
Re:Life In Another World

A dreamless man who have fallen himself to a state of destruction. Left by his own girlfriend, Gabriel didn't know what he will do now he was left alone to this cruel world. Until a fateful event that will surely change his own fate. A truck, at its maximum speed, lost its control and hit him. Little did he know he will be given a new life, twice, maybe a little troublesome, but it's still a second chance. Anyways, a second life that will make him dream more and more, until he was satisfied after achieving his goal, and will grab what he desire. // Novel serialization will resume as soon as I finish reviewing and improving grammars from the past chapters. Although there will be inconsistency to the future updates, I will be sure to stick to the plot.

senior_suz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Sudden Reunion

Attacking the king is already considered as rebellion. And I just did the exact thing.

I wasn't supposed to do that, but the situation force me to. Well, I was supposed to do that, but not too early.

And so, I'm currently flying towards my terriotry with high speed. Eve had already calculated the time of my arrival and I should be there for an hour, if it doesn't exhaust my mana which is impossible since I should know my own capacity.

To be honest, I'm extremely nervous as I look for solutions of this current issue. But thinking about it again, I simply can't help but let out a sigh. The situation escalated far worse that I thought.

I should just deny the fact that I got myself involve to the escape of my and my fiancée's parents. However, I didn't expect such power hidden behind those royals.

I'm so stupid to underestimate them just because the goddess bestow me an unimaginable power.

"Eve, display me numerous amount of knowledge related to mass production equipments."

After attacking the king, this will be surely the start of another civil war which will probably make the Kingdom of Antia right above us open for invasion.

And I won't let that happen. By gaining another knowledge, I just need to show the other country that we aren't defenseless.

With that, it's possible for them to back out. The problem now will be the Principality of Mazo which is at the east side of our country.

Those vengeful, power hungry people will certainly invade as soon as they see an opportunity.

Damn... Just thinking about it is so stressing.

[There are 4,671 knowledge found related to mass production equipments. Cerebrum capacity isn't capable of storing such number, please be advised]

"I do, and so, I would like you to find me a specific knowledge. A machine that fires a magical bullet that can penetrate a huge hole inside a human body."

[There are 163 knowledge found]

"Good, then give me the visual."

[Certainly. Processing visual information]

A system like structure surfaces in front of me and reveal numbers and words that seem hard to understand. But looking pretty close to it, you will see the ancient language that depicts a certain content full of information.

I scroll the contents with my hand until I find the specific thing I need.

And there, a doll-like structure with a capability of defending itself from any harm. In other words, a Combat-AI.

"This one, Eve. Transfer it to me"

[Certainly, please stand by]

It didn't take long before the information of the knowledge appear in my mind. But alas, the pain is just unbearable.

The sharp pain, like having a migraine, felt towards my left side eye as the information keeps coming without any hint of stopping.

It takes the pain to go away for about a minute which is far too long when feeling such pain. But it truly is a small price to gain such important knowledge.

And so, after enduring the migraine, I decided to check the information of the technology I will use as soon as I arrive at my palace.

The materials needed is somewhat different from this world, but the source of it is similar to the beings here; Mana.

The tag of it certainly is accurate, this combat ai surely is an easy job to do. With its body made out of nothing but artificial bones except for the heart, an affordable machine that is certainly advantageous in war.

Except for its brain, the complexity of it is simply too hard to understand, but since it's already inside my head, applying it should be easy.

After that, I review every materials, resources, and effectiveness of the machine.

Its durability is low, but the reliability is high. The combat effectiveness is average to a certain degree but since they don't use such weapon here, it will surely be more effective that it should be.

In a few days, it will be possible to create this kind of thing around thousands. After that, I will capture every important provinces such as the Earl's territory since it's right beside the Principality.

Second, I will reinforce my defense along the border after occupying the city of Jseia, Antrico.

But it's easier said that done.

The wideness of such invasion will prove itself hard since it is certain that some of the nobles will oppose.

But, what if they face such fearless machine that only act as I command? Will they unconditionally surrender, or just fight for their lives?

The latter isn't very clear, but so does the former.

Well, it's fine. I just had to show them what fear truly is.

It didn't take much long before I arrive above my palace. I slowly descend from it and enter the balcony of my room.

There, I found my fiancée sleeping.

Damn, it's been a long time.

For three days, I guess?

But it's just too long.

I wanna hug her.

But that's not the time.

Since she sleep like a log, i didn't consider moving silently since it will consume time. I immediately head outside the room and ran towards the other side of the palace.

It's currently midnight so it's dark and silence that occupy the area. But too me, it's not a bother, not an obstacle to consider.

I arrive at my study and hastenly move towards my desk. I check every details regarding the treasury and the materials currently left unused.

Fortunately, there's an excessive amount of stocks left at the warehouses just outside the palace wall.

With that, I can make around 5000 to 7000 combat ready AIs.

I didn't waste any more time and proceed to write down any materials and resources I will need so Rose can work on it the next morning.

As I thought about it, I started to think about heading to the warehouse myself and get a certain amount of materials to create an experimental one.

And so, I decided!

I finished the paperwork as quickly as possible and proceed to head outside. However, after opening the door, the figure of a beautiful woman appear in front of me.

It's Ela.


As soon as she called me, she suddenly jump towards me and give me a hug. I want to do the same thing but unfortunately, time doesn't permit it at all.

I force Ela to back away a few inches and hold both of her arms as I try to explain the situation.

"Ela, we don't have time for this. I need to head outside the palace and get some things I will need to test something. You can go back to sleep."

The moment I said so, the beautiful face my fiancée suddenly turn gloom and the sadness fill my heart as I stare at it.

I, too, want to embrace her. But I can't.

"G-go back to sleep, but I can't."

"Then, do you want to help me?"

As I said so, the excited face of my fiancée return and hug me again. I really felt the urge to hug back and so I did.

"I love you, Ela."

A words that fully express my feelings as of the moment.

"I love you too, Verian."

I wish this could last forever.

Or not...

"Big brother..."

I look at my left side and saw my little sister, still half asleep while holding the hands of my personal maid.

"Why are you up this late?"

"I was going to pee! And you, what are you doing here?!"

"I came back? And..."


"That's not for a child to know, Celia, go guide her."

"Yes, milord."

After that, the peace again occupies the area. There is no more awkwardness between us, but Ela and I does really have a lot to learn to each other as we hug ourselves tightly.

"Let's go, we don't have much time."


We then move with haste.

It's only a matter of time until the declaration of war.