

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs

My Bloodline and Conversation...

-Omni Pov~




Daiko looked and felt brand new, it was as of his body had evolved from the fight he had only moments before...

Now, he just wanted to test his newfound strength.

"Clone, make weights for me, starting at 5 tons." The original said to his other.

The clone did as told, materializing large chunks of iron...


The weights fell.

Immediately, he began lifting, however, he quickly realized that he felt little to no resistance.

'Well... This is interesting, the increase is substantial. I hardly feel anything.' He thought.

"Clone, double- No, triple it!" The original said. The clone followed suit. Tripling the initial 5 tons, to 15 tons...

The original Daiko once again began lifting. This time, he felt the strain with his one hand.

"I'm feeling it now, my max seems to be around 25-30 tons, with both hands. That's a huge increase compared to before. I didn't even get a Zenkai either..." He added, somewhat surprised.

Compared to before, he could lift maybe 1200 kg, which equated to 1.3 tons, now he could bench around 30 max.

"That is a 23 times increase compared to before, not even mentioning the bones in my arms being slightly thicker and denser than before..." He added.

Daiko paid close attention to his bones getting thicker.

'That's freaky, this is obviously due to my physique mutating. The Hanma bloodline did alter some of my physiological traits... It seems as of my adaptability mid-battle has been halted to a crawl for greater returns after recovering, and a more exponential increase.

This effect now makes sense why my clone doesn't adapt much to Whis during sparring, even with ki, but it seems ki still boosts the impact... Truly fascinating.' Daiko thought.

On another hand, his body didn't change at all on the outside since he could feel the difference internally, it was like his cells saw how thin his bones were and then realized they would need to be thicker to withstand and absorb more blows...

'Still, I don't think that my bone thickness will increase much after this, but most likely it's density instead...' He thought, humming to himself silently.

This little event made him think of a certain character he read about in comics...

"Allen the alien, right? Yeah, that was his name, he could gain ridiculous amps in power from near-death experiences..." The original stated.

The clone hearing this thought for a moment nodded. However, he then quickly chided in.

"If that's the case, if it is similar, it should have a cap, if our cells are alive like you presume, this means we could eventually be invulnerable to physical trauma to a certain degree, once pushed..." The clone said, eyeing the original cheekily...

Picking up on this, the original Daiko glared, saying.

"Not happening, I'm not gonna fuck my body up for some buff, even if it is practical. This is reality, and I prefer to not feel pain." He finished huffing in the end.

Whis hearing the two converse added himself into the mix...

"Well, Daiko san, for you to beat my father in an... EVEN match, it's quite impressive that you could be the best martial artist in the multiverse..." Whis paused for a moment, feeling weird for saying what he just said.

He continued. "How does it feel to be a Pinnacle of raw technique?" He added, his gaze curious.

Daiko looked at his angel companion with a look of wisdom, then he began smiling.

"Well Whis, sorry to tell you this but~... I'm not the Pinnacle of Martial arts... You can't be the Pinnacle of something that doesn't even have a peak." He said, staring off into the distance.

"¿I beg your pardon? What do you even mean? look at the techniques I've taught you, they can't be-" Then suddenly whis paused.

"Exactly, I see you've realized... No martial art you've shown me was genuinely perfect, none have you shown that I couldn't improve upon, even now... Note this whis. Martial arts have no apex.

It is a principle which one follows that ATTEMPTS to seek perfection... However, when you have a mind as powerful as mine, you'll quickly realize that it doesn't.

Remember what I say, there is no such thing as a perfect martial art, only an 'efficient' Martial art."

Daiko finished, still looking towards nothing...




"...Bro fr thinks he's a wise Chinese monk, that's crazy..." Chided the clone.

"Shut up! Go do something constructive with that mind of yours." Said the original, causing the clone to shrug and leave.

Whis however, looked as if he had an epiphany. It was such a fundamental concept, yet he couldn't grasp it... So what of ultra instinct? Was that not the Pinnacle?

'I can't believe I'm getting outwitted by someone whose trillions of years my junior...' Whis thought.

"Then what do you think about ultra instinct? What about that technique?" Whis asked.

Daiko remained silent before responding.

"What of it? Ultra instinct isn't that impressive of a technique, in a way. It feels like you depend on clutching a reflex hit at the last second, but constantly." He said.

Whis looked at the saiyan beneath him with a quizzical gaze. 'Did... Did this mortal just call the technique of the gods a, clutch?...' Whis thought.

"Hahahaha...ha... How so?" Whis asked.

"Well... Think of it like this. Ultra Instinct is simply your body moving at speeds faster than one would think, it doesn't necessarily improve your speed or physical stats. We both know that.

The 'technique', if you can even call it that, only cuts short the time for one to make a move, which gives them the illusion that they are fast...

This reflex, however, gets better the more techniques you learn, that's it. It gives a false sense of precision and accuracy, and even then it isn't truly instinct, it's just that your conscious effort is very small compared to your natural response, it's the reason why you don't automatically attack me when I attack you...

However, the problem with this 'technique' is that your reflexes can only improve so much and your body can only react so fast...

If an opponent is more significant than you physically in both speed and strength, coupled with competent skill, and you utilize only your reflexes? You get beat up, badly.

Even if your body has a natural response, it won't be able to properly do so, because it is slow and too weak to defeat the opponent.

Instead, what you should all truly be aiming for is what I call, 'the zone'..."








