
Re Zero: Harem Life In Another World

Months after Subaru Natsuki arrived in the world of Re:Zero, a new power reveals itself before him. A power beyond any authority or divine protection. The power of lust. Subaru's mind slowly becomes corrupted and his goals change to a more sinister tone. In his attempt to take control of Lugunica, Subaru Natsuki amassed a harem of the many women he's come to know and love.

EcchiProtector · Anime e quadrinhos
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20 Chs

Inamorata and The Pocket Lighter

I sighed as I stared at my papers. Shuffled across my desk were various contracts and parchments that required Lugunica's king to sign off on.

"No matter how many I read, I can't seem to see the end..." I said aloud.

Ram stood behind me.

"Add it up while you're mumbling, Barusu. You can't keep taking breaks. Now get back to work." She demanded.

"You're aware of my position and still talk to me like that?!"

One of the paperwork piles was about to be cleared away, leaving only five more stacks to sift through. I brought the quill in my hand down to the next paper and began writing. I yawned as I slowly wrote. Ram smacked me on the head. I turned around to face her angrily.

"Could you stop glaring down at me like that? You do know how much power I currently hold in this country, right? Maybe it's time I kicked you out of my harem. Understand?"

"It appears that you are as incompetent as ever, Barusu. You are incapable of standing on your own without assistance. Who will help write this pile of papers if I abandon you and leave the room? You should know your place."

I grit my teeth.

"If you hit me one more time then I won't have sex with you." I asserted.

The maid with pink-colored hair broke her composed nature.

"Barasu- that's a bit much, isn't it? After all, you know that I'm the only one who can pleasure you correctly... Ram is on top, and Barusu is on the bottom. That is correct. So it'd be you who'd be missing out if you ceased relations with me."

"I seem to recall the last time we had sex it was I who was on top. Now if you want to stay in my harem you'll keep quiet and help me with my work." I ordered.

Ram exhaled in disgust. She brought over a spare chair to my desk and removed a spare quill from the pen holder.

"Ram is going to write what she can for you. I simply need confirmation, so answer it verbally."

"All right, sounds good to me Ram."

"Your attitude should reflect your gratitude."

"What do you mean, exactly?"

"Isn't it polite to address me as 'Sama'?"

"If anyone else heard me call you that, I'd be in big trouble."

Unlike my own hands which stop working when I talk too much, Ram's paperwork processing speed was astonishing. According to what I've heard before, she was also working behind the scenes at the Roswaal residence, handling the paperwork on Roswaal's behalf. I had no recollection of ever witnessing such a scene, so I was taken aback at first.

"You were just slouching in your chair." Grumbled Ram as she turned to me.

"I feel like I'm being unfairly judged."

"No. I'm trying to help you improve yourself. A king can't be seen slouching."

"Forget that king stuff, as a girl in my harem you should be supporting me to do whatever I want."

"I'll approve a petition from a radical political group, just to spite you." Replied Ram.

"Stop!" I shouted.

Ram handled the situation rather brusquely and at her own discretion. I, on the other hand, did not bother to mention it. I knew there was nothing I needed to correct her on, despite everything she said. I glanced at Ram's face as she stared down at the papers. As always, there is a tense, blank expression on her face. Her soft face has not changed since we first met. When she smiles, she is as pretty as a flower, but she only blooms once a year, if at all.

"...You've stopped again, Barusu."

"Ah, I'm sorry. I was just looking at you."

She groaned and turned back to the papers.

"You know Rem would have turned bright red and made an adorable face..." I commented.

"Stop contrasting Rem to me or I'll mess up...!"

Ram's grip on the quill then tightened. I felt a rush in the back of my body as I glanced at her sideways with my eyes. Mentioning Rem's name was not a malicious act, but it was a mistake if it offended her. It's a good idea to plan out what you're going to do when talking to Ram.

"I wasn't comparing you two; instead, I was admiring you. You'd be super cute if you didn't talk like this, didn't make unnecessary moves, and actually appreciated my personality."

"So you're saying it is utterly adorable once you see Rem talk, move around, and she praises you. —I'll inform Lady Emilia and the others of what you just said." Articulated Ram.

"That's completely out of context!" I shouted.

