
Re: New World

Humanity has harnessed augmented virtual technology for years but on the 25th of january 2130 the first and only virtual world was released: New World. A second world that humans could enter in their sleep and that even accelerated time by a factor of 1,5. To say this game was a landmark moment would be an understatement, up to 70% of all humans in 2133 had played or were playing regularly. Augustin Vraken wasn't some godly player, neither was he oppressed, his existence was normal until he found something, something that shouldn't have been there. He could make a wish, he wished to go back in time, to before the cataclysm and before the release of New World.

AJTP · Jogos
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3 Chs


His vision was coming back to him and with it a splitting headache, Augustin felt as if a thousand ants were crawling around in his head, the pain was constant and seemed to have no end. After an hour of the torture he could finally think coherently again.

He was surprised by how sluggish his body and mind felt, he felt so weak. The first few steps were hard as his brain was accustomed to an extremely powerful body. The game allowed players to take their bodies and skills from the "game" through the use of capsules and special nutritional solutions. The skills would only start coming after players reached tier 3 and the fitness would partially be unlocked at tier 1.

The game was supposedly an American invention to strengthen soldiers but the efficacy of the processus was such that the rest of the world wanted in but when nations considered that the wars of tomorrow might be fought by supersoldiers they realised that whoever had the most would win. This realisation pushed the world powers to make the game largely available for fear that if their neighbour did it and they didn't they would lose out on supersoldiers.

The effects were largely hidden from the public at first but when the first players reached tier 1 the secret became untenable. This was the point where New World became a titan, the sale of capsules tripled in 2 days. This is also when I started playing, more than a month and half into the game's lifespan. Competing with the frontrunners was hard so I chose to go for a special occupation: spy.

This class allowed me to gain some success but the difficulty to level up made me realise it was a mistake and three years in starting back from zero was just not possible.

"This is a one in a trillion chance"

Coming back to the past was an incredible chance and Augustin intended to take full advantage of it. Looking at his watch he realised it was early afternoon and the game would be released tonight. He had to get a capsule by tonight, the store down the road might have a few left and if they didn't he would have to look further away which would mean delivery costs. Considering his savings the delivery would be a problem considering he only had 35 new european credits after counting the price of the capsule.

Entering the store he was surprised to see there was no one in. After a few seconds of him entering he could see someone walking out from behind the counter.

"Hello, do you still have a basic capsule ?"

The shopkeeper answered in the affirmative and asked Augustin to follow him to the back. Augustin smiled when he realised this was the last capsule in the store and that he had gotten it. He paid the 350 NE credits and was on his way, it was called a capsule but the first gen capsule was a full body suit with a helmet and a nutrient solution as an option. He didn't have the money to spare and the NS was not very useful early on.

The game still being an hour away it was time to consider how he would go about leveraging his knowledge of the world. He had to consider where to start and what class to go for first.

He had to go for a knowledge based class that he was sure of, classes that leveraged knowledge directly where not numerous. He could be a rune mage, a mage that leveraged runes to launch spells, runes were your tool but he didn't know that many runes as it was knowledge that no one would share. Another option was contract warlock, using the true name of demons to sign contracts with them was an appealing option but he also didn't know that many true names. His last option was mechanic, a mechanic could craft weapons and have bonuses while using them.

The mechanic class seemed like the best option because as a spy stealing weapons blueprints was something he did regularly. The class also had an extremely high ceiling, meaning that the class had extreme potential and with the knowledge of so many weapons inside his head this potential could be realised.

The second thing to settle was where to start and for that he already had an idea, the places you could start were dependent on where you lived. He had to choose between two kingdoms and an empire, the white lion kingdom, the vezra theocracy(kingdom) and the holy central empire. The theocracy and the white lion kingdom were no-go's for a mechanic, the theocracy was secular in nature and the kingdom too restrictive. He chose the empire because of its constant internal strife and the possibility of receiving land from certain nobles very early on.

With this sorted he could finally put on the helmet and the suit.