

Chapter 1157 - One Trial Two Calamities

The ancient gods' Three Trials Seven Calamities were like the cultivators' five Heaven's Blights. It was a knife hanging above their heads. If they survived, their cultivation level would increase greatly, but if they failed, they'd die.

The first trial had two calamities, and the second trial also had two calamities. The third trial has three calamities!

The ancient gods' Three Trials Seven Calamities were even more strange than cultivators' five Heaven's Blights. According to Wang Lin's memories, the more powerful the ancient god, the later the trials and calamities would come. Although an ancient god would normally experience the first trial at six stars, some ancient gods experienced it at seven stars.

There was even a very small portion of ancient gods that faced their first trial at eight stars. Tu Si was one of them. He encountered the first trial at eight stars and easily passed it. It increased his power grealty, and although he wasn't able to reach nine stars, he was at the peak of eight stars. If it wasn't for attempting to break through to the legendary 9-star stage, he wouldn't have risked cultivating the Flowing Ink Transformation Divine Technique.

As for the third trial and the final three calamities, they were the highest trial an ancient god would face. As for what they were, Tu Si didn't know.

Tu Si's memories didn't contain anything about encountering the first trial at five stars. Every time Wang Lin thought about this, he wryly smiled. The early arrival of his first trial was related to his incomplete ancient god body and the fact that he had overused his ancient god power in the Demon Spirit Land.

All of this caused him to be the first ancient god to suffer the first trial at five stars.

The trial that an 8-star ancient god had easily passed was like life and death for Wang Lin.

One of the calamities of the first trial was the body calamity. Back in the Vermillion Bird Divine Sect, Wang Lin's lower half was all bones. Now, after arriving at the Cloud Sea Star System, this intensified, and everything from his chest and below were bones.

This was merely the beginning, the arrival of the first calamity. The body would continue to decay until there was no flesh and blood left. Then the first calamity would end and the second one would begin.

If there were no changes, his original body would without a doubt die. Fortunately, Wang Lin had obtained Tu Si's heart blood, so he had a fighting chance.

The original body was sitting deep underground under the Origin Sect. There wasn't a trace of flesh or blood; only bones remained.

There was a thin, blood-colored film wrapped around the bones. If you looked carefully, you would see a very tiny amount of blood moving between the film and bones.

As Wang Lin's avatar closed in, his original body's eyes sockets revealed ghostly lights as if he was awakening.

He silently looked at his original body and sat down to protect it. He also put all his focus into his original body to help it share the pain.

Time slowly passed, and in the blink of an eye, three days went by. In these three days, the original body's suffering intensified. The feeling of not having any flesh or blood but still retaining your sanity was enough to make people crazy.

During these three days, the original body's size had expanded 10 fold!

At this moment, under the Origin Sect, there was a 100-foot-tall skeleton calmly laying there. There were flashes of blood light as the blood under the film flowed faster.

After another three days, Wang Lin's skeleton finished expanding and reached over 3,000 feet tall. The small amount of blood was still flowing through the bones, all of which were bigger than a person. However, the blood flow slowed down until it eventually dissipated.

This blood was Tu Si's heart blood. During these days, the heart blood was being slowly absorbed by the original body's bones. When all the blood was absorbed, the first calamity ended.

Just at this moment, the original body's eyes shined brightly as if his gaze could pierce through the earth and see the blue sky above! At the same time, a wave of crackling sounds echoed underground.

"Bone Calamity…"

This crackling sound came from his original body's right foot. It was as if a giant hand was slowly crushing his huge right foot bone.

His bones shattered and turned into ashes. Under this unimaginable pain, the original body was trembling. However, this crackling sounds didn't stop; they got even more intense.

It was like thunder echoing underground. Every crack was a bone on the original body collapsing. Wang Lin's avatar's face was pale. He clenched his teeth as he shared the unimaginable pain with the original body.

The veins on his face were swollen and large drops of sweat fell.

The bone calamity descended ruthlessly like this. With the ancient gods' powerful vitality, even with no flesh or blood left, they could recover as long as there was a trace of vitality remaining. The first trial was vitality!

After the vitality was erased, the bone calamity would arrive and attempt to destroy the bones that could no longer recover without the vitality. Once all the bones were destroyed, the result would be death.

If his original body died, his avatar would perish.

If he wanted to pass the bone calamity, he would have to reawaken his vitality to fight it until his bones reformed.

The newly formed bones would be several times stronger than before. Magic treasures wouldn't be able to damage them at all!

Therefore, even though the pain was worse than death, he still endured. Both his avatar and original body endured! He endured the pain of his bones fracturing and collapsing.

He had to wait until the moment all his bones shattered to get the biggest gains! If not, even if he resisted and was successful, only some of the bones be reformed and the rest would stay the same as before.

If that happened, he would have wasted this chance. However, Wang Lin understood that the longer he resisted, the lower the success rate. As more bones collapsed, the difficulty increased.

In truth, ignoring those who went through this at eight stars, almost all 7-star ancient gods would choose to wait for all their bones to collapse before they resisted. This was all so they could change this calamity into a great fortune.

This idea was good, but it was rare that anyone actually lasted that long. Most of the time, when only a human fingernail-sized amount of bone remained, they couldn't help but begin to resist. As a result, that fingernail-sized bone would become the only flaw on the body of most ancient gods.

Since 7-star ancient gods were like this, even fewer 6-star ancient gods were able to hold out until the last moment. The last moment was like the end of the path. There were countless steps forward if you succeeded, but if you took a step back, it meant death.

Wang Lin's wasn't sure if he could last until the last moment. However, in order to reform his flesh and blood so he could become a true ancient god and not an incomplete one, Wang Lin decided to risk it all.

"My avatar is a heaven-defying cultivator, my original body is bloodline-defying. I, Wang Lin, spent my life cultivating the word 'defy.' I defy the heavens, defy the calamity, and even defy fate! A mere calamity isn't enough to stop my defying path!" Wang Lin's avatar and original body shined, revealing unyielding gazes.

There was no shout or roar; just that unyielding gaze was able to display Wang Lin's defying nature. It was invisible and heaven-shaking!

Crackling sounds echoed loudly as his entire right leg had collapsed and even everything up to his knee on his left leg had turned to ashes. The sound of bones collapsing gradually transmitted to the surface.

During this half a month, the entire continent of Mo Luo could hear the thunderous rumbles coming from the ground. At first it was faint, but it grew louder and louder. Now even the earth was trembling slightly.

The mortals on the continent were terrified as they didn't know what was happening. They could only kneel and pray for the gods to not be angry.

The cultivators of the Origin Sect put a huge importance on this matter. They sent out almost the whole sect to investigate. These noises sounded like a roars, and every time it fell in their ears, they couldn't help but be shaken.

Li Xiangdong and Lu Yanfei, along with the other two elders, floated in the air and looked at the earth. Due to their cultivation levels, they clearly felt where the roars were coming form.

Li Xiangdong wanted to go down to check, but he was stopped by Lu Yanfei. However, now the roars were even more intense, almost heaven-shaking.

If this was it, it wouldn't be an issue, but all the origin energy on the continent began to stir as if there was an invisible vortex sucking in origin energy from all directions.

What terrified the four of them even more was that a large amount of origin energy was gathering outside the continent. Although this origin energy was outside, once it rushed in, the barrier around the continent would collapse instantly.

Thinking about the consequences of this, the four of them would feel their scalps tingle.

What shocked them even more were the fierce beasts that appeared in the fog outside the continent. For some reason, large amounts of fierce beasts were lured to the continent of Mo Luo. They all stared fiercely at the continent, but they also showed hesitation.

They were going to charge in several times but were held off. It was as if there were something really attractive here for the fierce beasts, but rationality made them not dare to move. This resulted in hesitation.

There were rank 5 and even rank 6 beasts among them! What terrified Li Xiangdong even more was that he even saw a rank 7 best. A rank 7 beast was enough to battle a mid stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivator!

"Junior Sister Lu, I don't know why you stopped the three of us, but today we must go check. We must know exactly what is happening that is causing this unexpected surge in origin energy and attracting all the fierce beasts that hide in the star fog!" Li Xiangdong thought of the rank 7 beast and his mind trembled. He stared at Lu Yanfei with a very serious expression.

The other two elders also silently looked at Lu Yanfei.

Lu Yanfei bit her lower lip and silently nodded.

Chapter 1158 - Repeated Bone Refinement

One of the two elders worriedly said, "If it was only rank 7 beast, it would be fine… I just fear that if this continues, a rank 8 beast that could fight a peak Nirvana Cleanser cultivator might appear, and what if rank 9 beasts that are no different from Nirvana Shatterer cultivators are attracted… By then, my continent of Mo Luo will be plunged into chaos!"

Li Xiangdong pondered a bit and slowly said, "I don't think so. After all, this continent is located near the edge of the rank 4 region, so there shouldn't be any powerful monsters around…"

"I hope so…" The old man shook his head and revealed a bitter face before looking at Lu Yanfei. Even now, the three of them didn't know why Li Yanfei had stopped them from checking.

Lu Yanfei didn't explain. She turned into a ray of light and charged down. The three of them looked at each other and silently followed Lu Yanfei. When they got near the ground, there was a flash of light and they penetrated the ground.

Underground, the four of them slowed down as the roars became even more clear. Due to being closer to the sound, not only did their minds tremble, their bodies trembled as well.

Terrifying fluctuations came from the depths, causing them to feel pressure in their souls. It was as if there was a terrifying existence that could shock the world, and before it, the three of them were merely ants!

This clear feeling immediately caused them to stop and their expressions to become serious. Only Lu Yanfei's eyes lit up and bit her lower lip, but no one knew what she was thinking.

"What the hell is it!? To give off such pressure!"

"These fluctuations shouldn't be a treasure!"

The three of them were extremely cautious. After hesitating for a bit, Li Xiangdong clenched his teeth and led the way. He wanted to see what exactly was down there!

