
Re Zero: Harem Life In Another World

Months after Subaru Natsuki arrived in the world of Re:Zero, a new power reveals itself before him. A power beyond any authority or divine protection. The power of lust. Subaru's mind slowly becomes corrupted and his goals change to a more sinister tone. In his attempt to take control of Lugunica, Subaru Natsuki amassed a harem of the many women he's come to know and love.

EcchiProtector · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


Birds chirped in the air as a new day fell upon Lugunica. I sat within the hearty courtyard of Roswaal's manor, butterflies fluttering overhead. A tray full of tea sat on the table before me. I carefully lowered a sugar cube into my cup before sipping from the drink.

"Ah... That hits the spot."

I noticed a tiny red scorpion crawling about the courtyard.

"Hey, you have to be careful," I whispered before moving the critter back inside the manor.

As I traversed back to the tea table, the sound of a wagon loomed overhead. I looked into the distance to see a dragon-drawn carriage approaching. I grinned. The vehicle came to a stop as beams of sunlight stretched downward to illuminate over its doors. None other than Crusch Karsten stepped out.

"Crusch! Thank you for meeting me today!"

She ignored me and walked over to the table.

"You should be weary that Wilhelm isn't here. He tends to make the outlandish things you say more believable. He wanted to join us today but he's been busy."

"Doing what?"

"Debating with Reinhard on what to do about you."

A moment of silence passed between us.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Reinhard Van Astrea is a knight who has stared down the most treacherous and evil forces this world has to offer. Not once has he ever been afraid. Until he looked you in the eyes at the last royal assembly. He claims there is a great calamity being harbored within you."

"He's wrong."

Crusch narrowed her eyes at me.

"Let's get this over with Subaru, I'm only here because I respect you for aiding my troops in battle against the White Whale. And of course, I hold high respect for the Emilia camp when they assisted me in combat at Water Gate City. Try not to throw away Emilia's honor by saying something stupid."

I gulped.

"Come on Crusch- you haven't even heard what I have to say."

"You have the floor." She said in an unamused manner.

I sat down and watched as she sipped from her tea.

"So, how's the royal selection going-" I started.

"Just as I intended." She cut in.


I struggled as I thought of what to say next. Crusch cleared her throat and continued speaking.

"To tell you the truth my approval rate was expected to drop after the White Whale's defeat. An oracle told me I was destined to lose my memories and then later become poisoned- But they were wrong. I've defeated the odds and now I have the highest approval rate out of any other royal candidate."

"Right... That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about." I murmured.

"Speak your truth, Subaru Natsuki."

"A lot of people are starting to lose faith in the dragon tablet's prophecy. In fact, many want to see other candidates than just the five of you."

Crusch's face grimaced with an unsavory expression.

"And who told you this?" She questioned.

"Um- many are starting to support the idea of a sixth candidate. It's prophesized that the winner of the royal selection will become king of Lugunica, not queen and so-"

"You think a male candidate should enter? Need I remind you that the prophecy specifies five young maidens are to compete for the throne."

"Listen Crusch, I'm going to enter the royal selection," I uttered.

She fell silent. Her eyes stared at me in disbelief before she then set down her tea.

"You are acting extremely disrespectful right now, Subaru Natsuki. If this is some kind of joke let me tell you, it isn't the least bit funny."

I reached over to grab her hand.

"Crusch, it's okay if you're confused right now."

My eyes turned a dark black hue. She gazed into my pupils, an entranced expression filling her face. She then shook my hand away.

"I'm disgusted by how you actually believe what you're saying."

What? It didn't work?

"That's because what I'm saying is true!" I yelled.

"A sixth candidate, let alone a male candidate, is impossible."

"Listen Crusch, the reason why you're here; the reason why I'm telling you any of this- is because I want you to drop out of the royal selection."

The cup of tea cracked within her grasp.

"Excuse me?"

"The Emilia camp, Felt camp, Priscilla camp, and Anastasia camp have already agreed to pull out of the election. We just need you to do so now."

"For what reason exactly? So that you can become king?"


"Lugunica needs a strong and faithful leader who will exonerate the covenant with Volcanica. Not some anemic boy who can barely tell what he himself wants. Or thinks that he can trample the honor and traditions of others. You are the most impudent and disrespectful person I have ever met, Subaru. The only reason why I'm continuing to entertain you right now is because of our history with the White Whale and Water Gate City."

"Crusch, if I become king I promise I'll absolve Lugunica from the dragon's covenant. You just need to trust me on this."

She glared me down before clearing her throat again.

"What game are you playing at Subaru Natsuki? My judgment tells me you believe your own delusions... But I'll need more proof than your own word. I find it ludicrous to accept that the other camps would so readily drop their campaigns for the likes of you."

I sighed.

"I thought you might say that."

Emilia, Rem, Ram, Felt, Priscilla, and Anastasia then exited the front doors of the manor and ambled into the courtyard.

"What's going on here?" Questioned Crusch.

"Subaru is telling you the truth." Replied Emilia.

"If we all drop out," Began Priscilla.

"Subaru can take his rightful place as king." Finished Anastasia.

"I've been wanting to withdraw from the election for a long time now..." Added Felt.

Crusch looked to the ground in solidarity.

"You're all lying."

"Doesn't your divine protection allow you to see when someone is telling the truth?!" I griped.

"Yes. You all appear to believe what you're saying... But it must be wrong. There's a strange aura coming from you Subaru... Reinhard was right."

I stood up from the table and paced about angrily.

"What's with everyone mentioning Reinhard when they see me? Is there really something wrong with me?!"

I turned to stare down Crusch once more. My eyes churned a charcoal black shade.

"Join us Crusch. Abandon the royal selection!"

