
Re:Zero-God’s Blessing On These Horrible Deaths!

Ever wonder what it’d be like if Natsuki Subaru was reincarnated into the world of Konosuba instead of the world of Re:Zero? Still having the power to return by death on hand he will go through the world of Konosuba and die in dark or comedic ways. This story will keep the essence of what made Konosuba enjoyable and add the darkness that covers the Re:Zero series leading Subaru to experience both funny and horrific deaths. This story is in no way connected to my universe that I’ve created for my original works, this is a stand alone story and in no way affiliated with any other of my works. Artwork belongs to the respective artists, I do not own the artwork used for the cover of this fanfic.

SixSenses · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 22: Aqua, The Useless Goddess

Subaru was still at the work site while thinking of who he should investigate first. Given everything that the witch had told him it sounded like every party member was a possibility. So he replayed everything in his head and remembered hearing the word goddess.

'Aqua's a goddess…Well at least she's supposed to be. But could she have some sort of connection to this other goddess he was talking about? And now that I think about it, she said something about darkness around me after I had died for the first time. Could the darkness she saw on me look like that mist coming from the door? I mean it was dark colored so maybe…Not too great of a link but that's what I have to work with for now!'

He stood up and covered his wound. It had stopped bleeding but the blood was still pretty obvious on his clothes so he went to a locker and took another person's clothes.

After he changed he went in the direction he remembered seeing Aqua go in after the little fight with Kazuma. He eventually saw her doing party tricks in the distance entertaining the other workers. It was still lunch time so technically she was allowed to do it but alotting your skill points into party tricks was but a distant dream for Subaru since he would have to spend his points on anything that'd help him survive.

"Hey, Aqua!"

She had a fan on her head with water coming out of her hands. She truly looked like the goddess of water, expect for the fact she wasn't dressed like a goddess.

Her face turned green and she then threw up which made the other workers back up to not get covered in the mess.

Subaru ran up to her and held her up so she wouldn't fall over.

"Are you okay?! What happened?"


She threw up more and Subaru carried her to somewhere with less people. After she stopped throwing up the first thing she did was throw a tantrum.

"What kind of goddess goes around throwing up on people?! What do you think my worshippers would think?! I can never let this get out or else my goddess reputation will go cuplumet!"

"Why'd you even suddenly throw up anyway, you looked perfectly fine a moment ago."

"Well what would you expect when coming looking like that!"


"The amount of darkness around is so gross it made me throw up! It's a natural enemy to a goddess!"

"Darkness? So it really is around me?"

"How'd it even get this bad in such a short period of time. You were bareable this morning so what sin did you commit? You didn't kill someone did you?"

"Of course not! But can you tell me more of this darkness stuff that's around me, like what does it look like?"

"Um…I guess a purple haze kind of thing…Erm…Usually it has some sort of connection to her if it's this bad."


"Another goddess who likes to make humans commit sins. She's only worshipped by a small amount of people now but her power is still very much there. I never really talked to her since she would constantly say how I wasn't an actual goddess…But of course I am!"

"Her followers, what do they do?"

"Why're you asking so much, I was just sick a moment ago let me recover…Can you buy me alcohol?"


"Why not?! Aren't meant to listen to a girl when she asks you of something?! Especially when they're sick!"

"I'm asking because this is important!"

"Then call me your goddess! And say I'm more useful then Kazuma."

She had a childish grin on her face.

'I guess I'm meant to take part in the Kazuma and Aqua war now.' "Fine. You're my one and only goddess and you're so much more useful then Kazuma."

"…Now buy me alcohol."


"Well you said it was important didn't you? Wouldn't you do anything to get your hands on what you want?"

"What are yo talking about?"

Kazuma had appeared and was standing in front of Subaru and Aqua.

"She's being so useless once again isn't she? Why'd we have to get stuck in another world with a goddess like you?"

"It's only because you forcibly brought me here!"

"That's only because I wanted to get you back for saying those things to me while I was picking my skill! Had it not been for you Subaru and I could have taken on the undead army by ourselves and won! You useless goddess!"

"I am not useless!"

Kazuma struck her head and began dragging her away.

"I'll deal with her. Whatever you two were talking about can be finished after she's learned her lesson."


Kazuma dragged Aqua away to do…Something to her.

'Just don't hurt her too badly…But now I lost my one lead…I did get some useful information…This goddess, could she be the one who gave me this power? If she interferes with human's lives then there's a chance I could be her most recent plaything.'

He sat there thinking to himself.

'One thing is definitely confirmed now though. It can't be Aqua since why would she want to follow someone she hates? That and also she's quite the stubborn goddess and I doubt she'd listen to another goddess under those circumstances.'

He sighed to himself and went back to the main part of the worksite to see if Aqua or Kazuma had come back yet but he didn't see them anywhere.

'I think I'll have to take some time off even though I only just started…I guess I'll investigate Megumin next since I can honestly see her being quite hard for some reason…'

The first investigation was somewhat successful and with that he was going to investigate Megumin next.