

A/N: Surprise! One more chapter Today!

Happy Reading!

RV 20


"Will I be able to do it?" Bonnie asked nervously.

Neena blinked. She looked at the girl in front of her, who showed an insecure expression.

She was the greatest Witch in Mystic Falls. The Woman who stopped Hell fire.

But right now she was a 17 year old girl who until now never dared to dream that magic was real because she was afraid to be mocked by her own friends.

And Neena forgot that.


The girl lifted her eyes towards her.

"You are going to be that greatest witch that the Bennett Line has ever produced and magic is already in you. Ready for you to use it. So just learn. Don't think about anything else. Don't force yourself. You don't need to force it."

Bonnie suppressed her laughter. Though the words were so mighty, the tone her friend used was hesitancy, like she really didn't know what she was saying.

"Let's begin then!"

Neena nodded. "Close your eyes and calm your heart. Only think about the magic in you and those around you. Tell me when you can consciously feel the connection between you and nature."

They all sat and watched as Bonnie followed her words.

Neena's phone beeped.

She looked at the message.

Prince Jer: I didn't realize seeing magic meant watching Bonnie take a nap. Don't you have wands or something?

Jeremy snickered from beside her.

Neena glared at him and pushed him to the ground.

"Don't be a nuisance," Neena whispered to him.

He grinned at her.

Neena suddenly felt a stirring in her veins. Like her magic was being touched by something. Something that was curious, young and innocent.

Neena closed her eyes and felt the changes in her magic.

The other presence was new and yet there was a familiarity to it. Like Neena's magic had felt this presence or others related to this presence before. This was someone she could trust.

This was her family. Her coven.

Ivanka smiled. This presence was magic and from the feel of it, it was someone from Eliza's coven.

The Magic was young, barely used and yet it was so spirited.

Ivanka felt her own magic respond to it.

She frowned. There was something different about her magic. It was no longer the same. It felt almost like there was a new memory attached to her magic. Memories that were not her own.

She felt her magic settle in that familiar swirl as the younger magic circled around her.

It seemed to be asking her permission.

Ivanka smiled and guided the young magic towards her own.

We are family, she thought to it. You are a part of my coven.

Her heart thumped as she felt another presence near her. A familiar presence.


She touched the life force of her sister with her magic and frowned. The connection between the two of them seemed to be mangled, as though their love and trust towards each other was broken once. She used her magic to smooth that fracture out. It would never go back to the seamless thread it used to be but that didn't matter to Ivanka. She had her sister and that was all the only thing that mattered.


[Host, Bonnie has accessed her magic consciously.]

Ivanka froze. That voice again.

'Who are you!'


[Ivanka Petrova. Your time has come and gone. You are possessing my Host. Please leave before I obliterate you.]

Ivanka frowned. 'Possessed? But that would mean that I am dead.'

[And you are.]

'But I feel the presence of my sister nearby. And there is also Eliza' s family here. She would need a coven.'

[Elena is not your sister Katerina. They are related but they are not the same. Look closely and you will feel the difference between the two.]

Ivanka did just that, not trusting that voice.

She touched the life force again and felt it. The difference. This girl was different. She didn't have the pure trust Katerina had, nor did she have that Petrova madness.

'And what about the young witch?'

[My Host has taken the role.]

'I didn't knowingly possess your master.'

[Not my master...anyway, I know you didn't. Because technically you are still my Host but only with your memories as Ivanka. But you must leave now. This world does not need Ivanka Petrova.]

Ivanka cringed at those words. She remembered now. Those were the words that the man who killed her used. Power was not the greatest thing to have. She knew that before but it was only after she gained her ability to use nature magic did she actually learn the lesson completely.

A Petrova being able to use nature's magic meant a way to undo the Curse that was placed on it. And she was the only one who knew how to undo it.

Ivanka had refused to give out the manner in which she did the ritual because she didn't want such a cruel ritual to be performed ever again. Too many lives were lost as a cost. And what did it gain her?

Death at a young age at the hands of inferies.

But she didn't want to go though. If this was her with another set of memories, wouldn't she still be the same?

She could live with this Elena who was so similar to her own sister. Get to know Eliza's family. And maybe find love this time.

Her heart started to beat in panic.

Ivanka frowned. What was happening? Was the body rejecting her?


No it wasn't the body.

Ivanka was surprised to find it was her magic that was rejecting her.

No. Not her magic. The Magic of this Host.

She felt a sharp pain in her mind.

She looked at the young magic that had been docile all this while.

It now spat at her angrily.

Ivanka looked at it with hurt. Did her own coven member not want her?

She pursed her lips as she realized something. The young witch was not her coven. She was the coven member of the Host. It made sense as to why the magic would consider her hostile when it's guiding magic was hostile to her first.

You don't belong here, a young voice said to her. It sounded eerily like Eliza's.

A beautiful dark skinned girl's image came to her mind.

Bonnie, her mind whispered. Don't Bonnie. You are not strong enough.

