
Re:Star Rebirth

A Lone Star Spin-off With a twist

Khamzat · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


"Why why why why why why why...why why.... WHY !!!?? ghhgg."

The cries of the weeping resounded in the dense, dark forest, disturbing its stillness and the comfort of its inhabitants.


The sound of crying and wailing was followed by  the sound of crunching bones and howling of pain.

"Why, Emilia?, why did you do that... to me?... why?, I don't understand anymore I don't ...ghhgg."

said the boy, breathing hard, and who finally fell on his back from extreme fatigue after the exhausting and futile effort of punching a solid tree with his now shattered fists, with his blood everywhere on the ground, on his clothes, on his face, but most of it is on the bark of the tree that he was punching with all his might until exhaustion not long ago, Which seemed to be intact, no harm was inflicted by the boy's blows, which only made the boy more angry and furious.

"Maybe because I'm weak... That's why right?

.said the black haired boy, he said with a broken heart as he looked at his distorted fist.

"I couldn't even... make a scratch on the tree, I'm sure if it was him he.... he could smash the tree in one blow... that's how strong he is .... compared to ... me ? ".

While looking at his broken hand with two teary eyes, empty, hopeless, and with a broken voice.

"Oh my weakness, oh my weakness, oh my imperfection, oh my impotence, oh my numbness, oh my toil, oh my humility, oh my meanness, oh my nonsense, oh my sluggishines ...."Again and again the boy uttered in a broken voice like a doll with a broken voice box, drowning in blaming his broken self, As is evident from his expression of torment, as if the white rabbits had finally returned from the world of darkness to which they were banished only to devour the boy responsible for their banishment again. This is the degree of pain that the boy with the black hair suffers from... No...Or rather, such is the degree of pain that Natsuki Subaru suffers after being betrayed by not one...but two of his dearest people...the girl he loves...and his dear friend who used to fight alongside him.

Usually boys with a broken heart because of the betrayal of a loved one may be shocked, sad, may blame ... but they will never reach this level of sadness and grief that Subaru has reached.

But Natsuki Subaru has made countless sacrifices for the girl he loves, impossible sacrifices that no sane person could think of doing just for one girl, but Subaru is not, and has never been, sane when it comes to what he loves.

But, alas, his sacrifices, which can only be described as beyond logic and extremism, and his wasted blood, of which little appeared and much was erased, and moments of the destruction of his mind, soul, and body, which in turn were canceled as if they were a mirage, and all of this is thanks to his cursed and blessed ability to return from death.

Cursed is the ability and the reasons are many, Blessed is the ability and how little the reasons are.

Perhaps Subaru faced a lot of hardships, a lot of suffering, death, physical and spiritual affliction... But heartbreaking because of betrayal is a pain he hasn't gotten used to yet. Indeed, he was betrayed and was brutally killed by people he thought were friends, but thanks to his cursed and blessed ability, he was able to erase all that.  ...but this time is completely different because the betrayal he faces cannot be erased even if he kills his pathetic self a million of times over... Wish is.

_ The Marriage of Emilia and Julius Juukulius.

Or rather, the greatest betrayal that can happen to a person, which in this case is the marriage of his mistress, who is not his mistress, at least she did not consider herself as such.

And this same mistress who decided to marry his friend. Perhaps Subaru did not consider him a friend, but in the depths of his heart he considered him as such. He just hated to admit it.

Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore, since this betrayal came from two parties that he had previously considered important, which hurt the poor boy's heart very badly.

He was Unable to use Return by Death to undo what happened, his only useful ability was useless this time because the save point had set and stoned to an unfavorable and completely hopeless loop, Unable to sway the will of the people around him no matter what Subaru does, he is completely stuck, And his grief only doubled when he realized again and again that there was no going back to his world, to his beloved home, at last, to the only two people who loved him without him having to prove anything or do anything in return, his parents, who really loved him Sincerely In every sense of the word.

Strange are the days.. when he had happiness he didn't feel it and thought he was unhappy.  But as soon as that happiness, which he did not fully appreciate, departed from him in protest, perhaps the misfortune had to announce its actual existence, so he would know that pain is the rule, and other than it is an anomaly from the rule, and the regret of the hour does not benefit the regret of what he lost and what has been lost.

