
I Spy With My Little Eye pt. 2

I then averted my eyes. It feels like I'm watching something that I shouldn't even see so, let us leave, shall we? Let's leave those two alone in their own bubbly world.

I turned to the opposite direction and scaled the west side instead. If I came to the same place where I exited earlier, then there's a chance that those two would notice me. I don't want that…

Anyway, that truly was an interesting sight. I guess, this night is not that boring than I thought.

I creeped along the castle walls and behind the thick bushes in the garden. The moonlight was the only thing that lights up the surroundings so it was a little troublesome. Though there are lamps stationed from the pillars so it's not entirely that dark around.

"I wanna go home," I mumbled while sighing.

There's no more point in staying here when it's obvious that nothing will happen with the novel plot. This just mean that I should stop minding and following the story huh.