
why again??

'Again??' that was my only queston because i had been reborn for the 30th time why do i alwas get reborn this is my only question why god did i wish for that being immortal was a crazy idea asking him for that was an idiotic move

Whos child am i going to be reborn as this time

I hope im not reborn as one of zeuses children they always have bad ends waid did i just jinx my self i hope not any ways my name is joshua i once was a normal human i was stupid as a human

I quite literally died to chocking on nodlles NODLLES let that sink in i was pathetick in my first life and in my 2nd life too in all my lives i was stupid i got killed and then after that god asked told me i have 1 wish me being the stupid person i was i wished for immortality i didnt spesify causing this situation i was cursed to be reborn as a child in the womb this is the 30th time and im just annoyed that i asked for immortality without spessifing

this is my first novel so please tell me when there is bad grammar

Daoist6mGPKOcreators' thoughts