mordred's frustration, as he also coughed and said, "Subaru, you were indeed not invited to the talk. It isn't appropriate for you to be here."

Upon hearing Reinhard's words, Subaru felt a stab in his chest. His plan of interjecting himself into the plot failed! He laughed awkwardly. "Hahaha, it isn't that I want to be forceful. I simply wanted to help! But if no one wants me here, then I'll leave!"

Subaru's expression clearly twisted into anger and indignance as he turned around and began to storm away.

Everyone then watched Subaru's leaving figure with various expressions, most of them aware of Subaru's childish tantrum.

After a few seconds, Mordred made up his mind and called out, "Subaru, wait!"

Subaru stopped in his steps and slowly turned around.

"I'm sorry for dismissing your opinion, Subaru. I changed my mind, I would like to have you around," Mordred forced out these words from his mouth. Although Subaru was quite unreasonable, he felt that a petty person like him should be approached with caution; and it shouldn't really matter whether Subaru was there or not, Mordred had already displayed his attitude that he can't be ordered around.

With his sharp eyesight, Mordred could then see Subaru's eyes flash with surprise.

Subaru lightly laughed. "Haha, right. No need to apologize, I get it. Well, then let's start the talk!"

Subaru started strolling back. He soon passed by Ram. 'A pink haired maid, seriously? That's a parallel fantasy world for you.'

Ram looked away with an indifferent expression.

"At any raaaate. How about we finally sit down and discuss this matter in a more priiiiiivate place?" Roswaal interjected.

"Yes. Emilia-sama, Roswaal-san, please, let's go inside and sit down," Reinhard said, inviting the guests into the meeting room.

Soon the small group sat down in the meeting room, taking seats at a rectangular table.

Mordred sat straight in the seat of honor with Reinhard at his right and Subaru at his left, while Roswaal and Ram were at one side of the table (next to Reinhard), and Emilia at the opposite, closer to Subaru.

"Well theeen. Shall we begin our taaalk?" Roswaal said, smiling at Mordred.

Mordred only lightly nodded.

"Mordred-saaama, first of all I must greatly thank you for saving Emilia-saaaama. Not only that, but you also reclaimed her Royal Insignia and gave it baaaack to her. It's a very important matter to meeee. I will make sure to reward you propeeeerly," Roswaal said, smiling.

Mordred slightly smiled. Seeing that Roswaal didn't continue, he said, "I happened to be in the area. I'm just glad that Emilia was safe in the end."

"Indeeeed. But as I have thought about it, isn't it slightly suspiiiicious that you found yourself there just when Emilia was in grave daaaaanger?" Roswaal then asked.

Mordred's eye twitched. 'This bastard. You're the one who put her in danger in the first place, sending an assassin after her, and now you're blaming me? Even when I brought Reinhard with me? What if I asked you if you were responsible?'

"Roswaal-san, your words are a bit too much. Mordred-sama meeting Emilia-sama was a coincidence," Reinhard interjected, looking at Roswaal sternly. "I was also present there and even interrogated Mordred-sama, so I assure you that he is not the one who tried to harm Emilia-sama."

"Is that soooo? But from what I heard Reinhard-san is now Mordred-sama's kniiiight, so it isn't strange that you would take his siiiide, isn't it?" Roswaal said.

Reinhard frowned. Meanwhile both Subaru and Emilia's faces flashed with shock at the sudden reveal.

Mordred appeared annoyed as he said, "You have quite a nerve, Roswaal-san. You came here to thank me, but now you start throwing accusations. But I am actually not completely surprised. Such a coincidence is indeed quite suspicious. All I can say is that I'm not the one behind the attack on Emily. I hope that you can believe me."

He then looked at Emilia with an honest look.

Emilia looked a bit lost as to what to say for a moment, as she really wanted to defend Mordred, but the situation was indeed quite suspicious.

Silence descended in the room, with the atmosphere being on edge.

'Huh, already using nicknames to call each other. Emily sounds English. Mordred might be a difficult rival…' Subaru's thoughts wandered about in the meantime.

"I don't sense any malice from Mordred," to Mordred's surprise it was Puck who suddenly defended him, appearing out of nowhere and facing everyone present. "I can feel that he is genuinely glad that Lia is fine and is annoyed by Roswaal's accusation. It doesn't mean that he couldn't have hidden intentions and be scheming something, but I don't think he would put Lia in danger."

Although Puck was also very suspicious at first, he had already made up his mind after talking with Emilia in the morning.

"On my honor as a knight and a Sword Saint I swear that what Mordred-sama just said is the truth. He is not responsible for the attack on Emilia-sama," Reinhard stated solemnly.

"Em. I also don't think that Mordred is such a person. Accusing him without proof is too much," Emilia said firmly.

Roswaal raised his hands in defeat, appearing apologetic. "If even Puck-sama and Emilia-sama vouch for Mordred-sama, then I apologize for my woooooords. As the person who came to give his thaaaanks it was quite insensitive of meeee. Please forgiiiive me."

"It's alright. I also think that this situation was indeed quite suspicious," Mordred said, patting his chin.

'Damn clown, he's probing me and trying to figure out what kind of person I am to manipulate me in the future. I guess it would be best to appear as someone simple-minded… I can attempt exposing him in front of Reinhard in the future, but there's nothing I could gain from it at the moment,' Mordred silently thought, deciding to not seem too cunning in Roswaal's eyes.

"Indeed. Let's just be glad that Emilia-sama is saaaafe. By the way, I heard from Emilia-samaa that Mordred-samaa is a fooooreigner. You have appeared in Lugnica just yesterdaaaay, is that riiiight?" Roswaal then asked.

"That's right," Mordred flatly said.

"Since you just came here yesterdaaay, you must know nothing of Lugniiiica, riiight?" Roswaal asked.

"Yes, I'm new, but I quickly adapt and learn. I already know the most important things," Mordred answered.

"Indeed, you seem to be a quite quick leeeeearner, Mordred-saaama." Roswaal's smile seemed to deepen. "Do you mind telling us where you're frooooom?"

At this moment everyone's eyes turned to Mordred, appearing to be interested.

"Sure, it isn't a secret," Mordred said. "I'm not from this continent, or as you people say - I'm from beyond the Great Waterfall."

Mordred's bold words caused Roswaal and Ram to widen their eyes, though Mordred assumed that Roswaal's change of expression was only an act - one had to admit that the clown was an expert actor.

"That's quite a bold claaaaaaim," said Roswaal with a smile. "I do not wish to accuse you of lying, Mordred-saaama, but there have been maaaany people that also claimed to come from beyond the Great Waterfaaaall. However, none of them could proooove it."

"My actions in the future will be proof enough that I'm not from around here," Mordred said. "Anyway, can we get to the point of this conversation? I don't like being interrogated like a criminal."

"Morded-saaama, I'm simply very cuuurious, so please forgive me for thaaaat. As for your suggestion - indeed, then let us get to the poooint." Roswaal smiled.

He then waved his hand courtesy and announced grandly, "For all that you have dooone, Mordred-sama, as long as it isn't to betray Emilia-sama's loooyalties, ask for anything you desiiiire!"


(AN: Thanks for the massive amount of Powerstones for this story last week! It was 817 at one point. I'll have to slow down with chapter releases from now on though, so don't be too excited. And if the story sometimes seem like random rambling, then it's because it is random rambling.)