

i swear this is the definitive reboot. and there is quite a bit of CP to save time instead of complete rewriting conversations. though it is changed as necessary. this will change as the MCs personality slowly changes the conversations and plots directions.

CraftingManiac · Outros
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7 Chs

With Loli In Hand, The World Is Mine!

Yi Nan stared at him for a moment before shaking her head, "Idiot, you might be cunning when it comes to killing these weakling warriors, but the person I'm after is much stronger than you."

She actually wanted to get up and leave, but considering the shameless fellow was offering help in good will Yi Nan decided to humor him for a bit.

"The fellow you want to kill tonight, who is he?" Yi Nan asked this with a little curiosity. She wasn't really interested, but the fellow infront of her had hired a large group of prostitutes to help him in his job. Hough she looked down on those girls slightly, she didn't want them to get caught up in whatever would happen next.

"Heh, just a trashy bandit named Tie Kuang. Apparently he likes to kill men and turn their widows into prostitutes." Yue Yang raised his palms face up and shrugged his shoulders.

"Wait.." Just as the thought flashed into Yi Nan's mind, Yue Yang confirmed it.

"Yeah, those poor girls are his victims. You've got to admire them, scrounging up enough money to put that bastard on the vengeance hunter list for several years couldn't have been easy." Yue Yang truely did admire those girls determination.

Yi Nan was silent for a moment as she realized that those girls she had looked down upon for selling their bodies unexpectedly had such powerful wills to live and get revenge. Even willing to suffer the humiliation of their bodies.

With a sigh Yue Yang stood up and said goodbye to Yi Nan, it was about time for him to feed Dou Dou.

Yi Nan watched him leave with a strange light in her eyes. This shameless fellow actually could be considered a true 'Vengeance Hunter.' He had even found an excuse to help the poor women affected by his targets vile action.


Yue Yang quickly made his way to Tie Kuang's home and wasn't surprised to see a mature woman with abundant breasts waiting for him outside.

"Young Master, not only did we get Tie Kuang to drink till he's asleep, we've even tied him up, you can go in any moment to kill him!" This big-breasted woman immediately knelt down and kowtowed to him.

Yue Yang thought about stopping her kowtow, but decided against it. Instead he spoke out, "You call me Young Master instead of a different appellation, I take it you know who I am?"

Although he knew this big breasted lady without a name could recognise him because of his eyes, he still had to ask.

Hearing him ask this question the lady felt a small bit of terror, however she answered honestly. "You are Yue Clans Third Young Master, I recognise your eyes from when you brought your younger sisters out to play. I haven't told this to anyone else."

"Unn, thats fine." Yue Yang didn't care if she told anyone or not. He was mostly following canon for simplicity and fun at the moment. He also took this chance to hide the Phantom Shadows he had summoned into her shadow to pass onto the other ladies.

"Young Master..." The big breasted lady began before Yue Yang stopped her with a raised hand.

"I've investigated Tie Kuang already, I know about your situation. From now on you won't have to pay the Assassins Guild money anymore." Yue Yang walked into the doorway and summoned Dou Dou who had evolved into a Bronze Ranked Bloody Tongued Spitting Thorny Flower. He let her quickly gobble him up after Yue Yang purified his energy with The World and his Innate Qi.

After ransacking the building for its valuables that he quickly threw into a sack he exited the house and tossed the bag to the woman.

"Pawn those things off for me will you? Also is there anyone else you want me to kill? I'll consider the money from those trinkets as the cost." While he didn't have a heart of gold, he did need these ladies information for when to get the Barbarian Cow and save Yi Nan.

The woman was deeply moved and said with tears flowing down her eyes as she continued her kowtow, "There are still two people. One is called 'Chang Dao', the other is called 'Xie Huo'. Although I don't know their actual names, I've seen that Tie Kuang speaks to the both of them with respect. Xie Huo periodically comes to White Stone City. Based on my calculations, Chang Dao might come in a few days. We don't know anything about him, just that his blade is extremely fast. Even as he sits down and drinks liquor, he could kill dozens of people in succession with only a wave of his hands. Normally, he doesn't come to White Stone City very often; he appears and disappears unpredictably. However, this Chang Dao has a very obvious distinctive feature; his right hand that holds his blade is much larger than his left; at least twice its size."