The deeper they went, the greater the pressure became. The roars became even more deafening, causing them to tremble. This pressure made them feel like they were facing the end of the world.

The four moved slower and slower, and the pressure coming from underground contained a hint of madness. The moment the four of them felt it, they immediately trembled.

"I suggest we leave immediately." Lu Yanfei had been silent the whole way, and this was the first time she had sent out a message.

The remaining three silently thought for a moment before Li Xiangdong's eyes lit up, and he said, "I refuse to leave without knowing what is down below!" With that, he immediately charged deeper.

The two elders hesitated for a bit before following him. Lu Yanfei let out a sigh and also followed. As the four of them went deeper, the source of the sound became closer.

At this moment, the roar was already far stronger than thunder. From their current position, they could hear the original sound, a heaven-shaking, crackling sound.

This noise was like the sound of bones breaking. This caused them to feel all the bones in their bodies tingle.


However, just as the four closed in and were about to enter the source, a crazed divine sense swept by.

"Leave this place!!!"

This divine sense was very powerful and smashed into them like a storm. Li Xiangdong was the closest and was directly knocked back by the storm. His body trembled and he coughed out blood as popping sounds echoed in his body. He retreated without hesitation and monstrous fear filled his eyes.

Not only him, but even the two elders' bodies trembled as they coughed out blood and immediately retreated. Their minds trembled and fear and terror appeared in their eyes.

Even Lu Yanfei's body trembled as blood came out of the corner of her mouth. However, her eyes became even brighter as this voice confirmed the speculation in her heart.

"Which senior is cultivating here. Junior is the Origin Sect's Li…" Li Xiangdong clasped his hands while retreating and tried to speak.

"Scram!!" The divine sense spread out again, but it was several times stronger and crazier than before. This divine sense formed a storm that caused the continent of Mo Luo to tremble.

A crazed power came from the depths and charged toward the four of them. Li Xiangdong's body trembled and he coughed out even more blood. Under the impact of this power, they were forced back in a straight line as if there was an unimaginable force pushing them. The ground trembled before they were thrown out from underground.

Just as he broke through the surface and floated in the air, there was another roar. The two elders were thrown out from underground, both coughing out blood. They were in an extremely sorry state, and Lu Yanfei was the same.

The four of them stood in the air, their eyes filled with terror. Their hearts trembled as they looked at each other. Lu Yanfei took a deep breath as she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and slowly said, "I already told you all not to go! Fortunately, although Grand Uncle-Master was angry, he didn't hurt us much."

"Grand Uncle-Master?" The three of them were pale, and that crazed divine sense was imprinted in their minds. Just thinking about it frightened them, but Lu Yanfei's words startled them.

Lu Yanfei pondered for a moment and softly said, "Grand Uncle-Master Lu Zhihao. You all should have heard of him."

Ignoring the four of them for now, deep underground, Wang Lin's 3,000-foot-tall body had almost all of its bones shattered, leaving behind bone ashes in the shape of a person. There were still thunderous roars coming from it.

Even a majority of the skull had shattered, and it was still collapsing. This kind of pain was indescribable and was burning the minds of both the original body and the avatar.

Just at this moment, crackling sounds came from the remaining half-skull, and it collapsed even more. It continued to collapse, and the bone ashes scattered. The skull continued to shrink until it was only the size of a human palm.

This small piece of bone was really insignificant to a 3,000 foot ancient god, but Wang Lin still endured despite the fact that this suffering was enough to make him go mad!

The rumbling continued.

The palm-sized bone began to disintegrate and became smaller and smaller. It was only the size of a fingernail, but due to the aftermath of the collapse, it completely dissipated.

Time seemed to stop and the world seemed to no longer function. The broken bones turned to ashes and began to dissipate. At this moment, Wang Lin's avatar suddenly opened his eyes and raised his right hand!


With one word, the avatar's body immediately trembled. Rumbling sounds came from his body as he coughed out blood and was knocked back. At the same time, the dissipating ashes paused for a moment!

Shortly after, the aura of an ancient god spread out like crazy. The origin energy outside the continent of Mo Luo rushed in and closed in on this place.

A silent roar that could penetrate the soul echoed underground. It rushed out and echoed within the ears of every mortal, cultivator, and creature on the continent.

This roar contained the defying will. Wang Lin's avatar suffered serious injuries from the backlash of using the Stop spell to win a chance for the original body to survive!

The dissipating ashes began to condense at an unimaginable speed and formed a fingernail-sized piece of bone!

During the recondensing processes, the origin energy of the continent mixed in with the bone. The reformed bone was far stronger than this original body's original bones!

This fingernail-sized bone continued to grow until it was seven inches long. This seven inch bone took a a good chunk of origin energy stored on the continent of Mo Luo.

The bone was still growing and soon formed a curved skull about five feet large. On the bone, there was a burst of black light, and that black light was the bone calamity that was crushing the ancient god's bones. The bone calamity was constantly destroying the bones while the original body kept reforming them. This cycle continued until the bones of the original body reached a peak.

Bursts of silent roars echoed as the five foot skull began to grow. Eventually, all the origin energy on the continent of Mo Luo was absorbed, leaving nothing behind.

At this moment, Wang Lin's skull had completely reformed. Red light shined out from his eye sockets, revealing an unyielding will!

"I'm an ancient god that dares to fight the heavens. A mere bone calamity can't destroy me!" The red light from the original body's eyes was bright and his neck began to form. At the same time, the origin energy gathered outside the continent of Mo Luo rushed in toward the protective barrier.

The protective barrier collapsed like paper.

The moment it collapsed, the powerful origin energy entered. It turned into a storm and rushed at the Origin Sect. All the cultivators in the Origin Sect had already evacuated. They were staring at the storm of origin energy rushing underground.

The collapse of the barrier and the surge of origin energy caused the fierce beasts outside to enter. However, before they could spread out, they were pulled into the Origin Sect by this suction force.

The sky was shrouded by the fog, and the fog flowed like a river into the ground.

Those fierce beasts outside seemed to be frightened. All of them retreated and didn't dare to close in.

Large amounts of origin energy and fog were quickly absorbed by Wang Lin. The rumbling continued as Wang Lin's bones reformed at an incredible speed. His bones recondensed while confronting the bone calamity.

Not only had his skull and neck reappeared, Wang Lin's entire upper body had reformed!

Although the bone calamity was strong, it was forced to retreat from Wang Lin's defying will and desperate struggle. It wasn't able to stop the bones from regenerating at all!

All the origin energy and star fog within 50 kilometers of the continent of Mo Luo were pulled in. From afar, it looked like a giant vortex had formed, and the Origin Sect was the center of the vortex.

Even further away, a giant, lion-shaped beast covered in thorns moved toward the continent of Mo Luo with a greedy gaze. None of the fierce beasts dared to approach it when the aura of a rank 8 beast spread out.

Chapter 1159 - Might

All the origin energy within 50 kilometers was rushing in, but it still wasn't enough!

Wang Lin's upper body had reformed and his lower half was still reforming. The origin energy continued to surge in, being pulled from the surrounding 500 kilometer area.

This giant vortex stirred all the origin energy and star fog in the area, but its expansion didn't stop. After all, compared to the continent of Mo Luo, 500 kilometers was truely insignificant!

1,500 kilometer, 2,500 kilometers, 5,000 kilometers, 15,000 kilometers… 50,000 kilometers, 150,000 kilometers… 500,000 kilometers!!

The fog and origin energy within 500,000 kilometers of the continent of Mo Luo went crazy and rushed into the continent!

Very few people in the Cloud Sea knew where the star fog came from. It was as if this star fog had always been here. If one looked back, one would find that before the Celestial Realm collapsed and the Ancient Celestial Realm was still there, this fog existed as well.

What exactly the star fog was was a difficult question for the cultivators in the Cloud Sea to explain. They only knew that it was because of this star fog that the Cloud Sea was filled with fierce beasts!

Wang Lin didn't know what the star fog was, but as the fog merged into his reforming bones, he had a strange feeling. However, he wasn't able to figure out why.

As the origin energy from within 500,000 kilometers of the continent of Mo Luo rushed in, Wang Lin's legs began to reform. The explosive growth speed was stronger than the bone calamity, and a moment later, his left leg formed!

His right leg soon reformed as well. After all the bones in his body had reformed, the bone calamity disappeared!

However, the calamity wasn't over yet. After his bones were restored, tendons began appearing and flesh reformed around his bones.


However, the moment this flesh reappeared, it immediately collapsed. The flesh calamity arrived and thus achieved the goal of grinding away his vitality.

Wang Lin had already prepared for this phenomenon. The moment the flesh calamity appeared, the avatar wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and opened up his storage space.

Fist-sized blood crystals he had gotten from the Land of the Ancient God flew out. He had used some of them to help the original body could keep a trace of vitality, and he was going to use the rest here.

At this moment, these blood crystals flew out and fell on Wang Lin's bones. The moment they landed, they invaded his bones.

The moment Wang Lin took out the blood crystals, all of the retreating fierce beasts stopped, looked at the continent, and began to roar. There was a hint of madness in their eyes, as if the blood crystals were the best nourishment for them. As long as they caught a scent, they were willing to do anything for it.

As the roars continued, these fierce beasts immediately changed direction and charged at the continent of Mo Luo. There were rank 5, 6, and 7 beasts among them. They all seemed to have gone crazy as they rushed down.

The Origin Sect cultivators were shocked by these events. They were awakened by the fierce beasts rushing down.

After Wang Lin's original body had absorbed the blood crystals, lines of blood apepared over the bones. As the origin energy and star fog surged in, flesh began to form along the lines of blood.

At this moment, the roars of the fierce beasts entered the ground. Killing intent appeared in the eyes of the avatar, and the original body's eyes also gave off a ghostly glow.

Crackling sounds echoed as the original body shrank from 3,000 feet to the size of a normal person. The avatar charged out and fused with the original body once more!

