
Sung From The Soul

Despite my entire universe being shaken up. I am tired. I am ready to sleep. Like alot, but I need to get back to the apartment before Brittney wakes up and starts jumping to wrong conclusions.

Me: "Sigh.. Okay then. I need to go now ladies. As much as I enjoy the cuddling, and believe me I do, I need to get back to the apartment. I need to take a nap before another long day starts."

Both women just wouldn't let go.. Le sigh..

Oh.. Mmm... They kept kissing my neck before suckling harder. Fine.. I'll be wearing a suit and tie so no one will see the hickeys. This is quite nice.

Two amazing women on my legs, kissing my neck, while I slowly slide my fingers up and down their backs.

We got too comfortable. Their phones went off and I could see it was 3 in the morning. Ugh, I need to get back to.. to.. the person calling their phone is Boss..


Me: "Ugh, you need to answer thaaaa... mmmm"

Never mind. Don't care. Forget what I saw and enjoy their attention on me. Well I wanted to until I heard a tapping on the window.

Both ladies had an evil stare at the window. Yikes, they are angry.

Lonnie rolled down the windows and holy hoity toity, it's a Will Du! A ticked off Will Du... Why do I remember him?

Lonnie: "What do you want junior agent Du?"

Agent.. agent? Oh! Agent!!! Ha! I knew they were working for Global Justice!

Oh... They work for Global Justice... Well crap, hope they didn't listen in on my call to Mrs. Z. Not that it matters. I've already forgotten the call. Never even happened. And these two are infatuated with me as well.

Oh I have a devious thought...

Jackass Du: "Just what are you two doing! We have standards to uphold! The director will not be happy that you are coitusing with a minor! I even had to come and get you-"

Blah blah blah. Man, I remember how annoying this guy was. Always thinking highly of himself and treating very few others with respect.

I just resumed rubbing my ladies. Huh, I'm already claiming them as mine... I feel like they conditioned me..

Du: "And you! Stop touching them! They are above your station! Not even to mention you are too young! Someone like you doesn't deserve to be with these two!"

Uh oh.

Poor guy didn't think before he spoke. Both girls opened the door on their respective side and stepped out slowly.

Connie: "My dear much more beautiful sister. I believe our junior agent is getting ahead of himself."

Lonnie: "I do agree my incredibly intelligent sister. The little boy that we trained is getting too big for his britches. To think he can talk down to his senior agents!"

Ya know, when you're not on the receiving end of their back and forth talking, it's kind of fun to watch. Especially when their target is quaking in his boots.

Wish I had popcorn.. But let's see if I can make this worse for him.

Me: "He's right ladies. It seems we have gone too far. It's too bad he interrupted us. I had wanted to reward you two.."

Insert dramatic sigh..

Heh heh heh. Oh they are furious now.

Me: "Since I can't get in touch, I will see you two when I finally go back home. Byeeee.'

Connie: "Wait!"


Just what is she up to?

She's gone into their car and grabbed.. her phone?

Connie: "Use this, baby. The password is your birthday. Please get in touch with everyone soon. We really do mean all of us were worried."

Du: "You can't do that! That is Global Justice equipment! Some random civi-"

Hole lee shizzy.. Lonnie just grabbed him by this mouth and lifted him in the air. That is both scary and arousing.. Does that make me arousy? Scouring? Scaroused! Yes! New word for the day! And did she call me baby? Ehh.. I'll get used to this.. Especially when I have some other ladies that need talking too.

Connie: "As I was saying.. Use this. We'll be busy dealing with this nuisance before we head to our boss."

Ah Du. How thee will not be missed.

He was thrown in the back seat and I shortly received kisses on my cheeks before they drove away. These ladies move fast when they are angry... Guess I shouldn't have said what I had..


I was actually enjoying being sandwiched! Weird feeling.. Yep, I was conditioned. Anyways, back to Brittney. We have a long day ahead of us!

I snuck in quietly and locked the door up before checking in on her.

She's still as snug as a bug in a rug. I laid on top of the covers and relaxed for my nap. I'm going to need it.

As I was about to nod off I could feel her turn over and snuggle into my side. May as well be assertive.. So I wrap my arm around and let her use it as a pillow.

She had the cutest smile when I held her close.




Brittney: "Wakey wakey.. Before I grab me some baccy.."

Me: "Uuuggghhhhh. Let me sleep more.."

Brittney: "Tsk.. Of course food related words would make you stir.."

I had an arm coverings my eyes. Damn sunlight was burning through my eyelids. I don't wanna wake yet.. Don't care if I have a half naked woman sitting on top of me. Nope. I'm most definitely am not stroking my hands up and down her thighs. I swear I didn't grope her butt! Not at all!