Yue Yang laughed, "Help me exchange this and the next time you see them they will be dead. Right what should I call you?"

The woman started before replying, "I have no name..."

Before she could finish Yue Yang waved her off, "How inconvenient, then I'll just call you Fa Lan." He considered this as answering the woman's request for a name that the original wasn't able to answer before she died and was reincarnated as a beast.

The woman, now named Fa Lan, cried louder as she kowtowed again, "Young Master, Fa Lan will certainly not disappoint you!" She would never be able to forget the graciousness of this young master who had granted her a name and made her a human.

Yue Yang quickly left after that and headed home.


When morning came Yue Yang was back at home acting as Hua Xian's obedient San-er.

Hua Xian was carrying Shuang'er and reading a letter sent by Yue Bing happily.

"San-er, Bing Er sent you a greeting through this letter." The beautiful woman felt that everything happening within her family was now changing for the better.

"How was Bing'er's test?" He vaguely remembered that she had done well and then headed towards Tong Tian Tower. He was looking forward to kicking the crap out of some arrogant young masters.

Bing Er's test went extremely smoothly. Next year, she can enter the fifth grade advanced class. She also registered you as second grade, since the school regulations state that one cannot register for anything above the third grade. Therefore, San-er, for the moment, you can only enter the second grade. Bing Er said in her letter that after studying there for a few months, if your grades are excellent, you can jump straight to the third grade." Then, the young girl in the beautiful woman's arms began to shout loudly as she shouted that she wanted to attend school as well. The beautiful woman saw that she could no longer keep the girl still, so she could only release her. The girl then jumped into Yue Yang's arms like a spoiled child. After the beautiful woman finished reading the letter, she looked hesitant as she sighed. "Bing Er said she won't return home for the next three months. She wants to go to Tong Tian Tower and go through a test there…."

"Tong Tian Tower?" Yue Yang knitted his brows. He had to plan what he was going to do carefully. That was where he would meet his future lackeys and several Waifus.

"Bing Er is only going to the first level, barely entrance-level testing, moreover, teachers from the school will be leading them in groups, so there should be no danger, but I still worry a bit for that stubborn girl!" The beautiful woman knew her daughter's personality well, she was solitary and taciturn, disliking social activities, unable to communicate well and did not have any close friends in school, thus whether it be day to day life or during the testing process, it is easy to be at a disadvantage. By any chance if she is in danger, there might not be any one to help her and she can only flounder without any support.

"She should be fine, if anything does happen I will go to support her." Yue Yang felt a little bad for lying, but this setback should actually be considered a good chance for Yue Bing to grow.

After Hua Xian and Shuang'er left Yue Yang returned to his room and dropped a bit of blood onto the black jade pendant. He wore it back onto his neck and sat in meditation for half the day and finally a black hole opened up and swallowed him.

As he was brought into the nirvana seal Yue Yang felt like his body and soul were being torn apart and crushed repeatedly, just when he was about to pass out from the pain he felt flames ignite within his body, increasing his strength and life force greatly. 'Was this the two phoenix sisters supporting him?'

Quickly the pain faded and he found himself standing naked in a dark void.

"Eh? You actually haven't died yet? You're such a strange human boy. Wa, you're even an Innate, there's such a young Innate?" Just as Yue Yang was unsure of what to do, a graceful yet astonished female voice rang out.

Before even having the time to react, Yue Yang discovered that he had been lifted up by an irresistible force. Following that, a pair of warm, soft, and creamy lips kissed him on the mouth.

Yue Yang knew what was about to happen so he didn't panic or struggle as Empress Fei Wen Li began to absorb his Innate Qi from his mouth.

