
Re : Abnormal (Draft)

An unnamed man who is given the title, The Wanderer, is transported to another world by an unknown being and is forced to live his new life in that world. He befriends a sentient Voodoo doll and becomes a high school teacher teaching 10 extremely dangerous and magical students while also having to deal with many issues that occur due to the symbols aligning with the sun. There's a lot more but obviously I don't wanna spoil anything. --- This is just a draft/practice since the story is kind of all over the place right now and I'm just testing things out for now.

Unproffessional · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


"Be careful of his ability. You know he can easily overpower us with his anti-matter technique right? Us Solar cultists have never managed to find a way around that." Orokana said, standing in the room while Pinku sat of her floating rock still until after a few more seconds she got off.

"I'm going after them." She said. "Orokana looked up.

"Really now?" Orokana replied. "I thought you were too lazy for these things. Do you really want to go out and risk your life to save them? I'm already ready for round 2."

"Nah, Let me go. I want to be able to see the two smile for myself, bringing you would be a waste~" She says in teasing way as she turns her gazy towards Orokana.

Orokana only chuckles at her and eventually speaks up. "I see what you mean. Thosr two have great potential. Right now, they'll need help. I guess I'll leave it up to you then. The sun will be coming up soon. You should hurry." She says with a smile.


Lunar was still breathing heavy while her heart was thumping quickly. She was still recovering from her witnessing her own death only seconds away.

Pinku looked at Drensaku with her tongue out. "You shouldn't have pushed the boy back like that~" She said while still blocking his attack with her umbrella. "For all I know, he could be dead."

Lunar tried to stand up and run but her legs were trembling.

"How dare you. So you Solar cultists will just forget about our alliance? This whole night, I've had to put up with your bullshit."

Pinku let out a small smirk tugging in the corners of her mouth. "Let me ask you something... Do you think, someone as bad as you, someone as horrible as you, can redeem themselves? Do you think they deserve a second chance? You have manipulated us, changed us, forced to follow you, for what? Orokana needs some time to cool down from what you've been doing to her." Even though Pinky was clearly lying and that Orokana was perfectly fine to fight but is watching them by using a different method.

"Tsk...You all make me sick." He pushes back and loads up his crossbow greatly with a golden arrow.

Pinku simply smirked at the challenge and held her umbrella to the floor while still lteading him. "Alright then! Show me what you've got!"

"Heh...I'll kill you." And with that, Drensaku launched forward, his crossbow firing centrements away from her for head but she smiles for a split second before dashing away right before the arrow hits and is instead below him now, on the moving sliding across the ground as if everything was in slow-motion as she teased him by waving her fingers.

She gets up and dusts herself off, now standing behind him as he doesn't turn around but instead speaks. "I see how it I'd, you wish to play like that then? You know damn well you're vulnerable to my anti-matter technique. Yet, you still try to attack me?"

Drensaku's golden aura, also known as a coating, a certain type of blessing, he managed to infuse his soulflow into a protective shield made out of the material he desired, that being anti-matter. Those who fight a soulflow sorcerer without using their own supply of soulflow are near guaranteed to lose.

"Do you really want to keep dragging this on?" Pinku mocked. "Even though you may have a powerful ability to counter mine, I'll simply let it become stalemate."

A storm cloud appears above all of them as the floating rock in the sky protecting Lunar shakes a little.

"Starved Bolts."

Powerful bolts of pink lightning rained down upon Drensaku as he dodged them as much as he can moving and swerving around. "hah! You're going to need to try a little harder than tha-" The last bolt hits him much more powerfully than the others as he yelps in pain, After that, he got up wiping the blood off his face while the smoke came off his body. "Is that all you got?" He says with a smirk before appearing in front of her in a blink of an eye holding out his fist, about to collide it into her face, she quickly affects the area in a weird way as a lamp post is placed in the middle illuminating a green light as she punches him from the back somehow.

"Ack!" He yells out as he gets knocked far and regains himself. "Hah! I should've known you've had some sort of chronomancy technique! Time pole huh? How fascinating!" He reloads his crossbow with a volley of bright golden shining arrows and aims it at her. "Guess I'll have to simply disable it as fast as possible!" He shouts.

Pinky continued to smirk while fighting. Lunar, still on the ground from afar looks in horror as the two continued their fighting, she couldn't keep up with what was going on with them at all it was all too fast for her and it just looked like a golden and a pink light flashing around the area.

As long as Pinku's lamp post was up, their would be no issue for her to dodge all of Drensaku's constant attempted flurry of punches and kicks as she now drags his face across the ground while continuously teasing him. "Keep going brat! Try to best me if you can!"

Drensaku's eyes were already rolled to the back of her head as he continued to hear Pinku's maniacal laughter while continuously being pummeled by attacks. "D-Damn it. I can't disable that stupid lamp post...Unless..." He opened his mouth slowly and muttered his words out.

"Stasis Chamber..."

Lunar's eyes widened as the island above her began to shake even more and then split in half as a huge barricade comes through blocking the two fighting into a confined space.

"Incomplete Coordinate Apex!"

Pinku's teasing grin turned into one of nervousness as the lights of her lamp post went out and Drensaku laughed maniacally. "Ahahahaha! Yes! You've fallen into my little trap!" He shouts.

"Damn it. He managed to get his pocket dimension out. I don't even have my own yet." Pinku grunts to herself. A pocket dimension has its own different functions. You can choose what those fun times can be, either you can use it in a way to defend yourself or go all in with a powerful attack. Some allow users to do phenominal things such as creating your own flow of time which Drensaku managed to do successfully here. therefore, breaking Pinku's minimalized time warping lamp post.

"Damn it! Just how many more tricks will you hide from us?" Pinku yelled before a ball of energy begins to form in her hand. "Plasma... Inversion!" She shouts as a huge ray of plasma blasts at Drensaku but only turns to butterflies once it touches him. It seems the the main function of the dimension changed to being able to warp reality inside of it.

"I never saw you as being useful, Pinku. You were always lazy and never helped me out even when we still had our alliance. Now, I feel a sense of betrayal off you right now. Now you fight? You fight when I'm doing the world a favor by trying to kill this little girl?" Drensaku said, his voice commanding and echoing across the domain sending shivers down her spine. She got up from the counter attack he casted.

Drensaku has already appeared behind her. "I'll make you suffer, I'll show you real pain."

A shot of blood splat out of her stomach as the glowing anti-matter arrow stabbed through her stomach as he then pulled it out and scarred her face next and was about to impale her heart before she gets teleported out and is instead replaced with a pink mist.

"Tsk...She ran. I should've known." He deactivated his dimension and it returned to his hand as he turned around and took a look at Lunar. The floating half-island was still above him but when he turned around knowing the vampire girl should be there, instead, it was him. Tsugaki stood there, his scarf glowing a navy blueish colour as it flowed freely in the wind. He was breathing, his head down but grinning at the same time.

"Hey...Do you really wish to continue pushing my buttons even further...brat?" Drensaku yelled out.

Tsugaki looked up, his eyes still their crimson red as he held his arms up and clenched his fists. "No matter how much you knock me down, I'll always find my way back." He said with a grin, licking his own blood that was left on his face from the force of the attack earlier. Lunar looked up slowly at the sound of his voice and her eyes gleamed, she could see the glowing golden light shining down on him from the crack on the floating island.


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