After fusing with his original body, Wang Lin looked up and rushed out. Popping sounds echoed as he charged out from underground!

The moment he charged out from underground, all of the fierce beasts rushed at him like crazy. Coldness flash across Wang Lin's eyes as he appeared before an octopus-like beast and threw a punch with his right hand.

With a bang, the fierce beast's body trembled and blood sprayed out everywhere, created a mist of blood. Even its soul had shattered, but a invisible energy appeared and entered Wang Lin's body.

This invisible energy was the fierce beast's vitality and the thing Wang Lin needed the most!

He clearly felt that his original body started reforming a bit faster when that vitality entered his body. Wang Lin quickly rushed to the side of another beast and punched. He almost left behind afterimages as he moved around punching. He caused blood to rain down on the continent of Mo Luo!

Those fierce beasts wanted to devour the blood crystals Wang Lin had absorbed, but before they could succeed, they all exploded one by one. A thunderous rumble echoed across the sky.

Wang Lin took one step and appeared next to a giant python. As it opened its mouth to devour Wang Lin, Wang Lin's fist landed on its mouth. Popping sounds echoed, then the vitality of the python entered Wang Lin's body and its mouth exploded.

In a short period of time, more than 100 fierce beasts died. After absorbing their vitality, Wang Lin felt an extremely comfortable feeling in his body. His eyes lit up and he rushed out once more.

The fierce beasts exploded one by one. When the surrounding cultivators that were hiding saw this, they were completely shocked. This was especially true for Li Xiangdong and company. Lu Yanfei was slighlty better as she was somewhat prepared.

However, Li Xiangdong stared dumbfoundedly at all of this, and the two elders beside him gasped.

"Grand Uncle-Master… He… He is Grand Uncle-Master… That was a rank 6 beast, but it was killed by one punch spell from Grand Uncle-Master!"

Just at this moment, the roar of a beast came from the distance. At the edge of the horizon, a 2,000-feet-tall lion-shaped beast that was covered in thorns rushed over.

The moment it appeared, all the surrounding fierce beasts scattered as if they weren't willing to get close to it.

"Rank 8 Sword Lion Beast!!" Li Xiangdong's pupils contracted and the two elders beside him exclaimed. Even Lu Yanfei sucked in a deep breath and revealed a nervous expression.

Wang Lin suddenly raised his head, and his eyes shined. Before the eyes of every cultivator, he charged like a meteor into the sky toward the mighty rank 8 fierce beast.

He moved faster than lightning. When he got close to the lion, Wang Lin mercilessly kicked with his left foot.

A heaven-shaking roar echoed as the mighty beast's body trembled and exploded into a mist of blood. A large amount of vitality entered Wang Lin's body. He was like a god standing there, enjoying the large amount of vitality from the rank 8 beast!

The surroundings suddenly became silent, and the greed from the surrounding fierce beasts disappeared and was replaced with fear. All the cultivators stared at this scene, almost unable to believe their own eyes.

"Rank 8…" Li Xiangdong was startled and his mind was blank. The two elders behind him were also in a daze. They were completely shocked.

Chapter 1160 - Li Qianmei

Just one kick was able to kill a rank 8 beast. Although a rank 8 beast could battle a peak Nirvana Cleanser cultivator, it couldn't use treasures. It could only use the law it understood as spells. However, it was still a rank 8 beast!

Even in the Cloud Sea, a cultivator that could instantly kill a rank 8 beast was strong enough to be among the powerful!

Li Xiangdong and company stared dumbfoundedly at all of this. They felt like this Grand Uncle-Master they had never seen before was filled with mystery and majesty. Even though they had doubts about Wang Lin's identity, they chose to ignore it without any hesitation.

"With this powerful cultivator in my Origin Sect, it will only be a matter of time before my Origin Sect dominates the rank 5 region!" Li Xiangdong and the two elders looked at each other with high spirits!

If they knew that Wang Lin had killed a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator from the rank 6 region, they would be even more shocked.

When the fierce beasts saw Wang Lin's might, all the greed in their eyes disappeared and was replaced with fear. They immediately began to escape and were about to leave the range of the continent of Mo Luo.

Wang Lin didn't care about what the surrounding cultivators thought. He continued to absorb the vitality of the rank 8 beast to resist the flesh calamity.

After several breaths of time, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and looked at the retreating fierce beasts. He moved forward like a harvester of life and instantly closed in on one of the escaping fierce beasts. He directly punched the beast, creating a rain of blood and vitality.

Flashes of light filled the sky as Wang Lin moved like lightning across the sky. Every time there was a flash, a fierce beast would collapse.

In an instant, Wang Lin chased them outside the continent of Mo Luo. The flashes of light continued and screams echoed across the starry sky. What awaited all the fierce beasts that were lured over by the blood crystals was a massacre.

This massacre lasted for about seven minutes before it gradually ended. Finally, there were no more fierce beasts within 5,000 kilometers of the continent of Mo Luo. Those few that escaped held a terrifying memory they could never forget. There was a cultivator on the continent of Mo Luo that was like a god.

The protective barrier around the continent of Mo Luo was repaired and everything seemed to have returned to normal as if nothing had changed. However, the shock all the cultivators of the Origin Sect experienced was still there.

At this moment, outside the southern courtyard, Li Xiangdong, Lu Yanfei, and the other two elders stood there. Although they had been there for a long time, they weren't impatient at all.

All the cultivators in the southern courtyard were relocated to the other three courtyards. Aside from Xu Yun, who was next to Lu Yanfei, there were no other disciples remaining.

"These herbs… Were all brought back by Grand Uncle-Master?" Li Xiangdong's gaze fell on the herbs in the courtyard. After seeing Xu Yun nod, his expression became excited.

At this moment, deep underground below the courtyard, Wang Lin sat there with his original body sitting on the opposite side, silently cultivating.

His original body had mostly recovered aside from pieces of flesh that were still growing while resisting the last of the first trial.

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Time slowly passed. After three days, light flashed on Wang Lin's chest and the flesh calamity disappeared. He had successfully passed the first trial and two calamities of the Three Trials Seven Calamities!

The original body slowly opened his eyes, revealing a bright light. An invisible aura spread out, his skin was even more coarse, and his bones were even stronger!

At this moment, the original body had become a true ancient god. It was no longer incomplete like before! After devouring endless origin energy and the mysterious fog, the cultivation level of the original body had increased greatly.

Another star appeared next to the five stars on his forehead. Although this star was a bit blurry and not fully formed, it made Wang Lin ecstatic!

Ancient gods were not like cultivators; each star was simply too difficult to obtain. In the past 1,000 years, Wang Lin went through many hardships and took countless risks to finally be able to make his ancient god body reach five stars.

Although the sixth star was still blurry, it could use far more strength than before! More importantly, once an ancient god reached six stars, they would be able to produce their own Moongazer Serpent!

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Wang Lin left his original body in the depths of the continent to continue absorbing origin energy and begin forming his Moongazer Serpent. Wang Lin left the underground and appeared in the house in the courtyard.

He let out a deep breath, and his mood was very pleasant. This original body passing the trial would increase his strength in the Cloud Sea greatly. With his avatar and original body combined, killing an early stage Nirvana Shatterer cultivator wouldn't be as difficult as before!

"However, the gap between early, mid, late, and peak Nirvana Shatterer is great. I don't know if I can stand up to mid stage Nirvana Shatterer cultivators with my original body and avatar fused!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he pushed open the door and walked out.

The moment Wang Lin appeared, a gentle breeze blew on his face, and it felt very comfortable. The barrier was activated once more, so the sky was blue and white clouds could be seen.

Looking at the herbs in the courtyard, Wang Lin made a decision. He would take some time to increase his cultivation level using the unique alchemy of the Cloud Sea.

While pondering, Wang Lin's gaze fell on the five people outside, and he slowly said, "You all can come in."

His voice was calm, but it contained a trace of majesty. The moment it fell in the ears of the five people outside, they all took deep breaths. They were tense but filled with respect as they walked inside.

Xu Yun was even more nervous as she followed inside after Lu Yanfei.

The moment Li Xiangdong and company entered, they respectfully said, "Disciple greets Grand Uncle-Master. I didn't know Grand Uncle-Master had returned, and we neglected to greet Grand Uncle-Master. Please punish us."

After a brief conversation, everyone left. Xu Yun could no longer live here and returned to the southern pavilion with Lu Yanfei. The entire southern courtyard was now a restricted area that no disciples were allowed to enter.

At the same time, under Wang Lin's order, large amounts of high quality pills and pill recipes were sent to him. However, none of these pills could catch Wang Lin's eye. After observing them, he only kept the recipes and had people take the pills away.

While Wang Lin was studying alchemy, a mad search due to Shi Luoxing's death began far away from the continent of Mo Luo. The cultivators of the various rank 6 sects sent out cultivators to check the continents. Some even went to the regions below rank 5.

As the rank 6 region began to move, the news of the jade and recipe began to spread. This alarmed the rank 7 region and even caught the attention of the rank 8 region.

Rays of lights flew out from the rank 7 and 8 regions toward the sealed wild continent in the rank 5 region.

The star fog in the depths of the Cloud Sea was extremely dense, so much so that even a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator could only spread their divine sense out 500 feet. Rushing into the star fog without preparation was like going in blind, and it was very easy to get lost.

The most powerful fierce beasts lived here. Some even used spells to make their bodies one with the fog to comprehend law. If no cultivator provoked them, they wouldn't take the initiative to attack.

Compared to them, the few cultivation planets in the star fog were like outsiders, completely insignificant.

However, the power contained within these few cultivation planets was heaven-shaking. Even these powerful beasts dreaded them and wouldn't dare to approach them.

This was the rank 9 region of the Cloud Sea!

There were seven cultivation planets arranged in the big dipper formation at the edge of the rank 9 region. This created a layer of protection around them, making it so there was no difference between them.

