

It happened in the blink of an eye. I was crossing the street like I usually do while looking down at my cracked smartphone screen and then heard a loud sound followed by a crushing sensation.

I vividly recall the haunting sound my bones made when they were pulverized by whatever it was that hit me.

I died. But it was not the end.

Somehow, against all expectations and reason, I wound up reincarnating as 'Hela Odinsdottir' from the MCU.

Odin Borson, my new father in this lifetime. As well as Frigga Freyrdottir as my new mother.

In any event, I discovered that my father did not suspect me of being a reincarnated person who suddenly took possession of his former daughter. And I very much would like to keep it that way as who knows what he would do if he ever found out.

Another cool thing that I discovered years later, my mind was an impenetrable fortress that even my all-powerful parents could not see through. It was both a blessing and a curse as I could see my father's suspicion since old-lived paranoid men always tend to get uneasy whenever there is something they cannot control.

In any case, I grew up steadily and came to find I had an uncanny mastery over all weapons that I touched.

It was strangely easy to use any weapon and suddenly start moving and striking in ways even masters who had fought with such weapons gaped at after seeing my prowess with them and in such little time.

As things stood; I was born for war it would seem.

And there was apparently no shortage of wars taking place all across the 9 realms. Odin was really putting in work and had his armies stretched thin.

It was a miracle how he has not lost and despite that, his one omnipotent eye hard-carried his arrogant ass across many victories.

No joke, I believed his eye he got after exchanging his other eye to Yiggdrasil was the real MVP… of his entire life.



I gulped at the fact that I'm pretty sure Odin just looked at my direction at random but I had not said anything and kept swinging my weapons as his gaze soon left me and I briefly sighed in relief.

In human terms, I was now 7 years old. But over 17 years have passed and I can get a headache for how age works in this world and due to my not exactly being human anymore.

I was closer to an alien and I was very durable for my own good. Why? Because this made father want to beat into me the disciplines of war, strategy, and pain… a whole lot of pain.

I cursed at the old goat all the time in my head but he didn't seem to care and looked at me as if I was beneath him. The man didn't really teach me sh*t and just kept an eye on me via his own eye or one of his trusted advisors.

As for my instructors, they taught me how to fight. How to hunt. How to kill. I threw up a lot when I first killed a dark-elf spy that had been captured not long after he was found. I was forced to kill him or else he would have killed me.

I did not want this but I did what I had to and ever since, I felt like a piece of me died forever.

It took a great deal to get my head back on track and that was only because Odin called me a 'coward' and 'weak'. I didn't care for such things but when he brushed the topic of my mother being disappointed at me.

I snapped and jumped at him with all my hidden strenght I had been trying to keep under wraps and managed to scratch his beard as I glared at him with all my hatred directed at him.

"Don't you dare talk about mother, you old senile man!" I don't remember what happened next as I only remember waking up a while later in the infirmary as my arm was being reattached to my body with magic threads and mother looked at me with a faint smile as she had given me a piece of advise: not to piss of dad.


Decades passed and I stood firm as I expertly demolished my former instructors at their own expense and not long after my absurd display of skill and grace. My father saw it fit to give me command of my own legion and that legion was the one and only Valkyrie guard.

Fathers personal guard that didn't do much apart from look and sit pretty at the palace as they had not been allowed to enter the battlefield for whatever reason.

When he put me in charge, I didn't know what to feel.

Either way, I accepted the promotion anyway because it was better than the alternative.

And so, began my first expedition where I commanded the Valkyries as they shone with light, elegance and grace.

As for myself, instead of that skin-right green-dark suit the original Hela wore, I went with a more bulky and masculine suit of medieval battle maiden armor.

The one and same that Artoria Pendragon wore in the Nasuverse but, instead of golden and platinum, I shifted the color to black and faint green.

My imposing stature was a stark contrast to my feminine stature as with the suit on, it wa shard to tell what gender I was.

But that was what I was going for as I then led the first battle and rather than rushing in, I decided to issue ten captians and with them, a group of 10-15 as they then had their own structure.

This was simple enough as I wanted to establish rank and as I took point, we soon began moving towards the enemy.

And using advanced war-tactics, we made swift and quick work of the enemy to the point that it even astonished my father.

My lethality and precision soon went unmatched as I had contingencies amongst contingencies. I never went all-out and worked side-by-side with my 'sisters' as we tore through one battlefield to the next.

I eventually got so good at killing that I attracted the attention of the aspect of 'Death' herself.

She offered me power and in exchange, I would be her avatar. I had initially wanted to decline but was intruiged instead and asked what exactly I had to do.

She stood under that dark black veil of hers and curved her lucious black lips into a smile.

"Kill. Whether it is one or one billion. It does not matter as long as you kill and continue to bring 'death' to your enemies." I felt a certain loophole was there and I didn't show it but still extended my hand and agreed with the contract.

Lady Death soon vanished and I felt a new power course through me. A new 'divinity' and yet, I still stood with my sisters and kept this power hidden as I wanted to use it as my trump-card if I ever found myself in a bad spot.

Like so, centuries soon passed and I heard news of my mother being pregnant with what was most likely my younger sibling Thor.

And in the same decade, Loki soon joined the fold and the two scamps were practically joined at the hip… until they no longer weren't.

Loki gradually began to distance himself and while I had not met the two sh*ts, I was told that they knew of me and my many escapades as the wars did not stop given my impeccable track-record.

The Valkyries had also grown infamous for being one of Asgard's most powerful and fearsome armies to date.

Yet, as a century passed, I heard yet again that my mother was pregnant with my youngest sibling to date.

When I got the news via messenger, I gripped the letter that was hand-written by mom herself and I was still in disbelief.

This… this wasn't supposed to happen. Isn't this the MCU? What the hell is this?

And so, I was to expect a third younger sibling and as duty has it, I was recalled to Asgard along with my legion to celebrate my younger siblings birthday and crowning for the next heir of Asgard.

I didn't particularly care about the heirship of Asgard anyway but still, I was royally confused about the third Odin-born.

What the hell is going to happen to this universe now?
