

Asylums. Narcotics. Forbidden love. And a whole bunch of mad hatters ready to plunge the world's magical underbelly into unrepairable mayhem. Fortunately, nothing is ever too hard with a system backing you up—especially when your moral values are skewed, and the only enemy standing in your way to the top is time. [Warning: this web novel will contain incest + yandere harem.] https://www.patreon.com/nneeil discord -> https://discord.gg/mkaJpcaQQ2

Nneeil · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
121 Chs


There will be no more chapters for a while.

Let me get this out of the way first. No, I'm not dropping the story. I just need a break. The last thing I want, and probably you too, is for me to write a half-assed chapter. We're approaching a point in the story where careful planning is a must, and I really don't want to force myself to scramble for ideas as the story goes.

So, yeah, I'll be taking some time away from this novel.

Nevertheless, I'll still be writing, just at my pace...

I don't know when I'll be back. It could be next month, during summer, or at the end of the year. And if you don't hear anything from me again, it just means I'm dead.

I'll say it one more time. This isn't dropped. I've written 200k words, for fuck's sake. It would be such a waste of time not to finish this. In one way or another, we'll reach the end. For now, though, stay safe y'all, and have protected sex!


Sincerely yours,

Your mom.