At this moment on the first planet of the formation, under millions of layers of protection, there was a prairie, and on that prairie stood a towering building.

This building was a statue of a cultivator pointing at the sky, seeming to be cursing at it. A difficult-to-describe sense of majesty enveloped the area.

The prairie was completely silent and only a few small spirit beasts would sometimes appear. They played around and quickly moved off into the distance. After a long time, a ray of light closed in from the horizon.

There was a woman inside the ray of light. She was beautiful, but she had a strange hair color; she had a head of blue hair. In the entire Cloud Sea, only one person had that hair!

That was the rank 9 Heaven Breaking Sect's Li Qianmei!

She began cultivating at age five, reached the Foundation Establishment stage at age seven, Core Formation at age 19, Nascent Soul at age 26, Soul Formation at age 37, Soul Transformation at age 45, and Ascendant at age 61. After 100 years of cultivating, she was at the peak of the Illusory Yin stage.

Then the entire Heaven Breaking Sect poured their effort into cultivating her. After more than 400 years, she reached peak of the Nirvana Scryer stage. Then, 300 years later, she became a mid stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivator.

After 500 years of training outside, she became the youngest Nirvana Shatterer cultivator in the Heaven Breaking Sect! To this day, she had cultivated for more than 1,300 years and had reached the late stage of Nirvana Shatterer.

In the Cloud Sea, the name "Li Qianmei" was a legend!

"Disciple Li Qiangmei greets Ancestor!" The light disappeared, revealing a beautiful woman inside.

"Sima Mo's jade has appeared. Take a trip to the rank 5 region. If possible, find the person who found the jade and bring them back along with the jade…" An ancient voice filled with melancholy slowly echoed from the statue.

Li Qianmei respectfully nodded and left.

There was a white-haired old man sitting inside the statue. There were many spots on his rotting body and there was reminiscence in his eyes. After a long time, he shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Senior Brother Sima, back then, perhaps it was Teacher who was wrong…"

Chapter 1161 - Devour Pill, Vast Dao

The entire continent of Mo Luo calmed down. Wang Lin spent all day practicing alchemy, and the Origin Sect disciples would often hear explosions coming from the southern courtyard. No one dared to enter, and they all revealed looks of respect when they passed by.

Wang Lin had studied the beast bone recipe, and in the end, he had a gloomy expression. He pondered for a long time. Ignoring the question of whether the effects were true, just the herbs required to make it were mostly things he had never heard of.

After searching the Origin Sect's records, Wang Lin found some clues. Three of the herbs, Star Transformation Wood, Dragon Star Grass, and Annihilation Flower, existed tens of thousands of years ago. Even then they were extremely rare, and they were basically extinct nowadays. However, there were some clues in the records of the Origin Sect. It seemed in their rank 8 main sect, there was still a small piece of Star Transformation Wood.

Most importantly, this Nirvana Void Pill required the souls of nine rank 13 beasts. Only by fusing their souls could the pill refinement be carried out.

If this was it, it wouldn't be an issue, but the rate of success was very low. Also, this beast bone fragment needed to be used as a primer; it needed to be melted into the pill. Every failure would cause this beast bone to become a bit darker, and once this beast bone was completely black, it would be impossible to refine the pill.

Once it succeeded, the beast bone would dissipate and become part of the pill.

Looking at the beast bone in his hand, although it wasn't black, it was already very dark. It probably couldn't be used more than a few times.

"This beast bone has obviously been refined several times by others, but they all failed; otherwise, this beast bone would be gone… Rather than saying the herbs or beast souls are rare, it is this beast bone that is strange!

"I just don't know what beast this bone belongs to… However, even if there is only a 1% chance the effect of this pill is true, I must try it!" Wang Lin held the beast bone and carefully studied it for a moment before pondering a bit and putting it away.

One more thing appeared in his hand. It was the jade that came with the beast bone. After scanning it with his divine sense, his expression became strange. Wang Lin opened his storage space once more and took out the origin soul of the Poisonous Old Woman.

His eyes were calm as his finger pointed on her origin soul several times. Every time his finger made contact, her origin soul would tremble and become even weaker.

A moment later, Wang Lin placed his right hand on the head of her origin soul and his divine sense spread out. He directly used Soul Search on her.

Memories entered Wang Lin's mind, including the Five Poison cultivation method and things this person had encountered. Finally, Wang Lin found the memory regarding the pill recipe and jade.

Time slowly passed. When night arrived, Wang Lin lifted his right hand. He put the weakened but not yet dead origin soul away. He then looked at the jade and began to ponder.

Wang Lin found out about the matter that occured with the Heaven Breaking Sect 18,000 years ago and also understood the role of this jade.

There weren't any spells or cultivation methods inside. It was just a piece of identification token. This was the mark of the head disciple of the Heaven Breaking Sect from 18,000 years ago!

This person was named Sima Mo. If there had been no accident, he would have become the next sect master of the Heaven Breaking Sect 18,000 years ago. It was him who took the beast bone and a group of cultivators. They split from the Heaven Breaking Sect and disappeared among the Cloud Sea Star System.

18,000 years ago, the Heaven Breaking Sect that entered the rank 9 region had very complicated feelings toward their own members that left. They later learned that this group had suffered heavy casualties and disappeared completely. The sect master at the time, who was Sima Mo's teacher, sent out an order that lasted for tens of thousands of years!

"In the future, anyone who returns with Sima Mo's token will be allowed to enter the Heaven Breaking Sect and become the disciple of that generation's sect master!"

This order spread across the Cloud Sea and aroused the attention of many cultivators. This order peaked the interest of those who wished for an opportunity to rise up, and people went searching for clues of the missing Heaven Breaking Sect members. However, as time passed, not a single discovery was found, and thus this matter settled down.

Until the Five Poison Sect got a report from their spy about Shi Luoxing's movement and speculations! Originally, the Five Poison Sect didn't care too much about it. After all, it had been too long and the clue was likely false. They had only sent out a few people to scout, and the Poisonous Old Woman was the leader.

No one thought this would be real!

Wang Lin silently looked at the jade, and after a long time, he put it away.

"I may have a great use for this in the future!" He no longer worried about the jade or the pill recipe. After calming down, he immersed himself in alchemy.

Not only had he harvested a large amount of herbs on the wild continent, he had also gathered a lot of beast souls. They were mostly rank 5 beasts, so they were very suitable for Wang Lin's current cultivation level.

There were some more beast souls inside his bag. They were the souls of the spirit beasts of the members of the Clear Flower Sect. They were killed by the silver female corpse and then collected.

Similarly, he also had the spirit snake, which was the Poisonous Old Woman's life beast spirit. It had reached the peak of rank 6!

Aside from these, the highest rank beast soul he had was the rank 8 beast he instantly killed. This soul was extremely precious, so Wang Lin didn't want to destroy it. He went into the daoist temple and took that pill.

After failing three times, he finally fused the soul and the pill to make a rank 8 Soul Parting Death Pill!

After searching the Poisonous Old Woman's memories, he found an interesting method to mutate beasts.

This beast soul refining method was invented by a genius of the Five Poison Sect named Ren Ouxin. It used a formation as a cage to hold beast souls. Then you use poison to make them devour each other and stimulate a mutation to create a more powerful soul.

However, there was a huge drawback to this method, which was that the mutated beast soul could not devour normal beast souls. They could only devour other mutated beast souls. This result was a huge blow to the Five Poison Sect.

The success rate of refining a beast soul was not high, and the higher the rank, the lower the refinement rate. A rank 9 beast soul would require large amount of rank 8 beast souls to devour each other, and a single mutated rank 8 beast soul required a large amount of rank 7 beast souls.

Even if they accidently created a high level soul, the soul would still require a large amount of heavenly treasures for nourishment. Although it could be used for alchemy, there was still a chance of failure, and every failure would weaken it greatly.

Wang Lin knew this point very well. The first pill he attempted to make failed more than 10 times. Although he succeeded, a large portion of the beast soul had dissipated and the effect of the pill had lowered a lot.

Even the Five Poison Sect had to give up. Their sect couldn't withstand this kind of consumption. Even the rank 7 and 8 sects would find it difficult to do this. Even if they could, they really didn't need to refine a beast soul with their strength. It would be a lot easier to just go and catch one directly.

After seeing this method, Wang Lin secretly calculated this, and the cost of this even shocked him. However, after carefully pondering for a bit, he intended to try it out. He learned the poison method from the Poisonous Old Woman's memories and barely managed to refine a few portions.

Wang Lin didn't choose the Origin Sect to test this but found a cave inside a mountain somewhere on the continent. He placed down a large number of restrictions before putting some rank 5 beast souls inside and spilling the poison. After observing for a few days to make sure they were devouring each other, he added more restrictions and returned to the Origin Sect.

After cultivating for several days, Wang Lin took out the pills he refined, including the rank 8 one, and began to swallow them. The first one he took was a rank 5 pill.

The soul beast inside wasn't able to resist against Wang Lin's origin soul at all and immediately dissipated. It fused with his origin soul and caused Wang Lin to enter a mysterious state.

As Wang Lin continued to devour rank 5 pills, he vaguely saw something in that mysterious state. He saw beasts from their birth worshiping the world and absorbing the origin energy as they comprehended law.

The beast souls inside the rank 5 pills weren't much use for Wang Lin. He was only taking these pills to get familiar with the feeling of borrowing the beast souls to comprehend the heavens.

After taking the rank 5 pills, Wang Lin swallowed a rank 6 pill. The beast soul inside was equal to an early stage Nirvana Scryer cultivator, and it immediately caused Wang Lin's domain to activate.

It was as if he had transformed into the beast and gradually comprehended the heavens over countless years. These scenes felt very real and unreal. Wang Lin was immersed inside as he searched the complex comprehension for his own dao. He was searching for the existence between true and false.