"What was I so afraid of, that I had to curl up like a ball in my room?, I don't really remember  "

――How slothfull, he thought.

" I was such a hopeless, little, useless idiot, self-conceited piece of trash,a damned, stupid, useless child who is ungrateful for the blessing and happiness he had in his hands and didn't appreciate it until it was gone."

 ――How pathetic, he thought.

He dragged his broken hand, his fingers twisted in impossible directions, lots of blood splatters, and he almost swore he saw some sticking bones.

"Finally, I am so weak I am so weak that I can't even defeat the weakest of the weak in this world... because I am the weakest of the weak.... hk."

flood of overflowing tears had blocked up Subaru's vision, and the shapes of the world grew blurred. Covering his face with his arms, he desperately tried to wipe away the stream of tears. But even wiping, and wiping, he could not stop the tears from flowing. They cannot be stopped, and would not be stopped.

"I'm so...I'm weak, I'm so weak... I'm, I'm weak I'm weak...I'm so WEAK !!..."

――He had realized it.

Somewhere within his heart, Subaru had realized it long ago.

From the moment he was summoned to this Parallel World, The more he thinks he won something, the more he thinks he won and that he and his friends are safe The world surprises him again by taking everything he holds dear and also proves to him how wrong he is in thinking that he might be safe as long as he lives, and what he realized is.

――That he would never rest or live in peace as long as he is weak and pathetic.

"Even if I wanted to take her back by force… I can't because I'm weak… Both of them can kill me with a flick of a finger..hk"

The tears would not stop and dark emotions had accumulated inside his chest, having been thrown away having been cast aside, and betrayed, Memories of every death and predicament he had fallen into came to him by a wave in his mind from the first day into this world until now everything was difficult for him even emilia who was kind to everyone treated him like he was the most despicable thing in the world when he made a mistake with her name.

"...Because I am ... weak I do not deserve to be treated fairly and kindly..."

"hahahahahahahahaha ", at the end of those words subaru showered a volley of Desperate, hopeless, and surrender kind of laughter on his arms.

――he finally gave up a word he never admit to say it especially when it's about Emilia he finally gave up on her never would he pursue her again ... but still.

He clenched his hand into a fist, squeezing blood out of it. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts so mush, but he doesn't care because worse has happened to him... Rather, the most important thing at this moment is.

"I will never forgive you Julius Juukulius I will never will Nev-...".

"Revenge is always more violent than violence itself.  A person who thinks of revenge is someone who's only desire his to keep his wounds open."

Suddenly the broken-hearted boy was interrupted by a voice that came from behind him, It was an unfamiliar voice, spoken in a young pitch and have an  Authoritarian and powerful tone to it.

"Who are you... and what do you want."

His mind is cloudy, he cannot distinguish his right from his left, and a very disturbing buzzing sound echoes in his ears and he was tired and broken, and despite hearing someone else's voice, Subaru did not make any movement, leaning on his side in front of the tree, all he could do was ask the new intruder.

"You may see that forgiveness is a break, and that your silence is a defeat, but do you know that forgiveness requires greater strength than revenge, and that silence is stronger than any words?"


Perhaps his mind was completely clouded, but even so, he had enough conscious power to understand what the voice said this time Whatever the voice said, it was definitely something unpleasant for Subaru as his eyes widened terrifyingly.

He pushed himself to stand, even with difficulty Turning around, Subaru caught sight of what could only be described as the most beautiful girl he ever laid his eyes on She was slim, --tall and lean, with long legs, slim hips, and an incredibly tiny waist, and her skin was china-white too white that it's almost frightening, this girl could have passed for a teen if it weren't for her eyes--blackish red and brimming with ancient wisdom. She wore a tight, black suit Her straight, raven-black hair wish is rare sight to see around here, was pinned back from her face and flowed to the small of her back.

"W-who...are you ?"He ended up wondering out loud, forgetting his anger and what he really wanted to say, dazzled by her strange appearance.

She smiled, wish only enchanted her beauty even more.

