
Re : Child again.

Reincarnation, transmigration, time travel. A dream that most of us had once wished for, but never had a chance to actually experience. And as we grew older , this idea sounds more and more ridiculous, delusional, something that's very impossible to happen. Returning back to the past, being able to redo things, to be able to live your life for a second time. Those things can only happen in movies, in books, in dramas -------it's all fictional. But what if that wasn't the case at all? What if returning back to past wasn't just a mere fiction but an actual fact instead? Just how awesome can that be?? This is a story of a college student whom by some means unknown, had returned back to his childhood. He didn't die, he wasn't cornered or forced to jump on a cliff, no truck-kun intervention!! He simply wished for it randomly and it just happened. Let's see how a 20 years old man live his life for the second time. What decisions he'll make, what plans he'll concocts and what in hell was that voice speaking inside his head?? This is a story of action, adventure, romance and everyday life. A/N: The mc will start at five years old and will slowly grew up as the story progresses. The pacing of the story will be quite slow at the start to give time on building a solid foundation for the characters. For those who don't want this kind of thing then this novel probably wasn't for you. The cover photo wasn't mine. I got it from the internet. If you are the owner and want me to take it off then feel free to message me. For support : https://www.paypal.me/AuthorFishball Join us in discord. https://discord.gg/Q7Yzs3GrHy

Fishball_22 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs


Leon quickly brought Carla back to the dining room after they finished dressing themselves. Then he called both Pauline and Christina, telling them about what happened.

Pauline worriedly went to Carla to see her condition, while Christina on the other hand took out some medicines for kids. Those are the medicines she prepared for Leon in case something similar to this happened to him.

" Beh.. Bitter. " Carla complained, sticking out her little tongue as she reached out for the glass of water on the table and then took a sip.

" Mommy, I don't like that. "

Carla pointed at the liquid medicine in Pauline's hand.

" I know, but you still have to drink it Carla, so you will get better immediately. " Pauline explained. " You have to drink two or three more times, okay? "

Carla showed a reluctant expression.

Like who would want to drink a bitter medicine? Especially if it's a kid like Carla. But she still nodded, after hesitating for a few moments. " Mn. I will do what mommy said. "

Hearing that, Pauline smiled in satisfaction, before hugging her daughter. " My Carla is so obedient. Mommy and auntie Christy will prepare our lunch now so wait here first okay? "

Carla nodded her head once again and watched Pauline entered the kitchen.

When she can't see her mother anymore, Carla turned to Leon.

" Leon, will I go to the hospital too? "

" No. Why did you even think that? "

" Because.. because mommy told me before that sick people will go to the hospital. "


" I'm sure you will feel better after taking a rest later, Carla. You don't have to go to the hospital. " Leon replied, reassuringly. " Besides, Carla is already a big girl right? Will you let yourself lose to your cold? "

" No no no. I won't lose! "

" That's the spirit, Carla. " Leon patted her head. " Don't worry, I will help you beat the bad cold so it will disappear immediately. "

" Mn. Thank you, Leon. "


Soon, Pauline and Christina came back carrying different kinds of food on their hands. They can't help but sigh in relief after seeing Carla eating her food enjoyably which indicates that her condition is still good since she hasn't lose her appetite yet.

That's a relief.

After eating their lunch, Leon brought Carla to his room so she can take a rest. Carla requested him to read her a story which Leon did and not long later, Carla fell asleep.

Leon covered her small body with quilts first before lying down beside her. Hugging her small body, Leon also fell asleep after that.


At around 4:30 in the afternoon

Pauline and Carla finally left.

They went home earlier this time to make sure that Carla will be able to rest early tonight.

The next day, 7:35 am in the morning.

Clarissa is sitting in front of her table, arranging some papers while waiting for her students to arrive.

" Good morning big sister Clarissa! Are you busy? "

She heard a familiar youthful voice greeting her. Clarissa lifted her head to see who it was.

" Leon? What are you doing here? " she didn't expect Leon to be here at all because this wasn't her classroom.

And also, wasn't he supposed to be in the hospital?

For some reason, she and her cousin, Jennifer was not able to visit Leon again yesterday. That's why they are not informed that he already woke up.

Not only that, he was even discharged already.

" My mom told me that you and teacher Jennifer visited me in the hospital a lot of times before, big sister Clarissa! "


" I came here to say thank you. " Leon said in grateful tone. " This is for you, teacher Clarissa. "

As he said that, Leon reached out his hand in front of Clarissa.

Clarissa confusedly look at Leon's hand but there's nothing there. Then suddenly, an orange fruit dropped from above and landed exactly on Leon's palm.


" Mom bought this for me this morning. I still have two pieces with me so you can have one, big sister. "

Clarissa was shocked. She didn't know how Leon did it. She just stared at him for a few moments before she unconsciously received the orange.