After an unknown amount of time, when only the rank 8 pill remained, he awakened from his strange state. He looked blankly ahead and muttered,

"To confirm one's dao as one person is direct. To confirm one's dao from various angles is indirect. The pills of the Cloud Sea aren't a fortune, they just give cultivators the change to seek dao again and again… They use beast souls as another way to explore dao… Explore the laws of the world… Unlike the other two star systems, the Cloud Sea Star System has managed to cut down the enlightenment process…

"However, beasts are still beasts. The way they comprehend dao isn't direct, and we can't clearly trace to the origin, unless… we refine a pill with a person's soul or use the soul of something that has transcended from being a beast. Only then would the enlightenment be more clear. Otherwise, it requires one to swallow large amounts of pills in order to find the right dao to confirm you own with.

"Dao is like a thought, and everyone's thoughts are different. If one wants to enrich one's own mind, they must learn other people's thoughts as well. The Cloud Sea chose to use beast souls… Just like how the All-Seer chose to use his own disciples…"

While Wang Lin was confused, rays of light flew toward the continent of Mo Luo. The cultivators from the rank 6 region had spread out their search and reached the continent of Mo Luo. They stepped into the protective barrier!

Chapter 1162 - Those Who Harm Others are Constantly Hurting Themselves

The rank 6 Five Poison Sect was considered a relatively powerful force among the rank 6 sects; they were on par with the Clear Flower Sect. There was a lot of friction between the two sects, and they constantly fought with each other.

Zhou Hai was a core disciple of the Five Poison Sect. His cultivation level wasn't as high as the Poisonous Old Woman's, only early stage Nirvana Cleanser. But he was a powerful member of the Five Poison Sect, and the sect put a lot of focus on him.

At this moment, his expression was gloomy and there was a blue light in his right eye. Although this blue light look pretty, it came from cultivating a poison method from the Five Poison Sect.

"Fellow Cultivator Zhou has been gloomy the whole way. If someone who didn't know the situation saw you, they would be very confused as to why." A feminine voice came from a cultivator in black next to him. This cultivator was male, but the makeup on his face made him look like how he sounded.

There was a flash of coldness in Zhou Hai's eyes as he stared at the cultivator in black and said, "Zhao Yu, I have been enduring you the entire way. If you continue to speak sarcastically, don't blame me for not holding back!"

"The Five Poison Sect sure is mighty. I want to see if your Five Poison Sect would dare to battle with my Devil Collection Sect!" The cultivator in black smiled, but this smile was extremely cold.

The blue light from Zhou Hai's right eye intensified, but just at this moment, a cold snort come from beside the two of them.

"That's enough! The three of us are representatives of our respective sects to search for the traitor of the Five Poison Sect. We cannot to fight amongst ourselves!" The person who spoke was a middle-aged man who was at the mid stage of Nirvana Cleanser. After he spoke, Zhou Hai and Zhao Yu looked at each other with hostility. Then they let out cold snorts and suppressed the origin energy they were going to use to attack.

The middle-aged man was a core disciple of the top rank 6 sect, the Dao Spell Sect. Due to the Poisonous Old Woman, it was very difficult for the Five Poison Sect to explain the situation. In the end, they paid a great price to put this matter aside. They also had to send out core disciples as hostages in the name of looking for the Poisonous Old Woman. However, the real reason was to keep an eye on members of the Five Poison Sect.

If they couldn't find the Poisonous Old Woman in a short period of time, the Five Poison Sect would face a great crisis.

There were disciples from each sect following behind them. They all turned into rays of light and descended through the barrier around the continent of Mo Luo.

"Zhou Hai, Zhao Yu, follow me to the Origin Sect. You other disciples, scatter across the continent of Mo Luo and search every inch. Don't miss a spot. If you find anything, immediately report it!" The middle-aged man's voice was calm, but it contained an unquestionable sense of majesty.

The surrounding disciples quickly nodded and scattered to begin their search. They had been doing this every time they came across a continent, so they were very familiar with it.

As for the three of them, they released their full cultivation and charged at the Origin Sect. The three rays of light gave off a thunderous rumble.

It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive above Origin Sect in this arrogant manner. The cultivators of the Origin Sect naturally saw them. Lu Yanfei, Li Xiangdong, and the other two elders all flew into the air to greet them.

The four of them had heard of the news that the rank 6 sects had fully invaded the rank 5 region in search for something. However, with their cultivation levels and status, the elders didn't know what exactly the rank 6 sects were searching for.

Li Xiangdong took a deep breath. When he got close, he clasped his hands and said, "The Origin Sect greets the upper domain sects." The two elders behind him also clasped their hands.

The middle-aged man clasped his hands and said, "I'm the Dao Spell Sect's Feng Peishan!"

"I didn't think I would see such a beauty here!" The feminine-looking cultivator in black looked at Lu Yanfei and smiled. "I'm the Devil Collection Sect's Zhao Yu."

"Five Poison Sect, Zhou Hai!" Zhou Hai's expression was still gloomy as his right eye released a blue light and swept past the cultivators of the Origin Sect.

Li Xiangdong took a deep breath and looked at the two elders beside him. They all had serious expressions. These three sects occupied almost 40% of the power in the rank 6 region. They were so powerful that they only needed but a thought to wipe out the Origin Sect.

If the three of them were like this, there's no need to talk about their disciples. They all lowered their heads and didn't dare to look. Only Lu Yanfei remained calm and didn't speak.

Li Xiangdong suppressed his thoughts and reluctantly smiled. "I don't know what the upper sects came here for. If you need my Origin Sect to help, then the Origin Sect will do its best to assist."

Zhou Hai let out a cold snort as he stepped forward and arrived before an Origin Sect disciple. His hand moved like lightning and hit the Origin Sect disciple. The disciple's body trembled and he coughed out blood before being thrown far away.

This sudden scene caused the expressions of the Origin Sect cultivators to change greatly. Xu Yun glared angrily as she rushed forward toward that disciple and held up his body.

This Origin Sect disciple's face was pale and his body trembled. His face was glowing blue and he was suffering intense amounts of pain, but he was unable to scream.

Lu Yanfei's eyes became cold and he slowly said. "Is the reason for the upper sects coming here just to injure an Origin Sect disciple?"

Feng Peishan revealed a smile and shook his head. "Fellow cultivators of the Origin Sect, there's no need to be nervous. This matter is simply too important, and almost all the rank 6 sects have sent people out to search for a person. This person is very good at hiding, and the only clue is the poison on that person. The reason Fellow Cultivator Zhou attacked was because that junior had a trace of poison on him."

Lu Yanfei's eyes became even more cold and she waved her right hand at the injured Origin Sect disciple. His body trembled and a vortex appeared. Shortly after, his nascent soul flew out and there was a small, red snake inside. It was his life beast spirit.

However, the little snake was very weak and about to die. Even the origin sect disciple's nascent soul was almost transparent.

Zhou Hai's expression was still gloomy. After looking at the nascent soul, he no longer bothered with it. His eyes shined blue once more and he looked at the remaining Origin Sect disciples. A moment later, he took a step and headed straight for Xu Yun, who was holding that disciple!

Xu Yun's expression changed. It would be impossible for someone with her cultivation level to resist. At this moment, killing intent appeared in Lu Yanfei's eyes and she charged forward. Her right hand formed a seal and she waved. A gust of wind rushed toward Zhou Hai.

Zhou Hai sneered and his right eye flash blue. Seven blue marks appeared around him. He completely ignored the wind and walked forward without any hesitation.

A thunderous rumble echoed as the wind collapsed when it got near Zhou Hai. It wasn't able to stop him at all. In an instant, Zhou Hai was standing before Xu Yun.

The killing intent in Lu Yanfei became even stronger. Xu Yun was her disciple, and she wasn't willing stand by helplessly while watching someone seriously injury her. She was unable to endure and was about to attack. Even Li Xiangdong and the other two elders were gloomy. After all, Xu Yun wasn't like that ordinary disciple before, she was a core disciple of the Origin Sect.

Just at this moment, the Dao Spell Sect's Feng Peishai's eyes shined brightly and he shouted!

"If the people of the Origin Sect continue to interfere with my search, you will need to bear the consequences!"

This shout was earth-shattering and was like a thunderous rumble. It was as if his voice contained the law of the world and a mysterious spell.

Even the earth trembled slightly and the clouds were pushed back.

As he shouted, the disciples of the Origin Sect all tembled and blood flew out from their orifices. Even Lu Yanfei, Li Xiangdong, and the two other elders couldn't help but tremble and were filled with shock!

"Word of law!" Li Xiangdong gasped.

Zhou Yun revealed a look of disdain as he looked at the Origin Sect. His gaze swept by before he frowned as he looked at the southern courtyard of the Origin Sect.

At this moment, Zhou Hai stared at the pale Xu Yun and gloomily said, "Little girl, you have the scent of the Fish Poison Grass on you. This grass only grows in the nest of a rank 6 best and no other place. It would be impossible for the people of Origin Sec to obtain it, yet the smell is still fresh. Where did you obtain it?"

Xu Yun's face was pale. Zhou Hai's blue gaze gave off a powerful pressure that made Xu Yun's mind tremble. She bit her lower lip and looked at her teacher not far away.

Zhou Hai revealed a gloomy smile and turned around to look at Lu Yanfei.

"Fellow Cultivator Lu, I'd like to listen to your explanation!"

Lu Yanfei calmly said, "We as the younger generation aren't powerful enough to obtain this herb from a rank 6 beast's nest. However, that doesn't mean the elder of the sect can't. The Fish Poison Grass was obtained by my Grand Uncle-Master!"

"Grand Uncle-Master?" Zhou Hai's eyes lit up and showed a hint of disdain as his divine sense spread out. He lowered his head and looked at the southern courtyard of the Origin Sect. He charged straight at the southern courtyard.

He was very fast and closed in the southern courtyard, which was the forbidden area of the Origin Sect. The moment he entered, his body immediately trembled and shock filled his eyes. The southern courtyard was like a different world from the outside. He felt an aura that made his mind tremble from this very ordinary-looking courtyard.