" Death itself stands powerless before the hope of meeting you, Natsuki Subaru the sin bearer"


For a moment, unable to understand what he had just been told, Subaru only let out an astonished groan.

His eyes widened and his mouth gaped open, while the mysterious girl just watched him still smiling.

――What is the meaning of this does she know? but how? how? I do not understand anymore, he thought.

"Yes, an answer to your question. Yes, I know all about your hidden secrets."

"y ... y...gh !! "That's all it took, confirmation of his suspicions was the straw that broke the camel's back, his breath caught in shock and an overwhelming fear gripped his chest and his whole structure that he fell again onto the dusty forest floor and nearly on his head if it weren't for the grace of the tree, while his eyes fixed fearfully on the girl in front of him.

simply that his erupting emotions were so great in volume that they could no longer be formed into words.

――There was never a time he had felt so overwhelmed beyond speech ... no actually there was ... his confontatin with the clown, but this time feels ten times greater, he thought.

"Are you my end?" Surprisingly, contrary to his pitiful appearance, his voice was resolute and unafraid when asked.

――The fact that this girl knows about the return by death and she is still standing alive with no harm or scratch on her body indicates only that she is unnatural, perhaps even stronger than the witch of envy, he thought with fear and also a strange relief.

And instead of answering she just smiled and than what she did next would surprise Subaru alot as she slowly advanced towards him knowing that they were only a few meters away from each other, She moved with a fluid grace Her footsteps are soundless.

"Aa, gh...st, stop..!"All he was barely able to do while being unable to escape nor defend himself in the face of what might be his eternal death.

" Please, you don't have to be afraid or terrified of me, for I promise you safety "

just in front of him, the girl sat down on her knees facing Subaru just a few inches away, She slowly grabbed Subaru's trembling hands as she pulled them towards her gently and without much resistance on his part, still looking at her with that look of fear.

"Poor Natsuki Subaru the sin bearer, to have come to such a state" .

She said with a pained expression at his condition, which surprised him very much, But he still did not lower his defense, because he knows better than to trust appearances, no matter how beautiful they are, and this is after several previous life experiences, as a child may pose a danger in this world, let alone a teenager or an adult, and even if she wanted to hurt him. Either way, he wouldn't be able to do anything against her or anyone else.

――How weak and pathetic, he thought.

"Forgiveness is the highest level of strength, and love of revenge is the first manifestation of weakness."

――Again with her annoying vague speech, he thought.

"Wh…at's th――" What do you mean by that? he wanted to say but unfotunalty he was interrupted by a warm and also needle pricking feeling more than familiar to him, It's just reminds him of all the nights his beloved spirit Beatrice spent tending to his wounds, which were inflicted by no one but himself, A bad habit that he acquired after several sacrifices he made, which in the end all those selfless stupid actions that some would call heroic, but who know would only call it madness and suicide, turned out to be only wasted, and the loser is no one else but himself.

――What a laughing stock, he thought with a depressed smile.

Subaru stared at his hands, which were now in the possession of the unknown girl, and as he expected, she used a healing spell as evident from the radiant blue light while gently rubbing her fingers into each wound on his hands.

"Injustice and revenge are a chain of evil that is vicious and inescapable."

"What do you know about me Huh?,... I've forgiven people who never should have been forgiven... I've given up many of my due rights just so they can laugh and live in peace... I've taken their unhappiness at the sacrifice of my own happiness... believing that I will be happy if they are happy."

"But guess what... I was horribly wrong... about them...they never cared about me...they kept making the fatal mistakes that I'm righting by suffering in the dark of death for them...and also...she...hk..."

After he thought that his tears had already dried how wrong he was, as a flood of overflowing tears had blocked up Subaru's vision again, and the shapes of the world and girl grew blurred. He wanted to cover his face he desperately wanted to wipe the stream of tears away but he couldn't as his hand, They are being treated and as it is impoliteness to spoil her hard work and also he don't want to stop He will not let his tears stop him from saying what happened, as he will not waste the opportunity to tell the only person who knows his full truth about his sorrows and tragedies.