"It's been 10,000 years, but this is the first time I've ever felt so comfortable! This is really refreshing. Although the amount is a bit lacking, it's extremely pure. Not bad!" The beauty that had kissed him said with a gasp of admiration from within the darkness.

Yue Yang held back from cursing as he felt incredibly weak and dizzy after his Qi was sucked out so rapidly. He quickly adjusted himself and gazed at the woman who had kissed him.

Fei Wen Li was a beauty over 2 metres tall, her complexion was able to cause the downfall of a city, with creamy skin, blue sapphires for eyes, unblinkingly staring at him, full of surprise and curiosity. This beauty had a long mane of gold hair, demurely cascading down her shoulders to cover the two erect peaks on her chest that was like snowy jade. Looking downwards, could only see the slender waist, one of nature's greatest works. Supernaturally finely crafted statues could not show the perfection of this natural delicate body.

Yue Yang continued to gaze downwards wanting to take in the beauty completely.

"How beautiful, am I dreaming? Can such beauty truely exist?"

Hearing this, the golden-haired beauty smiled. Her smile was like a lustrous sea of stars, capable of causing the downfall of a city and causing the heavens and earth to collapse. Her smile made Yue Yang's soul float outside of his body and forget about staying on earth.

She had six arms extending outwards behind her mane of golden hair, swinging in an extremely beautiful way. One snow white hand lifted Yue Yang's lower jaw lightly, and those sapphire eyes were filled with laughter: "Cute little human boy, this isn't a dream. After all I am the worlds most beautiful Empress Fei Wen Li."

"My greetings, Your Majesty." Yue Yang said with a smile as he performed an exaggerated bow.

"You should have added an additional 'World's most beautiful' in front when greeting me. It will make me happier. Now let us have a little chat, cute little human boy. Can you tell me how you were able to break through this Black Hole Seal? Furthermore, how could you be an Innate when you are still so young?" The golden Serpent Empress Fei Wen Li asked curiously as she blinked her big beautiful eyes, looking into Yue Yang's eyes.

Yue Yang shrugged his shoulders before saying, "It can't be helped, who had me be born as a genius?"

Empress Fei Wen Li's golden eyebrows plunged into a frown as she unexpectedly nodded and agreed, "You are indeed a genius; no, actually, you are a perverted genius. I have never met anyone like you among the human race. I was confined in a deep sleep for ten thousand years. I was unable to come out of this everlasting dreamland for thousands of years, yet your blood had awakened me instantly… No matter what kind of life comes in, this Black Hole Seal will reduce everything to ashes and smoke. I tried all kinds of method I could but was only able to ensure that my soul did not disappear. My physical body was unfortunately devoured by the Black Hole. However, you, a mere little human boy can somehow stand perfectly well, in front of me, unscathed. I can't understand how you could do it. You probably have a natural automatic resurrection ability, in addition, you are even able to resist the Black Hole's engulfing ability… Most amazing of all, I have never seen such a young Innate Ranker. If in this endless, deep magic world, I say that I am the second, no one would dare to claim that they are first. Even so, I used 50 years to prepare myself before I started to cultivate in the Innate Realm. Entering the Innate Realm took me a hundred years more. To reach your state, I had used a total of two hundred years. However, since your life has a glow to it, you must still be an unreasonably young human boy… "

"Just now you said that your body had been devoured by the Black Hole and became nothingness?" Yue Yang actually didn't want to be a pervert here, but felt like it was necessary.

"What you see is a body that is a cross between a mirage and reality… Even though I had slept for ten thousand years, my body still hasn't even recovered half of its former glory." Empress Fei Wen Li's face became mournful as soon as she heard his question.

Yue Yang extended his hand and as if passing through a mass of water, his fingers smoothly passed through the Empress Fei Wen Li's body. As expected, her body was not physical, but it was also not a shadow. Empress Fei Wen Li moved her fair hand and lifted Yue Yang's entire body up as her beautiful eyes glared at him, "Idiot, don't touch a woman's body as you like! Not to mention that I am an Empress, you shouldn't do this even to a normal girl."