Her high self-esteem and low opinion of me remained unchanged. She should know that I don't really think highly of myself though. My dignified demeanor is merely a ruse. As a result, I believe I can forgive her if I consider her unpretentious remarks to be a cover for her embarrassment. So, I feel like I can forgive even a cute remark if I think it's a cover-up.

"You're blushing, Barusu."

"Really...? Well, I'm sorry about that."

I take my gaze away from Ram's face and then returned to my paperwork. Side trips are enjoyable, but you can't keep your schedule if you don't finish what you start.

"Please don't compare me to Rem. It makes it sound as if you see us as toys where you have preferences over which one you get to play with." Whispered Ram.

I stared at Ram's face again and never noticed that she had muttered something under her breath. The only sound in the room was the quill sliding across the papers. Ram sighed and then leaned over to kiss me on the cheek.

"Your work is done, Barasu."

She exited the room. I groaned and leaned back in my chair. Ram is always so confusing...

"—-I'm free!" Yelled a voice from the distance.

The door was violently thrown open. My face turned pale at the words of the person who entered. It was none other than Priscilla herself.

"Subaru! It's my turn to be with you!"

"I'm a bit tired from all the work I finished though..."

Priscilla never wants to relax with me... We always end up doing something extravagant. Knowing her we'll probably be dancing with a bunch of nobles in a ballroom. She's been like this ever since I became king. Now that I'm more than just a 'commoner' she's been interested in doing things other than sex with me.

"Subaru... You're being disrespectful." She griped.

"You're not going to flip anything over, are you?" I blurted.

In retaliation for offending her, the table was overturned with her foot, my papers and ink rolling to the floor with a loud noise. I hurriedly gathered up the fallen items. I was lucky that nothing was soft enough to be broken. I exhaled a sigh of relief after confirming the safety of the papers. Priscilla, the girl in the red dress, looked at me sourly.

"I'm at work today, you know. I've always advised you to call ahead of time. So that I can take care of my business before you arrive." I chastised.

"Don't be silly. I'm your mistress so what we do depends on how I feel! Subaru, you should know by now that the world revolves around me." She chuckled.

"You should be the one to know better! Are we forgetting that you're part of my harem? As your master, my word is supreme."

"That may be so but... I just can't help but want to show you off the world. I am so happy that I get to be one the king's maidens... You beat me to ursurping the throne after all! If it were not for you who talked me out of advancing in the royal selection then I might be Queen! Now you're in such a dignified and respectable state... It makes me want to do many things to your body..." Moaned Priscilla.

She stared at me with a lecherous glint in her crimson eyes. She is, as usual, a very self-centered young lady. It's exhausting dealing with her, but that's a good thing because the core of her argument is understandable at least. Unlike Ram. At any rate, there's no doubt that my position of power was achieved by ignoring her wishes.

"Besides, is your work so important that it take priority over me?' She complained.

"It's not like I've been wasting my time. I've been developing a collection of new technologies by combining magic ores and other items popular in the city."

"New technology, huh? Like what?"

In response to her question I picked up an object that was the size of my palm. She narrowed her eyes in confusion at the trinket. I lightly tapped the bottom of the metal box. A blue flame instantly lit up from it's top.

"Huh? A portable furnace?" She examined.

"It's known as a lighter where I come from. When it becomes popular you can use it to grill, even if you can't use magic. It can also be used as a light source. One of these would make it easier to start a fire outside."

"Some unsavory people might start burning down buildings if it develops into weapons though."


Priscilla expressed a serious viewpoint. This girl's words and actions were difficult to guess, but that made her smarter than most. She glanced at the lighter in my hand.

"You have a small amount of magic fire ore inside. You can start a spark by stimulating it with the device at the bottom... But if the device is insufficient, a little overheating could cause it to pop. Even if you slightly overheat the device, it will break if it's faulty. It's a good idea to find alloy that can work at high temperatures. But it also need's to be cheap enough for mass production... That's quite the conondrum."

"I'm at a loss for words." I uttered.

The deficiencies were detailed and corresponded exactly to the developer's points that needed improvement. Priscilla is quite skillful at pointing out needed improvements, or to put it in other terms, pointing out other people's flaws.

