

Blaze was a very un-important character to the world of the living he never had a relationship, yet he had to watch everyone around them find happiness and love while he rotted his body away working for a company that paid barely anything. after his death he now plays a role of a creature that's a splice of every amphibian and reptilian in both his world and his new world. there to return the glory to reptilians that had died off 1million years ago in that world,

Oaks_lad · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Containment breach!

Blaze is awoken in a place that was full of trees he looked around to see that beyond a large number of trees there was a large wall.

'Damn the kidnappers got me now ima be forced as a sex slave for Russian mafia women for the rest of my life!' Blaze lifted his head and instantly felt that something was off.

Blaze brings his hand in front of his face and touches it on what was his forehead to feel some horns. Blaze felt his entire head, it was no longer a human head he slowly pushed himself up off the ground to see he had claws with long sharp nails.

'Ah God, I got Sekai. Welp this is hard to accept but I was pretty ordinary who would have thought you get sent to another world when you die?' blaze was relatively calm as he concluded. He raised his body to his feet and took a moment to not only adjust to his body but adjust to his height.

He was taller than a human but not by a lot.

Blaze sat at a high of 8 feet tall. 'I guess I'm a kid?' blaze swirled his head around looking at his body. He was red and black and he was relatively dinosaur looking.

He had horns in the front of his head like a triceratops along with the triceratops crest. His head also had the shape of what the triceratops head was but a bit of Trex and allosaur mixed in with it on the jaw part with the sharp teeth in its mouth but he had some in the back that was made for plants. His claws were long and sharp and his scales were strong and armored he also could move rather quickly.

His tail looked powerful as it looked like he could use it in a fight if he ever had. If he was to swing it and it collided with something it would definitely do damage.

'The sin of wrath huh?' blaze heard a voice come from the loud speaker his eyes moved towards the speaker but his head didn't move instead his nose coauhht a smell that he had smelled before but it was as if he could see the sent with his own eyes.

'Yeah, this one is a success as well just like the other three. I'm glad we didn't have another failure this week that would make it 20 if he had been a failure.' he heard voices come from the speaker before blaze slowly turned his head towards a wall that was actually reinforced glass.

'What! How does it know? W-we-we is safe right?' a man stepped back as the breath from the blaze fogged the glass. Blaze couldn't see them but he could smell that they were there. He took a swing at the glass but it only left a claw mark on the wall.

'Yeah, we are safe and secure. But it's about time we feed him so we can see what he can do.' a man dressed in all white pressed a red button before a door across the large cage he was in opened at the bottom. A grizzly bear came put and it was big, it was far bigger than any bear that was on earth that blaze had known about.

'A bear?! A FUCKING BEAR!' blaze stepped back but bumped into the glass resorting to him falling to the ground. As this happened the bear took the chance and attacked blaze it went for his neck so it would be a quick death.

The bear bit into his neck a few teeth in the bear's mouth chipped and broke at the hard scales but none the less some teeth that were sturdier went directly through the skin


Multiple beastly roars left Blaze's mouth before he sang his hand at the bear. his claw slashed the bear's eye open resulting in the loss of vision in one of its eyes. It recoiled in pain as it kicked the blood tricking down from its fur onto its mouth before turning back towards blaze who had picked himself off the ground.

'If I'm stronger and smarter I can definitely defeat you!' blaze's claws dug into the ground as he got into all fours before dashing around the bear at break neck speeds and slamming his head into it.

'This should throw him off balance!' blaze was obediently taken by shock to see that when the bear hit the tree close to him it didn't get back up on later inspection by blaze he noticed that it had two Pierce in its side.

Right when blaze noticed that one detail he felt something warm trickle down his head. The blaze had completely forgotten he was armed with two horns on his head. The blaze started to bite into the bear and was taken back by the taste of it. It was so good and it tasted like a type of steak and pork mix.

'This one might be in the top 10. No maybe even the top 5 with the S.C.-5. It actually may be stronger or even the strongest of them all.' thee men looked at the creator as it bit into the bear a couple more times looking as harmless as could be. Blaze soon completely finished it and turned towards a wall before using his claws to scratch at the wall.

Soon after blaze got a hang of it he started scaling the wall with ease and it scared the people in the watch place. But the man in the white suit stayed calm.

'Trying to escape, are we? gas him!' the man said before yellow gas was pumped into the containment from the pumps at the top. As soon as blaze got a sniff of it he dropped down from the wall. Breaking some trees in the process but surviving.

-/-/ next day-/-/

Blaze awoke in the same place and lifted his head. 'Damn it man!' blaze thought this place sucked before he heard some screaming and some electric noises before the lights in the enclosure burst and went out he heard multiple screams outside the enclosure he was in before his door started to slide open before stopping halfway.

Blaze ran through the open door before he saw nothing but dinosaurs it wasn't any hybrids they were dinosaurs. But in the bunch, some odd ones made blaze shiver.

As the blaze was taking in the sight of freedom one of the main buildings of this place exploded before he saw a white creature burst out the door of the facility that was on fire. Its skin changed colors as if it was trying to blend in with its surroundings. It let out a howl before running into a forest.

On top of one of the buildings, a helicopter took flight before launching some missiles at the ground before a large flying creature with multiple heads slammed into it and fell to the ground with it. The helicopter exploded on the ground before the creature flew back up into the sky.

There was a plethora of more large carnivores that looked as if they had been tampered with but blaze knew he couldn't stay for too much longer as the whole place was exploding and there was a bug building that had fire dancing out the side of it before it exploded and started falling.

When blaze saw this he took off towards the trees. During the night blaze had grown three extra feet and any tree that came in contact with him was taken down as the sheer force and strength of his body couldn't be stopped by most of the trees but some made him swerve around them and stumble a bit.