Yue Yang laughed and reached for her face.

Empress Fei Wen Li dodged before he could reach out to touch her face, "Do not be rude, my neck and above are the same as yours, its living flesh and blood. You sure have guts. Aren't you afraid of me killing you, take over your body and escape from this Black Hole Seal?"

When Yue Yang heard this, he laughed again. His laugh was incomparably brilliant.

"Would you refrain from killing me if I'm afraid?" Yue Yang.

Empress Fei Wen Li gently put Yue Yang down, extended her small fist and rapped it on his head gently, "I also wanted to kill you, but I can't do it because we already signed the Spirit Blood Contract… Strange little human boy, what exactly are your blood vessels? How could your blood awaken me from my eternal dream? How could your blood invade my spirit and forcibly sign the Spirit Blood Contract? I really have no way to understand. Within the three worlds, how could there be such a strange existence like you? Little fellow, are you really human?"

"What is Spirit Blood Contract?" Yue Yang actually wanted to understand more about this ability, especially since it was what allowed him to obtain so Guardian Beasts in the original story.

"A type of contract that only gods can sign, but you obviously are human, so could you explain that a little bit?" Empress Fei Wen Li had the look of a child's curiosity on her face.

"..... Does that mean I have gods blood?" Yue Yang actually new he was born from the gods will flower tree as a member of the Eastern Immortal Tribe. He had gods blood from the moment he was born.

The Empress Fei Wen Li's expression was slightly dejected, "How would I know if you don't? Though I suppose there is a high chance that you do or possess something similar. Though how could I have signed a Spirit Blood Contract with a human? If you died, I would also die. This is really too pitiful."

"Eh why are you so worried? I'm quite strong you know." Yue Yang felt that even if her pitiful expression was cute, it was too exaggerated. "If you are that worried do you have any artifacts or beasts you could give me to protect myself? If not I suppose I could swallow my pride if I could have such a beautiful Empress guarding me."

"I probably cannot leave for eternity… Having no real solid body, there is no way to leave the Black Hole Seal. Even if you are killed by a strong opponent, I can only accompany you in death powerlessly …" Empress Fei Wen Li's face was so sorrowful that it almost broke Yue Yang's heart.

"Now now, don't make that kind of face, my heart can't take it!" Yue Yang spoke trying to cheer her up. "If you can't get free by yourself can't I help you? I train and get stronger, then return here so that you can absorb my Qi. It might take awhile, but won't you feel better breaking the seal with your own power? Or if you want why not try and take control of the seal?"

Yue Yang shamelessly threw out the suggestion that it took the original several hundred chapters to suggest.

His suggestion stunned Fei Wen Li as she stopped to think for several minutes before shaking her head. "If I regain my full strength breaking free would still be almost impossible, as for controlling the seal? I would have to be stronger than my current self by countless times."

"What if you had help from an external source? Something that could make it through the seal like me?" Yue Yang threw out another suggestion.

Fei Wen Li's face lite up as she said, "Then it may be possible, I could get out if you found something like that!"

"Then I will make it a priority to find something like that." Yue Yang actually knew something like that existed on the tenth floor, however it had a crazy strong person and some Divine Power sealed inside it.

"Now how do I get out?" Yue Yang finally asked.

Realizing that Yue Yang wanted to leave, an extremely reluctant expression surfaced on Empress Fei Wen Li's face immediately. But she quickly recovered with ease as she smiled and nodded, "I can send you out of this place immediately, but if this happens, I will need to use up a large amount of Spiritual Energy. It is even possible that my body that is still recovering slowly would be affected to a great extent and I will sink into sleep again… Do you have to leave now?"

As she said her last sentence, she looked like she carried unspeakable sorrows in her heart, like a weak woman who was watching her male protector leave her alone heartlessly. Hearing the Empress's tone which was full of hidden bitterness, Yue Yang's heart softened for a few seconds.