"In any case, if this is what you showed me first, is this your most confident work? If so, then this demonstrates how dumb you are. You should come spend some time with me now."

"Oh, Shut up Priscilla... You know what? People refer to the attitude of challenging unknown technology as inspiring! Most girls who'd see this would romanticize me as a great inventor and fall head over heels! Romanticism has always been a driving force in human evolution! That will pave the way for humanity in the end..."

I clenched my hand into a fist and refuted her assertion. I struck the lighters' bottom once more to display the blue flame. But nothing happened.

"H- Huh? Why isn't it working?" I stammered.

"You've already discovered one flaw. There's bound to be more. Is this part of your great quest to be romanticized...?"

I frustratingly banged the lighter against the table. The next thing I knew, Priscilla reached into her plump cleavage and pulled out a fan. She smacked the lighter out from my grasp with it in an instant. My eyes widened as I watched the lighter explode in a loud bang.

"The developers of this should be severely punished for the opportunity's most serious flaw. You are the most important person in the kingdom, and yet, you have put yourself in grave danger."

"I wouldn't go that far... But thank you."

It was possible that the overheated metal could've struck me in the face. If Priscilla wasn't here, I'd be seriously injured. It seems that Reinhard isn't the only thing I have to worry about in this world.

"I don't want you to look any worse than you already are." Remarked Priscilla.

I stared at her as my eyes flickered a black hue.

"Hey, this is the face that you fell in love with. Don't forget it."

A lewd expression then filled Priscilla. She sat down on my lap without hesitation.

"Can we spend some time together now? Thanks to your mistress, you avoided a fatal wound. I'm sure even you would appreciate that."

"Well, I am allowed to be alone because of my official business. I'm sure we could have some fun..."

"You should take a break from your official responsibilities. Spending time alone is a waste of time, especially since time is limited. —You should spend it on your mistress."

I swayed on my knees, feeling Priscilla's unusual softness as she clung to me. I'm not sure how many times we've touched each other in this way, but I still can't get used to it. Her allure is bolstered by an unusual heat as if it is the first time we've done something like this.

"I'm sure this is what it means to be deceived by a bad woman."

"I don't think it's such a bad thing. For the time being, just immerse yourself in the fantasy of being with a mistress."

Priscilla wrapped her outstretched arm around my neck. The touch of her fingertips made my throat feel as if it would dry up quickly. She leaned into me, her tongue sliding into my mouth. The hairs on the back of my neck rose as our mouths pressed against each other. My hands slid down the curves of her body and rested on her legs. I squeezed the soft skin of her thighs as she wrapped them around my waist. My tongue slid around her mouth and intertwined with hers. Her hands reached down to pull down my pants. My member perked up in a rock-hard manner. She shifted her wobbling thighs and slowly lowered her private part over my penis.

[Open Link ------> https://ibb.co/PzCX9f4]

She bounced up and down, her enormous breasts pushing into my face. I squirmed from underneath as my private twitched violently inside her. Her hands wrapped around my throat and pressed down tightly in a delicate and lustful manner. Our bodies became intertwined. I reached down to grab her plump ass and pull her in closer. She moaned, my penis reaching up even further inside her. I thrusted back and forth, her boobs teetering and wiggling against my face. I drowned in the creamy overflowing exteriors that were her breasts and pushed even further into her insides.

"Suuuubarrruuuuuu....!!" She squealed.

I pounded back and forth even harder, her body trembling with each thrust. She wrapped her arms around my neck and then squeezed her cleavage into my face as close as physically possible. The rounded velvety breasts slid and careened against my features as an explosion of semen then rippled into Priscilla. She moaned as she pulled herself off of my member. Her tender fingers then reached down to wrap around my drenched member. She slid her hands up and down, jerking me off within my chair. I dropped my head back as she squeezed and yanked on my penis tightly. She slathered my cum between her hands like a lubricant and pulled up and down as fast as possible. I gripped her butt, my fingers sinking into her plump behind as her cleavage then bounced into my face. Right as I was about to let out another wave of sperm, she reached down to slide her mouth over my private. My member twitched and a strand of searing hot fluid leaked out into her throat.

"Good... Girl..." I panted.