I think Brittney stunned everyone with her song. Why? Because everyone in the room here was speechless. Which is not surprising when you can hear a powerful song coming from such a young woman.
Brad: "That... That was amazing Britina. Good job. Great, even! I've recorded it all and now I can go show it off to the producers."
I think he said that just for show. I could have sworn I already saw him and one of the head honchos already have a thumbs up to each other a moment ago when I was dumbstruck by Brittney's preformance.
When they all exited the room to talk, she had exited the sound booth and you could see the excitement in her eyes.
And by the kisses she peppered my face with. I think she's happy.
Brittney: "I can't believe I finally got to do this! Finally!! How in the world did you get to meet Brad of all people?! Are you sure he can get me signed in?! And oh my god that was so fun!! FINALLY!!"
Yep, she's excited.
It feels good to help people. But to even help someone I know to achieve their dream? Even better. Especially when she was supposed to be a star already.
Me: "So forgive me for the surprise then?"
I laid on her my best 'Ron shine' and hoped for the best.
Brittney's response was another kiss... Of the 'epic' proportions side of things. I mean really. I teach her how to go slow and now she's suddenly an expert in massaging my tongue? At least I enjoyed it...
Well that got her attention. Seeing as how she jumped with a squeak and turned around to see Brad looking at us with a bit of mirth in her eyes.
Brad: "A friend, huh?"
Me: "A really good friend..."
He chuckled before walking to Brittney and offering her a handshake.
Brad: "More or less you are in. We need to finish the paperwork and sign you in, but they liked you girl. They really really liked you."
Okay, my ears hurt now.
Brad: "Glad to hear you're enthusiastic. Haha. Well just so you know, normally this takes some time but the higher ups want you in. So come back tomorrow and they will go over the finer details with you."
Brittney: "Thank you so much! I can't believe this is happening! This has been my dream since I was little!"
And now she jump hugged him. Yep, I do believe she is a happy lady now. Tis good because now I need to be dropped off at the wedding.
Now that all of that is over with we headed back down to her car.
Brittney: "Ron.. Thanks.. Really and truly, thanks."
Me: "No big, I'm just glad I'll finally get to see you on stage now!... Err, well a different kind of stage, at least."
With the way she was smiling coyly at me, I do believe I got my point across.
Brittney: "Well I could dance for you again if you want... Maybe next time you'll look at more than my eyes."
Okay, so I blushed. She won this round.
We headed back to her car and I opened the passenger side door open for her. It wasn't until I was driving when she resumed her goal to make me blush.
Brittney: "Treats me like a lady... Helps me land my dream career.. Opens the door for me.. Gives me the biggest orgasm... Even drives for me.."
... One of these things is not like the others.
Brittney: "Which reminds me. You know how to drive? You're already 16?"
Me: "Going on 15, and yea. I can drive. I made it safely didn't I? Just glad it isn't stick.. I hate driving stick."
Why is she so quiet?
Brittney unbuckled, which is unsafe!, and leaned over to whisper in my ear.
Brittney: "I could show you how to drive stick?"
Umm.. How? Like seriously gurl, you got another caaawww aaarrrrr..
Me: "What are you doing?! I'm trying to drive here!"
Brittney: "Well keep driving Ron. I'm helping you learn.. Mmmmm, man, you are a man with this."
Yes, I know cardio plus puberty has done me well. Especially since I was aware how well it helps ahead of time instead of in my late twenties.
But seriously, stop playing with it! This is unsafe while driving!
Brittney: "Now Ronald.. First thing to know about driving stick is to be comfortable. You need to stay focused..."
Fine. Yep. I got it. Understood.
Brittney: "And then..."
That was the last thing I heard. I may have zoned out. Which is also unsafe while driving!! But I somehow got us to my cousin Izak's venue. Somehow...
Brittney looked like the cat that got the cream with how wide she was smiling.
Look. She really knows how to work a mic and drive stick. That's all I'm saying...
Sigh... And now I am remembering back on what has been happening to me lately. I wish mom had not left Rufus with the Possible's before we left for here. Which in hindsight I should have realised something was up when she told me that. But I really could use my best bud now.
Brittney: "I was only joking with you, ya know? I didn't think you'd actually take me to the wedding."
Me: "Well why not? I'm bringing a great friend along that looks amazing in her dress."
Could have sworn I heard her mumble 'just a friend, huh'. Sigh...
Me: "Hey Brittney. Before we head in, I have to say something."
Sigh, she stiffened up. Just amp down a little.