"Is there any wish you want to fulfill in the outside world? Perhaps I can think of a way!" Yue Yang felt that if this Empress had many beautiful female subordinates in the outside world that needed him to take care of, there would be no problem at all.

"I've been sleeping for ten thousand years already, I'm afraid that my nation has already disappeared. Furthermore, you are a human living in the Soaring Dragon Continent, and I am a Serpent Empress with a large pool of magic. Even if I have a wish, you would also not be able to fulfill it. Moreover, my only wish is to gain my freedom." Empress Fei Wen Li smiled a smile that could bring the downfall of a nation, causing Yue Yang to feel intoxicated by that smile after witnessing it. Before preparing to send Yue Yang out, Fei Wen Li suddenly remembered something: "Oh yes, since your blood is similar to [God's Blood], to the extent that it may be even more mysterious and unusual, perhaps it may be able to resurrect her… …"

Empress Fei Wen Li raised a fair hand and summoned a rainbow colored pet's egg directly without using a Grimoire.

Seeing this, Yue Yang's eyes shone in excitement. That egg was Xiao Wen Li, the Loli Serpent Demoness that would become his greatest helper.

"This is?"

"She is my Guard Captain. She died protecting me before I was sealed, and I had no way to resurrect her, so I could only turn her back to her former state! If your blood can resurrect her, then she could probably help you with small matters. But I cannot guarantee if she retained her battle experience!" Fei Wen Li first bit her thumb and drew a strange rune on the surface with her blood, then gestured at Yue Yang to extend his hand towards her.

She cut open a small wound on Yue Yang's palm, then softly laid the shining rainbow coloured egg on the small wound. That egg was like a little vampire frantically absorbing Yue Yang's fresh blood.

Yue Yang was almost sucked dry…

When Yue Yang was having a dizzy spell, a strong light suddenly arose, leaving behind an image of a demon serpent warrior that was over ten metres tall. The image disappeared in less than a second, as the light was sucked away quickby the Black Hole space.

The egg that had sucked enough fresh blood dissolved and disappeared, becoming a pattern of blood. It wriggled on Yue Yang's hand until it reached his chest, and an exquisite pattern of a demon serpent appeared on his skin. The demon serpent pattern had its six arms raised high, each holding a different weapon. Its long serpent tail twisted and coiled around Yue Yang's waist and lower abdomen. Before Yue Yang managed to see it clearly, that pattern moved as if it was brought to life, and flew out of his body in a path of rainbow coloured light in an instant. In an instant, it entered Empress Fei Wen Li's body.

"Goodness gracious!" Empress Fei Wen Li let out a sound of surprise, six arms all raised in unison, as if to block the rainbow coloured light from entering her body.

However, her a flash of hesitation appeared on her expression. In the end, she stopped blocking and allowed the rainbow coloured light to enter her body. Within moments, the Empress' body started to emit a fragrace that seemed to refresh Yue Yang's mind. Within the shining light and fragrance, a petite, small loli started to appear on the exquisite pattern of a demon serpent that Empress Fei Wen Li had on her lower abdomen.

This girl looked exactly like Empress Fei Wen Li, but she was her smaller version. They had the same six arms and snake tail, but she looked a little young and inexperienced.

The body was about Yue Shuang size, and her height was about Yue Yang's waist.

The little loli demon serpent seemed like she was struggling to stand steadily. Her six arms extended and hugged Fei Wen Li's snake waist, but that head full of blond hair was looking back at Yue Yang. A sapphire-like big eyes stared at Yue Yang unblinkingly. The feeling was like a little girl seeing a distant father who returned, wanting to recognize yet not daring to, wanting to hug yet not daring to extend her hands, having a cute yet slightly shy appearance.

well this came out after half a day of writing. i hope you all enjoy. i have been starving all day and don't know why~ ive eaten 2 bowls of food and drank half a pot of coffee. and I'm still hungry

CraftingManiaccreators' thoughts