Nee...nee...neena, the young witch's voice came. I won't leave you.

Neena. Was that the Host's actual name?

Bonnie must be Eliza's relative.

Can't I stay? Ivanka asked Bonnie through their like. I am a better teacher than she will ever be.


The young magic wrapped around her mind and suppressed her presence.

Ivanka frowned. I'm more powerful than you, Bonnie. Don't fight me.

Ivanka felt a strong jab at her soul as the Host's magic and Bonnie's magic pushed against her mind.

She could handle Bonnie. She was a young witch of the Bennett line but she still didn't know how to use her ancestors' magic.

The trouble was the Host. She felt more than saw the Power of her soul. Even though this was her with a new memory, somehow, this new her was stronger. More powerful.

She had a strong desire to live.

Ivanka's mind started to hurt uncontrollably as both the presence hurt her. She couldn't focus her mind to keep them away and she had no access to magic to fight them off.


[Host Soul showing fluctuations. There is too much of internal struggle. If this continues, you will start bleeding through the nose and will put everyone in a panic mode. Would host like to Eject yourself outside this world?]

'Why is your go to solution always that, you damned data strings!' Neena asked.

[Host! You are back!]

Neena heard the relief in the machine's voice. 'Yeah, I am. That was unexpected.'

[There was a more unexpected thing.]


[Bonnie Bennett has found out about Ivanka. And now she can do soul readings. The basic one at least.]

'That's a prob- ow!'

Bonnie's magic was still pinning against her mind. Because Neena's magic was no longer trying to suppress her, Bonnie was panicking. She came to the worse conclusion that her friend was lost.

Outside, Elena was shaking Neena, crying.

Blood was oozing out of her nose and mouth.

Jeremy was looking at everything in a daze, unsure as to what to do.

"Bonnie! Bonnie!" Caroline called desperately as the Bennett witch started to bleed from the nose too.

Damon frowned, and shared a glance with Stefan.

"I'll bring Bonnie's Grams here," Damon said to him.

Stefan shook his head. "She won't believe you."

Damon took out his phone and clicked pictures of both the girls. "Now she has to believe it."

"Can I trust you, Brother?"

Damon looked at Bonnie and Neena with a concerned face and them gave Stefan an arrogant smile. "I need a Bennett witch on my side, baby bro. And I kind of like Neena enough to not want her dead immediately. So yeah, just this once, you can trust me."

Stefan nodded.

Damon vamped away.

Jeremy stared at the place where the Salvatore stood. "Did he just become Flash?"

Stefan cringed as Elena looked at them in surprise.

Elena turned back to her sister, wiping the blood away as much as she could as she cried.

"We have to take them to the hospital!" Caroline screamed.

Elena started. "Yes! Hospital! We have to-"

Stefan got to his knees in front of them and looked at both the girls. "Whatever happened to them, happened because of Magic. Only a witch can help them."

Elena shook her head. "No. But…Neena…"

"Elena,they will be fine. Sheila Bennett is a powerful witch and she can help them both."

Elena hugged her sister closer to her.

Jeremy took Neena's hand into his, hoping she would wake up soon. They couldn't lose her. Their family would not be able to recover from that. He wouldn't be able to recover from that.

Jeremy wiped away his tears angrily. "You had better not die! Cause that's just a lame way to end up dead! I mean, dying while meditating. So lame. Just be okay. Please be okay."

In Neena's mind, she was trying to make Bonnie understand that she really was Neena Gilbert and not Ivanka. Which would be easier if she could make her listen.

But Bonnie seemed to have become delirious.

'Bonnie! Bonnie! I'm fine! We need to leave or else everyone will panic!'


[Everyone is panicking. If you go out now, Sheila Bennett won't be able to save you.]


'What?' Bonnie asked.

[Your mind is trying to protect itself. Your magic will trap both of your conscience here if you don't move now.]

'My magic is trying to seal both our minds in this area!'


'Because it feels threatened. Now we need to leave! Grams is coming to the rescue!'

The wight of Bonnie's magic on her disappeared and settled beside hers.

Their coven bond had stabilized.


[Hidden Quest Complete!


Guide Bonnie Bennett in her first Forney into being a witch.

Reward: 300 Experience Points.]

A/N: This chapter was not supposed to be so complicated. It was a simple chapter with Bonnie learning magic and then it being a hidden quest and then I was supposed to write the scene of Jeremy getting the Gilbert Watch Quest and then close.

Instead, Ivanka bloody came in out of nowhere and derailed the plot. Oh my God! What happened in this chapter? Everything went out of control!

Anyway, what do you think of the latest chapter? This one was very easy to write but completely out of the way I planned for this to go.

On a more awesome note. We are going to meet Sheila Bennett in the next chapter. That was the biggest surprise because I didn't plan to bring her in so early. I guess after the next episode we will have new Quests.

Vote, comment, review and do tell me how you liked the story so far. Your opinions are very valuable and gives me the motivation to write.

Stay home. Stay safe!

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