It was as if a powerful beast was living inside this courtyard. Just the aura it gave off was enough to cool all of Zhou Hai's blood!

"Those who harm others are constantly hurting themselves!" A cold and gloomy voice without any emotion blew by like the wind. When the voice entered Zhou Hai's ears, his expression changed greatly and immediately became pale. A powerful sense of danger enveloped his body and he didn't hesitate to retreat. He wanted to escape this terrifying southern courtyard.

However, just at this instant, Zhou Hai felt an unimaginable force hit his chest like a mountain smashing into him. Zhou Hai coughed out blood as he was thrown back. Popping sounds came from inside his body as he was thrown back and the clothes on his chest were in tatters, revealing a black palm print on his chest!

Chapter 1163 - Please Forgive Us

The clothes on his chest were torn and mixed with blood mist, creating a startling contrast with the black palm print. Zhou Hai's body was thrown out from the southern courtyard, and strands of vitality were coming out of the dark palm print. It only took a moment for his body to shrink until it was like a skeleton.

The vitality that appeared seemed to be moved by a power and entered the injured Origin Sect disciple. His body trembled as the blue light disappeared and he returned to normal.

Zhou Hai's body landed on the ground with a bang and his face was ashen. His body continued to twitch and fear filled his eyes.

The surroundings were completely silent, terrifyingly silent!

The Devil Collection Sect's Zhao Yun gasped and shock filled his eyes. He stared at the southern courtyard and retreated several dozen feet. He didn't expect the Grand Uncle-Master of the Origin Sect to be so powerful.

Thinking about his frivolous words where he teased Lu Yanfei, he felt his scalp tingle. It wasn't that he coveted Lu Yanfei, it was just that his personality was like this. In addition, all the rank 5 sects they had encountered had been very polite and respectful and allowed them to do as they wished.

"The Origin Sect had such a powerful cultivator!?" Feng Peishan's pupils shrank and his expression became serious. Someone who could seriously injure Zhou Hai this easily had to be a powerful old monster.

"Who gave you the right to hurt the people of my Origin Sect!?" These cold words echoed across the world. They didn't contain law, nor were they earth-shattering like Feng Peishan's words, but these plain words were like sharp blades that stabbed into the hearts of Feng Paishan, Zhou Hai, and Zhao Yun.

Just like the silence, these words contained a terrifying pressure.

The rustled sounds of footsteps came from the southern courtyard as Wang Lin slowly walked out with his hand behind his back. He didn't have white hair; now he had a head of black hair that moved without any wind. He gave off a sense of might without being angry and his eyes were like the stars. When you looked at them, you would feel like your soul was being sucked into the illusion of true and false.

This kind of feeling was very strange, and no one could explain it, but they clearly felt it. It was as if everything in the world could change at a thought. True and false formed a cycle.

"Dao domain!!!" Feng Peishan's face turned pale. He had the highest cultivation level here and was also a core disciple of the number one rank 6 sect, so he immediately recognized that this Grand Uncle-Master of the Origin Sect was using dao domain!

What made him even more terrified was that the other party wasn't deliberately doing it, but dao was naturally contained in his words and actions. This realm was far higher than word of law.

Their Dao Spell Sect focused on the word "dao." In Feng Peishan's memories, only the head elder of the sect had a dao domain like this.

"When he stands there, he is dao!" Feng Peishan subconsciously took a few step back and thought about the words the head elder once said.

"You?" Wang Lin calmly walked next to the struggling Zhou Hai. He looked down as if he was looking at an ant!

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Zhou Hai's body trembled. When he subconsciously looked at Wang Lin's eyes, his body trembled even more violently. He entered an illusion, as if the person who hurt him was the world and he was merely a weak existence within that world.

His heart pounded like crazy and his mind was a mess. He couldn't see through the cultivation of the person before him, but at this moment, he felt like none of the elders or even the sect head of his own sect could make him feel this terrified.

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze as he looked up at the Devil Collection Sect's Zhao Yu and calmly asked, "Or was it you?"

Zhao Yu subconsciously licked his licks. He looked at Zhou Hai struggling on the ground and then at Wang Lin. His expression suddenly became respectful.

"Junior Devil Collection Sect's Zhao Yu greets Senior." This Zhao Yu immediately clasped his hands and became extremely respectful to hide his fear. However, he didn't dare to look at Wang Lin's eyes at all.

"Or was it you?" Wang Lin's gaze fell on the Dao Spell Sect's Feng Peishan.

Feng Peishan's face became pale as he respectfully clasped his hands and whispered, "Senior, please forgive us."

"Earlier, you said that if they stopped you from hurting my Origin Sect disciples, we have to suffer the consequences." Wang Lin coldly looked at Feng Peishan.

Sweat came out from Feng Peishan's forehead, and he didn't dare to look at Wang Lin's eyes. He had a feeling that if this person became angry, he would perish in an instant.

After pondering for a bit, Feng Peishan clenched his teeth and his right hand mercilessly hit his chest. With a bang, his body trembled and he coughed out a large mouthful of blood. His expression became even more pale and his origin soul was injured.

Feng Peishan didn't wipe away the blood on the corner of his mouth, and he bitterly said, "Does this appease Senior's anger?"

Wang Lin's expression remained neutral, then he looked at Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu wryly smiled. Since Feng Peishan didn't dare to provoke this person, how could he dare to? Moreover, he didn't even see how this person had attacked and seriously injured Zhou Hai. Even if he had tried to resist, it would have been pointless.

Zhao Yu clenched his teeth as he lifted his right hand and mercilessly hit his chest. He coughed out blood as he retreated a few steps and clasped his hands. "Please don't be angry, Senior."

This scene made all the Origin Sect disciples very excited. They all looked at Wang Lin with reverence. Li Xiangdong and company were the same.

Wang Lin calmly said, "You all can keep searching."

"No need…" Feng Peishan quickly spoke, but before he could finish, Wang Lin interrupted him.

"After you finish searching, quickly get the hell out of the continent of Mo Lou!"

"As you order." Feng Peishan wryly smiled. He knew that their actions had already angered the Grand Uncle-Master of the Origin Sect. The reason he hadn't killed them was because he was concerned about the sects they were from.

"If Teacher finds out that we offended an old monster who has a dao domain, it will be difficult to avoid punishment. Even teacher wouldn't easily offend such a powerful cultivator. Not to mention seriously injuring Zhou Hai with a wave of his hand, if he wanted to kill Zhou Hai, Zhou Hai would already be dead." Letting out a sigh, Feng Peishan remembered what his teacher said before he left.

His teacher had once said that there were many people above him and that there were many old monsters hiding out there. There had to be a few living in the rank 5 sects. Many of these rank 5 sects had inheritances for many years, and there might be a few who left early but had heaven-shaking power. Although these people were not be famous, if they encountered them, they had to be careful.

This was why they had to politely explain and not offend them if they met such an old monster during this search.

Feng Peishan respectfully left, but after pondering a bit, he still searched the continent of Mo Luo carefully. After finding nothing, all the disciples gathered and left with him helping support Zhao Hai.

It wasn't until they left the barrier that Feng Peishan and Zhao Yu let out sighs of relief. As for Zhou Hai, he swallowed some pills and recovered enough to fly. His expression was still pale and there was a lingering sense of fear in his eyes.

Feng Peishan said, "Fellow Cultivator Zhou, please try to describe in detail how that senior attacked after you entered the southern courtyard."

Zhou Hai still felt lingering fear in his heart. After silently pondering for a moment, he said, "That senior's cultivation is at least mid stage Nirvana Shatterer or higher. I didn't see him attack. The moment I entered the southern courtyard, I felt an unimaginable origin energy gather into a palm, and it landed on my chest." After saying that, he looked at his chest. The palm print was still black.

Zhao Yu suddenly asked, "Is it a poison attack?"

Zhou Hai shook his head and said, "That senior didn't have any sign of using poison to attack, so it can't be that Poisonous Old Woman. Also, she doesn't have this kind of strength. I also secretly observed the members of the Origin Sect. Their reverence and sense of glory was not false; that person was indeed their Grand Uncle-Master."

"That's true." Feng Pengshan nodded and said, "If that person was really related the Poisonous Old Woman or knew about the matter with the jade, then he simply wouldn't have acted and would've remained hidden. It would be easy to do so with his cultivation. He wouldn't have hurt Zhou Hai or made Zhao Yu and I pay a price."

Zhao Yu nodded. He thought about what happened and said, "This Grand Uncle-Master of the Origin Sect is too powerful. Even in the rank 6 region, he would be someone everyone paid attention to. Fortunately, he only hurt someone and didn't kill him. Otherwise…" As he spoke, he looked at Zhou Hai.

Zhou Hai silently pondered, and his heart turned cold from fear.

"Earlier, when we were coming here, we saw the people of the Purple Dao Sect coming this way. They seemed to be heading to the Origin Sect and there seemed to be a grudge. It seems Lu Yuncong is going to be kicking a metal plate!" Zhao Yun smiled and seemed very happy at someone else's misfortune.

"That person is not simple!" Feng Peishan seemed to be unwilling to talk about this anymore and said,

"Forget it. The three of us should be more careful in the future. Let's go to another continent." The three of them took the disciples of their sects and flew off into the distance.

"It is not easy for someone to catch Head Elder's fancy… This Lu Yuncong's origin also seems very mysterious…" Inside the ray of light, Feng Peishan shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Wang Lin's gaze withdrew from the horizon. He had already made up his mind when he attacked. He was in a rush back on the wild continent. Although he had shifted the blame for what happened, he had still left some clues.

He was unable to clear those clues and didn't have time to clear them. More importantly, the more he tried to clear them, the more clues he would have left.