Me: "Look. I'm not normal. You know that right? Well I'm not exactly in a normal situation. I'm surrounded by beautiful and intelligent ladies, and I do count you in that, but I am not committed. Seriously, It's too soon. l don't want you hating me for being me."
Yet another silent moment.
Brittney: "Those girls you hanged out with all the time. They the ones you thinking about?"
Me: "Look.. It's more complicated than that-"
Brittney: "I want in."
Hot girl say what?
Me: "I'm sorry, what?"
Brittney: "You're still my Sir aren't you? You're not gonna leave me high and dry are you?"
Me: "That was only for the momen-"
Brittney: "And we are still in the moment. Or had you ended it without telling me.. Sir?"
Ugh, damn if. Don't look at me like that. It's not fair! Women should not be allowed to do those darn upturned eyes while looking all innocent!
Whatever. I take her arm in mine and we head to the reception. Thankfully we made it early enough for the pre wedding pictures. Though I stayed out of it. I was mostly here just to show familial support.
Oh sweet, cousin Izak is coming over.
Izak: "What are you doing?! Why did you bring her here?"
Me: "My friend?"
Izak: "No, the stripper! All the guys are pointing out that she was the one on stage last night!"
Ahhh.... heh, double faced bastards.
Me: "What do you mean cousin? How in the world would you all know that she could be a stripper?"
Izak: "You know damn well what I mean cousin! You can't have that.. that.. indecent woman here."
Me: "I swear... You throw money at her, ranting and raving for more, but she's my date and now she's suddenly indecent... How would all you guy's dates and your soon to be wife think of you guys if they knew?"
Izak: "... I thought wrong of you cousin. I thought you were different than your parents. But you're just as horrible as they are."
Huh, learned something new today.
Me: "Well I'm sorry to disappoint. But my motto is 'Never Be Normal'."
So I just smiled at him and wished him well.
Ah, good times.
It was a beautiful wedding. They clearly put enough money into this. Could have bought a house, in all honesty...
Could have done without all the stink eye's being sent my way. Brittney wanted to know why, but I'm sure she already knew. The 'rents.. well they saw the treatment I was receiving and kept quiet. Makes me wonder if they experienced this before.
Brittney: "So you sure you don't want to tell me?"
Me: "No, I'm afraid. Not really all that interesting."
Brittney: "But what's so important that I need to look up the internet for it!"
After everything was said and done, I told the 'rents I'd be spending time with Brittney. Want to know the funny thing? They actually remembered her! She had a blast telling them I helped her get a contract in the works and that she would finally be able to pursue her dream... Of course Mrs. S had to give me a look. Something all mothers give their kids when they want a talk further on the subject.
So anyways, Lonnie and Connie had texted me to look at the news on the internet... I do think they knew what I did but didn't care. So I drove us, safely!, to an internet cafe that allowed us to rent a computer for an allowed time.
I went to New York Times and head line news was a certain man and woman being hauled away. Apparently they were running one of the largest underground underaged girls porn films. The cops had an anonymous tip from someone on the inside who was abused by these people and wishes to remain hidden...
Wow. Just wow.
Mrs. Z... You work fast. Maybe a little too fast, but who am I to complain?
But for Brittney... She just had an impassive stare. It kind of scared me to be honest.
Brittney: "I need to head home."
Ah.. Okay..
I guess I should have waited to call Mrs. Z. It seems seeing her mother being arrested after telling me her story was a little suspicious.
The drive back was quiet. She didn't even look my direction once.
Welp, looks like I'm walking back to the hotel.
Me: "Okay.. We're here.."
When all fails... Apologize.
Me: "Brittney, I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have shown you-"
Brittney: "Follow me."
Ah crap. She is pissed.
It felt like the walk of doom for me. Every step was heavy. When we got closer and closer to her door, I was just ready for her to start yelling at me.
I steeled myself when she closed the door and locked it... Wait a tic.. If she was mad, why was I brought in?
I soon discovered why when she slammed into me and I found her hands in my hair and kissing me hard.
Brittney: "I can't hold back anymore Ron.. I'm so sorry but no more."
Me: "Wait wait wait! Settle down mmmmph!"
Maybe if I was a little quicker on the uptake, I couls have fought back.. But she had me on the floor, my jacket pulled down, and my arms tied up.
Brittney: "That pesky v-card is mine to take."
I should have fought harder.. Or even fought back to begin with. But I didn't want to hurt her! That's my story and I'm sticking with it.