――Even if she was an enemy, I don't care anymore, because I was killed by those I considered my friends more than my enemies ever did, he thought.

"I was betrayed by the one person I thought would never hurt me but it turns out she was the worst of them all despite all the sacrifices and blood and also my mental health that I threw just for her... She never acknolwleged or cared even though I made my feelings so visible to the world she didn't.  .. hahaha but you know what I deserve what happened to me because I've been slapped over and over again with the fact that they didn't want me in the first place, because i was so stupid in every way to understand ... A weak person like me, was not and never will be welcome among them ...ram was right after all... Iam an existence without an iota of value... my only value is my curse and if it weren't for it I would have been dead ages ago and no one would even recognize me"

Having spilled his heart to this stranger, having confessed all the dark emotions that had accumulated inside his chest, When he lost sight of the light of the stars, deserted by the women he loved, and betrayed by what he thought was his friend, He also didn't find the help he needed in his other friends left alone in the darkness of his mind and his weaknesses.

――Right now, all he wanted was to vanish from this world, He thought as he closed his eyes. Unconcerned by the reaction of the strange girl who is currently treating his wounds.

"a――" But suddenly Subaru involuntarily let out a sound because of a warm feeling on his face, opening his eyes to that feeling And what he saw made him speechless and also lose any doubt that this girl wanted to hurt him.

As she, carefully, began to wipe at the wounds on his face and the tears from his eyes Cautiously and carefully, giving him the feeling of a loving mother, and this is strangely funny, because this girl clearly looks younger, or perhaps the same age as him.

" Natsuki Subaru bearer of the Sin, Your wish is not to be weak, your wish is to be strong, but you are already strong in heart and soul, so your wish is to be strong in structure"

She said in her usual tone that exudes authority and strength, and her statement was not formulated as a question, but rather as an absolute, indisputable truth.


Her words about strength and weakness left Subaru confused, and it was evident that his confusion was showing on his facial expression as she smiled even more, than she rose to her feet elegantly, her hand, white as snow and soft as silk, extended towards Subaru as a gesture to hold her, He was not sure what this girl wanted, but nevertheless he understood the gesture in order not to leave her hanging, taking her hand, leaving his doubt and caution for now to stand on his feet.

"How――!?"Very surprised that he was able to stand up easily. All his tiredness and exhaustion have gone. His body is as if he is fine and fine. As if he just woke up from the most comfortable sleep. And more than that.

――He could sense that his mind and heart were clear but even so… his feelings were still the same.

Shaking his head, he fixed his eyes on the girl standing in front of him.

"Thank You for the help…and…Ple… please forgive me, I doubted...You earlier"

"Your apology is accepted, although there was no reason for it. You have every right to doubt me at this time of your weakness".

He was embarrassed by his previous condition and was somewhat afraid of what she might say or do, but fortunately that was not the case as she only smiled when she said responded, after he apologized, which sent him some relief.

"And now, back to our topic, Natsuki Subaru, the bearer of sin. You are strong in heart and strong in mind, and also strong in spirit, but according to your words, you are weak in structure."

Hearing her say this out loud, Subaru was at a loss for words.

"The highest peaks of strength, that you forgive, and you are capable of revenge, So you want strength to experience the feeling of strength and to fight the injustice that befell you".


"What if I told you that I can give you the power you want, not the power of words, not the power of vows, also not the power of friends ... I will give you the power to build you, the power for you alone, which allows you to grow and make you a competitor to the most powerful entities in this unfair world".

――At her words Subaru's entire being froze and one question was running through his head wish is.

"..Who are you?." announcing his question aloft Subaru again became confused about this girl, and what made him more confused and skeptical was that she announced that she could give him strength and help him fill his deficiency, which is of course impossible in his view.

――It is impossible for a person like me to have any power, because I was born weak and I will die at the end of my life more weak and miserable. This is my destiny.

"Stop evading the question and tell me who you are and what exactly you want?"

She smiled " Scarlett Aurora Archambeau and iam one of the seven heavenly virtues I represent kindness, And I am here with the pure intention of extending a helping hand to a future companion of ours, if you accept of course Oh Natsuki Subaru the Sin Bearer."