"The most important thing right now is to raise my cultivation level as soon as possible! If I get found out, I'll take a trip to the Wind Celestial Realm!" From the memories of the Old Poisonous Woman and the records of the Origin Sect, he learned that the Wind Celestial Realm was open. The entrance was in the northern part of the rank 8 region, but almost no one dared to venture too far inside. They merely gathered some treasures along the edges.

"The Wind Celestial Realm is my ace for killing Tuo Sen…" Coldness appeared in Wang Lin's eyes. The reason he paid so much attention to the mutation skill in the old woman's memories and risked trying it out was because once it succeeded, his change in the Wind Celestial Realm would be a lot higher.

Wang Lin placed more restrictions on the place where he was doing the experiment. Unless someone more skilled in restrictions than Wang Lin came, it would be impossible to find the place. Also, he only needed a thought to destroy everything inside, so he wasn't afraid of others finding out.

Chapter 1164 - Three Questions

There was a giant spirit beast that was about 3,000 feet long moving within the star fog of the rank 5 region. This beast looked like a tiger, and it had a single horn more than 100 feet long that emitted a cold glint.

There were more than 30 people sitting on the back of the tiger. They were all calm and were cultivating with their eyes closed. There were men and women among them, and they gave off fluctuations of their cultivation.

There was a man standing beside the tiger with the horn. This man was middle-aged and wore a purple robe that moved without any wind. He had his hands behind his back as he looked at the star fog ahead. No one knew what he was thinking.

There was an old man respectfully standing behind this man, accompanying this middle-aged as they both stared ahead.

The old man softly said, "Sect Master, with the tiger's current speed, we will arrive on the continent of Mo Luo in one more day."

These people were the cultivators of the Purple Dao Sect. Normally, it wouldn't have taken them this long to arrive, but due to the matter of the jade and pill recipe that led to the invasion of the rank 5 region, they had to delay their arrival to the continent of Mo Luo.

After dealing with everything and cooperating with the rank 6 sects, the Purple Dao Sect finally sent people out to the continent of Mo Luo.

The middle-aged man's gaze fell on the star fog ahead as if he was thinking. After a long time, he nodded and calmly said, "There will finally be an answer for things that need to be settled."

The old man was startled and didn't understand the meaning of what the honorable Sect Master had said. In his view this will be a simply trip to the Origin Sect, what answer is there to obtain.

"Sect Master…" The old man was about to speak, but the middle-aged man shook his head and said, "You don't understand. Chaos will rise, the Cloud Sea will no longer be calm."

The old man silently pondered.

"In order to get a pill recipe and jade, not only the rank 6, but even rank 7 and 8 sects all sent cultivators. Is it worth it…" The middle-aged man seemed to be talking to himself. There was a sense of worry in him.

The old man whispered, "That pill recipe and jade are worth too much. It is inevitable people would be moved."

"That pill recipe is an ominous item. The first time it appeared, it caused a calamity in the Cloud Sea. Now this is the second time it has appeared… I just don't know who took it. The longer it is out there, the greater the calamity will be." The middle-aged man shook his head and let out a sigh.

The old man hesitated for a bit and whispered, "According to the investigation, it was the Five Poison Sect's Old Poisonous Woman who took the pill recipe and jade and went into hiding."

"Don't underestimate those old monsters of the rank 6 sects!" The middle-aged man faintly smiled.

The old man was startled. After he pondered carefully, he questioned, "Could there be someone else?"


"If it really was the Poisonous Old Woman, why does the Five Poison Sect still exist?" The middle-aged man's eyes shined with wisdom. He slowly said, "How can that Poisonous Old Woman withstand Shi Luoxing and not be found considering her cultivation level? How would she be able to kill the Clear Flower Sect's Noble Money while escaping?

"Noble Money was a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator. Who could kill him in the short period of time before the second wave of Clear Flower cultivators arrived?"

The old man gasped and his mind trembled. It took him a long time to recover, and terror filled his eyes.

"The Clear Flower Sect's Noble Money was killed!" He was evidently unaware of this matter.

"Poisonous Old Woman can't do this. Only the person who really obtained the jade and recipe could have such strength. That person must have been forced to kill Noble Money. Presumably, when leaving the wild land, that person encountered Noble Money and aroused suspicion and then was forced to attack." The middle-aged man revealed a look of admiration and pity.

"He has vicious methods, decisive actions, and he cleanly killed Noble Money. Also, before that, this person quickly transferred the target on to the Poisonous Old Woman's back, creating a layer of fog to gain some time. By doing so, he was able to confuse the rank 6 sects enough to escape their blockade before it was set up. Even if I were to change positions with him, I fear I'd be unable to do all of this.

"More importantly, this person's scheme is very deep. I don't know if he has another reason for framing the Poisonous Old Woman. If he really saw through the truth and only then framed the Poisonous Old Woman, then this person's mind is like a devil's!" The pity in the middle-aged man's eyes became even stronger.

The heart of the middle-aged man pounded rapidly. After pondering a bit, he was still somewhat puzzled.

The middle-aged man didn't turn his head, but he seemed to be able to clearly see the doubt on the old man's face. He softly said, "If the rank 6 region successfully obtains the jade and recipe, then it will be a good omen. However, if they found the jade and recipe but lost it, then it will be a disaster for them.

"What they need is an explanation! An explanation to the rank 7, 8, or even 9 regions…"

The old man seemed to realize what happened and was filled with disbelief. His chest puffed up and down as he said, "So that's why they allowed the Five Poison Sect to continue to exist and are also convinced it was the Poisonous Old Woman. Even Noble Money's death will be seen as the action of a powerful cultivator of the Five Poison Sect!"

The middle-aged man smiled. Then he spoke softly as if he was talking to himself.

"This mysterious cultivator is smart and gave the rank 6 sects an excuse. No matter what happens in the end, with this explanation, their disaster will be a lot smaller. Why else would there be no Nirvana Shatterer cultivator among the search squads? There are merely Nirvana Cleanser cultivators searching for a mysterious person that can kill a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator in less than seven minutes… If I were the sect master of one of the rank 6 sects, I would probably even help the mysterious cultivator erase all clues. That way, only the Five Poison Sect would be destroyed!"

The old man beside him was completely shocked. He looked at the middle-aged man with a gaze filled with reverence and dread. There was even a trace of fear in his eyes.

He had followed the middle-aged man, Lu Yuncong, for many years and had see him go from nothing to the peak. The Purple Dao Sect was only a small sect in the rank 5 region 3,000 years ago. However, in this person's hands, it was now very formidable. Although it wasn't the strongest in the rank 5 region, the name "Lu Yuncong" was known to people in the rank 6, 7, and 8 regions.

"I really want to have a meeting with this mysterious cultivator… I have a hunch that I will meet this person one day…" The middle-aged man's eyes were filled with expectation. He had his hands behind his back and looked like a mountain the eyes of the old man.

The old man silently pondered.

Time slowly passed, the tiger broke through the star fog and moved faster and faster.

When they were only half a day from the continent of Mo Luo, a flash of blue light appeared in the distance. This blue light was strange as it penetrated the fog and even made the fog blue.

The tiger immediately stopped and revealed vigilance. There was even a trace of fear in its eyes and it began to growl, but it didn't dare to move forward at all.

This sudden scene suddenly caused the more than 30 cultivators to open their eyes at the same time. They calmly stood up and coldly stared ahead. There was unexpectedly no sign of panic!

This was because they were the cultivators of the Purple Dao Sect, the core disciples of the Purple Dao Sect, and direct disciples chosen by the sect master of the Purple Dao Sect! They had pride. They could die or defeated, but they couldn't panic. Even if a mountain collapsed before them, they had to remain calm.

The old man beside Lu Yuncong became serious as he looked at the strange, blue light. Only Lu Yuncong wasn't affected at all. He calmly looked at the fog as if nothing had happened.

The blue fog spread and soon surrounded the surrounding 10,000 feet. A moment later, the blue fog parted and a beautiful woman walked out. She had a head of blue hair and a white dress. Her exquisite expression wasn't as cold as ice or gentle, just quiet and elegant.

There was jade flute in her hand. She was like a fairy that had descended upon the mortal world.

As this fairy gradually appeared, the moment she fully revealed herself, the blue fog around her turned corporeal and became a 10,000-foot-long blue dragon.

This fairy was standing on the head of the blue dragon and calmly looked at Lu Yuncong. There were no fluctuations in her eyes; they were pure without any impurity in them.

It was like a calm lake that was intoxicating. When one saw those eyes, no matter how tyrannical they were, they would calm down. There would also be a sense of inferiority in their heart.

"Li Qianmei!" Lu Yuncong still had his hand behind his back as he looked at her. Although he was shocked by her elegance and beauty that was almost like a domain, his expression didn't change.

"Rank 9 Heaven Breaking Sect, Li Qianmei!" The old man beside Lu Yuncong took a few steps back and was on guard. He immediately recognized the woman because she was the only woman with blue hair in the Cloud Sea, Li Qianmei!

"Qianmei greets Brother Lu." The woman smiled and bowed slightly toward Lu Yuncong.

Lu Yuncong smiled and clasped his hands. "Fellow Cultivator Li is too kind."

"Brother Lu, Qianmei has three questions to ask. I hope brother Lu can resolve my doubts." The woman smiled softly, and she looked even more serene as he spoke. Along the way, she had asked many people the same questions. Everyone who answered were among the elite, but none of them were able to give her the answers she wanted. She had only asked one of the three questions as no one was able to make her ask the second, much less the third.

"Please speak." Lu Yuncong nodded.

The woman softly said, "The first question: what is heaven?"

Lu Yuncong looked at Li Qianmei. After pondering for a bit, he slowly said, "Heaven is a cage!"

The woman frowned slightly, but it was very alluring. A moment later, her eyes lit up and she revealed a smile that was like a blooming lily.

"Brother Lu's answer is very interesting. Qianmei wants to know why heaven is a cage."

Lu Yuncong smiled. "Is this the second question?"