Leon didn't mind it. He took out another white folder from his bag and put it on the table.

" This is also for you big sister Clarissa. Thank you again, see you later! "

With that said, Leon went out of the classroom without waiting for Clarissa's reply.

" Leon wai..." Clarissa whispered but Leon was already gone. She look at the orange on her hand and can't help but smile. ' What a sweet boy. '

" Wait, what did he just called me again? "

Leon was already gone when she realized that one thing.

" Big sister huh.. Well.. "

Clarissa turned her attention to the folder Leon put on her table and picked it up. She opened it and saw a portrait of her inside.

" This... "

Clarissa's eyes became wet as she felt emotional. She once again looked at the direction of the door where Leon exited, before carefully folding the white folder once again and put it inside her bag.

" Thank you, Leon. " she whispered despite fully knowing that Leon can't hear what she said.


After leaving, Leon went straight to his classroom.

There, he saw some of his classmates already sitting inside. It seems like he is not the first one to arrive today.

He was about to enter the room when suddenly..

" Leon! "

Someone called out his name from his back. He turned around and saw that it was Marlo.

" Leon, you are finally here! I have something to tell you. "

Marlo took a couple of deep breaths. " It will be my birthday on Sunday, you will come right? I will invite all of our classmates too, I'm sure it will be awesome! "

Excitement was clearly written on Marlo's face as he said that. Leon thought about it for a moment before smiling wryly.

" I'm sorry Marlo, but I don't know if I'll be able to come. " Leon apologetically said. " Me and my dad will have to go somewhere on Saturday and I am not sure if I'll be able to comeback on time. "

" Eh?!! No way! Where are you going? Is it far? " Marlo panicked. " My Dad told me that the party will start...will start at... "

Marlo opened his bag and took out one of his notebook. " This Leon, the party will start at this time. "

Leon looked at the notebook and saw a quite big 9:00 am that was written there. " It's too early, I'm not sure if I can go. "

It's true. Leon didn't know if he'll be able to make it as it will still depends on his father. Depends on how 'big' the connection he is talking about and how many places and how far he plan to go to.

" But... I already told my mom and dad about you, leon. "


" They are supposed to hire a clown and a magician for my birthday party; just like always but, I told them that you will perform instead. " Marlo explained. " My sister also wanted to see you Leon, she is also a huge fan of magic just like me so.... so... please come! "


' How can that be my problem? And who said that I will agree to perform at your birthday? ' Leon was speechless.

He was a bit amazed on how easily this kid decide on things on his own.

" Leon! Marlo! " Mark called out, his mother followed behind him. " Marlo, did you tell him about it already? "

Marlo nodded his head. " Mn. Just now, but...."

" But what? "

" But Leon said he might not be able to come. " replied Marlo sadly.

" Eh?! How can that be? " Mark turned to Leon. " You should come too, Leon. It will be more fun that way! Even my mom will go there with me, right mom? "

" Mn. Your dad won't allow you to go there after all if I won't go with you. " Stella smiled in response.

" But I'm really not sure if I can go. "

Leon then began telling his reason to Mark.

" What place will your father bring you to, Leon? " Stella asked after listening to Leon's explanation.

" Erm.. I'm not sure yet, auntie Stella but it is either Ilocos or Benguet. "

" Oh, those places are quite near, I think you will make it on time. " Stella said after thinking for awhile.

Leon shake his head. " We will go there to buy things, auntie Stella. It will definitely take a lot of time. We might even stay there overnight. "

Marlo and Mark lowered their heads in disappointment after hearing that.

The two of them have been excitedly looking forward to Marlo's birthday party since last week because they wanted to see Leon's magic once again.

They even wanted to tell him immediately last week about their plans but they didn't see Leon around.

And now that he is finally here, they will learn that he might not be able to come! How depressing was that?

[ I suggest you agree, Leon. It will be useful for your future plans, trust me. ]

When Leon was about to leave, he suddenly heard the system speak inside his mind.

Leon become confused. " What do you mean? What plans? "

[ Nothing. I'm just suggesting that coming there would be a good idea. ]

Leon didn't get the system's point, so he asked it again but it didn't respond.

" But my priority right now was to buy that land. Do I really need to waste my time attending a children's party? "

[ It's still better to start early. ]

The system become silent after saying that and didn't speak anymore.

Its only role was to guide Leon and give some suggestions from time to time. All decisions are still on his hands.

" Leon, is there really no other way? " Marlo asked again after seeing that Leon isn't speaking.

" I'll try. " Leon replied. He felt like the system has some other meaning hidden in its words so he decided to go for it. " I will asked my dad when he returned. "

Leon decided to follow the system's advice.

" YES! " exclaimed both Mark and Marlo after hearing Leon's reply.

" I'll tell my dad later that you agreed, Leon! See you later! " Marlo said before bolting inside their classroom with Mark.




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