Brittney: "Hah.. Hah... Oh you bastard. Still teasing me.."

Okay, maybe I am.

Me: "What time is it?"

Brittney: "About a quarter after ten. You hungry?"

A quarter after ten.. A quarter? God I suck at this.. That would be..? Crap!! 10:15!!

Me: "We gotta go! Get dressed! Real good too!"

Brittney just looked at me real coyly.

Brittney: "I know you have that wedding to go to. But you sure you want to take the stripper, that your cousin saw you leave with in fact, with you? Though I am flattered-"

Me: "No no no. I got an interview set up for you at a record label. We need to get there in less than twenty minutes!"


Huh. Did I hear a pin drop? Weird.

She ran off before yelling back at me.

Brittney: "Why the hell didn't you warn me last night! Oh my god I am not ready!! What the hell do I wear. Oh my fucking god I look like a mess!"

Umm.. Whoops? Maybe I should tell her the interview is actually later.. Meh.

Me: "At least you're a beautiful mess. So let's be fast okay?"

She didn't take my compliment well. Especially since I had to dodge a hair brush.

I grabbed her keys and used the reflection in the windows to make myself look decent. Took me all of three minutes to look decent. But five minutes for her to look incredible.

Some people just have that talent. I do not.

Me: "Got a tape to listen to? Something pre recorded?"

Of course I already nicked a tape just to have an extra on hand. Brittney pulled two out of her hand purse.

Me: "Badical! Okie dokie! Let's get going artie chokie!"

I don't think she realized what was happening until we were almost to the building.. Aka, I drove us there. But I did hear her mumble under her breathe the entire time. The girl's a wreck I tell ya.

I'm just glad we were close by. Hahaha!... Freaking cliches, I swear.. But I won't complain. Or maybe it's the universe working its magic to set things right! Booyah!

Brittney: "Oh god. Oh my god. Oh no no no. How? How?!"


Brittney: "How did you get me an interview with one of the big four?! Oh god no no no no."

Uhh... Universal Music Group is that big huh? Umm, my bad.

Me: "It's okay. Come on. Calm.. Down.. You can do this! I got faith in you! I mean really, what can go wrong?"

She stared at me... and stared... and stared.

Brittney: "Everything."

Well that was anti-climatic.

Me: "Well you got me with you. So let's do this melodramatic Britina. Onwards!"

Brittney: "Are you serious? You seriously got me an interview with that silly stage name?!"

Me: "Yep!"

She opened her little hand purse and screamed into it, making me chuckle. Well at least I know her anxiety is mostly gone if I could distract her this way.

Just wish she wasn't glaring me down like she wanted me dead. Oh well. Let's just venture in and get her there on time. Good thing I told her the interview was sooner than the actual schedule so we could get there early. As the saying goes, if you're on time you're already late.

We got in the building and I already saw Brad waiting on us. Crud, hope he didn't wait long

Brad: "Ron! Man it's good seeing you again!"

Brittney was mumbling under her breathe 'it's Brad Arnold' over and over. Yeesh, I just had her under control.

Me: "As K.P would say, it was no big. Just glad K.P's quick thinking saved the ship from sinking."

Brad: "MAN, ain't that the truth! But you saved everyone that would have drown! You're just as much a hero as her."

Aw shucks..

Me: "Sshhh, it's a secret.. But anyways! Thanks for letting me get my friend an interview here!"

Brad: "Not a big deal. Anything to repay you back. So this is the next big deal you were talking about? It's a pleasure to meet you."

Brittney: "It's nice to meet you! I'm a big fan!"

Is what she would have said but it came out more like, 'uuhhh, aahhh, hi'.

Brad chuckled at her.

Brad: "Jitters huh? I understand. Me and my buddies were the same. Come on. Let's get you up in the studio and see what you can do."

It was good luck that I had an in with the lead singer of 3 Doors Down. He had us in and working on her tones and getting her nerves set. It didn't take long before she was in the groove.

She didn't even notice the higher ups were off to the side and listening in.

Me: "Good job Britina! But I grabbed another tape when you weren't looking. I want to hear this one!"

Brittney: "You sneaky lil-"

Me: "Ah ah ah! Sing for me."

Brad helped me place the track in and I was heard a familiar song that I never thought I would hear here...

Zoo Wee's song Lose Control...


All the singers I grew up with existed, but I hope we were not ruining any future artists.. But she song it so damn well. Just damn well.

I shed a tear. It was a manly tear! Don't judge me! It's an amazingly emotional song!

Coming Soon! Contract and then a wedding!

And whatever else comes to me. Still got the news to watch and see what damage Mrs. Z has caused. Muwhahahahah!!

Hope you enjoy.


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