The woman moved her blue hair and softly said, "No, this is still the first question. Can Brother Lu answer?"

Chapter 1165 - Lu Yuncong Can't Compare!

"For the frog in a well, the opening of the well is the heavens. For fishes in water, the water is the heavens… The well is the cage for the frog, and the water's surface is the boundary for the fishes." Lu Yuncong looked at the woman and calmly said, "Humans are like the frogs and fishes, so heaven is our cage! The frog wishes to leave the well and the fishes still desire to jump out of the water. Humans naturally also want to break open the heavens and walk out from the cage!"

Li Qianmei thought for a moment, then her eyes were became more bright. There was a look of admiration in her eyes as she moved some of her hair behind her ear and said, "Brother Lu's answer is very unique. Qianmei asked a lot of people along the way, but only Brother Lu was able to resolve my confusion."

"Qianmei flatters me." Lu Yuncong faintly smiled.

"Brother Lu is the first person who has made Qianmei ask the second question. I hope Brother Lu can continue to answer my questions." Li Qianmei looked at the man before her. She had heard that the rank 5 region had someone famous named "Lu Yuncong." He was very intelligent and had a deep understanding of dao.

"If I answer your three questions and solve your doubts, what reward will I get?" Lu Yuncong smiled as he looked at Li Qianmei and waited for an answer.

Li Qianmei blinked and smiled. "If Brother Lu really can answer Qianmei's doubts, I can play a song for you on my flute."

"OK!" Lu Yuncong let out a smile and looked profoundly at Li Qianmei. He was still puzzled on the real reason why she was asking these questions.

Li Qianmei looked at Lu Yuncong and softly said, "The second question: what is heaven?"

The old man beside Lu Yuncong was still listening. When he heard his lord answer the first question, he smiled, but when he heard the second question, his expression became strange.

Lu Yuncong frowned and began to ponder. This time, he pondered for far longer than before. Li Qianmei wasn't anxious as she quietly waited for an answer from Lu Yuncong.

After 15 minutes, Lu Yuncong slowly said, "Heaven is… a road!"

Li Qianmei thought for a moment and softly asked, "The reason?"

Lu Yuncong raised his head and looked up. After pondering a bit, he said, "Heaven is under our feet and is a road for us to walk on. It is because of this road that there is dao!

"Dao means this: it is a road that lead us to the direction of breaking out of this cage that is heaven."

Li Qianmei's eyes became even brighter and the admiration in her eyes became even stronger.

"Thank you, Brother Lu, for answering my questions. I feel much less puzzled now. I wonder where brother Lu is going in such a rush."

The old man beside Lu Yuncong hesitated a bit before clasping his hands and asking, "Fellow Cultivator Li, is this the third question?"

Li Qianmei just silently smiled.

"I'm going to the continent of Mo Luo to learn something and ask for an account." Lu Yuncong's expression was neutral and there was no regret in his heart, even though he knew he wouldn't have the chance of answering the third question.

Li Qianmei blinked and softly said, "I wonder if Brother Lu would mind me following?"

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"I naturally welcome Qianmei to come with me." Lu Yuncong smiled and nodded.

Along the way. Lu Yuncong and Li Qianmei were quietly talking to each other and exchanging their dao. They admired each other very much and gained a lot.

The old man was still a few steps away. His gaze would occasionally fall on Lu Yuncong and Li Qianmei. There was some strangeness in his eyes, but also a hint of joy.

"After the Sect Master's wife died, he never had another dao partner. Although this Li Qianmei from the rank 9 sect has just met the Sect Master, she seems to get along well with him. If the two of them can form a dao couple, with the Sect Master's wisdom, his future will be limitless… Then my Purple Dao Sect will be able to shake the Cloud Sea!"

After Li Qianmei left the Heaven Breaking Sect, she hardly had conversations like this. No one else was qualified to talk to her aside from Lu Yuncong.

"No wonder even Teacher praised this person as the number one cultivator in the rank 5 region. Even the God Sect is paying attention to him… He is indeed a rare and strange man. It is very rare for someone his age to have such a deep understanding of dao. Even though my cultivation level is higher, I'm inferior to him in his regard.

"Unfortunately… Even a person like this was still stopped by the second question." Li Qianmei sighed in her heart.

"If Qianmei wants to find the mysterious cultivator who has the jade, it will be a difficult matter." Time passed as the two talked, and they gradually reached the subject of the jade and mysterious recipe.

Lu Yuncong didn't hide his thoughts, and there was no need to hide them, so he told her his speculation.

"If this mysterious cultivator has such a scheming mind, then it will indeed not be difficult to find him." After Li Qianmei heard Lu Yuncong's speculation, she gained a hint of interest toward this mysterious cultivator.

"Acts decisively, mind like a demon, and ruthless in killing! I don't admire many people in my life, but this mysterious cultivator can be considered one of them." As Lu Yuncong praised, the pity in his eyes increased.

Li Qianmei softly said, "This is all Brother Lu's speculation. Maybe the truth isn't like this."

"I hope my speculation is true so I have a chance to meet him. That would give life some excitement." Lu Yuncong let out a sigh. There was expectation in his eyes.

As everyone moved forward, they got closer to the continent of Mo Luo. At this moment, they could vaguely see the shadow of the continent of Mo Luo.

The tiger slowly stopped and floated in space. It coldly stared ahead.

Lu Yuncong looked at the elder beside him and calmly said, "The Purple Dao Sect and the Origin Sect have the same main sect. There is no need to cause too much confusion. I'll go by myself and all of you wait here."

The old man nodded in agreement.

"Qianmei, let us go together." Lu Yuncong faintly smiled, and his gaze fell on Li Qianmei.

Li Qianmei nodded and the two of them flew toward the continent of Mo Luo. The old man looked at the two disappear and softly said, "Maybe the Sect Master and her… can really become a dao couple."

Continent of Mo Luo.

Wang Lin had experienced the power of the pills of the Cloud Sea. After trying out the pills and comprehending through the beast souls inside, Wang Lin had grasped the essence of these pills.

To borrow the beast soul to comprehend the heavens and then merge it with your own domain.

Wang Lin was sitting inside the courtyard and had refused Lu Yanfei and company's visit. He held the rank 8 pill in his hand and began to ponder.

"There is a flaw in the pills of the Cloud Sea. The comprehension gathered from the beast souls is very chaotic and difficult to comprehend. If one wants to extract the desired comprehension, they have to keep consuming pills for it to succeed."

After pondering a bit, Wang Lin was looking at the pill in his hand when he suddenly noticed something. He looked up into the distance.

"They came…"

His expression was neutral without the slightest change. He withdrew his gaze and continued to look at the pill in his left hand.

Shortly after, the door of the courtyard was opened by someone and a man and a woman walked in. The man was middle-aged and wore a purple robe. He gave off a sense of majesty without being angry and his eyes were like the stars. They contained endless wisdom.

The woman beside him was extremely beautiful with skin as smooth as jade and as white as snow. There was a jade flute in her hand and she gave off an very elegant feel.

The arrival of those two didn't attract the attention of any Origin Sect cultivators, as if they had appeared out of nowhere. The moment they entered, the middle-aged man's gaze fell on Wang Lin, and his pupils shrank. Then he slowly walked over.

His speed wasn't fast, but every step he took landed with Wang Lin's heartbeat. It seemed to contain a certain law and naturally gave off an unspeakable pressure.

What was even more strange was that as the man closed in, the sky darkened after a dozen or so steps. The dark clouds covered half the world as he moved forward, and the dark clouds seemed to be devouring the sky.

"Sit!" Wang Lin still hadn't raised his head. Wang Lin was surprised about the fact that these two could find him here without anyone in the Origin Sect noticing.

He only said one word, but at this moment, the middle-aged man's footsteps paused. It was a if the rhythm he had set up with those dozen steps was messed up, making him unable to distinguish between true and false. It was as if everything that had happened before had collapsed with a thought from Wang Lin.

Lu Yuncong's expression immediately became serious. This feeling was very clear. He had clearly spread out his cultivation and domain and surrounded this man in white. Those steps he was taking were his domain, and each step should have been a domain attack.

As he moved forward, his domain merged with the world and his dao turned into the dark clouds, giving him even more momentum. These dozen simple steps were him borrowing the might of the heavens and descending on this ordinary-looking man in white.

If it was someone else, just these dozen steps would've been enough to collapse their domain and seriously injure their origin soul. If the injury was more serious, it would've left a mark on their dao heart and caused their dao foundation to collapse!

Even if someone could resist, they would still reveal a sign of resistance. Lu Yuncong was very confident in his own domain and dao, but at this moment, he was moved due to a simple word from this ordinary-looking man in white!

This one word had disintegrated everything he had set up, as if everything he had done was not real.

"Why not sit?" Wang Lin raised his head. His gaze moved from the pill and looked at the man in purple. Their eyes met.

It was as if an invisible thunderclap had exploded within this courtyard, and the middle-aged man in purple was greatly shocked. He subconsciously took two steps back and his expression changed greatly.

As he retreated, the dark clouds in the sky were all torn apart and disappeared in an instant. The sky was clear once more…

No matter how deep and profound Lu Yuncong's understanding of dao was, how could he compare with Wang Lin? Wang Lin had comprehended the life and death cycle after 500 years of cultivation, and after more than 900 years, he completed his life and death cycle, which then changed into karma. Then, after more than 1,000 years, his karma was complete and transformed again into the domain of true and false!

What could Lu Yuncong use to compare? What qualification did he have to compare?

He couldn't compare!

Li Qianmei was watching this from the beginning. She had come with Lu Yuncong because she admired his understanding of dao and had good will toward him. She felt that among the junior generation, no one had a deeper understanding of dao than Lu Yuncong. This was also the reason why Lu Yuncong was being watched by the high rank sects.

However, her mind changed when she looked at Wang Lin, and her eyes shined brighter than they had ever shined before.

"Brother, I have three questions I'd like to ask. Can you answer them…"