Before I could say anything else, a burst of air then shot into me and knocked me to the ground. The table we sat at moments before had sliced into two. Crusch had unsheathed her sword.

"There is a great calamity in you Subaru Natsuki. I will purge it from you right this instant."

She raised her sword to the air, only for the rest of the girls to step between us.

"What are you doing?"

"We won't let you hurt Subaru!" Announced Emilia.

"I see. He has you all right in the palm of his hand. I will not question your choices. But know I will not hesitate to strike you down if you are in my way."

Emilia then whispered something under her breath. Crusch lowered her blade.

"What did you say?"

"El Huma!" Yelled Emilia.

A dozen or so shards of ice formed in the air and shot at Crusch. Felt then blasted forward in the blink of an eye. She swung a razor-sharp dagger against the edge of Crusch's sword.

"Al Huma!" Shouted Rem in the next instant.

A long spear of ice formulated in the air above Crusch, hurtling downward as Rem charged ahead. Priscilla then weaved her hands through the air.

"Akra." She muttered as a pristine yellow light enveloped Ram.

"Al Fura!" Roared the pink-haired maid.

A torrent of sharp wind collided with Crusch. Clouds of debris and dirt rose into the air. Shards of ice littered the grass below. When the wreckage cleared, I stood above Crusch who was now at the bottom of a crater. My eyes flickered back to a black shade. The rest of the girls grabbed Crusch and pulled her up to my face.

"Last chance. Join us." I bellowed.

Her eyes stared into my dark pupils.

"No... You're manipulating me like you did with them... I won't let you win. I'll fight it..."

"Will you?" I asked.

She stopped talking. I grinned as her eyes stared into mine.

"Do we have a deal, Crusch?"

She cleared her throat.

"Of course, Subaru."

The girls let go of her. She stepped back only to freeze in place.

"Only- there's a business matter we still haven't taken care of."

"And that is?"

She turned around and grabbed me by the collar. She pulled me in for a kiss, our lips touching as the sun showered us in light.

"It's my turn to have some fun with you." She chuckled.

Crusch dropped to her knees and opened her mouth. Rem and Ram quickly ran over to me and undid my pants. My private part extended outward, Crusch leaning over to lick it. Rem and Ram sat on their knees as well and began licking my penis with her. The three tongues slithered along the shaft of my member and drenched it in saliva.

"Let me join too!" Called Emilia.

Emilia, Priscilla, Anastasia, and Felt then ran over and all dropped to their knees as they squeezed in between each other. Their seven tongues fondled and spread across my penis with love. I bit my lip as pure, unadulterated, pleasure rippled through my body like electricity. I shoved my member all the way into Crusch's mouth, her chest bouncing up with joy. I slid back and forth as her hands gripped me intensely. Then I pulled out and thrust my penis into Priscilla's mouth. Her eyes lit up with satisfaction as I slid all the way down her throat, her creamy breasts pulsating against me. I pulled out and then forced my penis into Anastasia's mouth. Her light blue eyes softened as her tongue wrapped around my member. I drifted back and forth until she could take no more and I had to pull out. My hands then grabbed onto Emilia's head. I dragged her forward and shoved her mouth over my penis. I pushed as far forward as I could and pumped back and forth into her. I looked down to see white fluid dripping from between her legs. I yanked my member out from Emilia and then slipped it into Felt's mouth. Her hands reached upward to caress my balls as the shaft of my penis shot down her throat, forward and backward multiple times. I jerked out from her and then grabbed Rem and Ram's heads with both my hands. I pressed both of their mouths against my penis and slid their tongues along my shaft, up and down, until fluid had leaked out from between their legs and they could handle no more pleasure. I then circled back through all the girls, pushing my member down their throats as fiercely as I could. My private pulsated as a wave of cum spurted out and onto all of their mouths.

"Ooooohhhh Subarruuuu!!"


"Rem thinks your yogurt is so delicious...!"

"Let me pleasure you more Subaruuu...!"

"Barasuuuu I'm not done with you yet...!"

"Let me touch you Subaruuuu!!!"

"We love you Subaruuu!!!!"

The seven girls latched onto me and pushed me to the ground.

[Open Link -----> https://ibb.co/s6Pdg5D]

Emilia pulled off her panties and lowered her ass onto my face. Her thick thighs tightened around my head, a sticky substance dripping over me as I was suffocated by her enormous butt. She rubbed her ass across my face while moaning aloud. Priscilla and Ram grabbed both my hands and shoved them in between their massive breasts. My fingers squeezed and tightened around the overflowing exteriors of their boobs. Crusch climbed atop me and perked out her ass, lowering it over my stout penis. Her cheeks wobbled and clapped against my private as I elongated further and further into her body. Rem and Felt then draped their entire bodies over my two legs, cascading their sets of plumb breasts across my skin.

"Oh Subarruuu...!" Squealed Emila as her thighs squeezed my face even tighter.

My tongue reached upward and licked Emilia's vagina. The scent of lavender radiated off from her as her silky skin pressed against my face. Priscilla and Ram continued to massage my hands between their cleavage only for them to both moan out in unison. They both then lowered my hands to the spot between their legs. Their gooey thighs wobbled and squeezed my hands as my fingers pushed into their vaginas. Their heads reared back as they moaned. I continued to slam my penis into Crusch's ass as she rode me. I tensed up as a jolt of sperm rocketed into to her. My penis throbbed with joy as a wet and creamy feeling slid into Crusch's insides. Rem and Felt slid their overflowing cleavage across my legs along with their now dripping-wet vaginas. Their velvety skin rubbed along me until their nipples secreted an ivory-white fluid.

I grinned at the harem I had amassed.