
Re: Player

Being thrown into the game-world of [Call of the Black Magicians], Adam was forced to survive with no prior information. Except for his memories of the Game-World and his name, he did not have any memories of his previous life. But fret not, even though the Game-World had many perils and was on the verge of extinction at every next step, it also had its beauty and magic, one to die for. With the authority of [Player], he could save and restart until he achieved his desired result.  He could learn skills of the ‘NPCs’ and achieve the results like the ‘Players.’  He could literally solo the entire game world to achieve his desired results. Whether he wants to save the world or destroy it, he could do it… as many times as he wishes. Even the [Black Magicians] won’t be able to do anything about it… probably. But was it all there was to it? [Beta Version 0.1 will begin in 6 Months: 29 days: 23 Hours!] I guess not… … Description: In the World of Zarraf, their lives Gods, not all Gods are good and certainly none are without motives.  They rule the world’s 7 nations:  The Nation of Light and Sun The Nation of Water The Nation of Fire The Nation of Life The Nation of Earth The Nation of Moon The Nation of Wind Each ruled by a goddess that has their own stance in their ruling.  But that is only the first page of this world. The second page colors the Ancient Gods of Corruption, Rage, Curse, Death and Hate. The third belongs the Seven Sins’ Incarnations that are ready to succeed the Ancient Gods. The Fourth is of the Witches who stand against all Gods equally. And the Final Page colors the [Immortals] or otherwise known as [Players] that will be summoned to bring Chaos to this world. A World that was meant to be destroyed. Such is the fate of the world of Zarraf, as powers beyond the realm of mortals threaten the dynamic equilibrium of their existence. In the end, the world was prophesied to be destroyed by one cause or another. Nothing could prevent looming destruction… Or so... It was supposed to happen… … Hey, Author here to give a quick glance at a couple of things that are normally asked. Harem? Yes Romance? Yes System? Obviously Smut? Oh yes! Adventure RPG? Yes. Power Creeping? Not really. Overpowered? Depends on how you see it Smart MC? I guess so.  Wise MC? Yes Something you need to know before you read The MC has the ability to [Save] a point (there are some conditions), with which he can return in time. So basically, he is an immortal. Though that doesn’t make him invincible from the start, rather he grows by making correct choices. The World is dynamic and pretty much anything can happen anytime. (It’s just my way of saying that there will be twists… pretty much unexpected ones as well).  And then there will be solutions to those unexpected situations as well, depending upon the absurdity of it. (I won’t have any more plot armor since I gave him a pretty big buff of immortality, so everything will be connected and won’t just happen by luck. Everything will be cleared by the end of an arc, so you need to be patient before deciding on it.) It has a mix of everything. Thriller, Adventure, Action, Smut, Romance, Slice of Life, etc. so there is that as well. ……. [Mature Warning: This Novel Contains R-18 Content!] https://discord.gg/2swHXduWg3

Ethel_Imaginations · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
261 Chs

[Quest Complete!]



-Slash! x ???

The attacks continued for another 10 minutes or so, as those bandits kept attacking without any pause. From the looks in their eyes, it seems they could see me…

The crossbow bandit was glaring at me rather intensely. He positioned his crossbow at me as I took a step back.


The arrow hit the barrier formed by the caravan before shattering into pieces.

I looked at the crossbow guy for a moment before a smirk formed on my face,

"Heh!" I mumbled, making him fume even more as he attacked a couple of times more before he was stopped by his comrades.

"Now we wait, huh?" I questioned, as I saw those men doing the same. Rather than leaving me behind all by myself, they were now talking to each other while keeping an eye on me.

Since I had nothing to do, I observed them for the time being. Unlike before, when they killed me on sight, this time I had the chance to analyze them much more clearly.

40 minutes passed as I saw them still waiting for me, while the mages among them tried many things to open the gate of the caravan using magic. One of them even tried to use knives as a key.

I was kind of afraid at first, but after their repeated failure, I started watching them intently. Looking at the precise magic made me rather in awe of the mage as I looked at him with slight envy.

'One day I'll use magic too!' I vowed inside before I heard a notification.

[Quest: Survive (Complete)!]

[+20 Exp gained!]

[+2 Attribute Points!]

[+New Skill: Language Comprehension!]

[Language Comprehension(Common)!]

[Effects: Allows the user to comprehend any language at a faster rate!

Language Proficiencies:

-English: 64/100 %!

-Arabic: 3/100%!

-Chinese: 1/100%!

-Hindi: 4/100%!

-Greek: 4/100%!

-Latin: 6/100%!

-French: 4/100%!

-Spanish: 5/100%!

-Japanese: 5/100 %]

"Chotto matte kudasai! I have good command on English, okay? What do you mean I don't even understand my first language completely?!!"

That was rather rude of the System!

"Asbesto sne lieanr treu!" One of the bandits with the long sword spoke as he looked at his partner, while the others were busy doing their own things.

[New Language Found: Livian Language!]

[Proficiency: 1%!]

"Oh! So I could comprehend it just by listening to it, huh?" I thought as I understood how the skill worked.

While I was amazed by the skill, the two men started arguing more and more, gathering the attention of not only me but the other bandits.

I looked at them, trying to understand the language a bit more. While 1% would probably do nothing, it should increase if I try right?

And just as I predicted!

[Language Proficiency: +1!]

[Language Proficiency: +1!]

[Language Proficiency: +1!]

[Language Proficiency: +1!]



The argument continued for another 5 to 10 minutes before it was finally resolved by the other members.

[Language Comprehension(Common)!]

[Language Proficiencies:

-English: 64/100 %

-Livian: 12/100 %]

"Are we escaed him? Ire linae kill! Dead will inresa!!" Hearing their words, I could understand them a little.

'But even if I understood them, what should I do? Strike a deal with them?' I questioned, as I didn't find any other quest popping.

Fighting with them was a no-no. It's basically suicide to be blunt.

"ESPCADAA!!!!" One of the bandits, probably a female member, shouted attracting my attention.

Looking at the girl through the window, I saw her shivering in fear as she pointed in the direction where I went first.

'If I am not wrong, wasn't the nasilisk monster there?' I questioned as I observed the area…

And on point, the basilisk came running through the desert as he moved towards us with heavy steps.

-Thud! Thud! Thud!

The sound of the monster's heavy footsteps sent chills down my spine as I recalled the first time I ran to that point.

"Fire!!" one of the bandits shouted as the mages began chanting spells, one after another. I focused on their attacks towards the monster.

The blue-coloured bolt reached the Basilisk, harming him a little.


Though it only enraged him even more as it increased its speed towards here.

"Lerge the caravan!" the bandit leader shouted as the others ran behind the caravan immediately.


The Basilisk ran towards the caravan with all power.

'It should be fine, right?' I questioned before


[You Have Died!]

[Game Over!]

[Restarting from Last Save Point!]

[Error! No Save Point Found!]

[Restarting from Start!]

I stood back where I was before. In the desert about a hundred meters away from the caravan.

[Quest: Survive!]

The quest was once again there with the same requirements and same rewards. I sighed as I moved into the caravan again.

"Do I need to comprehend the entire language thingy again?" I groaned as I laid on my back. My eyes closed as I was glad that I could relax for an hour before something could happen. Enough time to find a way out of this mess.

The bandits came like before. Attacked for sometime before starting to talk among themselves. And 60 minutes later…

[You have gained a new Skill: Language Comprehension!]

[Language Comprehension(Common)!]

[Language Proficiencies:

-English: 64/100 %

-Livian: 14/100 %]

My eyes opened wide as I looked at the proficiency that still didn't reduce… even one bit.